06.07.2018 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST SUPPLEMENTARY LIST FOR TODAY IN CONTINUATION OF THE ADVANCE LIST ALREADY CIRCULATED. THE WEBSITE OF DELHI HIGH COURT IS www.delhihighcourt.nic.in INDEX PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS -----------------> 01 TO 01 REGULAR MATTERS ----------------------------> 01 TO 85 FINAL MATTERS (ORIGINAL SIDE) --------------> 01 TO 07 ADVANCE LIST -------------------------------> 01 TO 168 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)---------> 169 TO 193 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST-MID)---------> 194 TO 217 ORIGINAL SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY I)-------------> 218 TO 224 COMPANY ------------------------------------> 225 TO 226 SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY -----------------------> 227 TO 243 THIRD SUPPLEMENTARY -----------------------> 244 TO MEDIATION CAUSE LIST -----------------------> 01 TO 04 PRE LOK ADALAT LIST ------------------------> 01 TO 01 NOTES 1. Mentioning of urgent matters will be before Hon'ble DB-I at 10.30 A.M.. SEATING ARRANGEMENT(SPECIAL BENCH MATTERS) 1. Hon'ble Mr. Justice I.S.Mehta will hear Single bench matters listed before his Lordship in Court No.36. 2. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vinod Goel will hear Single bench matters listed before his Lordship in Court No.2. 3. Hon'ble Ms. Justice Rekha Palli will hear Single bench matters listed before her Lordship in Court No.4. 4. Hon'ble Mr. Justice C.Hari Shankar will hear Single bench matters listed before his Lordship at 2.15 p.m. sharp in Court No.16. DELETIONS 1. W.P.(C) 7063/2016 listed before Hon'ble DB-II at item No.12 is deleted as the same is listed before Hon'ble DB-III. 2. BAIL APPL. 1368/2018 listed before Hon'ble Ms. Justice Mukta Gupta at item No.4 is deleted as the same is a decided matter. 3. W.P.(C) 6200/2002 listed before Hon'ble Ms. Justice Pratibha Rani at item No.4 is deleted as the same is listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vinod Goel. 4. RFA 949/2016 listed before Sh. P.K.Uppal, Registrar at item No.5 is deleted as the same is listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Valmiki J. Mehta. CORRIGENDUM 1. RSA 146/2005 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw may be read as under: 4. RSA 146/2005 GUARI SHANKAR MOHIT KHANNA,AJIT PRASAD Vs. RAKESH KUMAR & ORS. AGGARWAL,RAM SINGH SONI,D.K.RUSTAGI,RS SONI,RUPESH KUMAR,PANKAJ VIVEK,PRADEEP KUMAR DWIVEDI STANDING/NOMINATED COUNSEL 1. NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL COUNSEL MR. SUNDER KHATRI,ADV. (NDMC) GF 124 & 113 WORLD TRADE CENTRE BABAR TOAD, LALIT HOTEL CANNAUGHT PLACE NEW DELHI-110001 MOB: 9810187449 2. SOUTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION GARIMA PRASHAD,ADV. [SDMC] B-10, GREEN PARK EXTENSION NEW DELHI-110016 PH. 011-46082590,9810717325 9871819353, 8826219037 E-mail: [email protected] 3. IFCI FACTORS LTD. MR. ANUPAM SRIVASTAVA,ADV THE CHAMBERS OF LAW D-26, SOUTH EXTENSION PART-II NEW DELHI-110049 MOB. 9811032151, 011-41656144 BOARD: 011-41613200,46040800 E-mail: [email protected] As approved by Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.Ravindra Bhat,Judge High Court of Delhi and Chairman, DHCLSC, National Lok Adalat is to be held on 14.07.2018( SECOND SATURDAY) at High Court of Delhi for the pending cases under following category:- 1. Criminal Compoundable Offence 2. NI Act cases under Section 138; 3. Bank Recovery cases; 4. MACT cases; 5. Labour disputes cases; 6. Electricity and Water Bills[excluding non-compoundable] 7. Matrimonial disputes; 8. Land Acquisition cases; 9. Services matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits; 10. Revenue cases; 11. Other civil cases(rent, easmentary rights, injunction suits, specific performance suits) etc; To facilitate settlements, the committee will conduct pre-Lok Adalat sittings on all working days w.e.f.26.04.2018 to 01.06.2018 and from 02.07.2018 to 11.07.2018. The parties and their Advocates, who want their pending matter to be referred for Lok Adalat, may either make request to concerned Hon'ble Court or with consent of opposite party may approach office of Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee, Chamber No.35, Lawyers Chambers, Delhi High Court. Sd/- Secretary: DHCLSC Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee is holding the Pre- Lok Adalat sittings w.e.f.26.04.2018 to 01.06.2018 and from 02.07.2018 to 11.07.2018 from 2:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m. in Room Nos. 110 & 111 at Ground Floor,LCB-II. REGISTRAR(LISTING) 06.07.2018 J-1 FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS (APPLT. JURISDICTION) COURT NO. 21 HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE JAYANT NATH AT 02.15 P.M. 1. C.R.P. 22/2017 SURESH NANDA PINAKI MISRA, SANDEEP KAPUR, ARUN MONGA, VS. DEVIKA MEHTA & ANR VIVEK SURI, ATUL T.N., AKSHAY RINGE, HRSH RAGHUVANSHI COURT NO.28 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE ANU MALHOTRA AT 10.30 AM 1.BAIL.APPL.2440/2017 B.RAMACHANDHIRAN RK KHANNA,SATISH TAMTA VS CBI RIPU DAMAN BHARDWAJ COURT NO. 4 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE REKHA PALLI AT 2.15 P.M. 1. W.P.(C) 9448/2017 C.M. 13187/2018 DEVINDER SINGH AND ANR...... Petitioners Through: Mr.Sudhir Kumar Sharma with Mr.Aakash Varma, Advs. versus GOVT. OF N.C.T. OF DELHI AND ORS...... Respondents Through: Ms.Jyoti Taneja, Adv. 2. W.P.(C) 2142/2016 & C.M. No. 9187/2016 STATE BAR COUNCIL OF M.P...... Petitioner Through: Mr.Vikas Upadhyay with Mr.Vidit MongeAdvs. Versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA & ORS..... Respondents Through:Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs. 06.07.2018 J-2 FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS (APPLT. JURISDICTION) 3. W.P.(C) 5062/2018 & C.M. Nos.19509/2018, 19945/2018, 20815/2018 ADARSH RAJ SINGH..... Petitioner Through: Mr.Prashanto Sen, Sr. Adv. with Mr.Rajesh Mishra, Mr.N.K.Thakur, Advs. versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA & ORS ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh, Adv for BCI. 4. W.P.(C) 5123/2018 & C.M. Nos.19797/2018, 20756-20757/2018 NIHARIKA SHARMA & ORS ..... Petitioners Through Ms.Eshna Kumar with Mr.Vikrant A.Maheshwari, Advs. versus THE DEAN OF THE LAW FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF DELHI ..... Respondent Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. 5. W.P.(C) 5145/2018 & C.M. Nos.19956-57/2018, 21225/2018 NIRBHAY GARG AND ORS. ..... Petitioners Through Mr.Rajesh Mishra with Mr.Krishan Kumar, Advs. versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA AND ORS ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv.for DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs for BCI. Mr.Anil Soni, CGSC with Mr.Abhinav Tyagi, Adv for UOI. 6. W.P.(C) 5146/2018 & C.M. Nos.19958-59/2018 HARSH KADIYAN AND ORS. ..... Petitioners Through Mr.Kirti Uppal with Mr.Ashish Virmani with Mr.Himanshu Dhuper, Advs. versus UNIVERSITY OF DELHI AND ORS. ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. With Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. 06.07.2018 J-3 FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS (APPLT. JURISDICTION) 7. W.P.(C) 5147/2018 & C.M. Nos.19960-61/2018 ABHISHEK KADYAN & ORS ..... Petitioners Through Mr.Kirti Uppal with Mr.Ashish Virmani with Mr.Himanshu Dhuper, Advs. versus UNIVERSITY OF DELHI & ORS ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. 8. W.P.(C) 5148/2018 & C.M. Nos.19962-63/2018 KISLAY JHA & ANR ..... Petitioners Through Mr.Manish Kumar Chaudhary, Adv. versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA & ORS ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. With Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs for BCI. 9. W.P.(C) 5153/2018 & C.M. Nos.20020-21/2018, 21221/2018 PRAFUL BENIWAL & ANR ..... Petitioners Through Mr.Rajesh Mishra with Mr.Krishna Kumar, Advs. versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA & ORS ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs for BCI. Mr.Ripu Daman Bhardwaj, CGSC for R-5. 06.07.2018 J-4 FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS (APPLT. JURISDICTION) 10. W.P.(C) 5223/2018 & C.M. Nos.20231-32/2018 SEWAKPREET SINGH AND ORS. ..... Petitioners Through Mr.Kirti Uppal with Mr.Ashish Virmani with Mr.Himanshu Dhuper, Advs. versus UNIVERSITY OF DELHI AND ORS. ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. For DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs for BCI. 11. W.P.(C) 5311/2018 & C.M. No 20616/2018 DHARAM JEET..... Petitioner Through Dr.Sarbjit Sharma with Ms.Leeza Taneja, Advs. versus UNIVERSITY OF DELHI ..... Respondent Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. 12. W.P.(C) 5313/2018 & C.M. Nos.20620-21/2018 PRIYANK KUMAR SADH ..... Petitioner Through Mr.Aslam Kumar, Adv. versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA AND ORS. ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs for BCI. 13. W.P.(C) 5314/2018 & C.M. Nos.20622-23/2018, 21224/2018 ABHISHEK TRIKHA ..... Petitioner Through Mr.Krishna Kumar with Ms.Sunita Arora, Adv. versus BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA AND ORS. ..... Respondents Through: Mr.Mohinder J.S. Rupal, Adv. with Mr.Prang Newmai, Adv. & Ms.Slomita Rai, Adv. for DU. Mr.Preet Pal Singh with Ms.Priyam Mehta, Advs for BCI. 06.07.2018 J-5 FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS (APPLT.
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