Lub-Lun Prisoners. The Thirteenth Enterprises; gen. mgr.. Nassour 1924; picturessinoeinctiude Murders In the Rue 1944; gets. Mgt, Amusement Prod. with it, Polk concert Chair. Wild Company. Dramila. Studios. 1949 -May. 1950: ors. & Morgue, White Zombe. Chemin.the Magician: Phantom elms: erg. & /red. 28 Supermanfilms for TV. 1901: Prod.. Killer. The Devil Rat, The Wolf Man.Black Cat. Black Loan Shar,. I'll Get You. ManFrom Cairo. Member: Va- Draeon., The Ghost of Frankenstein.The Corpse Vanishes, riety Club. L.A. 9 c, 5 Coate. Guard. Died. Angled.1958. Meets the b.Los Angeles.Calif. PicturesInclude: Ane Mon. Frankenstein LUBIN. ARTHUR: Director, pictures.Including Miff Man. The Return of the Vampire,One Rode Too Since1035hasdirectednumerous Moat. Keen 'Ern Many. (lentils at Work. A 0, C MeetFrankenstein, Bela Buck Private.Tn the Navy, Hold That FtAns. Ride 'Ens Cowboy.Eagle Rottruiron. Phantom of Lugesi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla. the Opera. White Savage. AliRaba end the Forty Thieves, Hungary.May 28. Queen for a Day. Francis LUKAS, PAUL; Actor. b. 13m1anest,Acad.of Hungaryi nelivhthinv Tianceroun.Rhubarb. Francis. Francis Covers the Big Cell.of Thirlanest;Actor.' thePisces. 1005:e. Rndeneat,1918(titlerole. Preen.Goesto Frsnels floes to WestPoint..It Grows on Trees. Ptaal.debut Comedy Cheat.. leirrit screen role in Eta of India. Francis Joins the Lfliorn): at Comedy Meat. 9 era. steep. end from SmithSea Woman, Star pre/. Samson & Delilah: later nnN.'V', heat per- WA P.. inthe Nev.. S. nietimes. Aratlemy Award, RecentPictures: Lady Godiva. Francis 1520 in mane Ti. the Rhine Werner): Fnotstens in the Fog, FirstTraveling Saleslady, Escapade ferminnee nn actor. 1949 (Wnteh on1951-52: Flight Inta 'The Thief of Baghdad. TheIncredible Mr. New Yet* stave! 0,11 Me Madam. inLiman. Tevimr N. Y. stage, 1902. Include: The NightWelch. Lirenett.TV: Maverick (Henry Fonda episodes),77 Sunset Strip, Pictures(sincesound)Tittle women. The Three Muskets Bonanza. prod.-dir.. Minter Ed series. Strictly Tlishrenirshle, Lady Vanishes. Strange teem. TInflawneth. Esnionage. TheThey Dare Not T,ove, LUCE. CLARE BOOTHE: Writer.b. New York City, Germ, The Monster and the Girl. Trenton.. Uncertain Journalist. with Nast Publications 1929: Tod, in Distress, welch nn the Rhine, Rini. Apr.10.1992. columnist & free-lance rpm,.AddresgPnlminion.lesnerimentPerilous, managing ed. Vanity Fair 1933:in Ihmene 1929. Philip- at Doom. Teninttstion.BerlinVivi-mesa.20.1100 writer 1914:Africa. reporter India. for Life,Thome & China 1942:covered Deadline of the Apocalypse. pines 1941. anther of: (honks) Leagues Tinder the Sea: Four Horsemen Rena hlican convention 1944. 40:lecturer; h.Canton.China;e. Stuffed Shirt. Ermone In SnrIng;Plaint: The Women. Rigs LUKE. ?<EYE:Actor.Wash.artist. TT. Formerly artist for Fox Error. Child of the Morning. Franklin ash.. the Boy. Goodbye. Margin for West Coast Thee, 0' PT()Sthation7 also tPOhTliCal advisor LUCE. HENRY ROIDiu8ON: Editorialchurn..Time, on Chinese mime. Screendebut es actor in Painted Veil: Tenschow. China,April3.1898:e.YaleTi., one. /PIK in Men seriesGerms: ether nietrwee Toe..h. Oxford TT. : honorary M.A. (Yale, 192611 to. Minn. Ring of Burleson. The Ti. A '20 staid Ti. inelmie Oil for the Lenin. of Sued for TThet. Duo - Glare Rnoihe (Brokaw). nlanwright.2nd Lt.Artil., S. Geer/ Earth. Tuternatinna't Battlement. Army. Wert,/ Woe 1. Founder Time mac..1922: Fortune, rotted PagOaCa. Dreams Seed. ThreeMen in White. Between 193e; Snorts Blinitrated, 1004. Time.Tnc., nitre Women, First Yard, in TokyoTokyo Pose. Sh, My 1530. Life Moe. Denver: WFRM. WFRM- Half Aere. World for Ransom BambooPrison. Owns RT.Z. RT,Z-TV,rutfiananolls: RT,Z-FM. WOOD. WOOD -TV. WOOD - Tore. a MP," STIpaeorPli Thine. enDee. Amend the TV. 1TOGO-TV. ROGO-FM. Ran Tore To Bell. Fair Winds to vv. Grand Rapids: 110(10. in broadcasting In Weill,. Their Greatest Glory. Rattle Diego: HERO. Bakersfield. has InterestsThe Cloud. Union, Jane Danger. December Retie. Europe Latin America: Clubs: Tale. TV tiredly, Inelnde fitmamedre. Mn141,n n1Pertime. Raennet & Tennis (N. Y.). Links.River. Chicago Club. Gyeeader.effireserviee inennernerior. Philfret..Century Assn., N. Y. tr r.iffle Marrie. Annie (UM,. Its.Mills,,!e Whew. Medic, Member: Aloha 'Delta Ten,T,ewie.Trackthiwn.ste. Address: Time & Life Bldg.. N. Y. retiree(ThencenrnenMims,. Beer fur 3 onMien .naafi show. include: Steady Tnreet The OnrennferaWel! WaTheneall LUGWIG. EDWARD: Director. PicturesMarried. A Woman's nett'', The Run Intent Whs. Thin Is the Life. Gorenany, They List Had to GetMan Who Tteolatmed His TV, PP,Til Agsism, Shnw Tho r Man. Friend. of Mr. Sweeney. Old Man .merhars Pros.. T spy. FBI, WackiestShin in Army. 'Wetter Let'sTieRitzy.Age ofindisc.retion, Roney show. Johnny Quest.Kentucky Lines, Never Too Rhythm.lipid, Three Rids and a Queen.Fatal Lady. Adventure Her Husband Ling. Lost Gamester.That Young. Bell Anne Chrysler Show. In Manhattan Lost Himself. Swiss Eng., 1919: Certain Age. Coast Guard Man WhoCame to Blow Tip LITRE. PETER: Writer, producer. b.Ten Bridges. Small Family Robinson. Born to Sing. TheyThree's a Family. The TV: story editor. Armchair Theatre,Flowers, Roll on Boomite America. The Fighting Seabees, The Big Wheel, Fish Are Sweet, Pig's Ear With Bookman Teninn: Fettnilous Texan, Wake of Tied Witch. Death4 Shilling for the Evil DayLondoners. The The Wednesday Smuggler. roan& Blazing Forest.Caribbean. nrod.,Festival drama series, Pictures: Big Jim McLain, The'Vanquished, ofthe Month incl. A Passage to Recent Adventure, Flame of the Play,various Plays Lee Oswald -Assassin. Sanyaree.:Hoare.A Foreign India, The Joel Brand Story, Islands. Black Scorpion. The Gun Hawk. Philadelphia. Pa., June b. Nov. 3, 1910. e. LUMET. SIDNEY: Director, b. Columbia U.: LUDWIG. IRVING H.: Executive. 20.1924; e.Professional Children's Sch.; Savage School. 111,011 Theatre, N. Y..usher, later house Child actor in plays: Dead End,George Washington Slept Theatre over., Rngoff and Recker.1918-39: U. S. Armed Forces, mgr..mgr. Greenwich Village. Here. My Heart's In the Highlands; /947-40; taught maned first modern art type theatre, W.W. TT.1942-48; dir.summer stook.dir., CRS. 1950; for Herman Weingarten. 1940:with Walt Diane, Prod.. acting. High Sch. of Prof. Arts; assoc. In charge of theatre osier. on Fantasiain various cities, dlr.. 1051: show. include: Mama, Danger,You Are There, 1940-41: buyer -hooker, Ttnyoff and 'Reciter.1942-41; film Omnibus, Rest of Broadway. Alcoa,Goodyear Playhouse. office,1948-53; Films: 12 Angry Men. Stage Struck,That Kind of Wom- sales admin.. Walt Disney Prod. home Dist.Co., from the Bridge. Long Day's v.D. and domestic sales mgr., Buena Vista an. Fugitive Rind, A View 1953; ores. gets. sales mint .1959. Tourney Into Night, Fall -Safe. ThePawnbroker. May Viee-nresident Radio -TV. Came- LUDWIG. WILLIAM: Writer. b. New York, N. Y., LUND ARTHUR e.U. Sch.. LL.B.. Trie hMinneapolis. Dee.17.1914: 28. 1012; e. Columbia. BA. 1932; Columbia Law inIndustrywithradiostation Phi Beta Kappa.'Practiced law /934-38: picture efMinneseteStarted 1989-44. Include:1934. Love Finds Andy Hardy. TTardy's Ride High.Black- WCCO 1935-39t "Knox Reeves Advertising. mail, Love Crtzy, Tourney for Margaret,Andy Hardy's N. L. May American Romance.GirlCrazy, Boys LUND. HAROLD C.: /executive. b. Arlington, Blonde Trouble. p., a,Washington Jefferson Cell.: salesman. Para- Ranch: collati.s.p.. Love Laughs at Andy Hardy; a. 10..10901 Research Corn.. 1931: Bills of Rome: coital).a.p.. Julia Misbehaves. Sim Comes mount 1020: gen. mgr. Ross Federal Ward Wheelock Challenge to Lassie, Shadow on the Wall; It. Comdr. IT. 5. Navy, 1942-46: aec't exec. gets. TIP.e.p.,n., Merry Widow, Great Caruso. Student Prince. Adv. Agev. 1940: mined Powell Enterprise.in L. A, collate.s. p.Walker & Downing Adv. Agee. 1950: Athena.Hitthe Deck.InterruptedMelody(Academy mgr. 1947: v 1951: T.D.. West- Award, best story and screennlay. 19551, Oklahoma,10.000 gen. mgr. RTIKA-TV Pittsburgh sine. 1,101011as Broarleasting Co../mt..1952. Member: Shrine Bedrooms. Gam Glory. Back Street. Phi Gamma Delta. Radio TV Club, MotionPicture Pio- LUETHRE. B. Writer.b.Glelelte. Honer Meta, neers, Variety Club. Garment'gent12.Inurnsiliat: ed.-in-elder e1 Filmlnirter h ether mills.: author of mend..play.ameretta aed.of LUND. JOHN: Actor,h.Rochester. N.Y., Feb.0, hexing Almanac. Box Brasier: has written almost 200 silent 1913; m. Marie Tome. pro. Anneared in Railroads onParade neeriant et N. Y. World's Fair. 1930, Broadwaydebut. end sound nictrires. 1541, A. You like Tt. Since has appeared in Earle toPM. LUST HERBERT 0.: Writer. b. Essen. Germany, Aug. Hasty Heart. With CBS Television staff. 1941: touredwith 21. 1007Started career as Journalist: came to U. S. 1940: Charley'. Aunt: wrote many radio programs. inclndine the to Tfollywnott. 1945: magazine wilier: film ed.. researcher, Ttillt, /lurks. end Tack Penner show.: en -author and actor. tramilater. prodlast., 1944: adapt.. M: prod. mgr., eollab. Now Faces, 11142-43. On semen first 1040 in To Each His CT TM- Ts Freedom. Reimer of !Dying. Springtimein Cots- Own: Hermes. incliwie: Perils of Pauline. VarietyGirl, enhagen milleha. p Rang Kong Affair. Why Must T Die, Night Hes a Thousand Eyes. Foreign Affair, Miss Tat - Night RaiderefivnafratedHollywood Colllmnist:writer. loran's Millinna, Rrida of Vengeance. prod.exec.;chants.,Intl Film Comm.; pros.,Hollywood Recent Pictures: lify Friend TrTnti, My Friend Irma Goes Foreign Press. west. The Mating Season. Darling, T -Tow Could Yon, Steel Town. Bronco Buster Rattle at Apache Pass, List Acre.. LUGOSI, BELA: Actor.r.n. Bela Digest Blasko.b. the Street. wnman They Almost Lynched. Latin Lover... Tomos, Hungary. Oct.20, 1888; e. Theat. Arts Academy, Budapest. On European & Amer. stage many yrs.; N.Y. Chief Craze 7Trirse, White Feather. Five Guns West. Battle prods.include The Red Poppy, Fernando the Apache, Station.. High Society. Arabesque. Open House. The Devil in the Cheese, Dracula LUND.
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