General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 HABA(HABCA) → o-[(p-Hydroxyphenyl)azo]benzoic acid Hae II store below -20℃ 20,000units/mL 49889-83 NEB(R0107S) 2000units JPY10,000 49889-84 NEB(R0107L) 10000units JPY40,300 Hae III [PS] store below -20℃ 49889-85 NEB(R0108S) 3000units JPY6,900 49889-86 NEB(R0108L) 15000units JPY27,600 49889-87 NEB(R0108T) 3000units JPY7,300 49889-88 NEB(R0108M) 15000units JPY29,700 Hae III Methyltransferase store below -20℃ 10,000units/mL 49885-01 NEB(M0224S) 500units JPY13,200 Hafnium standard solution (Hf 1000) Danger UN No.[2031] Hf in 0.1mol/L HNO3 18155-1B Hf:1000mg/L for atomic 100mL JPY18,000 absorption spectrometry General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Hafnium, cube, 5N Warning Hf...178.48 [ISH] CAS RN®[7440-58-6] mp 2227℃† particle size abt 2mm 18673-53 99.999%(Im.S.) for advanced 5g JPY26,000 material research Hafnium oxide, 2N5 Warning HfO2...210.48 [ISH] CAS RN®[12055-23-1] mp 2774℃† 18000-23 >99.5%(Im.S.) high purity reagent 100g JPY60,000 18000-33 >99.5%(Im.S.) high purity reagent 25g JPY21,000 HA-100 hydrochloride C13H15N3O2S・2HCl...350.26 store below -20℃ CAS RN®[210297-47-5] 49029-36 APExB(C4953-5) 5mg JPY24,000 49029-37 APExB(C4953-10) 10mg JPY33,500 49029-38 APExB(C4953-25) 25mg JPY61,300 Halfenprox standard Danger C24H23BrF2O3...477.33 [DS][FS] store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[111872-58-3]UN No.[2810] bp 291℃▲ 49831-27 DES(C14059000) for pesticide 10mg JPY74,000 residue analysis General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Half fraser selective supplement Warning [ISH] store at 2℃-8℃ 713166-1 Oxd(SR0166E) 10vial JPY11,000 Halofenozide standard C18H19ClN2O2...330.80 store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[112226-61-6] 49838-26 DES(C14059200) for pesticide 100mg JPY23,000 residue analysis Halofuginone lactate standard C16H17BrClN3O3.C3H6O3 store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[82186-71-8] 49312-18 A2S(H042P001) for food analysis 1mg JPY100,000 Halogenated acetic acids standard solution Danger [FS][ISH] store at 0℃-6℃ UN No.[2398] each 1mg/mL in tert-butyl methyl ether.Bromoacetic acid, Chloroacetic acid, Dichloroacetic acid, Trichloroacetic acid. suitable to the traceablity system in the Measure Act.(JCSS) 18150-97 JCSS for chemical 2mLx5 JPY18,000 analysis, for water quality analysis Halogenated acetic acid standard stock solution II Danger [FS][ISH] store at 0℃-6℃ UN No.[2398] Fp -28℃(as Tert-Butyl methyl ether)† each 0.1mg/mL in tert-butyl methyl ether.Bromoacetic acid,Chloroacetic acid,Dichloroacetic acid,Trichloroacetic acid,Bromochloroacetic acid,Dibromoacetic acid,Bromodichloroacetic acid,Dibromochloroacetic acid,Tribromoacetic acid. 18158-96 for water quality analysis 2mLx5 JPY42,000 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Halogenated acetonitrile standard stock solution Danger [DS][FS][ISH] store at 0℃-6℃ UN No.[2398] Fp -28℃(as Tert-Butyl methyl ether)† each 1mg/mL in tert-butyl methyl ether.Dibromoacetonitrile,Dichloroacetonitrile,Trichloroacetonitrile 18151-96 for water quality 2mLx5 JPY14,000 analysis Halogenated acetonitrile standard stock solution II Danger [DS][FS][ISH] store at 0℃-6℃ UN No.[2398] Fp -28℃(as Tert-Butyl methyl ether)† each 1mg/mL in tert-butyl methyl ether.Bromoacetonitrile,Bromochloroacetonitrile,Dibromoacetonitrile,Chloroacetonitrile,Dichlor oacetonitrile,Trichloroacetonitrile,Chloral hydrate. 18159-96 for water quality 2mLx5 JPY45,000 analysis Halosulfuron-methyl standard Warning C13H15ClN6O7S...434.81 [PRTR] store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[100784-20-1]UN No.[3077] mp 175.5℃-177.2℃† 18154-96 >97.0%(HLC) for pesticide 200mg JPY20,000 residue analysis Haloxon standard C14H14Cl3O6P...415.58 store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[321-55-1] mp 88℃▲ 49866-56 DES(C14059800) for food analysis 10mg JPY30,000 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Haloxyfop standard C15H11ClF3NO4...361.69 store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[69806-34-4] 49803-34 DES(C14060000) for pesticide 100mg JPY16,000 residue analysis Haloxyfop-methyl standard C16H13ClF3NO4...375.72 store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[69806-40-2] 49803-77 DES(C14062000) for pesticide 50mg JPY14,000 residue analysis Hamamelitannin C20H20O14...484.36 store at 0℃-6℃ CAS RN®[469-32-9] 49064-09 PHY(89473) for natural 10mg JPY46,000 products research Ham′s F-12 Coon′s Modification, Liquid, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-24 BIOCO(1-15F01-I) 500mL JPY2,400 Ham′s F-12 Coon′s Modification, Liquid, without Phenol Red, without L- Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-25 BIOCO(1-15F22-I) 500mL JPY2,400 Ham′s F-12 Kaighn′s Modification, with stable Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-23 BIOCO(1-14S50-I) 500mL JPY2,400 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Ham′s F-10, Liquid, with L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-10 BIOCO(1-13F02-I) 500mL JPY2,000 Ham′s F-12, Liquid, with L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-16 BIOCO(1-14F03-I) 500mL JPY2,100 Ham′s F-10, Liquid, with 25 mM HEPES, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-11 BIOCO(1-13F04-I) 500mL JPY2,400 Ham′s F-12, Liquid, with 25 mM HEPES, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-17 BIOCO(1-14F04-I) 500mL JPY2,400 Ham′s F-12, Liquid, with 25 mM HEPES, without Phenol Red, without L- Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-19 BIOCO(1-14F24-I) 500mL JPY2,400 Ham′s F-10, Liquid, with 25 mM HEPES, with stable Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-14 BIOCO(1-13F51-I) 500mL JPY4,500 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Ham′s F-10, Liquid, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-08 BIOCO(1-13F01-H) 100mL JPY1,000 49431-09 BIOCO(1-13F01-I) 500mL JPY2,000 Ham′s F-12, Liquid, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-15 BIOCO(1-14F01-I) 500mL JPY2,100 Ham′s F-10, Liquid, without Phenol Red, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-12 BIOCO(1-13F22-I) 500mL JPY7,200 Ham′s F-12, Liquid, without Phenol Red, without L-Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-18 BIOCO(1-14F22-I) 500mL JPY2,100 Ham′s F-10, Liquid, with stable Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-13 BIOCO(1-13F50-I) 500mL JPY2,400 Ham′s F-12, Liquid, with stable Glutamine store at 2℃-8℃ 49431-20 BIOCO(1-14F50-I) 500mL JPY2,400 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Ham′s F-10, Powder, with L-Glutamine, without NaHCO3 store at 2℃-8℃ 49430-00 BIOCO(1-13P02-K) 1pack(for1L) JPY900 49430-01 BIOCO(1-13P02-L) 1pack(for5L) JPY3,300 49430-02 BIOCO(1-13P02-M) 1pack(for10L) JPY5,800 Ham′s F-12, Powder, with L-Glutamine, without NaHCO3 store at 2℃-8℃ 49430-03 BIOCO(1-14P02-K) 1pack(for1L) JPY1,000 49430-04 BIOCO(1-14P02-L) 1pack(for5L) JPY3,500 49430-05 BIOCO(1-14P02-M) 1pack(for10L) JPY6,200 49430-06 BIOCO(1-14P02-N) 1pack(for50L) JPY15,000 49430-07 BIOCO(1-14P02-W) 1pack(for100L) JPY38,000 Handford agar modified [ISH] 74053 MAST(DM489U) 300g JPY10,000 Handy connecter for 1/16"capillary 18685-96 1pack(5pieces) JPY4,500 HandyStepRS 70012-01 BRA(705110) for liquid handling 1unit JPY43,000 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 HandyStepR touch incl charging stand 70024-31 BRA(705201) for liquid 1unit JPY160,000 handling HandyStepR touch S incl charging stand 70024-32 BRA(705211) for liquid 1unit JPY190,000 handling HandyStepR touch S with AC adapter 70024-22 BRA(705210) for liquid 1unit JPY160,000 handling HandyStepR touch with AC adapter 70024-21 BRA(705200) for liquid 1unit JPY130,000 handling Hank′s BSS 10x, Liquid 49432-63 BIOCO(3-02K02-I) 500mL JPY5,000 Hank′s BSS, Liquid 49432-59 BIOCO(3-02F00-I) 500mL JPY1,900 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Hank′s BSS 10x, Liquid, without Ca++/Mg++ 49432-64 BIOCO(3-02K30-I) 500mL JPY5,000 Hank′s BSS, Liquid, without Ca++/Mg++ 49432-60 BIOCO(3-02F29-I) 500mL JPY1,900 Hank′s BSS 10x, Liquid, without Ca++/Mg++, without Phenol Red 49432-66 BIOCO(3-02K34-I) 500mL JPY5,000 Hank′s BSS, Liquid, without Ca++/Mg++, without Phenol Red 49432-62 BIOCO(3-02F33-I) 500mL JPY1,900 Hank′s BSS 10x, Liquid, without Phenol Red 49432-65 BIOCO(3-02K32-I) 500mL JPY5,000 Hank′s BSS, Liquid, without Phenol Red 49432-61 BIOCO(3-02F31-I) 500mL JPY1,900 General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct. 2021 Hank′s BSS, Powder 49432-67 BIOCO(3-02P02-K) 1pack(for1L) JPY800 49432-68 BIOCO(3-02P02-L) 1pack(for5L) JPY2,400 49432-69 BIOCO(3-02P02-M) 1pack(for10L) JPY4,100 49432-70 BIOCO(3-02P02-N) 1pack(for50L) JPY10,000 Hank′s BSS, Powder, without Ca++/Mg++ 49432-71 BIOCO(3-02P30-K) 1pack(for1L) JPY700 49432-72 BIOCO(3-02P30-L) 1pack(for5L) JPY2,400 49432-73 BIOCO(3-02P30-M) 1pack(for10L) JPY4,000 49432-74 BIOCO(3-02P30-N) 1pack(for50L) JPY10,000 Hank′s BSS, Powder, without Phenol Red 49432-75 BIOCO(3-02P32-K) 1pack(for1L) JPY800 49432-76 BIOCO(3-02P32-L) 1pack(for5L) JPY2,400 49432-77 BIOCO(3-02P32-M) 1pack(for10L) JPY4,100 49432-78 BIOCO(3-02P32-N) 1pack(for50L) JPY10,000 HAP → Hydroxylamine perchlorate solution Harmaline C13H14N2O...214.26 CAS RN®[304-21-2] 49064-10 PHY(89700) for natural 50mg JPY40,000 products research General Catalog of Kanto Reagents, Chemicals & Biologicals + Oct.
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