Palisadian-Post Serving the Community Since 1928 22 Pages Thursday, January 10, 2019 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 2019 P-A-L-I B-E-E Bonin Responds to Chain Star spellers in first through fifth grade who live or attend of Palisadian Break-Ins school in Pacific Palisades are By JAMES GAGE invited to join the fun for the Reporter 2019 Pali Bee, hosted by the acific Palisades was more bed- Palisadian-Post on Sunday, Plam than Bethlehem this holi- February 10. For more in- day season as a string of burglaries, package thefts and car break-ins formation or to sign up, visit swept across town from Marquez palipost.com/palibee2019. Knolls to the Alphabet Streets, and Suspects caught on camera Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer from The Huntington to The Riv- iera. and gloves—smashed glass sliding been my focus, and as a result of First reported in the January 3 windows and door panels at six sep- my efforts, LAPD Chief Moore will edition of the Palisadian-Post, a arate residences, stealing jewelry, be deploying 200 more officers to string of four burglaries occurred cash and other incidentals, includ- patrol duty later this month. That’s Palisades-Grown Women in Via Mesa on December 19, fol- ing an airsoft gun. in addition to the 378 officers re- lowed by a theft on the 500 block “The physical description of deployed to neighborhood patrols of Los Liones Drive and a burglary the subject was identical,” said one last year, dozens of which were as- on Napoli Drive in The Riviera on of the victims of the January 2018 signed to the Westside. Dominate Politics December 21. burglaries. “The breaking of glass “I will also be raising the issue More theft was reported on Pa- to gain entry, the stealing of jewel- of property crime in Pacific Pali- cific Coast Highway on December ry, the use of a walkie-talkie—ev- sades with Captain Vic Davalos, 24, with a following burglary re- ery detail was identical. Even the the new commanding officer of ported on December 26 in The Riv- clothing worn was the same. It must the LAPD’s West LA station. He iera, as well as a theft reported on be the work of the same person and shares my determination that every December 27 on Sunset Boulevard accomplice in a getaway car. resident of Los Angeles should feel and a burglary in Rustic Canyon on “So, they’ve struck again in the safe in their home.” the same date. Palisades.” As the rash of burglaries con- On January 4 around 6:30 p.m., As the Post went to print, tinue, Palisadian victims share their an additional home was burglarized LAPD Senior Lead Officer Mi- concerns. on De Pauw Street in Via Mesa near chael Moore did not respond to “Having never been burglar- four vacant lots under construction. inquiries of whether or not LAPD ized in a long-term residency here The suspects took a computer, jew- believes the suspect to be the same in the Palisades village, it was a elry and watches. person—or if the number of break- shock to be a part of an organized An alarm at the home was ins is unusually high or normal for burglary on December 19,” one turned on but didn’t activate at the this time of year. Palisades resident and burglary vic- time of the burglary. CCTV footage Councilmember Mike Bonin tim said. “Most of our homes have at the home captured four suspects has secured additional police and alarm systems, security patrols, wearing ski masks and hooded fire resources for the Westside. some Ring alerts, and these crim- sweatshirts. “I am gravely concerned about inals have no problem breaking The modus operandi for the the reported rash of crimes, and windows, breaking locks and bold December 19 burglaries is a close continue to make increased public theft. We’ve lived in the Palisades match to a similar string of six bur- safety a priority for Pacific Pali- since 1979 and we’ve never been glaries that occurred January 24-26 sades,” 11th District Councilmem- burglarized … of last year in The Huntington and ber Mike Bonin said in a recent “It’s disturbing to see this hap- Alphabet Streets. interview with the Post. pen in this beautiful, idyllic com- The suspect—a six-foot-tall “Securing additional police and munity, but that’s the world we’re male, 180 pounds, wearing a mask fire resources for my district has living in.” Celebrating 70 Years: ‘Dancing Congresswoman Dr. Kim Schrier Photo courtesy of Kim Schrier with the Chamber Stars’ By CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA pay law after not being revisited ed Paul Revere Charter Middle Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce to Host its 70th Annual Installation Gala Reporter for 75 years. She is also fighting School and Pali High. She is now for local schools to get the proper facing her first political battle in By SARAH SHMERLING t least three Palisades Char- funding. Washington, D.C., as she fights to Editor-in-Chief ter High School alumni en- “This past year, we finally reopen the government. Atered or continued their political officially met the requirements “Our government should not n Thursday, January 17, the careers in the Pacific Northwest. of the McCleary decision to ful- be used as a bargaining chip,” Pacific Palisades Chamber of In Washington’s 41st Leg- ly fund our public schools,” Senn Schrier said in a recent Face- OCommerce will host its 70th annu- islative District, Tana Senn was wrote on her website. “However, book post. “Americans have had al Installation Gala—and this year re-elected as State Representa- I know we are still underfunding enough of dysfunction and reck- will feature dancing. tive. Senn was also named Chair special education, school coun- less decisions that put their live- “Arthur Murray instructors will of Human Services and Early selors and nurses, arts, and other lihoods and access to critical ser- dance with three board members,” Learning Committee and helped critical services for our students. vices at risk.” Outgoing Chairman Susan Payne pass an update to the state’s equal There is still more work to do.” In Oregon, Pali High alum Ju- explained to the Palisadian-Post A board member of the Na- lianna Walters was elected to the ahead of the “Dancing with the tional Association of Jewish Leg- city council of West Linn—a city Chamber Stars” event. “I’m a judge, islators, Senn has won several just outside of Portland. Rick Lemmo is a judge, Billy and awards for her work, including “In many hours attending city Janice Crystal are judges, and we’re the 2017 National Child Health meetings, one thing that stuck out going to judge the dancers.” Advocate Award from the Amer- to me is the lack of representa- And then after the judging, the ican Academy of Pediatrics. tion on the city council for resi- dance floor will open up for all at- Dr. Kim Schrier won a Con- dents like me,” Walters wrote in tendees. gressional seat in Washington’s a statement. “I will be the voice This year’s celebration will 8th Congressional District, turn- for the hard-working families include Payne passing the gavel ing the district blue for the first of West Linn—with kids in our to Chairman of the Board Richard time ever. schools, busy with extracurricular Blumenberg of RLB Architecture, Schrier grew up on West Cove activities and volunteering in our as well as the induction of the 2019 Drive in The Riviera, and attend- community.” board of directors. There will also be three awards handed out, including the Mort Far- berow, which will be awarded to Post Seeks First Baby Arnie Wishnick. With the new year under- To enter (or to nominate a “It’s been going on for years way, the Palisadian-Post is community member who has and years and years,” Payne ex- searching for the first baby born had a baby this year!) email the plained, adding that current Cham- to a Palisadian family—a tradi- baby’s name, as well as the date ber President Bob Benton was the tion honored by the newspaper and time or birth, to first recipient of the award. since 1954. [email protected]. Other awards handed out will The family with the baby be the Best New Business to Es- born nearest to 12:01 a.m. on tate Coffee and the Beautification Arnie Wishnick, who will receive the Mort Farberow Award this year, January 1 will be awarded a gift Award, which will be given to Pal- at a previous Chamber Installation Gala. Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer basket full of certificates from isades Village. local businesses and restaurants, One thing Payne emphasized dinner, cocktails and a silent auc- The 2019 “Dancing with the as well as a feature in an upcom- of the upcoming event: No long- tion, featuring a range of items. Chamber Stars” Installation Gala ing edition of the Post. winded speeches. Speeches have “It’s really fun to see all the will take place from 6 to 9:30 p.m. been eliminated or limited, with a members,” Payne said of the event. at The Riviera Country Club. For three-minute cap. “We have a good turnout. I find it to tickets, which are $125, visit pali- Other festivities will include be a really fun experience.” sadeschamber.com. Page 2 Palisadian-Post January 10, 2019 WEB TALK This week’s hottest topics on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Palisadian-Post The Mexican food eatery, Tocaya Organica, will not be opening in Palisades Village.
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