LOCAL AFFAIRS. don, end l anted onr to SharlS Bilaby M no day. They warn imliMd baton Recorder J. V. Bnowltao of tba KUeworth NATIONAL BAN ir«w ADnniwanra this w URRILL mao lot pal wart Man day craning, pleaded ELLSWORTH, ME. Fred Smith-Jereej ball for urrlM. guilty, and ware bald aa a bore lUtad. K Prank E bane fo Moor.—Baafor EHc notice—Ket Oiotn Tlrrfll. Tba watabaa wane raaoaarad. MONEY GROWS -lit Virata la D Aaattn. Adair notice—Bat Aaa Bench. L. K. Brown, of tba Maine Oeamary Co., " Mary wbni properly handled. hae an —Eat Wai W Wllaoa. Bancor, waa In Kllawortb loot Friday, Honey —Bat Bda Dearboro Jalllaoo. orer tba wttb tba rlaw of earning mine tar in exoeea ot tte Intrinsic Bnnkruput notice-Edward L Ortadle. looking rlatnlty C 0 Burrill—Hoaaaa to lot. eatabllabing a rreainery bale. Be want rains. Staawood Studio—Poat-carda. Maine Ceatral R R time-table. orar.tba rand to Blnebill, rolling on tba C W Grladal—Baeda. farmer*. He will make another ytait A Sclav BANK ACOOUNT Ma: bare thia weak to riait tba up-nver Jamoa W Oalllaon A Co—Pinal aala. Is •action. It la that a cream col- the only thing that wiU keep a strict John O Davla—Caution notice. probable 8uu.iv»n. Mi.: lecting agency will be established beta supervision over your money. The bank Charlea H Preble—Houaekeeper wanted. •oon. In tba bopa that tba bnalnem may becomes year cashier and bookkeeper, Banoon, Mn: be developed to an extent which will war- safety vault, and all this service at no ex- Boatern Traat A Rankin* Co. rant the reopening of the creamery. pense whatever to yon. Bee os to-day SCHEDULE OP MAILS. an AMATKI’R MIKMTRKL8. about opening account. We allow AT BLLSWOBTB POTTO mcl. liberal Interest on check accounts. Write In ejJVrt stay 4, 1910. flood Show by Loml Talent Uat Wed- us. 4 on per cent savings oi fl.00 or more. MAILS BBCBIVBD- aeoday KthIoi. Fbom Wear—7.18 A m; 4.M And S.0S m. ROYAL p The mlnolrel show and entertainment Pboh East—11.07 A m; 12.06, 6.66 sod 10.22 p m. at Hancock hall lent Wed neoday evening, Sunday moil: From 7.20 B m. west, under the auaptcee of the Village improve* MAIL CLOSES AT POSTOPTICB. mcnt pleaeed the large audience Ooma West—10.46, 11.90, a ml 6.SO and 0 pm. society, Ooino East—6.90 emit and A.90 p m. prevent. The entertainment with a min- TRUST OF ML Sanday mall: (loins west. 6.00 p m. opened UNION COMPANY, ELLSWORTH, Postofflce open on Sanday from 0 to 10 a m. strel (how. The curtain rooe on the circle Capital ... 9100,000 end chorae of mixed voices, and minatrel The features Oiled the first of the Surplus and Undivided Profits 72,000 Thursday club will meet to-morrow part pro- afternoon at 2 o’clock, • ith Mrs. Walter gram. Deposits 1,280,000 R. Parker. Clayton M. Ward, principal of the high school, was and the end Us pi. Newell Kane has sold the schooner interlocutor, men, the ones In the in make- Mineola to Capt. Philip who only trOope negro Treworgy, KOl'KTH OK JULY SHOOT. I he Fourth at Conducts • general banking business in both > will command her. up, were Allan and Ralph Royal, bones, Buyside. and F. C. Burrtll and Walter Scott, The arrangements (or the Foorttt of and Commercial and Mrs. John A. who has been seri- Savings departments Lord, tarnboa. Lilt of Prl«M to be Awarded-Many July celebration at Eayside grange hall ously ill for some time, is gradually fail- Shooters offers Us customers every banking facility. Those composing the chorus were Coming. are completed. Program: At 9.30, fan ten- and la now ing, very low. The program for the Fourth of July tics sack careful Meadsmea L. F. Giles, A. P. Royal, J. A. ; 10.30, 100-yard dash; 11, nee;. Liberal treatment, prompt and at- ■hoot Dr. George R. Caldwell, of Portland, Peters, H. L Crabtree, F. M. Uaynor, E. at Ellsworth, under the manage- 11J0, (at men’s race; 12, dinner in the- tention to all busineas Intrusted. waa ment of the Ellsworth In Ellsworth over Sunday, returning J, Walah, Misaes Erva Giles, Margaret gun club, includes banquet hall; at 1.30 dancing will com- ten events of a to Portland Honday night. King, Jessie Morang, Myrtle Monaghan, twenty targets each, with mence tor the alternoon; at 2.30, potato consolation shoot of John H. Leland, who has been critically Marie Hurley, Mary F. Hopkins, Marion twenty-live targets. race; 3.30, wheel-barrow race; at 6 supper- ill Thia la a registered shoot, under the The will wind with a of the State of Maine, County of Hancock, City of Ells- the past week, showed encouraging Rideout, Marguerite Drummey, Marion program np grand Depository auspices of the Inter-state Trap-shooting ball in the firms Improvement yesterday and to-day. Woodward, Ella Hawkea, Mcasrs. B. L. evening. worth, and over 5,000 individuals, corporations, partnershipeand association, and will be the big event for Harry £. and Leon E. Rowe have Potter, J. T. Roaello, P. L. Weaeott, B. E. omcaaa: pur- of on P. Frank O. W. trap-shooters Maine that day. Nine COMING EVENTS chased an automobile in Portland — a Moore, Rodira, Dunleavy, John A. Peters. President. Leonard H. Moon. Treasurer. concerns have already written that Cameron roadster of Tapley, E. W. Ellsworth, P. D. Mason, M. they Henry W. Cushman, Vico-President- Henry H. Higgins, Ain't Treasurer. twenty horsepower. will send and W, Gould, Fred Fields, Russell L Parker experts here, many of the EXECUTIVE BOARD Patrick H. Shea and Edward L Drum- beat-known amateurs of thia section have Friday evening, May 13, Society hall— O. and J. A. Cunningham. John A. Peters, A. W. King. John Whitney. may attended the State convention of the signified their intention of coming. Dancing school and extra. L. A. H. W. Cushman. M. Oallart. The chorus ainging and specialties were Emery. Knlghta of Columbus at Biddetord Tues- The first for amateur for excellent, and the liberal applause by the prise high gun Satnrday evening, May 14, at Society day. the entire of 300 birds ia a dance. The Oonstaust Growth of this Bank Is EvMonoo of the appreciative audience was responded to in program cup hall- Social Charles I. Staples ai rived home valued at $20, and the second prise a Esteem in whleh K Is Hold by tho Public. yester- every instance by one or more encores. Friday, Jane 17, at Hanoock hall—Ella- day from Bangor with hla now auto- leather valued at Little Elleneen Doyle, in her songs, was traveling bag $12. worth high aohool commencement exer- mobile—a Ford tour- Other prises will be awarded on the twenty-horsepower the popular favorite. cises at 2 p. m.; graduating class play and ing ear. second hundred birds, which will be a ball in the The second part waa composed of spec- evening. handicap baaed on the scores in the first COUNTY. Dr. Harry C. Mason has closed hla ialties, opening with a Chinese love song, | hundred. The prises are aa follows: of River- dental office here, and will go to Old in costume, followed by the “Dance of j Wednesday, May 18-Meeting First, ailver cup, value $10; Ther- view Local Union with Lamoine society. Town, where he has bought ont an estab- the Fairies”, and lantern and Maypole second, mos value ailk Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24 and 2&. lished office. were bottle, $7; third, umbrella, drills, which very pretty. — Hancock W. C. T. U. convention, value |8; fourth, 30th century fishing county A Bank of Mrs. Wellington Haslam and The entertainment reflected great credit at Southwest Harbor. Deposit—For You daughter value fifth, not on the but also on the rod, |5; safety pocket axe, STATK. ■ Alice are visiting in Lowell. Mr. only performers, Hein* legal depository (or guardians, holders ol trust (unde, Haslam, value, $3; sixth, hunting knife and case, who accompanied them to Boston, returned committee in charge, which was composed Wednesday, June 28, 10 a. m., at city executors, administrators end assignees, this institution value $2.50; seventh, game picture, value State conven- home last week. Of Mrs. F. M. Geynor, Mrs. E. J. Walsh, hall, Augusts—Republican solicits accounts from these sources. Our bank is and value tion. especially Mrs. H. E. Davis and $2.60; eight, compass fob, $2.25; L. Crabtree and Mrs. J. A. Peters, conveniently located; our management conservative; our Hsrry wife and F. S. ninth, compass. There will be a special Crabtree leave Mrs. F. C. Burrill. The accompanists, proffered protection as it our the last of this week for a prise for gun in the consolation ample, Including, does, (175,000 who furnished excellent music for the en- high j atrtjrrtiwvnnttt. capital end and We Invite YOUK camping-out fishing trip at Donnell’a shoot. (435,140.57 surplus profits. and also for the dance which Franklin. tertainment request for details. pond, Shooting will begin at 9 a. m. Visitors followed, were Albert Hopkins, pianist, May B. who is ss arriving by later trains will be allowed to Friend, employed and Max G. Simbollek, violinist, both of Eastern Trust & Co„ nurse in St. Vincent New ■hoot up. Banking hospital, York _ BANOOR. n AINE Breaches Is Old Tesra sad Bangor. POST CARDS Machlaa. city, is spending a short vacation her Following is the program: Relief Corps Entertains.
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