MYCENAEAN AND NEAR EASTERN ECONOMIC ARCHIVES by ALEXMDER 1JCHITEL University College london Department of Mtcient History A thesis submitted in accordance with regulations for degree of Doctor of Phi]osophy in the University of London 1985 Moe uaepz Paxce AneKceee Ko3JIo3oI nocBaeTca 0NTEN page Acknowledgments j Summary ii List of Abbreviations I Principles of Comparison i 1. The reasons for comparison i 2. The type of archives ("chancellery" and "economic" archives) 3 3. The types of the texts 6 4. The arrangement of the texts (colophons and headings) 9 5. The dating systems 6. The "emergency situation" 16 Note5 18 II Lists of Personnel 24 1. Women with children 24 2. Lists of men (classification) 3. Lists of men (discussion) 59 a. Records of work-teams 59 b. Quotas of conscripts 84 o. Personnel of the "households" 89 4. Conclusions 92 Notes 94 III Cultic Personnel (ration lists) 107 Notes 122 IV Assignment of Manpower 124. l.An&)7 124 2. An 1281 128 3. Tn 316 132 4.. Conclusions 137 Notes 139 V Agricultural Manpower (land-surveys) 141 Notes 162 page VI DA-MO and IX)-E-R0 (wnclusions) 167 1. cia-mo 167 2. do-e-io 173 3. Conclusions 181 No tes 187 Indices 193 1. Lexical index 194 2. Index of texts 202 Appendix 210 1. Texts 211 2. Plates 226 -I - Acknowledgments I thank all my teachers in London and Jerusalem . Particularly, I am grateful to Dadid Ashen to whom I owe the very idea to initiate this research, to Amlie Kuhrt and James T. Hooker who supervised my work, read the manuscript and made many corrections and useful remarks (though all remaining mistakes are of course my own). I wish to thank also the following scholars who contributed in one way or another to my work: Haim Tadmor and Aaron Shaffer were the first to introduce me into the world of the history and the languages of Ancient Mesopotamia, Galina Kellerman and J. D. Hawkins read with me many Hittite and Luwian hieroglyphic texts, Marcel Signist provided to me the basic training in the reading Sumerian texts of the Un III period, and Aage Westenholz trained me to read texts of the ]Fara period, Mark Geller read with me many Sumerian and Akkadian texts from different periods, of which the most useful (and difficult) was the readig of texts from Ebla. Discuss.ons with Kazuya Maekawa in the students' room of the British Museum were also most useful. It would be unjust not to mention that the fundamental sociological ideas of Igor Mikimilovich Djakonov (whom I unfortunately never met) had greatest influence on the whole way of my thinking. I am grateful to the Trustees of the British Museum and of the Ashmolean Museum for their permission to work with cuneiform tablets in their collections • I wish to thank paticularly P. R. S. Noorj and C. B. F. Walker for their assistance in my work. I am greatly indebted to the following scholarship funds which financed my work in London: Lady Davis Fellowship Trust, Baron Felix De Menasce Fund, The Humanitarian Trust, The Halper-Wolfson Fund, B'nai B'rith (Selig Brodetsky Lodge), The Edward Boyle Memorial Trust, and Overseas Research Students (ORS) Awards Scheme. Finally, I wish to thank Professor F. G. B. Millar whose constant care for my welfare made my life in London much easier. - II - Summary The present research was conducted. with the aim of better under- standing of Linear B texts through the help of the Near Eastern parallels. The method chosen was the comparison between individual texts and groups of texts and not between the "models" reconstructed for this or that society. Several restrictions for such a comparison were set up. The comparison itself was limited to the problems of manpower (lists of personnel, ration lists, land-surveys). The best parallels for Mycenaean records of work-teams (male and femal were found among the Sumerian documents from the period of the Third Dynasty of Ur, for the quotas of conscripts from specific villages - in Ugarit, and for the texts dealing with the land tenure and the organisation of the cultic personnel - among the Hittite cuneiform texts and Luwian hieroglyphic Kululu lead strips. The attempt was made to reconstruct the structure of the productive population in Mycenaean Greece and to find its place among other societies of the Ancient World. - III - LIST 01' ABBREVIATIONS A Oriental Institute, University of Chicago (museum numbers) AB As syrlo lo gis che Bibliotek XXV J. B. Nies, Ur Dynasty Tablets, Leipzig, 1920 AC L'antiguit classicue, Bruxefles AfO Archiv fr Orientfbrsehun, Berlin AHw W. von Sohden, Akkadisches Handwrterbuch, Wiesbaden, 1965-81 AJA American Journal of Archaeo:lo Ey , Princeton AJSL American Journal of Semitic Lanzuages and Literatures, Anato lica Anatolica (Institut historique et archogique Chicago neerlandais a Istanbul), Leiden An. Or. Analecta Orientalia, Roma A0 Antiquits orientales, Muse de Louvre (museum numbers) AOS American Oriental Series Ar. Or. Archly 0rient1n, Journal of the Czecs1ovak Oriental Institute, Prague A R. D. Blggs, Inscriptions from Tell Ab Sa1bThh, Chicago, 1974 Ashm. Ashmolean Museum (museum number ASJ Acta Sumero]ica, Hiroshima II T. Gomi, Neo-Sumerian Administrative Tablets in the British Museum, I III II II Assur Assur, Monographic Journal of the Near East, Malibu (California) AT D. 3. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablats, Loaa±n, 1953 Athenaeum Athenaeum, Studi periodici di literature e storia deli $ anti ehit, I'avia Atti Ronia Atti e memorie del 10 nresso internazionale di miceno]o gla, Boma, 1968 AWL 3. Bauer, Altsuinerische Wirtschaftstexte aus Lagah (Studia Pohi), Roma, 1972 - IV - BCH Bulletin de correspondance heUnigue, Paris BE The Baby]nian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania III D. W. Myhrman, Sumerian Administrative Documents Dated in the Reigns of the Second Dynasty of Ur from the Temple Archives of Nippur, Philadelphia, 1910 Belleten Belleten, Revue publie par la Socit d'histoire turque, Ankara BIN Babylnian Ins criptions of the Collection of J. B. Nies VIII G. G. Hacknian, Sumerian and Akkadian Administrative Texts from Predynastic Times to the End of the Akkad Dynasty, New Haven, 1958 BM British Museum (museum nunibers) BSL Bulletin de la Socit de linguistique, Paris BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute tf Chica, Chicago, 1964-84 Ca gnat R. Cagnat, Inscriptiones traecae ad Res Ronianas Pertinentie, Paris, 1911 Cambridge co floquluni Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies (ed. L. R. Palmer, J. Chadwick) Cambridge, 1966 The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chica, (ed. H. G. Gterbook, H. A. Hoffner) Chicago, 1980 -83 CM Colloquium inycenaeum (ed. E. Riach, H. Mi11este1n), Neuchatel/Geneva, 1979 craAI Cotnpte rendu de Rencontre assyriokgique internationale XVIII (ed. D. 0. Edzard) Munchen, 1972 - v-- •- , CSA Cahiers do la Societe asiatique CT Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum I, III, V L. W. King, 1898 VII H H 1899 Ix,x " 1900 L E. Soilberger, 1972 Cm E. Laroch, Catalogue des textes hittites, 2 ed. Paris, 1971 CUOS Columbia University Oriental Studies III R. J. Lau, Old Babylonian Temple Records, New York, 1906 Documents2 M. G. F. Ventris, J. Chadwick, Documents in Mycenaean Greek, Cambridge, 1973 (2 ed.) DP A.de la Fu-e, Documents prsargonigue, Paris, 19)8- 192J Enierita Emerita, Revista de linguistica y f11ologa clsica, Madrid Erano B Eranos, Acta philologica suecana, Gothenburg FGH F. Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechlschen Histariker, Berlin/Leiden, 1923-54 G].o tta Glotta, Zeitschrift f?r gihische und lateinische Spreche, ttingen His to na Historia, Zeitschrift ftir alto Geschlchte, Wiesbaden HLC G. A. Barton, Haverford Library Collection of Cunei- form Tablets or Documents from the Temple Archives of Telloh, 1-111, Philadelphia/London, 1905-14 HSS Harvard Semitic Series IV M. I. Hussey, Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum II, Cambridge (Mass.), 1915 HT Hittite Texts in the Cuneiform Character in the British Museum, London, 1920 IBo T Istanbul Arkeoloiji Mzeleninde Bulunan Boaz1y Tableterinden Metinler, I H. Bozkurt, M. çi, H. G. Gterbock, 1944 - VI - IC Inscriptiones Creticae, I-IV, ed. M. Guarducci, Rome., IF Indogerinanieche brschungen, Berlin IG Ins criptiones Grae eae XII ed. F. Huller de Gaertringen, Berlin, 1895 IM Die Inschriften von Ma gnesia am Maender, ed. 0. Kern, Berlin, ].9G 'Os Institute of Oriental Studies, Cambridge 1 (museum numbers) Iraq Iraq (British Schcol of Archaeology in Iraq), London JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven Jes Journal of Cuneiform Studies, New Haven JKF Jahrbuch f.ir kleinasiatische brsehung, Heidelberg JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Chicago Kadiis Kadmos, Zeitschrift fIr vor- und frhgriechische Epigraphic, Berlin Kahun F. L. Griffith, The Petrie Papyri. Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob, London, 1898 KM E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur iuristischen Inhalts, Leipzig, 1927 Kang I S. T. Kang, Sumerian Enomic Texts from the Drehem Archive, Urbana, 1972 II " " Sumerian Economic Texts from the Utnma Archive, Urbana, 1973 KAV 0. Schioeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts, Leipzig, 19Z KBo Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazki, Leipzig III H. H. Figulla, 0. Weber, 1923 XII H. Otten, 1963 XVI H. Otten, H. G. Gterx)ck, 1968 KTU 14. Dietrich, 0. Lorenz, 3. Sanmartln, Die Keilal'phabetischen Texte aus TJgarit, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1976 KUB Keilschrifturkunden aus Bghaz1i, Berlin VIII E. Weidner, 1924 XII, XIII H. Eheloif, 1925 XXI A. Gtze, 1928 XXVI " " 1933 - VII - XXXI J. Sturm, H. Otten, 1939 XXXVIII L. Jakob-Rost, 1965 LD C. R. Lepsius, Denkinaeler aus AeEylDten und Aethopien, 1-VI, Berlin, 1849-58 Le nond grec Le mond rec, hmmages C. Praux, Bruxelles, 1975 Lingua Lingua, International Review of General Linguistics, Amsterdatn LS Lands chenkungeurkuriden Mar.
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