BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO IET^ BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS IfilAClJS TO LET. Above 14fh to 59th St. 14th St. to .IfttVi St. AhvH 14th to 5fttti St. (Iii'Ibmvw. Abotr t4tti to 59th St. Abovx 14th St. (<> 50th -t. <lnrlu»l\e). \bo\c I till St. to 3'Jth St. (InrliMhr). Allot i' lttli St. tc 591 h st. (InWiiklvo). Ab«\« 14th St. to Vlth St. il«clni»lve). (lnt-lti«i\r). Above (Inclti*!?*). (Ini-lukive). Ka^t fttivrr to East River to North Hiver. Cult Itivrr to North Kiier. Ki.vrr iu >urili Bittr. Ka^t Hi\i*r to North Itivcr. I0a>>t Itiver to North Ki\i-r. Ka»t lti*«-r to North IIiiit. Knot River to North River. North ttiver. [PENN STATION 7"* AVE. SUB 'HUDSON TUBES^ 11,0 f NINTH AVE EL |SIXTH AVE EL. IffKLVN SUB Knickerbocker ILEX AVE SUB.' i N V CENTRAL^ BROADWAY I SUBLINES at42^ Street occupancy DO YOU KNOW Til ! j TOE MARBRIDGE BUILDING » the May 1st accessible Office Building ia New York City? Mr. Is THE MARBRIDGE BUILDING faces south on Executive.Time west on Money 34th Street, Herald Square, and north on 35th Street. I hink of the many advantages of having Your business concentrated on one such tloor. THE MARBRIDGE BUILDING has eleven floors Reduction of overhead and salaries, saving with approximately 30,000 square feet on a floor. of time and the expense of inter-floor com¬ munication. Enormously increased efficiency. ITIE MARBRIDGE BUILDING is known through¬ out the country for the excellent scrvice it gives its tenants. Greenhut Building THE MARBRIDGE BUILDING has none but tenants of In the heart of the Central Mercantile Zone the highest class and type. in the heart of 45 West 18th St. THE MARBRIDGE BUILDING hs< office. varying so in price and size that practically any high grade New York at Broadway and can 85,000 sq. ft. on single floor, or a $ .00 tenant fill his requirements. LOCATED. St., Times mid¬ <g 42nd Square, total area of 660,000 sq. ft., at JL A SQ. FT. way between Grand Central and THE MARBRIDGE BUILDING has a few suite. was to make it thoroughly up to d*te Pennsylvania R. R. Terminals. About $1,000,000 spent remaining tc rent from May 1, 1921. Convenient to all elevated, surface IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and subway transportation lines. Samuel Times Square is an express t ROSSPBROWN Kronsky, Inc. station.the only one where you Marbridgc Building Broadway at 34th Street can enter any of the three sub¬ Telephone Fitz Roy 772 ways and reach any part of the Full Commission lo Brokers city in the shortest possible time. The Knickerbocker's Equip¬ Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. ment is modern in every respect. -\ There are 8 Otis (overhead trac¬ FOR RENT tion) express elevators. Rental 103 PARKAVE. includes heating, cleaning and Conner 41SJ Street STORES OFFICES office service. FACING FULTON & GREENWICH STS. SOUTH & WHITEHALL STS. general S. E. C4>rn*r At South Ferry Station GRAND CENTRAL Two Store* 13*32 und 19*32 Whole Floor* .'1.5(H) M|. ft. For information at the Half Flour# 1.700 bij. ft. inquire Rental *3:. Ft. and STATION Klevntor or of own broker. per sq. up 8TH AVE. & 58TH ST. premises your N. >V. corner 87-89 WILLIAM ST. High Class Modem Store on Hth Ave. bet. John St. X Maiden I an® udjoiniiic corner 1! floor* 600 iq. ft. each Phone Office Slie 1IUU Bryant 3842 The units of include individual offices ft. Building S. W. COR. 8TH AVE. & space (180 sq. N. W. & »nd suites and entire floors ft. to Exceptionally Light COR. 59TH ST. 58TH ST. up), (9,443 sq. 11,910 sq. MAD. AVE. Knickerbocker with on four sides. There are still available 1 First Floor, 1,800 Sq. Ft. ft.), light We offer for lease from May 1 3 Store* on 59th St. Plate Glass Show Windows ground floor store on Broadway and 2 on 42nd St. The . itch 10x18 St. Inc. entire second floor has full windows and is ideal for 3rd &. 4th Floors, 1,800 sq. ft. each Forty-Second Co., length OFFICES N. W. Cor. 59th St. &. 2d Ave. ¦elevator at 12n<l St., New York retail purposes. "V ftlmped store, Broadway In suits 0: 300 to 3,000 Sq. Ft. iu:ti-io\.'S 35 BROAD ST. huite» iV Siniclc Office. RENTALS $1,000 TO $12,000 34TH ST., NEAR S. E. COR. Klevator 8TH AVE. 212 B'WAY, COR. FULTON ST. N.A. BERWIN&CO., Size 10x14 Office# from on 325 to 675 sy. ft. Agents premises Elevator Trlrphona Vsndtrhllt 4463 N. W. COR. 125TH ST. & FACING MADISON SQUARE GARDEN 3RD AVE. 299 MADISON AVE. ><iUTHKAST cor. 41st «t. One Entire About Ft. y One Store IJiti 13 story modern Gotham National Only Loft 16,800 Sq. Three Store, llv'^5 building, suites 700 III MOO »,|. ft. In 20-story Lojl and Office Building One Store tlx 10 W hole floor*. 1,750 »q. ft. Bank Building OFFICES HOUSESWANTED,UNFURNISHED UNITED CIGAR STORES CO. Broadway at Columbus Circle. Less Than a Sq. Ft. A F«*w I nils. 150 to 1..1(H) 8<|. Feet. ~\VA NTED~~ 41 West 18th St. Phone Watkins 8000 Ave. Houw In Roo<l corn! it ion, Murray HIU sec¬ Vanderbilt tion, for raidwtitl purposes only; i>o>-'ed¬ ition at onco; prlr lpnls only. Phons full 16th floor Divide Executive Offices, Showrooms or Building particulars Murray Hill for Light 51 East 42nd Street Also One Choice 750 ht. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. APARTMENTS . UNFtTRNISHEL LIGHT ON FOUR SIDES Manufacturing. Office, Sq. CJomer of 42d St. itn<] Vttmlerhilt \% APARTMENTS.FURNISHED. Direct Entrance to Subway and IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Modern Building Grand Central Terminal p6 WEST 59TH STREET Abort 5!l»h St..cth At. to North Itl\cr. 2 rooms, buth, kitrhim, living room 100% Sprinkler Possession ist, 1921 fhai:ih"»r exquisitely furnlahed; fi May montl.i term. Kent $;;'.<> per mootli. Apply Renting Office on Premises. Excellent Brokers Protected Buprlntt'iident. New Light Apply H»nm flS'J. Murray Hill 17S7. ITwo Buildings Telephone Columbus 1425. Full Particulars, Phone Lenox 9000. Mr. Herter. JUST COMPLETED APARTMENTS . UNFURNISHED. NOW LEASING 9 WEST 29TH STREET, From Rotlrr; to 14th St., lorlnaKa. STOKB, '.'HMOO. TO l,KA««i:, iiiinHiBiimniiiiBi«ii«' i "Bin-n orvni 'i'v $ft,000 per vrar. Pon«p«<ilnn. 105th St. & Riverside Drivel Ready to Occupy F. « G. ri l llMM. 13x1 BROADWAY. 31-33 WEST 12TH ST. 4, 5 and 6 Rooms. Elevator Above 60th St..9th At. Io East Itlitr. Apartment I NEW 156-158 E. 42nd ST. 7 room*, 2 bath* 220 WEST 71ST ST. Thoroughly modern, $4,000 Bet. BrnmJwBf and West Rod A». EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Ree ^iipfrinl'ndrnt. 3 and 4 2 elegant or a few rooms Rooms. lofts, together sepa¬ Only Abarc Mlh St. to B9th St. Cloolnalve). These hi<« LARIMORE BUILDING rately; exceptionally good light on GARAGE apartment* large Off Avenue all suitable for For leaae: long: term; earnln* now ab^ut and apartments Enat River to North KUrr. rooms, closets and every modern Just sth sides; high-class ?!.000 NET per month. Ront »10.000 GROSS reasonable per year, one j-c«r i security accepted from remaining. improvement; rentals. 15-17 WEST 46TH STREET n-sponslble tenant. No money a.*k'<l for food Park Other 2 and 7 room apartments wilt. Gramercy in our STORE.with mezzanine and basement; un¬ Offices oi* Salesrooms G. HOTEL Furnished and Unfurnished Apartment* various buildings tor usually good light. Montague Mabie, &. Immediate Possessiona rent Immediate occupancy. B*pran*ntati«r always on er FLOORS "20UU sq. ft. each; well lighted for Fine Mi«eeIlnseotif. IA Apply prrtni««s offices or showrooms. opportunity for institution de¬ ANSON PATERNO siring nomo office in exclusive, 73rd to 74th Street Gainci, Van Nostrand & y BROS. * Very Moderate Rentals small, fireproof building. Morrison, Inc., Apply Premises. Mac Lean & CM and Broadway !r. Ea.«t CBth lit. To]. lladlaon Sq. XV. |6cn_w_n^^ M. feyRenting Specialists .jmm 1410 Rooms Ml) llath* Tel. Bryant 1923 Or Your Own Broker Bernlieim, 1,181 B'way, Owner, ujr7429 6T-HAV3.,VVatklMS 3947JjSg&aEm :<¦ ia ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦-<¦ ¦ or Your Own Broker. convenient combinations, Abmr .".IHli St..5th A?, to Kant Hirer. of Brooklyn. furnished and unfurnished. Borough Pleasing locations with BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. outlook. 1229 PARK AVE. The WENDOLYN charming Special thkast ooknkr ivmi «t. Riverside Drive & 100th NEW 17-STORY rates for immediate occu¬ tO> St. FOR RENT It0rou|li of Brooklyn. High as* elevator aparm. it, pancy, with leases running 7 and 8 rooms, 'J bat Ki 145 West 45th St. 18-22 W. :8th St.. thru to 17th St. to Applv Superintendent or » HR.ANPSTK ROOMS, BATHS penn. terminal BLDG. Theatre October first, xqat. 133 East 110th at. Tel. Harlem I'U Exceptionally wrll laid out - STORES Ridgewood Building Privilege of renewal may an<l ENTIRE BLOCK FRONT O £7 Good Light, Vttt Myrtle Ave.. N-ar Cjpi lurgc perfectly \-entiIat- Adjoining; Broadway 1 VlVL be secured in majority of Ahoie 30th St..5th At. f North River. rd. Southwestern exposure. ST High Ceiling Large and Small, With Borough Park Theatre Building cases. to Fireproof Building, 100% .prink- Slat Kt. * l-'h Ave., Brooklyn. f irrpr<mf Offlc# VttilltMnc 7th Ave., 30th 31st St. or Klocant lure-) i!Kht floo-* to let in abova Five rooms with 11 3 ItMHINKAND LIOHT ON AI.I.MDUs ler, basement if desired; immed¬ Without Basement.
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