'TI ::I. ~ IV IV ~ 2: ~ CORPORA TE RESOURCES DMSION OTHER NAME PURPOSE 011' VISIT DESTINATION DATE AlRll'ARES ACCOMMODATION EXPENSES TRIP TOTAL Place Price Alfred Tuet, To attend Confemce- Brisbane 10/2/93- $593.88 Coronation Motel P/expenses $325.65 $1195.53 Human Resource Violence in the 1212193 $276.00 I Management Workplace, condoted ,0 by QLD Occ. Health and Safety Authority. I ~ D. Benjamin, To attend Window Sydney I -3n193 $412.00 Personal $783.20 tI)> g tI) I.S.B. Words Conference and Allowance I Z Networkers Forum $371.20 t'/) ~ o Conference I z A. James, I.S.B. Sydney and . $412.00 Personal $937.85 '" ~ included trip to Allowance i § Wangaratta $525.85 ("l A. Misserlis, To attend Barland Sydney 3 -5/8/93 $412.00 Personal $736.55 tI:I I.S.B. World Tour Allowance Coofereuce $324.5' P. KaaI, J.S.B. Litigation Support Brisbane 91219/93 $742.00 Personal $1045.20 Technology Allowance Coofereuce $303.20 TOTAL 54698.33 VI~ UJ LAND TITLES OFFICE - 3/10/92- 16/111193 00 0\ NAME PURPOSE OF VISIT DESTINATION DATE AlRFARES ACCOMMODATION OTHER EXPENSES TRIP TOTAL Place Price DenisHall Registrar's Conference Brisbane 18·22110/92 $408.66 Hilton $370.40 $226.45 meals $1108.46 $10.15 tlpbones 547.40 incidentals· $4S.40 taxis· DerusHall 11 11 Canberra 10· 13110/93 $309.70 Capital Park S357.00 $1.25 tlphones $826.70 Royal $90.80 taxis I Robin Grow Dep. Registrar's &: Hobart 13·1Sn193 SI89.00 Hadleys $277.80 $3S.5S incidentals • $635.10 Development Officcrs Conference I Robin Grow Registrar's Conference Canberra 12110/93 S283.10 NIL $303.90 Graham Lanpbier Dep. Reg&. Hobart 13 • 16n193 $338.00 Hadleys S277.80 $3S.SS incidentals • $764.30 I Development Officers Conference David CoUins Filenet Users Sydney 28 • 29/10/93 $37S.10 Radlsson $92.60 SI1.85 incidentals • $685.65 ; Conference > CI'J TOTAL -- $4314.11 CI'J - - - ----- ----- ~00 ~ o REGISTRY OF BIRTHS DEATHS AND MARRIAGES - 3/10/91 - 3/11/93 = 2! 2! r< § NAME PURPOSE OF VISIT DESTINATION DATE AlRFARES ACCOMMODATION OTHER TRIP TOTAL n Place Price EXPENSES ~ K. Woolmer Re: Proposed sale of Sydney 5252.84 NIK NIK 5252.S4 Vie. Computer system. Met with NSW Registrar A. Levens National Births Deaths Qld 5468.44 $401.35 5869.79 &: Marriages (BDM) Integration Steering Committee. Met with Interstate BDM I ::I. ReJdstrarslTenderers Q."" I» A. Levens " 11 11 $436.10 $534.75 ';< 11 11 11 IV A. Leveos 5391.40 578.15 5481.55 IV 11 11 D. Fenton Qld Sa54.1O $557.70 '0> 11 11 A. Leveos. --- --- -~~~-" --- $403.76 564. IS 5498.21 2; ~ "T1 ::2. go '!- N N NAME PURPOSE OF VISIT DESTINATION DATE AIRFARES ACCOMMODATION OTHER TRIP TOTAL > Place Price EXPENSES 't:I A. Levens " " Brisbane $595.84 $232.75 $853.59 2.: I. Bowler Demonstration of " " PaidbyQLD $103.65 net. QLD $201.45 i computer system to Govt. Govt. paid balance QLD Govt. Met with QLD BDM &: Deptof Consumer Affairs officials re proposed sale of Vic computer system. J D. Fenton. " " " " as above $270.90 net. QLD $306.40 Govt. paid balance Q 1. Day " " Brisbane $595.84 $216.60 $918.24 o ~ A. Levens. 1993 Aust. and N.Z. Adelaide $702.50 $702.50 B.D.M. Regsitrars Accompanied by > ~ en S Conference. Met with family members en z NZ BDM Regsitrars but at no cost to m (Il ~ o Aust Bureau of Govt. t:lj z Statistics. Aust z Passports Office, lnst ~ o of Health &: Welfare I ~ regarding various ;:; r!1 policy legislative and machinery issues. I. Bowler " " Adelaide $397.10 $535.95 $933.05 J. Scarce NSW Federation of Sydney $338.00 $551.65 $943.75 Family History Assoc. Conf. Met with NSW Regsitrar, BDM staff re the promotion and sales of Vic's Pioneers Index. T~TAL . $8053.82 No car rental costs Incurred Aay entertalDment espenstS Incurred were at no cost to tbe Government beyond tbe specified travelling allowance. It Is not kDoWll wbether sucb expenKs were Incurred. Cl CIO -..J Cl 00 00 COURTS AND TRIBUNALS SERVICES DMSION NAME PURPOSE OF VISIT DESTINATION DATE AIRFARES ACCOMMODATION OTHER TRIP TOTAL EXPENSES Place Price L. Ireland, To present a paper for Perth 9/3/93 $350.00 $931.88 $1281.88 Victorian Inst. the Australian Society Forensic of Microbiology Pathology : T. Landgren To attend 38th Perth 28/9/93- $569.00 $156.00 5725.00 Meeting of the Royal 30/9/93 I I:) College of Pathologist of Australasia Mr Justice To attend summer Hobart 1711193- $209.00 $1264.50 $1473.50 8 > ~ Marks Judicial Conference 22/1/93 personal Cl) o Cl) z expenses [11 Cl) Mr Justice To attend AnA Brisbane 2118192- $226.26 No claim submitted $226.26 :: o Teague conference 22/8/92 0:1 z ~ z Chief Justice To attend Federal and Hobart 17- $199.00 $1061.48 51535.48 o PhiUips Supreme Court Judges 2111193 personal ~ Conference expenses and n- $275.00 tI1 conference registration Mr Justice " 11 " 17- $205.00 $1264.50 51744.50 Marks 22/1/93 personal expenses and $275.00 registration Mr Justice " 11 " 17/1- $209.00 As above $1748.50 TadgeU 2911193 'Tl 11 11 Mr Justice ID. " 17- $209.00 $1232.40 $1716.40 e.Q. Phillips 2211193 personal . expenses and ~ ~ $275.00 conf. > -- ---- registration. ~ ~ 'TI e.::l. ~ N N NAME PURPOSE OF VISIT DESTlNA nON DATE AlRFARES ACCOMMODA nON OTHER TRIP TOTAL > Plate Prite EXPENSES "0 ~ Mr Justice " " " 17/1/- $209.00 $1264.50 $1748.50 . Ormiston 2911193 personal expenses and ! ~ $275.00 registration. Mr Justice " " " 17/1- $272.00 $1264.50 $181l.50 Hedigan 22/1193 personal expenses and $27S.00 registration Mr Justice To attend steering Sydney 2713/93 S318.00 $318.00 10 Ormiston committee conference Chief Justice To attend conference Sydney 1015193 $718.00 $718.00 ~ Phillips with Chief Justice of > ~ the High Court Vl S Vl 2! Mr Justice Meeting of Perth 2615193- $1294.00 $960.60 tr1 (I) Beach consultative 3/6193 personal :: o Committee-Law expenses = 2! I 2! Reporting ~ o Mr Justice To attend conference Canbena 11/8/93 $386.00 $159.00 ~ Eames personal n- expenses ~ Mr Justice To attend conference Sydney 31nl93 $478.00 Teapc Mr Justice To attend conference Hobart 2719- $375.00 Coldrey 3019193 personal expenses 24 Judges of the To attend District and Brisbane Inl93 - 24 x $369.99 Con!. County Court County Court Judges 4nl93 (Total registration including the Conference. Some (some $8856.(0) 24 x $250.()()- Chief Judge. judges were Judges did total $6,000. accompanied by their not return wives but at no until later Personal expense to the Govt. date) Expenses total SI8,240.00 @ 24 x 760.00 ;;; 00 \Cl .­ w NAME PURPOSE or VISIT DESTINATION DATE AIRF'ARES ACCOMMODATION OTHER TRIP TOTAL ~ Place Pnce EXPENSES Chief Judge To attend the A.I.J.A. Hobart 1/10/93- 3 x $767.00 ConfReg Waldron, Judge Conference. 2110/93 S67~.OOper Strong, Judge Judge. Kimrn (County P/expenses &; Court) accom $USS.20 per Judge. VICTORIAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGAINST VIOLENCE - 3/10/92 - 30/11193 NAME PURPOSE or VISIT DESTINATION DATE AIRFARE ACCOMMODATION OTHER TRIP TOTAL S Place Pnce EXPENSES I Judith Dixon National Committee Adelaide 1712 - NIK Adelaide NIK $42.00 Taxi Not Known Violence Against 191211993 Hilton Hire Women t:;) c:: . Conf- Violence Adelaide 22-2S1211993 NIK Hyatt $360.00 Registration $704.S0 plus ~ tI) Agianst the Elderly Regency $300.00 airfare .., $44.S0 taxis > Vl o Vl z " " Nat. Comrn Violence Sydney 12/3/93 $478.00 $48 taxi hire $526.00 [TI tI) Against Women PlExpense as ~ o 0:1 z per ailowances r z . " Canberra 1 -2/4/1993 $386.00 $S3.00 taxi hire $439.00 --< o PlEx as per .., allowances r; " " Sydney 19 -2115/1993 $478.00 $25.00 taxis $503.00 ~ P/expenses as per ailowances National Conf. on Canberra ISI6- $386.00 P/expenses as $386.00 plus Violence 18/6/1993 per ailowances accomrn Conf- Family Law and Sydney 3171993- NIK Sydney $900 Registration $1610.00 plus Children's Rights 9/7/1993 Hilton $62S.00 airfare Congress I Dinner $85.00 Conference AJice Springs 18-19/7/1993 NIK NIK NIK Not known Nat Comrn on Violence Canberra 1/9/1993 $326.00 $326.00 'Tl Against Women ::3. Aust Violence Perth 15-18/10/1993 $S69.00 Parmelia $285 $854.00 C).. Prevention Awards Hilton ~ N selection board N Conference- Criminal Canberra 19/4- Drove. No Pavilion $525 Registration $87S.00 Nicholas Abbey '0> Justice Planning and 21/4/1993 claim Hotel $350.00 2: Co-ord. submitted Ingrid Wilson To work with VCCAC Canberra to 3-4IS/1993 $346.00 Not paid by VCCA V $20.70 taxi hire $366.70 Melbourne ~ 'Tl ::I. ~ N -~ IV MargD'Arcy Conf- Aust &'N.Z Sydney to 29/9/1993 $412.00 $412.00 Society of Criminology Melbourne ~ 2: Annual Conf &. Meeting with NSW Women's Unit f TOTAL 56799.20 * In IIgbt of tbe fad tbat some trips were made some time ago all details r/equetted are Dot readily available. STATUTORY OFFICES LAY OBSERVER - 3/10/92 -16/1193 ,0 ~ ~ to1 NAME PURPOSE OF VISIT DESTINATION DATE AIRJ'ARES ACCOMMODATION OTHER TRIP TOTAL ~ o Vl Z Place Price EXPENSES rn {I) Jan King Australian Legal Hobart September 432.00 Wrest Point Casino, Registration fee $2214.00 3: o Convention- 1993, 5 nights 840.00 $432.00 = z presenting a paper Personal expenses I ~ z (ine meals) $510.00 § ~ · Attendance at Sydney September 478.00 Old Sydney Parkroyal.
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