THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Vor.. VI. iNEV' YORK. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1878. NUMBER 1,642. ~'- WHEN COMMENCED. T1BTT- OF ACTION. NATURH OP ACTION. AMOUNT. July 7, 1877 Collins, Dennis D.......... Salary, Attendant on Marine Court .... ................ $400 00 Aug. 29, " Callahan, Ellen, adm'x, etc.. Salary of Cornelius Callahan ........................... 333 33 Sept. 29, " Cox, John .............. ... Salary ........................ ...... ... ............1 51,249 82 Oct. 4, " Cutting, Walter L., ex'r, etc. To foreclose mortgage, city a judgment creditor.......... '• 25, " Connolly, Ann............ Balance on contract ........ ..........................' 7,703 65 Dec. 5, " Cohn, P. M ................ To recover amount of assessment paid..................? 144 03 5, Cohn, Adela .......... .... do do ..................163 90 3t, " Cregier, George W......,,. Summons, money demand .............................. 6,333 3t Jan. 26, 1878 Curry, Lawrence A., vs. Alexander S. Williams.... Assault and battery................................... 50.000 00 Feb. ig, " Cole, Wm L., et al......... Complaint not yet served ..............................I 15.857 30 April .', " ~'i Carter, JamesC.........,.. Professional services.............................. .... r7,684 40 May 7, " Cauldwell, William......... ..Printingg and advertising......................... ..... 2,334 54 24, Carr, 'Thomas F'., agst. Allan ,aispbell ................ To restrain removal of show windows.................. i tune I, " C lar - c, John J ............. To remove from office of Clerk of Tenth District Court.. July 9, " Clarke, David........ .. To cancel assessment, etc.............................. Aug. 6, , Coffee, John, agst. Allan i To restrain Commissioner of Public Works from remov-~ Campbell................ J ing a stand......................................... LAW DEPARTMENT. Sept. 17, " I Christian, Mary Jane....... Personal injuries ......................... ............ Soo on •' 17 " Christian, Heiman B....... do ................. .................... 500 00 May 23, 1870 Dinsmore, Samuel P., et al.. Advertising ........................................ 9,634 56 Nov. 30, 1859 Doyle, George H ........ Personal injuries ...................................... 5,000 co Dec. 23, 1865 Donaldson,•James.......... Hackley contract .......... ........................... REPORT FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1878. Oct. 14, t86 Derain, Patrick ............. Salary ............................................... zoo on April r8, r87o Darling, Joseph F.......... Personal injury ....................................... 25,000 no May 31, " Duryce, Joseph W......... Damage to bulkhead .................................. 50,000 00 .JTan. an. 31, 1871 ! Devlin, Charles............ Balance on contracts .................................. 15,079 on LAW DEPARTMENT, 1, 1873 Davis, Thomas E.......... Rent of No, 8z Nassau street..... 7,000 00 OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, Jan. t6, 1874 Devlin, Charles............ due.1'alaiice under various contracts.................... 9,052 8r •, z6, `. Didway, Desso............Riot damages ............. ... ...................... i 5r to NEW YORK, October 12, 1878, Dec. i9, " 1)enike, Charles A ........ .Use of horse and wagon ........... ..•.•.•.•.•., •. ; ; :..... • . i rob 23 Honorable SMITH ELY, Jr., Jan 7,x875 Dickerson, Ed, N........... Legalseryices ...................... t,000 o0 June 20, 1874 Dunphy, James ............ Salary ...............................................! 8,974 19 Mayor of the City of New York: April z, 1875 I Dry Dock. East Broad- SIR-In compliance with law, I herewith submit a report of the operations of this Department way, and Battery Railroad li Co. agst. the Mayor, J}To restrain defendants from removing plaintiff's track,. for the past quarter. Fitz John Porter, Commis- &c., at corner of Broadway and Ann street......... The schedules show the suits and special proceedings pending in the office on the 30th day of sioner, and ono........... September, 1878, the date of their commencement, their nature, and the amounts claimed ; and July 12, " Douglass, Gibson L., Corn. To recover money seized by A. J. Rogers, Public Admin-' also a statement of suits and special proceedings tried, argued, or concluded during the last quarter. mittee, &c., of Catharine 3 M. Bingham ............. istrator ................................. ... ........ I 2,416 92 I am, sir, very respectfully, yours, Nov 57, W. C. WHITNEY, Davies, Robt. K., vs. \.lartini) To cancelp ersonalp ro p ert y tax of 187q, and hive same T. McMahon, Receiver of It discharged of record ............................ m Counsel to the Corporation. 'taxes .................. Jan. 5,1876 )rake,Isa,cJ .............. Salary, Clerk, Police Court............................' 3 3t 50 Dec. 14, " Deering, James A......... To adjust fees of counsel in case of Youngblood mandamas r, too o0 ,, 22, " do ........ To adjust tees of counsel in case of Feehan mandamus.,. 1 Schedule A. Ian. rg, 1877 Dunphy, James............ Salary for November anll December, 1871, Assistant Clerk to Board of Canvassers ............................. 5oo 00 LIST' OF ALL ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS PENDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE Feb. 14, " Devlin, Chas ............... Balance on contract, regulating, etc., Thirtieth street.... 1,687 68 " 23, " Dowdell, Geo .............. Marine Court Attendant ..............................I 574 t6 COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION ON THE 30TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1878. Mar. 31, " Dannatt, Wm. H., survivor, l Balance on contract Er building Tenth Ward Public, etc., vs. Board of Education ) School, June, 1873... ............................. x,20726 May 31, " Doyle, James............. Summons ......................................... ...' 400 00 Sept. it, " Dimond, Catharine......... do ............................................ April 6, 1878 ' Derniody, Denis........... Salary ............................................... 550 00 SUPREME COURT. May z8, " Dunning, Ben). F.......... Foreclosure, city judgment creditor.................... June 3, " Dunham, James H., et al... Goods sold ........................................... 467 37 1 City of In each case, unless otherwise mentioned, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the July r6, " DewhUrst, John, agst. John To restrain Comptroller from paying award made by New York are defendants. Kelly, Comptroller....... Armory Commission ............................... 1,347 35 Dec. at, 1874 Early, James A............ Complaint not served ... ........ ........ ............ 350 00 Feb. z5, 1877 : mmons, Jane P., vs. Allan To restrain defendant from interfering with construction Campbell ................ l of buildings corner of Church and t. ortlandt streets, etc. May 31, " Enniss, John ............... Attendant on Marine Court............................ zoo on WHEN TITLE OF ACTION. NATURE OF ACTION. AMOUNT. COMMENCED. Sept. 2z, '• Eclectic Medical College.... To vacate tax for 1876................................. .574 95 Nov.ro, " edgar, William ............. RentofNo.72Weststreet............................, 0000 Dec. no, " I Edelsten, William.......... Professional services as Counsel ................ ..... 5,ono o0 Sept. 07, 1878 Erskine, George W......... To restrain collection of assessment for paving 73d street. April 20, 1874 Arkenburgh, Robert H...... Value of building materials taken in Church street exten- Tuner r8 z Fithian, Joel A ............. Salar .............................. ........' 2,000 00 sion............................................... .$9,000 00 Nov. 6, 1873 Frazier, George........ Stove furnished for Ninth District Police Court.......... 5,592 75 Dec. 29, 1876 Allen, Phmbe B ............. Foreclosure, City judgment creditor.............. ,, r5, ' Fowler, James W.......... Salary as Civil Justice, Second District Court........... 4,166 65 Mar. 13, 1877 Amory, Samuel B., et at.... For awar,l made in Sixth avenue opening ............... t,883 oa Feb. 25, 1874 Fullerton, Archibald J...... Clerk employed by Board of City Canvassers............ 5co 00 Aug. 2g, ` Allen. Robert F... a al...... Dumping ground structores ............................ 2,000 00 une 3, ` Fallon, Daniel ............. Rent................................................. 17,500 00 May 2ti, 1878 Apenhc flier, e1............ Lo rec vex taxes paid by mis ake ..................... t 39 25z Jan. 53, 1875 do ............. do ................................................. 3,500 00 Nov. 15, 1872 Anderson, Henry James .... To enjoin laying assessment ............................ May t5, " Fellows, Richard C., and , To recover balance due on contract for constructing two Dec. 11, 1874 Bea•up, Albert (i., & Patrick I Work, materials, and heating apparatus used in New ano. agst. the Mayor, &c., outlet sewers, and for damages, by negligence and Carraher ................. f Court-house ........ ... ...... .... ........ 4rt 33 et al ..................... j interference of defendants.... ..................... rt4,227 89 Aug. 18, " B,Irus, Charles II............ Painting, &c., Armory of \Vashington Greys............ 1,450 00 Nov. t8, " Frankel, Julius ............. Services as Physician to County Jail................... 900 00 Oct. 12, 1870 Brady, Tuoma, ............. Breach of contract... ................................. 12,000 00 Ap, tl 2z, 2876 Fairer, Solon, et al......... Work on County Jail .......... ................... .... I 935 96 • 2t Brodrick, Edward P.......' do ..................................... 20,000
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