THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION t3F THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PITTSBURGH, PENNSYL VANIA MINUTES Meeting of: July 26,2006 Call of the Meeting: Legislative Meeting Members Present: Mr. Brentley, Mrs. Colaizzi, Dr. Dowd, Mrs. Fink, Mr. Isler, Mr. McCrea, Mr. Romaniello, Sr., Mr. Sumpter, Jr. and Mr. Taylor The following matters were received and acted upon. Actions taken are recorded following the reports. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 Administration Building 341 South Bellefield Avenue July 26,2006 AGENDA ROLL CALL Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of June 21,2006 Announc~ementof Executive Sessions Committee Reports 1. Committee on Education Roll Call 2. Comrnittee on Business/Finance Roll Call Personnel Report 3. Perso:nnel Report of the Superintendent of Schools Roll Call Financial Matters Financial Statement and Controller's report on the Status of Appropriations New Business Roll Call(s) We are an equal rights and opportunity school district. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Legislative Meeting of July 26, 2006 In addition to executive sessions announced at the legislative meeting of June 21, 2006, the Board met in executive session on July 17 and immediately before this legislative meeting to discuss various personnel matters. At the July 17 executive session, Special (zounsel discussed a matter in litigation. Finally, at the executive session immediately before this legislative meeting, the Board discussed student discipline cases that involved violations of various portions of the Code of Student Conduct. The Board does not vote at executive sessions. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION July 26,2006 DIRECTORS: The Cornmittee on Education recommends the adoption of the following resolutions, that the proper officers of the Board be authorized to enter into contracts relating to those resolutions and that authority be given to the staff to change account numbers, the periods of performance, and such other details as may be necessary to carry out the intent of the resolution, so long as the total amount of money carried in the resolution is not exceeded. Except that with respect to grants which are received as a direct result of Board action approving the submission of proposals to obtain them, the following procedures shall apply: Where the original grant is $1,000 or less, the staff is authorized to receive and expend any increase over the original grant. Where the original grant is more than $1,000, the staff is authorized to receive and expend any increase over the original grant, so long as the increase does not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the original grant. Increases in excess of fifteen percent (15%) require additional Board authority. ProposalsIGrant Award RESOLL'ED, That the Board of Education of the School District of Pittsburgh authorize its proper officers to submit proposals for grants and accept grant awards in the amounts and for the purposes set forth in subparagraphs 1 through 17, inclusive. RESOLVED FURTHER, That upon approval of the grant by the granting agency, the Board authorize the establishment of appropriate accounts and, where necessary to implement the grant, authorize the advancement of funds to operate the program until the grant and fees are received. Submission of a proposal to the PA Department of EducationNVelfare of the 2006-2007 Elect Student Works fund for $1,100,000 to focus its efforts on after- school programs in selected elementary and K-8 schools serving male and female students; strengthening academic achievement for at-risk children; assisting students in developing constructive personal skills and goals; and helping students identify and avoid behaviors and situations that put them at risk. The program activities are located at the following schools: Greenfield, Lincoln, Manchester, Roosevelt, Stevens and Sunnyside. The funding period shall be from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. 2. Si~bmissionof a proposal to the PA Department of Education of the 2006-2007 Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program for $19,600 to provide needed support services to pregnant and parenting teens in all secondary and middle grades. Case management will be provided by Teen Parent Advocates. The program activities are located at the following schools: Allderdice, Brashear, CAPA, Langley, Oliver, Peabody, Perry, Schenley, Student Achievement Center, Committee on Education July 26, 2006 Page 2 Westinghouse and middle grades as needed. The funding period shall be from July 1,2006 through June 30,2007. Submission of a proposal to the PA Department of EducationNVelfare of the 2006-2007 Elect Fatherhood Initiative for $140,000 to provide comprehensive case management, educational, and support services to teen fathers at each high school through the Teen Parenting Program. Services include mentoring, structured group activities, after school parenting programs, lifeskills education, job and career readiness, and job search assistance. The program activities are located at the following schools: Allderdice, Brashear, Carrick, CAPA, Langley, Oliver, Perry, Peabody, Schenley, Westinghouse, Student Achievement Center and middles grades as needed. The funding period shall be from July 1,2006 through June 30,2007. 4. Submission of a proposal to the PA Department of EducationNVelfare of the 2006-2007 ELECT Program for $1,159,812 to continue year-round case management services for pregnant and parenting students to successfully complete high school and transition to post-secondary training or employment. The program is located at the following locations: Allderdice, Brashear, Carrick, CAPA, Langley, Oliver, Perry, Peabody, Schenley, Student Achievement Center, Westinghouse and any middle grades with pregnant and parenting students. The funding period shall be from July 1, 2006 through June 30,2007. 5. Acceptance of $844,214 from the PA Department of Education of the 2006-2007 ln:stitutionalized Children's Program to support all students placed into Mercy's Partial Hospitalization Program and is funded by the PA's Institutionalized Children's Program. The responsibility for operating the program at the Partial Hospital Program resides with the Pittsburgh Mt. Oliver IU2 which in turn provides funds to the Pittsburgh Public Schools to deliver these services. The program location is Mercy Behavioral HealthIReedsdale. The funding period shall be from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. 6. Acceptance of $289,108 from the PA Department of Education of the 2006-2007 Student Assistance ProgramISafe & Drug Free fund to provide K-12 prevention education, intervention and support services regarding healthlwellness, safety and social, emotional, behavioral learning barriers. Note: This allocation is $96,000 less than last year; the SAP is mandated in accordance with Chapter 12 Regulations. The funding period shall be from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. 7. Silbmission of a proposal from the PA Department of Education of the Dual Enrollment fund for $1 ,I16,698. Pittsburgh high school students with 2.5 and above GPA will have the opportunity to earn college and high school credit by attending college part-time. The District offered the opportunity to local colleges, and partnerships were formed with Community College of Allegheny County, Committee on Education July 26, 2006 Page 3 Penn State-McKeesport, La Roche and Chatham College to offer classes, including Communications, Writing, Precalculus, Environmental Science, Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, French, English Composition, Anthropology, Macroeconomics, Western Civilization, Intermediate Algebra, Chemistry, and World Geography. The grant will pay for tuition, fees, books and bus passes for students. The funding period shall be from August 15, 2006 through June 30, 2007. 8. Acceptance of $50,000 from the PA Department of Education of the Getting to One fund to support the salary of a technology integration mentor at Dilworth Traditional Academy who will support teachers' delivery of technology enhanced, data-driven differentiated instruction as well as their development of lesson plans that align with state standards and focus on identified areas of weakness among students. The Getting to One grant will cover 50% of the program's expenses, including 50% of the technology integration mentor's salary, and the district must cover the other half of the program's expenses, including 50% of the technology integration mentor's salary. The funding period shall be from August 1, 2006 through July 31, 2007. 9. Acceptance of $60,000 from the Fund for Excellence for PPS to support the costs of a national search for a Chief of Research, Assessment and Accountability. The funding period shall be from July 27, 2006 through July 27, 2007. 10. Acceptance of $168,000 from the Fund for Excellence for PPS to support a demonstration project of the Efficacy Institute's Single School Initiative (SSI) arnong three schools: Manchester Elementary (K-5), Allegheny Traditional Academy Elementary (K-5), and Mifflin K-8. These three schools were chosen because of: a) their geographic location in impoverished areas of the City that serve high need students; and b) the principal' expressed interest in participating. The purpose of the demonstration project is to determine what aspects of the SSI model will work most successfully in Pittsburgh Public Schools in supporting promising schools to become truly high performing schools, and whether or not there is merit to expanding the model or aspects of the model district-wide in order to support the district's overarching goal of becoming a high performing sc:hool
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