`lphigenia' NMC Panel Attempts To Proctor Reply On Dunhill To Suit By NEW YORK - ABC/Dunhill has an- Define Classic Music Giovanni nounced plans to record a two album NEW YORK - T.he national Music of local concert music stations despite set of the N.Y. Shakespeare Fes- Council, consisting of some 60 music changes in ownership and policy. NEW YORK - Carl Proctor, owner tival's "Iphigenia." The LP will use organizations, presented a discussion Such "fierce loyalty," he said, rep- of Right-On Records held a press the play's original cast, and will be of the subject "Who's Listening to resents a 'happy augury for the future conference in the Gotham Room of rock -oriented under the supervision Serious Music and Why Not?" at its of concert music broadcasting. the Park Sheraton Hotel, Tuesday of composer Peter Link. general meeting, held recently in New Bloom noted that the concert hall (11) to make a public reply to a Jet Eu- York. Leonard Feist, president of the audience is a special interest one. Al- Magazine article in the Jan. 13th is- The musical was adapted from cite tremendous Nikki ripides by Doug Dyer, Peter Link and Council, officiated at the session though he could not sue. According to the article, on which was attended by reps of a total growth in audience numbers, he be- Giovanni a poetess who has an LP Gretchen Cryer. Link is currently increase in au- the west coast conferring with ABC membership of over 1,500,000. lieves that there is an album released on Right -On Records, Martin Mayer, author and colum- dience, but only in proportion to the "Truth Is On Its Way," had filed a Dunhill about starting sessions next with no mean- week. Goatleg, the rock group perfor- nist for Esquire magazine, was mod- increase in population, suit in New York Supreme Court on of the discussion. The panelists ingful change in ratio. He did, howev- seeking a $70,000 judgment from ming in the show, will also work erator were many more the LP. were Richard L. Kaye, exec vice pres- er, remark that there Carl Proctor owner and chief officer ident of radio station WCRB, kinds of music appearing in the con- of Right -On Records. The article also Waltham, Mass.; Peter Munves, direc- cert hall, and that there is a concomi- says that the suit is asking for an tor of RCA Classical A&R; and Julius tant increase in their audiences. He accounting of the sale of her rec- Woodbury Bloom, exec director of Carnegie Hall pointed to increasing cultural activity ording. In a prepared statement Corp. at the college and university level as Proctor stated, "These are serious and Forms Label In analyzing the concert music ra- a meaningful opportunity for concert grave charges and regardless of the dio audience, Kaye pointed out that it artists. legal outcome of Miss Giovanni's NEW YORK Comic Woody Wood- its musi- Despite the fact that concert music suit, what is of primary importance - his own record label- is a conservative audience in bury has formed cal taste, and is made up of the best sales currently represent only 5% of to us is that we maintain our integri- Adirolf, which is Florida backwards. total record income, Munves was op- as independent, record manager, educated and affluent segment of the ty asmall, Thom Sheiles, his personal community. Although the number of timistic about the future. His activit- company, dealing primarily with said Adirolf will produce mainly ies at Columbia Records, and now at black artists and merchandising, and will also release stations devoted to fine arts broadcas- comedy albums but ting is dwindling, he cited several ex- RCA, have been directed at a new marketing our product in the black singles and albums of contemporary audience for the music. By getting at In the statement Proctor album amples of local audience action which community." music. First release, a comedy had insured the continuing existence the counter -culture youth market, he also said, "we entered into an agree- by Woodbury, is due in the spring. felt that the audience could be greatly ment with Nikki Giovanni because we increased. Specially planned albums believed in her talent and we felt that Carlin Laff LP released during the past several years she believed in our ability to produce `Bordello' all have been prepared with that mar- and market her successfully. The con- ket particularly in mind. Exposure to tract contained many considerations On Little David concert music through films, televi- not normally accorded a new rec- Musical Set and NEW YORK - Little David Records sion, popular recording groups ording artist. The reason for this was & AM" by composers has kindled an interest in that we were entering into an entirely will rush -release "FM in- For London George Carlin as the initial album in serious music that he believes will new area of recorded product, and the company's new association with crease its share of record sales in the there was a verbal agreement to rene- LONDON "Bordello", a new musi- years to come. gotiate, should this recording prove - a period in the life Atlantic. The comedy album written cal play based on and starring Carlin will be distributed Following lunch, Feist presented a to be unsuccessful.' of Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, has been Di- scroll to Harold Spivacke, ex- mid -May, 1972 opening in through Atlantic's Custom Label special Proctor went on to state, "In slated for a vision. chief of the music division of the Li- plaining to Richard Fulton, Miss London's West End. The show is the radio an- of Congress. It cited his 35th of an Anglo-American colla- Carlin, formerly a vet brary Giovanni's personal manager, and Da- creation nouncer and radio personality, has anniversary at the Library and paid vid Cogan, Miss Giovanni's business boration put together by Producer many achievements his first start in made many television guest shots and tribute to his manager, that we did net intend to Carl Denker, making personal appearances throughout the there. make the record a hit and then sell English legit. country. the master to another company, this Denker teamed American Al Frisch Produced by Monte Kay and Jack was one of the prime reasons that and Bernard Spiro with the British Lewis, the comic recorded "FM & Hudson Bay Miss Giovanni signed with us in the Julian More to come up with a musi- AM" live at the Cellar Door in Wash- first place. However, if the opportuni- cal treatment of Toulouse-Lautrec's ington, D.C. and will be promoting ty afforded itself, that based on the residence in a 'Parisian brothel. the album on his many forthcoming Buys Standard success of Miss Giovanni's album, we Frisch is the composer of the music television interviews and per- NEW YORK - Freddy Bienstock, were offered a label distribution deal and is a vet American songwriter formances. The album will be the sub- Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller have by a major label, it would be neces- with many hits to his credit. Among ject this month of an intensive ad and acquired the standard "Lo Mucho Que sary for us to renegotiate our con- these are such songs as "Two Differ- merchandising campaign from Atlan- Te Quiero (The More I Love You)" tract." ent Worlds," "I Won't Cry Any- tic. by Ibarra, Ornelas and Herrera, for more," "This Is No Laughing Mat- their Hudson Bay Music catalog. Motown Offer ter," etc. and the title song of the There are over 70 different rec- At the completion of his statement, Elvis Presley Christmas alburn, "The Prophesy Offers ordings of the song on a world-wide Proctor again remarked than an offer Wonderful World of Christmas". basis, the best known version being from Motown had gone through More is the English writer of the Rock' Track the 1968 hit by Rene y Rene. several negotiable stages and an offer successful "Irma La Douce" and 'Hot Hudson Bay Music is part of the was finally presented to Giovanni in "Express Bongo," and has written NEW YORK - Prophesy Records, Beinstock -Leiber -Stoller complex, which she was to be given 50% of the the book to "Bordello". He also colla- distributed by Atlantic Records, will which includes in its publishing wing monies we were offered in advance borated on lyrics to the Frisch melo- be releasing the soundtrack album the catalog of Lois, Starday, Quintet, from Motown against her royalties. dies with America's Bernard Spiro, from 20th Century -Fox's forthcoming Fort Knox, Carlin, Trio, U.S. Songs, Miss Giovanni left the decision up to who is doubling in lyric writing from picture starring Robert Redford and Quartet and Yellow Dog, among oth- Richard Fulton and Dave Cogan. This his exec ad post with Revlon. George Segal, "The Hot Rock". ers. The recording wing, with Hal offer was rejected. Proctor stated, "at The Anglo-American effort is like- Score was composed by Quincy Neely, comprises King Records and no time, did we ask that Miss Giovan- wise being financed on an internation- Jones, noted for his scores for "Cac- its various labels-Starday, ni accept a lower royalty rate, than al basis. Producer Denker will fly to tus Flower", "The Anderson Tapes", MPINGO, De Luxe, Bethlehem, and provided in our original agreement." the United States at the end of this and "For Love Of Ivy". the newly formed Good Medicine Rec- month to meet with his American "The Hot Rock" was directed by ords, whose first release will be out backers in New York and Los Ange- Peter Yates of "Bullit" fame and shortly, featuring the group White Mangione `Together' les.
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