AUSTRALIAN SPELEOlOGiCAl I FEDERATION NUMBER flfTY- TWO JUNf 1971 I • ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Metnbers _ • • . • .' He: UNSWSS MEMBER Non-members . .... $1 FIGHTS B.H.P! Single copies ..... SOc __ "-.JiIo __-·_DIIIf ......-. __ a ---------------- ASF NEWSLETTER published quarterly by the AUSTRAl...(AN SPEL..EOI..!lGICAL FEDERATION Editor: JOHN R. DUNKLEY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS preddent ELERY HAMILTON-SMITH P.O. Box 36, Carlton South, Victoria )05) vic:a-pr,!".ident ANDREW SPATE c/o P.O. Box 1482, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601 .""rBUry MILES PIERCE 1/72 Best Stre.t, North Fit~roy, Victoria )068 alsi"tant-s"creeary AILSA HARPER 5/28 Cumming Street, West Brunswick, Victoria 3055 tr ••• urer JOHN TAYLOR 7 Orang. Grove, North !,.,enclon, Victoria 3041 CONVENORS OF COMMISSIONS bibliography GREGORY MIDDLETON 89 William Edwar~ Street, Lcngueville, N.S.W. ~066 biological SLZRY HAMILTON-SMITH P.O. Box 36, Carlton South, Victoria 3053 C{lVII ..afety LWYD ROBINSON 167 Mount ~iera ROad, Mount Keira. N.S.W. 2500 speleo ha.ndbook PETER MATTHEWS 66 Frogmore Cr•• cent, Park Orchards, Victoria 3114 international relation. ELgRY HAMILTON-SMITH P.O. Box 36. Carlton South. Victoria 3053 and JOHN DUNKLEY 2~/53 Alice Street. Wiley Park. N.S.W. 2195 library SANDRA HALBERT e Panorama Road. Lane Cove, N.S.W. 2066 longeBt and d ••past caVe .. ROSS ELLIS 52 Bundock Street. Randwick, N.S.W. 2031 newsletter JOHN DUNKLEY 22/53 Alice Street. Wiley Park. N.S.W. 2195 CONVENORS OF AD HOC COMMITTEES cave dOOWllane"tion PETER MATTHEWS 66 Frogmore Crescent. Park OrchardS, Victoria 3114 o;ode of ethic. HENRY SBANNON 44 McCaul Street, Taringa, ~eenaland 4066 conllervation ANDHEIJ SPATE c/o P.O. Box 1482. Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601 memberahip "tructura BENJAMIN NURSE 1/69 Ithaca Road. 811~abeth Bay. N.S.W. 2011 .=vav standards EDWARD ANDERSON School of Surveying. University of N.S.W •• KenSington 2033 terminology JOSEPH JENNINGS Research School of Pacific Studiea. A.N.U •• Canberra 2600 CONVENORS OF STATE LIASON COUNCILS new ltOuth wale. IAN WOOD 1 Leichardt Avenue. Glebe Point, N.S.W. 2037 COMMITTEE MEMBERS CANBERRA SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 530, Canberra 2600 nue""" NATIONAL UNIVERSITY CAVING CLUB c/o Sports union. Australian National University, Canberra 2600 ,,"'0 BLUE MOUNTAINS SPELEOLOGICAL CLVB P.O. Box 37. Glenbrook. N.s.W. 2773 ho, HIGHLAND CAVING GROUP P.O. Box 154, Liverpool. N.S.W. 2170 iBa ILLAWARfIA SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 94, Unanderra. N.s.W. 2526 ". ~EY SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 4 Albert street, ~mpsey, N.S.W. 2440 m" ~'TROPOLITAN SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 8120, St. Jame •• N.S.W. 2000 NEWCASTLE SPELEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 86. Broadmeadow, N.S.W. 2292 nus","" NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 4, Tighes Hill, N.S.W. 2297 ntss NORTHERN TABLEl.ANDS SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 376. Inverell N.S.W. 2360 ORANGE SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 752. Orang'" N.S.W. 2BOO ""." SYDNEY SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 19B, Broadway. N.S.W. 2007 9U9. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Box 35, The union, Univ. of Sydney. N.S.W. 2006 unSW"" UNIViiRSTIY OF N.S.fI. SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY BoX 17. The Union. UniverSity of N.S.W •• K.neington 2033 cqSl CENTRAL QIJlfENSLAND SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 4 Lennox street, Rockhampton, Que.nsl~d 4700 uqlls UNIVERSITY OF QIJEENSLAND SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Union, University of St. Lucia 4067 "egsa CAVE eXPLORATION GROUP (SOIJTH AUSTRALIA) S01.1th A1.1stralian Mueea.. North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 '0' SOIJ'l'HERN CAVING SOCIETY P.O. Box 121, Hoonah, Tasmania 7009. '00 TABMANIAN CAVERNEERING CLUB G.p.a. Box 641G. Hobart, Tasmania 700l YO. VICTORIAN SPELEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION G.P.O. Box 5425cc. Melbourn •• Victoria )001 .... WESTERlI AUSTRALIAN SPELEOLOGICAL GROUP G.P.O. BOX s1349. Pertch, Wesrern Auatral1a 6001 To expedite del1very, please address correspondence to the approprfate officer, as listed above. PLEASE FORWARO A.S.F. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MEMBERSHIP ADDRESS LISTS TO THE TREASURER. A MEMBERSHIP AODRESS LIST AND ALL ADDRESS CHANGES SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO: Ian Wood, 1 Leichardt Avenue, Glebe Point, N.S.W., 2037 The address of the Federation is: AUSTRALIAN SPELEOLOGICAL FEDERATION. P.O. Bin ~88. BroadJ.Ja.lI. N.S.fI., 200?, AustJoa'/.ia. This address is intended for external use only and shouliJ not be used for internal ASF business. l&t.rch 1971 · CONTENTS number fifty - two Editorials • • • 1 OBITUARY -. Ernest Maddock • 2 CCNSERVATION ACTION - Buchan (edited from "Nargunn) Nicholas White 2 COllA'IT TTEE on SURVEY STANDARDS' • Edward G. Anderson 3 CONSERVATION and BUNGONlA • \'{arock Counsell 4 SPELEOS SEEN - On the Speleo Scene No. 4 Alan Hill by Alan Lo Hill 10 CAVES OF AUSTRALIJ< No. 2 Mulla..t:rullang Cove Alan Lo Hill • 11 A.S.P. EXIT TRIP 1971 . (slightly edited from "Nargun" 3 (9 ) , 8-17 • Peter ~tthews 14 cmmilTTEE ON TElWINOLOOY JoN. Jennings 18 COA;).lISSION ON LO~GEST AND DEEPEST CAVES Ross Ellis 19 DOWN UNDER ALL OVER - News from around the Societies 23 - Area ,Reports 25 edi ting & typing - John Dunkley duplicating _ Ian Wood headings &: cover ?la tes - Andrew Pavey addressing, collating &: stuffing - members of UNSWSS & SUSS corre.opondents: Kevin Kierrun (SCS/TCC), .Andrew' J. Pavey (UNSWSS) Newsletters received with thanks frc~ : BMBe, HOG, ISS, KSS, NUSS, SSS, SWSS, UNSWSS, CQSS!p UQSS, COOSA, TeC, VSA. Members offering- pasi tive assistance in this issue : CIDSA, ROO, SSS, russ, YSA, UNSWSS Encouragement above and beyond call of duty Albert Goede (TOe), Henry Shannon (UQSS) , Greg hlddleton (SSS), Kevin Kiernan (SCS/TCC) Number Pifty Two June 1971 A.SP NEWSLETTER AUSTRALIAN SPELEOI..OO-ICAL Q • FEDERATION E D ITO R I A' L S • • • • • II' ~r,y time I finish a newsletter The A.S.F. currently has some 14 I swear it will be the last one, Commissions and ad hoc Committees for it is a bastard of a job, working on improving."the already presentlY demanding about 2 high standard of Australian hours per page to solicit speleology. I have remarked material, edit and type it. more than once before that this Procrastination of production is country has an extremely high propagated by lack of a type­ reputation for speleology on the writer, and as the nominal issue professio:'al plane overseas. date passes, model resignations Our general caving standards are are mentally conjured and tele­ also equal to the best in the pathed to the President. But world, ,while in some aspects - then an encouraging letter arrives conservation and surveying spring from an Albert Goede or a Henry to mind - we can probably teach ShH.nnon. or an article from a more than learn. The Convenors Ross Ellis, who knows the of the Commissions and Committees affliction, or a Kevin Kiernan, do a time consuming job. They who should • • • deserve your fullest support. • • • and the A.S.F. Newsletter lives another issue! In May I spent a profitable day The 1970 Conference of the A.S.P. a t the Mining Wardens Court in in Hobart must be regarded as a Sydney, listening to the great major turning point in Australian Bungonia case. It was historical speleology, after the somnolence litigation; for the first time of the late sixties. The high ever the "public interest" was standard of proceedings and the being proffered in objection to unqualified smashing success of a mining lease application. the field trips were an eye opener Australian speleology can be proud even to veterans. At least 3 that it has members like Warwick horizontal and nearly 1 vertical Cowsell (UNSWSS) who are prepared mile of caves were discovered. to take on the largest business If you weren't one of the record firm in this country, one which 116 on the scene, the new Golden loudly trumpets its concern for .Age is passing you by, kid. In the environment it helps destroy. the meantime, have a vicarious The full, unbiased, first hand helping of Exit Cave within. report within • And start planning for 1972 • • • • • 2 ASP NEWSLETTER ~ber 52 OBITUARY - ERN MADDOCK ._.. __ ~e Cave Exploration Group (South. Australia) regrets to report the death 'of' Ernie Maddock, President of COOSA, on 28th June, 1971, after a short illness. Ernie held a senior position with the South Australia Tourist Burea1.1, special~ ising in management of Reserves and Pleasure Resorts, with a particular interest in the Naracoorte Caves Reserve. A bond was developed in the last ,few years, ·betwe~n Ernie and+CEGSA'that led to' a veritable explosion of cave discovery in the area under his help and incentive. , , .. His work with the Tourist Bureau led in turn to massive develop~ent- work in the establis~ent of better facilities there, including a roadside museum ~ a section of the Fossil extension of the Viotoria Cave being opened to the public - land extensions to the Reserve itself, and the establishment of a wildlifeReserve there, to name but some. Ernie could only be described as a practical human conservationist who held a sensible feeling for t?e earth and its people. His loss will be felt by many and the Nt::r!'v~oorte Caves Reserve stands as too humble a memorial to contain the. aE'! of this good man. - A.L.Bill, 3/7/71 CONSERVATION ACT tON EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES LICENCE CLAIM NO. 527 AT BUCHAN BY NICK WHITE VSA This application was lodged on January 13, 1971. VSA formally objected to the application on the basis of the caves within the boundary and is at present negot..­ iating with both the Mines Department of Victoria and Altarama Minerals with a view to conserving the major caves involved .
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