YEAR BOOK of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1924 /a (Recons6,,_, Published by the REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION • TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the II. S A. Denominational Maps and Charts are Helpful to Evangelists and Workers The Law of God Chart Printed on a good quality of cloth, and readable at a good distance. Size, 36 x 52 inches. Price, $1.50. The Law as Taught by Roman Catholics Together with some assumptions made by the Papacy in declaring its right to change the Law of God. Printed on cloth, size, 36 x 46 inches. Price, $1.25. New Prophetic Chart This chart will be found a great help in explaining the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. Contains illus- trations of the Great Image of Daniel 2, the Beasts of Daniel 7, illustrations of the Sanctuary, the Three Woes, and the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation, etc. Printed in five colors on a fine quality of muslin, and comes in two sizes : 36 x 48 inches $2.00 48 x 72 inches 3.25 Seventh-day Adventist Missionary Map of the World A new map just printed, showing the extent of our work throughout the world by indicating the location of our sani- tariums, schools, publishing houses, mission stations, and other centers of influence throughout the world. This map should be on the walls of every church, sanitarium, college, academy, and other institutions. The map is 48 x 84 inches in size, and is printed in five colors. Price, $4, postage extra. Order of your tract .society REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSN. TAROMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Prices higher in Canada. 1924 YEAR BOOK OF THE • SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums. PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. ejmjajoj•joUrjojejotsja: jojsj.jmj•jajejajojeje:mj•jejsjiamj•j• Nja:sjojEj.jsjopts THE NEW YEAR 13:9:8:8:BaCiC 'BEFORE me lies a land all unexplored ; )32E3:8:8: No foot of man has left its impress there. My path across this plain God bids me choose, And make it straight or crooked as I will. But right must be the path of those who win The approbation of their inmost hearts, And smile of an approving, all-wise God. A goal, then, I must have — a purpose firm. A chart and compass, too, I'll surely need To guide my steps across this trackless plain. Oh, then I'll make my goal a perfect life! My chart shall be God's Word ; my star, His Son! And if, perchance, I stumble here or there, If sometimes darksome clouds obscure my view, When clears my sky, I'll press my jour- ney on, Nor willing turn aside from the bright Star That points me ever toward my chosen goal — A perfect moral likeness to my God. — C. P. BOLLMAN. •jetotajeSialasjiast • 2.4•4•2.t.a. ton•setsviusigmet•t•s•s•S•Watets PREFACE THE following pages contain a directory of the Conferences and insti- tutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The territory is divided into eight division conferences, each of which has the organizations, churches, and membership indicated below: North America Union conferences 12 Local conferences 64 Mission fields 4 Total conference organizations 80 Organized churcheS 2,239 Membership of churches 104,999 Europe Union conferences and mission, 17 Local conferences. 60 Mission fields 37 Total conference organizations 114 Organized churches 1,893 Membership of churches 67,550 Far East Union organizations 11 Local conferences 2 Mission fields 41 Total conference organizations 54 Organized churches 234 Membership of churches 11,662 South America Union organizations 4 Local conferences 6 Mission fields 15 Total conference organizations 25 Organized churches 137 Membership of churches 11,124 Southern Asia Union organizations 4 Mission fields 13 Total conference organizations 17 Organized churches 51 Membership of churches 1.592 4 PREFACE Africa Union organizations 2 Local conferences 3 Mission fields 17 Total conference organizations 22 Organized churches 74 Membership of churches 4,350 Australasia Union conference 1 Local conferences 8 Mission fields 11- Total conference organizations 20 Organized churches 224 Membership of churches 8,676 Inter-America Union organizations 3 Local conferences 3 Mission fields 11 Total conference organizations 17 Organized churches 200 Membership of churches 8;222 Unattached Hawaiian Mission Organized churches 2 Membership of churches 175 Grand Totals Union organizations 54 Local conferences 146 Mission fields 150 Organized churches 5,054 Membership of churches 218,350 Number of advanced educational institutions listed 134 Number of primary schools (1922 statistical report) 1,259 Number of publishing houses and branches 51 Number of periodicals issued 154 Number of sanitariums 30 ERRATA Page 37, under West Virginia Conference, change: Sabbath School, Missionary Volunteer, and Home Missionary Secretary, Miss Nell Mead; Medical Secretary, Dr. Clara M, Schunk, Directory of the Seventh-day Ad- ventist Denomination GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 21, 1863 Territory: The following-named APPOINTED ASSISTANTS Division Conferences: North American, European, Far East- Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen. ern, South American, Southern Assistant Auditor: Claude Conard. Asian, African, Australasian, Inter-American, and the Ha- SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS waiian Mission field. Cable Address: Adventist, Wash. Publishing: N. Z. Town; Associate, ington. (A B C Code, fifth H. H. Hall; Associate for North edition.) America, W. W. Eastman. Telegraphic Address: General Con- Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora ference, Washington, D. C Plummer; Associate, J. S. (NOT Takoma Park.) James. Express and Freight Address: Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; General Conference, Takoma Associate, L. A. Hansen. Park, D. C. (Not ashington.) Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso- Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. ciate, C. W. Irwin. Postal Address: Takoma Park Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern; Station, Washington, District of Associates, H. T. Elliott and Columbia, U. S. A. Meade MacGuire. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre ; - OFFICERS Western Associate, W. F. Mar- tin. President: W. A. Spicer. Vice-Presidents: C. H. Watson, 0. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; Montgomery, L. H. Christian, Associate, E. F. Peterson. I. H. Evans, P. E. Brodersen, Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. A. W. Cormack, W. H. Branson, Campbell; Associates: German, E. E. Andross, J. E. Fulton. J. T. Boettcher; Danish-Nor- Secretary: A. G. Daniells. wegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish, Associate Secretary: C. K. Meyers. August Anderson; Miscellaneous Assistant Secretary: B. E. Bethtoe. Language Work, Western Divi- Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. sion, B. P. Hoffman; Eastern Associate Treasurer: C. H.Watson. Division, A. J. Clark. Assistant Treasurer: H. H. Cob- Negro Department: W. H. Green. ban. General Field Secretaries: L. R. OTHER MEMBERS OF THE Conradi, W. T. Knox; (North GENERAL CONFERENCE American) G. B. Thompson, R. COMMITTEE D. Quinn, F. C. Gilbert. Auditor: J. J. Ireland. North America Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Vice-President: 0. Montgomery. 5 6 GENERAL CONFERENCE Field Secretaries: G. B. Thompson, Far Eastern F. C. Gilbert, R. D. Quinn. Vice-President: I. H. Evans. PRESIDENTS OF UNION CONFER Secretary: C. C. Crisler. ENCES Treasurer: H. W. Barrows. Auditor: — Atlantic: E. K. Slade. Central: S. E. Wight. Department Secretaries: Columbia: F. H. Robbins. Publishing and Home Missionary: Eastern Canadian: C. F. McVagh. C. E. Weaks; Associate, J. J. Lake: Wm. Guthrie. Strahle. Northern: E. T. Russell. Sabbath School: Mrs. I. H. Evans. North Pacific: M. Lukens. Educational and Missionary Vol- Pacific: J. L. McElhany. unteer: S. L. Frost. Southeastern: W. H. Heckman. Medical: C. C. Landis, M. D. Southern: G. W. Wells. Union Mission Superintendents: Southwestern: M. B. Van Kirk. .Central China: 0. A. Hall. Western Canadian: A. C. Gilbert. Chosen: H. A. Oherg. East China: J. G. Gjording. Europe East Siberian: T. T. Babienco. Vice-President: L. H. Christian. Japan: V. T. Armstrong. Secretary: W. K. Ising. Malaysian: L. V. Finster. Treasurer: C. Pedersen. Manchurian: B. Petersen. Auditors: Jens Olsen, P. Brandt. North China: Frederick Lee. Field Secretaries: J. C. Raft, H. F. Philippine: S. E. Jackson. Schuberth, W. E. Read. South China: F. H. DeVinney. West China: M. C. Warren. Department Secretaries: South American Publishing: —; Associate, H. Boex. Vice-President: P. E. Brodersen. Medical: W. A. Ruble, M. D. Secretary and Treasurer: W. If Sabbath School and Missionary Williams. Volunteer: Field Secretary: J. W. Westphal. Educational: Home Missionary: E. Kotz. Department Secretaries: Publishing: E. H. Meyer. Home Missionary: A. A. Cone. Union Conference Presidents: Sabbath School: C. P. Crager. Baltic: D. N. Wall. Educational and Missionary Vol- British: J. E. Jayne. unteer: C. P. Crager. Central European: G. W. Schubert. Union Conference Presidents: Czechoslovakian: R. Rill-fling. Austral: R. T. Baer. East German: J. H. Schilling. East Brazil: F. W. Spies. Ethiopian: V. E. Toppenberg. Inca: H. U. Stevens. Latin: A. V. Olson. South Brazil: N. P. Neilsen. Polish: John Isaac. Rumanian: P. P. Paulini. Southern Asia Scandinavian: G. E. Nord. Vice-President: A. W. Cormack. West German: Paul Drinhaus. Secretary and Treasurer: A. H. Caspian: H. K. Loebsack. Williams. East Russian: B. Schmidt. Auditor: W. E. Perrin. North Russian: H. J. Loebsack. Department Secretaries: Siberian: J. Wilson. Publishing: L. C. Shepard. South Russian: K. A. Reif- Sabbath School, Home Missionary, schneider. and Missionary Volunteer: S. A. West Russian: J. A. Ljwoff. Wellman. GENERAL CONFERENCE Educational: E. M. Meleen. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Medical: H. C. 'Menke', M. D. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Union Mission Superintendents: Burma: J. Phillips. Officers: Secretary: N. Z. Town. Northeast India: H. E. Wil- Associate Secretary: H.
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