Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 25 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 28. Januar – 10. Februar 2008 1. Barak bleibt in der Koalition A responsible adult "When making the decision on whether to fulfill his Nach der Veröffentlichung des endgültigen miserable Labor primaries promise to Ophir Pines to Winograd-Berichtes am 30.01.08 über Verfehlungen quit the government or to act on what he views as der politischen Führung im Libanonkrieg im Sommer his commitment and responsibility to the country, 2006 gab es Spekulationen bezüglich der Reaktion Pines apparently came in second place, what can des Verteidigungsministers Ehud Barak. Der we do. […] Vorsitzende der Arbeitspartei hatte im Mai des Barak is not ignoring the harsh report, [his] vergangen Jahres angekündigt, aus der Re- associates said, he believes the report has complex gierungskoalition auszutreten und Neuwahlen zu implications and conclusions and he will address veranlassen, sollte die Winograd-Kommission ein them when the time comes – yet he too realizes that harsches Urteil über Premierminster Olmert fällen. what Israel’s leadership needs at this time is a Obwohl der Bericht sehr kritisch ausfiel, entschied responsible adult. […] sich Barak jedoch entgegen dieser Ankündigung Some claim that from now on Barak will keep Olmert dafür, in der Koalition zu verbleiben – keine on a short leash. The possibility that Barak would Überraschung angesichts von Umfragewerten, die bring the elections forward would be a constant der Arbeitspartei im Falle von Neuwahlen keine threat on the prime minister and thus he will become großen Chancen einräumen. Andererseits machte a hostage of his most senior minister. This may be Barak die Kluft zwischen sich und Olmert deutlich, so. indem er der Parlamentsrede Olmerts, in der dieser Yet Barak won’t have it easy either: As of this zum Winograd-Bericht Stellung nahm, fernblieb und morning, he is facing a group of Knesset members sie dennoch scharf kritisierte. from his own party who took upon itself the mission of embittering the life of the Olmert government. The man who saved Olmert This “rebel group” pledges to vote against the "Maybe it would have been cleaner, from a national coalition on all issues." point of view, for Barak to announce a Labor Sima Kadmon, JED 04.02.08 walkout. [...] Olmert and Barak speak the same language […]. Either in or out Both have the same interest in blocking Bibi "Barak's choice does no honor to him and shames [Netanyahu] and the right as the tone-setters, the the Labor Party. Although the Israeli public is ones who are determined to hold back political already indifferent to broken promises and empty moves toward peace. […] declarations, when the head of the second largest To push the country into elections now would be and second most important party exploits the suicide, especially when a Labor victory is not in his convenient advantage of remaining in the pocket. The good of the country, getting the army government, he holds that same government back on its feet and making diplomatic headway are hostage to his career. more important than a promise made under different There is no chance the government can be decisive circumstances – all the more so, when there are no and act. Even if the considerations for staying that fabulous alternatives lining up that would make he presented are reasonable, he cannot continue to going to the polls worthwhile." sit in the government in the second most important Yoel Marcus, HAA 05.02.08. position and further undermine the fragile trust between him and Olmert. 1 If Barak believes that Olmert is not worthy of We need a fence continuing to head the government, and is interested "Even terror groups were confused yesterday. So in replacing him, he must resign and run at the head many terrorists crossed from Gaza into the Sinai of his party in elections. If he has chosen to stay he and are all over the place that their masters don’t is signaling that he has confidence in Olmert." even know who is out there and where. […] If HAA 06.02.08 Hamas’ claim that the bombing came out of Hebron is indeed correct, this is yet another proof that we Power and Politics: The catharsis Israel needs must not rest on our laurels in Judea and Samaria "Plainly, Barak hasn't changed. He's still impulsive and we must not wait for the Palestinian Authority to and full of himself. He is not the antidote to our handle security problems. Hamas is alive and leadership problem. Bottom line? Olmert must go. kicking in the West Bank as well, and the Shin Bet Yet Barak is not the guy to replace him. And polls and IDF must cut it down on a daily basis. show he would not. " Monday’s terror attack is also a reminder, to those Elliot Jager, JPO 06.02.08 who forgot already, that the security fence south of Hebron – which was supposed to be completed two Die Glaubwürdigkeit ist wichtiger als die years ago – only exists on paper. The road leading Stabilität from the Mount Hebron area to the southern Negev „Barak signalisiert auf jede mögliche Art, dass seiner desert is completely breached. […] Meinung nach Olmert die Verantwortung Our own familiarity with ourselves makes us think übernehmen und zurücktreten muss. Auf jede that a fence will not be built either here or there. In a mögliche Art, außer der direkten und aufrichtigen day or two, the terror attack in Dimona will be Art. […] Es gibt nur eine Möglichkeit für Ehud Barak forgotten, and we will continue to hear pompous in der Regierung zu bleiben und trotzdem ein speeches and firm decisions regarding the need for gewisses Maß an Glaubwürdigkeit zu bewahren: a fence – until the next attack comes around." Innerhalb weniger Tage mit den Parteiführungen der Alex Fishman, Roni Shaked, JED 05.02.08 drei Großparteien eine Übereinkunft bezüglich eines Termins für Neuwahlen zu erreichen.“ Common to Dimona and Cairo HZO 06.02.08 "However, breached border crossings between Egypt and Israel do not in themselves cause terror 2. Selbstmordanschlag in Dimona attacks. After years of imprisonment in a crowded strip of land, without opportunities for earning a Am 4. Februar ereignete sich in der südisraelischen living or studying, someone on the Egyptian side - or Stadt Dimona das erste Selbstmordattentat in Israel the Israeli side - should at least have guessed, not seit über einem Jahr. Dabei wurden eine israelische to say known, that a thick fence would not contain Frau sowie die beiden Attentäter getötet und viele the frustration and anger that have accumulated. Menschen verletzt. Zunächst übernahmen Each time more economic or political pressure has verschiedene palästinensische Gruppierungen die been applied to the Gaza Strip, the pressure on the Verantwortung für den Anschlag, und es gab fence has grown, until it collapsed. […] Spekulationen darüber, ob die Attentäter nach der The two countries […] must decide together on Öffnung der Grenze zwischen dem Gazastreifen building a fence along their border. […] und Ägypten über die Sinai-Halbinsel nach Israel Insofar as this is necessary, it would not be eingedrungen waren. Schließlich bekannte sich superfluous to consider deploying additional jedoch die radikalislamische Organisation Hamas zu Egyptian troops and special equipment along the den Attentätern, die aus Hebron im Westjordanland border, even if to some extent this violates the gekommen seien. Auch von den israelischen peace treaty, which severely restricts the number of Sicherheitsbehörden wurde dies angedeutet. In der Egyptian military units in Sinai and their equipment. Öffentlichkeit wurde indes der Ruf nach weiteren Times of emergency sometimes demand emergency Grenzanlagen und Zäunen laut – sowohl an der steps, and the current threat of terror demands more Grenze zu Ägypten als auch im Westjordanland, wo courageous cooperation with Egypt." es noch Lücken in der bestehenden Sperranlage HAA 05.02.08 gibt. 2 Seal the borders 3. Umgang mit Gaza "Accordingly, the urgent task is both for Israel to complete the missing sections of the West Bank Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb eines Monats security fence and seal its border with Egypt and, intensivierten sich die gewalttätigen Auseinander- critically too, for Egypt to seal its border with Gaza. setzungen zwischen israelischen Streitkräften und We cannot go back to the status quo ante, where militanten Gruppen im Gazastreifen. Nach dem weapons and money flowed into and terrorists Selbstmordanschlag am 04.02., für den die Hamas flowed into and out of Gaza courtesy of Egypt's blind sich verantwortlich bekannte, nahm die israelische eye. […] Armee begrenzte Bodenoffensiven vor, bei denen Further, Israel should actually do what Egypt sowohl palästinensische Militante als auch Zivilisten anyway accuses Israel of doing: press the US to getötet wurden. Gleichzeitig verstärkte sich der treat Egypt like Syria so long as Cairo acts like Beschuss durch Kassamraketen auf die Grenz- Damascus. […] Just as allowing Hizbullah to build gebiete des Gazastreifens, durch den israelische up for six years led to war in the North, what Egypt Zivilisten verletzt wurden. Am 08.02. kündigte is failing to do now will lead to war in the South. Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak daraufhin an, die Rather than wait for this war, and for the Winograd- militärischen Maßnahmen auszuweiten, sollte der style committee that will follow it, the time to cut Raketenbeschuss kein Ende nehmen. Hamas's weapons lifeline is now." Angesichts der Spekulationen über eine baldige Uzi Dayan, JPO 05.02.08 ausgeweitete Bodenoffensive wurde in den Medien diskutiert, mit welchen Strategien im Gazastreifen Terror won't defeat us vorzugehen sei. "The evil members of Islamic fundamentalism, you, the men of terror – you should know that you will not Siege doesn’t work defeat us. You will not defeat Dimona, our town, you “The growing siege imposed by Israel on Gaza must will not defeat the State of Israel, and you will not be weighed in line with its ability to bring more defeat our aspiration for peace.
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