Oe (Bo(),Kb,AriJ,\\D fP'r-r'rt,1r' Moxstc,),.;.)irRctgr.rt i T. RtrcHlE Rectorof St.Patrick's Cathedral, New York City I BY L(J(]Y (;oRDAN h th. dt.hlkrct(.. Th. Edit|r Rilchie. r New ,-far H"t,s' t h't\hdJ t ' t'\, t,t'r Monsi!nor Robcrl tn\tti' \i|h th nnhJr,& Yorkerhorn Nnd bred. $$ rtpointcd by , "l I Cr inrl Ed*ard Egan ro b. re(r('rol Ihr dt\hhifint)\ t,l Nt\ hrA ltd\t 1,.0 Sl. Pulri.k \ Crlhcdml in l{)()6. I?dtut\ ol tht A,|qk\u h,(,tunhtutul Nloosignoa $h€n did rou firsl .lt)k to1tul/nttar.\t)l thr Srt.rttot t,l senseYour tocation? Ptt.t Ar indl francis Sp. nan MscR.R(rn,Rr T RrT('lrrr':A Inr1- tll).191967) rur u 1k,t( t'(tsorul l) lr dilior recountslhrl ul rlc hc I Irittl ol (ttu! Enricn Caleazzi. k wirsc()ssin! r widc nreelrn northcrn I lotn ltk! all\)tt l'i|\ Xll. lhitn- Mrnh tlunBilh ! cousinol nry n]('lh_ l L,tn t) 11^ rtrtkl lrti,ry Ih( Iur! er. Thelt $Nsx l)oliccollrccr on the .l tht S...nltl]t,l WD: comcr. Bohb). shc lskcd. in) )ou lh. tuMdn Ctth.lir tj1trlit\'r!,tl s.rnl lo hc r (otj when)'oLr gn)w upl' ,!r! ti,r{.dr./x,v{! n,k. Bn,t\ drl ''No.r fricn. lrn\\tcrcd $rlhoulhc\ Rklntu,rl(drttk\ n N!\ li,k(it\'. d\ ilrrion. Wlir I dorr'lkrro$. hul l v. \(ll r! I) Ot\ut!.. httndrt. nc!er \ullcrLrl douhl\ uhoul rrr) Rd llutul. Sull^dn.Iiln.t: aklwr!(h choicc.lli)und oLrlin scrlrinrryth!l (vrf (i)rrrn,r i,r N.r li,tk Skn( Ilkr. nry I lhef \ hrorhcr.lin who l nr nlnrcd,hrd wrnt{d lo hc r pncsl.htrl tht lit\t Rorkrt(\ttht,l ( h nh ul dicdol cnncc!rl rsc 17. Nrf ii,,{ ( r/\ \d\ St. I'tlrt \ jtt Wcnj ]0ur prrtnls happt? ,ltt\ stk Anwt! t1\ tr'lulut wr^ltit Ms(iR.Rrr(1rrr,: lrrr surcn't l"n) h.crr: t)(^ r.,. sdintl:li:drlh A n &k\t Anrcric n |norher$('uld hr\L ttl \ur',tllt I'kD1 hu\!||t shcdicd whcn I $rs ninc lU! S(oltish_ (rt At'il N. lt\t) It01\Sk rulvl Anrcricn lirlhcrrtn rlcd: n') srcll- llt tinn k, tltu \|th^ tl d,t unhli,tr\.. rry,lheropposcd u) locrlion I wr$-l At 1turto( titr. tlk lit\\,!( ol I'ltilkn l rllowcd n) n'cnlur rl r herplcscD.c (|.1 MonsignorSiichie on lho sleps oi Sl.Pal cks; Vru wrrr still in stn|inurt rhen t)hi . Lotk,t Bdrl.\tort lK'l) N.\ Monsqnor Bitchis with Pop6 B6n€dicl XVl, with Edwad hr-Ann t R\n.l. situr tht.littt q)t)t'itr CadinalEganandwlh Archbishop 0oan yor startcd lraching ard halc bten ilhilq kr ktilln"t lklt lt( inrohed with rdu(.rtion rltr sintt ls k, n Nat'rlt\"rit hl ktl.. l-,: Kohlt,un ieachinglhc kith ]our t{'p pri"rity? \r^ tl't)t)ittu\l&l i|i\tntor H. \d\ il I'ls(iRRfr$r,: Ah!)lulcl) ln Arrr. \ttrto ul ijt tr3. latt th. dnhlit\(tl cricr. cspeeilll- nor,,.pricsl\. bishot\. shnd drtl t),!l|.iit( l , tu'tuk.\ (itlhkhtl olhcr le. cN ol lhc ChLrrch,nusl k) h. l)itil1 nr MLtltuua Stt!!t. up lijr $h l wc bclievein Somcrrmcs A?r,ry th( dillrtltk\ l&kl lJ\ $cie c:rrcgorircdrs only suppofl'n! Cdlhtl \ nt k tiN w6 dnti (dlhrlil nrffoN-nrndcd\crLlal elhrcs. )el lhe /)rtdt1: ,1 nnrrr Ntt^l\t rr\(nrun tclchingsol rhc Churchconccntrulc on !\tuht kt Atttr (41holn\ n ol th( helpingthe le\s lbrlunrtetimong us. as t.rr1t\ drl to trk\(nt thostdl!?ath When do you feel nosl fulfilled t)t"s.r1fR,n !1tu|t itry. a pri€sl? puhrt:prcrch_ ln 2001.tht Ottltol t.t)tluttrrt t,l MscR.Rrrcruh: In u tlP tkltlit\t\t \']t.t little rtt 2.5 ing s a linm oftcaching.My two prnslr- vrtll h\ 922 u\hlid?sdr c\ hrd clcry d.ty | $a\ in !r "tillidt $ \ Nhtrls yi(is Inl9l3 t)ti(!!\ ol r?liqit,t! ol lcNstone school.Educalion l?rs. Alt. L /,ntr in th? lr,!ft \ur N high prl(nit] lbr me pu(or. Bein-! \ is (heiirsl line in J59 t)crrmknt rkdtlrt\. 1.19t,?l i tut \ rcc()r ol Sr Palrick b h.t\, nl l.153nunr In 1959.Ilkrt m) pric\thoodlhal I don t ha\e childrcn r!ft 7.9ll tun: tnrl:i'k^ uiri{4u1! n) cducx(eThi\ thc onlv dra$hacl'Ior ror rxr vN|trl ed Slates.Is this so? Wbsl wss tbe difference betwes your MscR.RrrcHrt: Archbishop Dolan calls Iro p8rhhes? St. Patricls America\ parishchurch. l MscR. RlTcHrE:They were both active, agre€.Afte. Mlss on Sunday, people liom all mainlyHispanic parishes. St. Catherineof overtheUnited States lellme how much they Genoa.where asassistant paslor fint andlhen paslorI servedlbr28 years,was a muchpoor' Cardinal ChristophScho€nborn has erparishrhan OurLady ofAngels.which was saidonly 159.oftheVienne$ att€nd Mass prelly poorloo. St. Calherin€ofGeooa was on Sundays;Csrdinal Policarpo gav€ me a contemporaryof Christoph€r Colunbus. moreor l€ssthe s8neligures for Lhbon. bul didn t knowhim personally.An unhappily CardinalEgsn gaYe me muchhigher fig- maniednoblewoman dedicated to servingthe ur€sfor N€v Yorkr30-3590. Can you con- sick,she was one oi rhefirsl superintendenls ffrm theseffgurcs? oflhe then-larSeslhospilnl in lllly andmalbe Msck.RrrcHIErMy parishes wer€ well rt' alsoin Europe.called the Pammatone Hospi- tended,but you can r lookro thecarhedral to lirl Her huxb nd. althouBhrlso a noblemnn, formulatean accuratepercenlage beciruse sr. ParrictSPied scurprsdby wilriam people within ofihe wasr Blmbler,a druntnrd. nd a womanizer, odweyPan.d9.ln1901. veryltw live lhebounds but by her pralers and her ei(rmpleshe re- B6low,Pop6 g6n6dicl XVls limo$in6 crthedralparish. Every Sundaybelween lbrmed him. Shes one ol rhe lell mnrried afllw8 tor Ma$ al St.PatLtb Cathod€lln 12.000and 15.0m people allend Mrss here. NewYodApdl 19, 2008 womenb be canoni/-€d. lcasohdo) bu theyll rll be visilorslionr elerywhere. What is your senseof Catholichmir rc- OnChristmali D y l.rstye rweheld|0Mass lation lo Americrn cullure to&y? csi-nh pproximately25,(xx) wor\hippeN MscR. RrrcrrrrirThe inlluenceoi thc Whst is yourtypical dny likc? Churchin NewYorkCity is lefy visiblein thc MK;R.RrrcHrE: My dry beginslboul5:.10 universll dccephnceand enthusiasmior ils w,1lkmy dog.His nlme is Lexinrton rchbishop. C rdindl Eg.lnrnd rhe crfdinirls ndhc s a l:l-ye.u{tdyellow Lrbrador. Alirl bcli)rchinr. rnd no$ ArchbishopDolln, h.r!e ourw.rlk I comcinto the cathednrl ro pray:I xlsr,-shccn hiShly rcspccled clen by non- usnrllycelebr le the7:10 lt'l,rss. Then allcr ( rrholic:.ln the in cr cily.lhe inlluenceof bre.rl|rsrI Bo bthcolficc. Ihalerhruce-mail lhc Crlholie ( hurehis nrorc inrporlrntrhan uccolnls,$ knsol m il Andphone messages any olhlr instituri(lt)creclt li,r rhc lovcrn to unswerIhclp oul nl lh€ noon, 12:30 nd ment.A pilldr to lhc lilr ol thc eily. we uon- lln dailyMasse$ In thealiernoon l nr b cl ldbuteto rhecit) s poor pro!idc s'lid edncr- in lhe oli'ice.In (heeveninS, I axend mccl rion,herlrhcure und other s)cial serlices. ings.i!ndfrisers. prfi$h dinners, and leclurcs. Whrt aboutthe controversyover the You'rea Knightof the Holy Sepulcher closingof m.ny Cstholicschools by Crrdi- rod magistralchaplain lo lhe Ordet of nal E83n? Malh. Wlat ar€your duti€s? Ms(jR.Rrr(]flr,: Recently lhe nu rberof MsriR.RlrcHrt: l m oneof lhechaphins schoolclosings h s beenkepl al lhe lowesl lbr theKniShts ofrhe Holy Sepulcher in thi\ possible.However. becau\e ofrecenl cconomic condilx)ns. cl{rsings archdnrcesc.The Knirhts of MalrnsAmericrn dele8alion h s a pnl wercinevitable und willcontinue io be\o. Unforlunlely.lhe cau\- gru toaccompanythc illlo Lourdes.There you seeChrislian char- es relhe rising conlr ofeductrlion and the ceilings thal must be put ily nd dedicatrcnas it shouldbe. Mrny Knightsoi Mallu.rre on wh t p r€ni\can pay lbr a Catholiceducation. erpecially \incc wealrhy,bur on fiesc pilgdmagcs rhet do all thesame menial. lir' hy lawthe govemnrent cannot assist us. The queition of vocatbns ing,heurt'rcnding tasks \ elerybodyelse. is notherdire predicament. when I w r at St.Joseph i Seminary, You'vehelped the Patrons oftheArts, rho supporlths Vati. wherePope Benedict XVI visited.I hadabout 240 tellow studentsi canMuseums. Your olrn favoritework ofarl? nowthe number is soridiculously low thal l m notevengoingiolell MscR.RrrcHrEi l\4ichelangeki\ Pirli in St.Perer's. I like all hir Pirriri youcan t losewith Michelangcb. Since 1901, we ve had a We'rcsitting in the roomwher€ Pope 8€n€dicl XVI vest€d Picr.ihere in St.Patrick s by anAmericrn sculpror named willianr beforeMass during his 20{7 visit to St.Patrick's. Do you have a OrdwayPadridSe. sp€cialm€mory of his visit? Doyou have s fatorilesaint? Mscft.RlrcHlE: When CardinalEgan inlroduced m€ to theHoly MscR.RrrcHrE: Damian the Leper.His lite storyinspired me Fatheronrhe sreps of St.Patrick s, pointinS tolhe cnrhedralhe said, tremendouslyasa boy.I wasdeeply moved by hiscanonrzanon. ''MonsignorRitchie s in chargeof all lhis, to whichI replied.No, A favorit€ church? YourHoliness, Clrdinal Egan is: Ijust runit lbr him.' MscR.RITCHIE: Tokeep my molhersmemory alile, he[ molhel Joc Zllilling, the pressse.relary of the archdioceseof New usedro bringmy brolhenand me 10 51.

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