PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Compiled by Beryl M. Benjers, Ph.D. Technical Information Specialist This list of references offers Journal readers significant information on the availability of recent rehabilitation literature in various scientific, engineering, and clinical fields. The Journal provides this service in an effort to fill the need for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary indexing source for rehabilitation literature. A listing of the periodicals reported on follows the references. To obtain reprints of a particular article or report, direct your request to the appropriate contact source listed in each citation. Assessment of a New Hip Dynamometer. Green J, McKenna F, Ellis M, Helliwell P, Howe A, Cham- Adapting Personal Computers for Use by High- berlain MA, Eng Med 16(4):213-216, 1987. Level Quadriplegics. Kilgallon MJ, Roberts DP, (CONTACT: J. Green, The Rheumatism and Reha- Miller S, Med Instrumen 21(2):97-102, 1987. bilitation Research Unit, University of Leeds, Leeds, (CONTACT: Michael Kilgallon, Physical Sciences England) Dept., Calspan Corp., PO Box 400, Buffalo, NY 14225) Automatic Grasping: An Optimization Approach. Jameson JW, Leifer LJ, IEEE Trans Syst Man Advances in the Fracture Mechanics of Cortical Cybern 17(5):806-814, 1987. Bone. Bonfield W, J Biomech 20(11/12): 1071-1081, (CONTACT: Larry J. Leifer, Stanford University 1987. Mechanical Engineering Dept., Stanford, CA 94305) (CONTACT: W. Bonfield, Dept. of Materials, Behavior of an External Fixation Frame Incorporat- Queen Mary College, London, El 4NS, UK) ing an Angular Separation of the Fixator Pins. Egan JM, Shearer JR, Clin Orthop 223:265-274, 1987. Analysis of the Asymmetrically Loaded Spine by (CONTACT: Dr. John M. Egan, Dept. of Medical Means of a Continuum Beam Model. Lindbeck L, J Engineering, Level D, Southampton General Hospi- Biomech 20(8):753-765, 1987. tal, Southampton SO9 4XY, England) (CONTACT: Lars Lindbeck, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, Solna, Sweden) The Biodegradation of Poly(Ether Urethanes). Smith R, Williams DF, Oliver C, J Biomed Mater Res Applying Vowel Sounds to Command Support 21(9):1149-1166, 1987. Systems for Motor-Impaired People. Mendez N, (CONTACT: D. F. Williams, Institute of Medical Mora F, Passariello G, Lara L, Miliani P, Chang 0, and Dental Bioengineering, University of Liverpool, Med Biol Eng Comput 25(5):520-526, 1987. Liverpool L69 3BX, England) (CONTACT: Fernando Mora, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Apartado 80659, Caracas 1080A, Venezu- Biodynamic Analysis of the Human Body Subjected ela, South America) to Vibration. Amirouche FML, IEEE Eng Med Biol Publications of Interest Mag 6(3):22-26, 1987. JD, Kummer FJ, Frankel VH, Clin Orthop 225:141- (CONTACT: Farid M. L. Amirouche, Dept. of 146, 1987. Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at (CONTACT: Frederick J. Kummer, PhD, Chicago, 900 Science and Engineering Offices, PO Bioengineering Laboratory, Hospital for Joint Dis- Box 4348, Chicago, 1L 60680) eases, Orthopaedic Institute, 301 East 17th St., New York, NY 10003) Bioimplant Surfaces: Binding of Fibronectin and Fibroblast Adhesion. Cannas M, Denicolai F, Webb The Biomechanical Functions of the Iliolumbar LX, Gristina AG, J Orthop Res 6(1):58-62, 1988. Ligament in Maintaining Stability of the (CONTACT: Dr. A.G. Gristina, Section on Ortho- Lumbosacral Junction. Leong JCY, Luk KDK, pedic Surgery, Dept. of Surgery, Wake Forest Chow DHK, Woo CW, Spine 12(7):669-674, 1987. University Medical Center, Bowman Gray school of (CONTACT: John C. Y. Leong, FRCS, FRCSED, Medicine, 300 S. Hawthorne Road, Winston-Salem, FRACS, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, University NC 27103) of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong.) Biomechanical Analysis of Cervical Distraction. Biomechanical Modeling of Muscle-Joint Systems. Miller LS, Cotler HB, De Lucia FA, Cotler JM, Winters JM, Bagiey AM, IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag Hume EL, Spine 12(9):83 1-837, 1987. 6(3):17-21, 1987. (CONTACT: Lawrence S. Miller, MD, Suite 201, (CONTACT: Jack M. Winters, Chemical and Bio- Lankenau Medical Building, Lancaster Ave. West of engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ City Line, Philadelphia, PA 19151) 85287) Biomechanical Analysis of Stability and Fixation A Biomechanical Study of the Static Stabilizing Strength of Total Shoulder Prostheses. Fukuda K, Effect of Knee Braces on Medial Stability. Baker Chen C-M, Cofield RH, Chao EYS, Orthopedics BE, VanHanswyk E, Bogosian S, Werner FW, 11(1):141-149, 1988. Murphy D, Am J Sports Med 15(6):566-570, 1987. (CONTACT: Edmund Y.S. Chao, PhD, (CONTACT: Bruce E. Baker, MD, Dept. of Biomechanics Laboratory, Dept. of Orthopedics, Orthopaedic Surgery, SUNY Health Science Center Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905) at Syracuse, 550 Harrison St., NY 13202) Biornechanical Comparison of Stimulated and Biomechanical Waveform Analysis in the Frequency Nonstimulated Skeletal Muscle Pulled to Failure. Domain. Patterson PE, Brown L, IEEE Eng Med Garrett Jr WE, Safran MR, Seaber AV, Glisson Biol Mag 6(3): 12-16, 1987. RR, Ribbeck BM, Am J Sports Med 15(5):448-454, (CONTACT: Patrick E. Patterson, Dept. of Indus- 1987. trial Engineering and the Biomedical Engineering (CONTACT: Mr. Anthony V. Seaber, Dept. of Program, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 5001 1) Surgery, PO Box 3093, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710) The Biomechanical and Morphological Changes in the Medial Collateral Ligament of the Rabbit after A Biomechanical Evaluation of Sorbothane. Cinats Immobilization and Remobilization. Woo SL-Y, J, Reid DC, Haddow JB, Clin Orthop 222:281-288, Gomez MA, Sites TJ, Newton PO, Orlando CA, 1987. Akeson WH, J Bone Joint Surg 69-A(8): 1200-121 1, (CONTACT: Professor David C. Reid, Division of 1987. Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, Walter (CONTACT: Savio L-Y Woo, PhD, Division of MacKenzie Centre 2D2.29, University of Alberta, Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, M-030, Dept. of Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G3, Canada) Surgery, University of California School of Medi- cine, La Jolla, CA 92093) Biomechanical Evaluation of Anatomic Reduction Versus Medial Displacement Osteotomy in Unstable The Biomechanics of Decompressive Laminectomy. Intertrochanteric Fractures. Chang WS, Zuckerman Allen Jr., BL, Tencer AF, Ferguson RL, Spine Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 25 No. 2 Spring 1988 12(8):803-808, 1987. Closed-Loop Control of an Anesthesia Delivery (CONTACT: Ben L. Allen, Jr., MD, Professor of System: Development and Animal Testing. Ritchie Surgery and Pediatrics, University of Texas Medical RG, Ernst EA, Pate BL, Pearson JD, Sheppard LC, Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX 77550-2776) IrEEE Trans Biomed Eng 34(6):437-443, 1987. (CONTACT: R. Gilbert Ritchie, Dept. of Biomedi- Body Shape Measurement for Scoliosis Evaluation. cal Engineering, University of Alabama, Birming- Ishida A, Mori Y, Kishimoto H, Nakazima T, ham, AL 35294) Tsubakimoto H, Med Biol Eng Comput 25(5):583- 585, 1987. A Comparative Biomechanical Study of Spinal (CONTACT: A. Ishida, Institute for Medical and Fixation Using Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation. Dental Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Farcy JP, Weidenbaum M, Michelsen CB, Hoeltzel University, 2-3-10 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, DA, Athanasiou KA, Spine 12(9):877-881, 1987. Tokyo, Japan) (CONTACT: Jean-Pierre Farcy, MD, Director, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Helen Hayes Hospi- Bonding Behavior Between Two Bioactive Ceramics tal, West Haverstraw, NY 10032) In Vivo. Kitsugi T, Yamamuro T, Nakamura T, Kokubo T, Takagi M, Shibuya T, Takeuchi H, Ono Comparative Study of Fracture Gap Motion in M, JBiomed Mater Res 21(9):1109-1123, 1987. External Fixation. Kristiansen T, Fleming B, Neale (CONTACT: Toshiaki Kitsugi, MD, Dept. of G, Reinecke S, Pope MH, Clin Biomech 2(4):191- Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto 195, 1987. University, 54 Kawahara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-Ku, (CONTACT: Dr. Thomas Kristiansen, Dept. of Kyoto 606, Japan) Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Ver- mont, Burlington, VT 05405) Case Study: Rehabilitation of a Stiff and Painful Comparison of Physiological Responses to Maximal Shoulder: A Biomechanical Approach. ~onatelliR, Arm Exercise Among Able-Bodied, Paraplegics and Greenfield B, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 9(3): 118- Quadriplegics. Van Loan MD, McCluer S, Loftin 126, 1987. JM, Boileau RA, Paraplegia 25(10):397-405, 1987. (CONTACT: Robert Donatelli, MA, PT, Assistant (CONTACT: Marta D. Van Loan, PhD, US Dept. Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA of Agriculture, Western Human Nutrition Research 30303) Center, PO Box 29997, Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129) The Causes of Femoral Head Roughening in Explanted Charnley Hip Prostheses. Isaac GH, Consonant Reception in Noise by Listeners with Atkinson JR, Dowson D, Kennedy PD, Smith MR, Mild and Moderate Sensorineural Hearing Impair- Eng Med 16(3):167-173, 1987. ment. Zurek PM, Delhorne LA, J Acoust Soc Am (CONTACT: G. H. Isaac, Houldsworth School of 82(5): 1548-1559, 1987. Applied Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, En- (CONTACT: P.M. Zurek, Research Laboratory of gland) Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139) Characterization and Control of Muscle Response to Electrical Stimulation. Bajzek TJ, Jaeger RJ, Ann Contact Finite Element Stress Analysis of Porous Biomed Eng 15(5):485-501, 1987. Tngrowth Acetabular Cup Implantation, Ingrowth, (CONTACT: Robert J. Jaeger, PhD, Pritzker Insti- and Loosening. Rapperport DJ, Carter DR, tute of Medical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Schurman DJ, J Orthop Res 5(4):548-561, 1987.
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