Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 8-29-2006 The BG News August 29, 2006 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 29, 2006" (2006). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7626. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/7626 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving THE BG NEWS the campus and surrounding community Tuesday Umbrella: Party of two August 29,2006 Volume 101. Issued 1 WWWBGNEWSCOM Tasteless? Or a No record? matter of bad timing? NBC regrets running plane crash skit after Just fine! passengers were killed on a flight in Misdemeanors may be replaced with fines for Kentucky. | Page 9 lesser crimes beginning early next month No. 1 for "24": By Kelly Day Drama wins its Senior Reporter "We like to know first Emmy that everyone is fair, "24" wins Emmy for Students may not have to worry about having a mis- best drama series but being a black demeanor on their criminal after being shutout in record after Sept. 5, when the male in today's soci- the past | Page 9 Civil Infractions Code goes into effect. ety, I know every- There may be a lesser pun- ishment for crimes like public thing is not fair." urination, said City Prosecutor Matt Reger, at last night's Bernard Little | USG President Undergraduate Student Government meeting "Whether we like it or not, The city Civil Infractions discrimination happens," Code, which was passed last Little said. - \ year, will give officers a choice 3ecause officers will not of whether they hand out a have to justify citations, Little misdemeanor or a fine for worries they will discrimi small crimes. nate against students, espe- Net not found Last year at this time, peo- cially minorities. in weekend ple caught committing minor Although Little trusts the city misdemeanors would face police, be st ill worries about race losses for BG two possible outcomes. issues that affect minorities. MAC champs lose Officers could give verbal "We like to know that every- warnings or finesanda mark on one is fair, but beinga black male twice to open a person's permanent record. in today's society, I know every- women's soccer season But now, students may thing is not fair," Little said. | Page 7 receive a civil offense, which lohnnie Lewis, senator at can be compared to a parking large, thinks the change works ticket, Reger said. in favor of students. Georgia tops Some USG senators ques- "It gives officers an oppor- Japan in World tioned whether the new policy tunity to do what's best for would lead to more citations students," Lewis said. Series because officers find the new Aside from the new city pol- The USA. code more appropriate for icy, Little also discussed die represented by mi nor offenses. major issues USG will address If Reger has it his way, the city this year. Columbus. Georgia, police will embrace the policy. Among those issues were defeats Japan's little "First of all, I would hope the university travel policy, league team 2-1 in they would use it, but second funding for student orga- of all I think they will use it," nizations, BiG Charge and America's second Reger said. Bursar bills, and rising straight Little League USG president Bernard tuition costs. World Series Title. It Little expressed concerns Little encouraged USG sen- about the new code and pos- ators to discuss these issues was the USAs first sible misuse by officers. with the student body. back-to-back win since Because there are no con- He will address these and the 1992-95 season crete guidelines, unfair or other issues in his State of |P.g«7 prejudice citations could leak the Student Body Address into the system. next month. SUN POISON •"[ B.i'.f.v- New art show on campus Forget books, carry my umbrella New exhibit entitled COLOR showcases DANCING IN THE RAIN: Lindsey Zokiak and her boyfriend Chris Rabbani try to stay dry under an umbrella while walking to the math science buiW'ng together yesterday. Rain showered the area throughout most of the day and night African American art. Gillmor discusses | Page 3 environmental No english? Spencer reaches dream, now living it No problem. By Liu Hilv.r.tjdt Spencer was a Green Beret in the Gary policies in district START helps City News Editor , U.S. Army during the Vietnam Spencer non-english speakers War and served two separate Chief of the get started on Oregon When Gary Spencer became a tours. He spent a year at BGSU Bowling Green "Soon I think we're going to see an actual State's campus. Bowling Green police officer in before deciding to join the mili- May 1981, he told the chief he tary instead. Police Department | Page 3 wanted his job someday. "He's a man with a lot of integ- ethanol plant in our own district." On luly 3, Spencer got his wish. rity," Conner said. "He's a man 1 Paul Gillmor | U.S. House of Representatives "What are your After 25 years with the depart- who demands excellence from on Ridge Street and Spencer was ment, including two years as the organization and service of obligated to inform her parents By Megan Schmidt plants now operating in Ohio, feelings on operations bureau commander the community but at the same in Dayton. The same night, a Reporter Gillmor said. contraceptives and and five years as deputy chief, time can be very supportive of Bowling Green man committed "The results of the ethanol their abortion effects7" Spencer became chief of the the officers." suicide and Spencer was sent to Finding solutions to local envi- mandate |in the energy bill] are Bowling Green Police Division. lohn Fawcert, the city mimic i- notify relatives. ronmental problems was a already showing up," he said. The job has been a humbling pal administrator, said he's always Despite situations like these. prime concern voiced at the "Soon I think we're going to see honor so far, he said. been impressed with Spencer's Spencer said he enjoys being able Wood County Elected Officials an actual ethanol plant in our "I can't say anymore, Ask the determination and ethics. to improve the quality of life in luncheon yesterday afternooa own district." chief,' because 1 am the chief," "1 think he sets a great example the community and respects the Rep. Paul Gillmor (R], current - Gillmor also pointed to Spencer said. to all officers." he said. responsibilities his job entails ry serving his ninth term in the hydrogen as a clean possibility for dealing with a long-term MARY WILSON As chief, he oversees all divi- Still, Spencer isn't the stereo- "We're the only job that U.S. House of Representatives, Freshman. Psychology sion operations including train- typical retired military man, can take away your freedom," arrived at Sam B's Restaurant energy crisis. ing, recruiting, crime preven- Conner said. Spencer said. "That's an awe- in downtown Bowling Green "It's only byproduct is water, "I think birth control tion and accreditation. He also He's made cherry pie and some responsibility." to meet with office holders in which isn't harmful." he said. Former Police Chief Tom Ohio's fifth district and lead a And although he does not is needed, but I don't represents the city police on pheasant for Conner and his wife local committees and at com- when they've visited his home. Votava. who served in the position discussion about their most favor it as a long-term strategy, believe in abortion." munity gatherings. "He's a very good cook," fromApril 1997 until luly 2, said he recent issues. Gillmor said he still supports | Pag.4 Mayor lohn Quinn, who Conner said. hag tOOl confidence in Spencer's Gillmor began the meeting by "additional drilling" for oil in appointed Spencer to the posi- But life as a police officer hasn't ability to lead the BGPD summarizing some of the leg- sites like the Arctic National tion, said he's happy with the way always been easy for Spencer. "I think he's going to do an islation he helped to pass dur- Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) the new chief leads the division. "To me the hardest thing a excellent job for the community," ing the 109th Congress session, region until a more reliable, "His temperament is excellent police officer has to do is death Votavasaid. including the Energy Policy Act renewable energy source for being a police chief," Quinn notification, especially for a young And Jim Wegan, BGSU's chief which Gillmor called "the first is discovered. TODAY said. "He can be friendly and person," he said. of police, said the mayor made major energy crverhaul in thirty But locally, Wood County A.M. Showers understanding but tough when During his career, he said the correct decision when he years in this country." commissioner Tim Brown said High: 77. Low: 60 he needs to be tough." he's made roughly 10 to 15 chose Spencer as the new city This legislation has already Bowling Green has already Deputy chief Brad Conner death notifications.
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