DOCUMENT RESUME ED 329 989 CS 212 739 AUTHOR Van Noate, Judith, Comp. TITLE William Faulkner: A Guide to Research. INSTITUTION North Carolina Univ., Charlotte. J. Murrey Atkins Library. PUB DATE 91 NOTE 23p.; For other guides in this series,see CS 212 732-738. Small print on some pages may affect legibility. PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055)-- Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131)-- Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Higher Education; Library Guides; *Library Materials; Library Skills; *Literary Criticism; *Reference Materials; *Twentieth Century Literature; *United States Literature IDENTIFIERS *Faulkner (William); University of North Carolina Charlotte ABSTRACT This handout is a guide to library resources inthe J. Murrey Atkins Library at theUniversity of North Carolina-Charlotte, for the study of 20th-centuryAmerican author William Faulkner. The guide is intended to helpreaders find critical and biographical information on Faulkner.It explains important reference sources in the Atkins library referencecollection and how to find additional information in booksand periodicals. The guide is in four sections: (1) Books; (2) Reference Works (onbiographical information, criticism in collections,bibliographies, and checklists); (3) Indexes; and (4)PASL (Periodicals and Serials List). (SR) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made from the original document. ****** .*************************************************************** SCOPE OP INTEREST NOTICE The ERICPilate heeses4nod this document for proossWia to: In our hidEnent, this document Is also oI interest to the Clear. Inghoomle noted toths fight. Indexing should reflect their ca.; special points of view. "Ng WILLIAM FAULKNER '73 A Guide to/ to Research "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS U.S. DEPARTMENT MATERIAL HAS SEEN Officeof Educations' OP EDUCATION re.) GRANTED SY Research and tmprovement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION tag CENTER (ERIC, XThis document hasbeen reproduced received from theperson or orginliationas originating it P Minor changeshive been made to BEST COPY MMLABLE reproduction quality Improve TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view ment do not necessenlyof opiniOni Stated in thisdocir INFORMATION CENTER(ERIC)." represent official 2 OERt dolman or polity WILLIAMFAULKNER A RESEARCH GUIDE Compiled by Judith Van Noate Reference Librarian Reference Unit, Atkins Library, UNCC 547-2333 1991 INTRODUCTION Sources for researching literary topics in AtkinsLibrary fall into these basic categories: 1. Books 2. Reference Works a. Biographical information b. Criticism in collections c. Bibliographies d. Checklists 3. Indexes 4. P.A.S.L. Using the guidelines in thishandout should enable you to find biographical and critical informationabout the author William Faulkner. BOOKS Locating books by or about William Faulkner involves using either ALADDIN (the online catalog)or the card catalog. Records for all materials added to the library since 1976are in ALADDIN. Because the majority of Atkin's holdings (about 85%) are in the online catalog, this guide will concentrateon introducing you to ALADDIN. However, to see complete holdings on a subject you will need to use both catalogs. The Subject Search: Books about Faulkner (biographies)or about his works (criticism, etc.) -cain be located by using hisname as a sub'ect. The easiest way to dc this is to go toan ALADDIN terminal and type in "s/faulkner,w." Then scan the screens of subject headings until you see whatyou need. Here is the first screen of "QUALIFYING SUBJECTS"you will see on ALADDIN with Faulkner as your subject: sifaulkner,w J. MURREYATKINS LIBRARY- - - - VTLS-89 QUALIFYING SUBJECTS I, 54Faulkner,William. 1897-1962. 2. 5Faulkner.William, 1897-1962. Absalom, Absalom! 7. 2Faulkner,William. 11397-1962 --Allegory and symbolism. 4. 1 Faulkner,William, 1897-1962 --Appreciation Congresses. 5. 1 Faulkner,William. 1897-1962 --Appreciation Japan. 6. I. Faulkner,William. 1897-1962 Archives. 7. -.:. Faulkner.William. 1897-1962. As Ilay dying. 1 Faulkner.William. 1897-1962 --Authorship. 1Faulkner,William, 1897-1962. Bear. SFaulkner.William. 1897-1962 --Bibliography. 4Faulkner,William. 1897-1962 --Bibliography -- Catalogs. 12. 5Faulkner.William, 1897-1962 --Biography. 17. 1Faulkner.William. 1897-1962.-- Biography -- Family. 14. 1. Faulkner.Williarn . 1097-1962 --Biography -- Last years and death. Enter 'NS for more Enter NEW COMMAND r LINE 4 of selection or 'HELP' Note: There are fivescreens of subject headings on Faulkner. These are arranged in alphaoetical orderby "sub-heading." Use the "ns" command to move through thesescreens. If you need help using ALADDIN, pleasesee a reference librarian. 1 3EST COPY AVAILABLE 4 You may also search by author... a/faulkner,william J. MURREY ATKINS LIBRARY VTLS-89 QUALIFYING AUTHORS 1. 94 Faulkner,William, 1897-1962. 1 Faulkner.WilliP;o, 1897-1962. Absalom. Absalom! 2 Faulkner.William. 1897-1962. Bear. 4. 1 Faulkner.William, 1897-1q62. Go down, Moses. 5. I Faulkner,William. 1897-1962. Intruder in the dust. 6. 1 Faulkner.William. 1897-1962. Old man. 7. 1 Faulkner,William. 1897-1962. Requiem tor a nun. 8. 1 Faulkner.William, 1897-1962. Spotted horses. 9* 1 Faulkner.William. 1097-1962. Tomorrow. 10. 1 Faulkner,William, 1897-1062. Wishing tree. 1987. 11. 17 Faulkner.William. 1897-1962. Works. 1986 ; 4 1 Faulkner,WilliamJ. Enter NEW COMMAND orLINE #ofselectionor 'HELP' or oy title... t!intr-uder in the :lust J. MURREY ATKINS LIBRARY VTLS-99 QUALIFYING TITLES 1. Intruder in the dust. 2. Intruder in the dust. [Motion 1cture3 ..... Intruder in the dust : typescript draft. tpescript setting copy, and miscellaneous material / introduced and arranged by Noel Polk. Enter NEW COMMAND or LINE # of selection or 'HELP' tirequiem for a nun 3. MURREY AlrINS LIBRARY YTLE 89 QUALIFYING TITLES 1. Requiem for a nun. 2. Requiem 4or a nun, a play from tne novel by William Fault-ner. adapted to the Itage Ruth Ford. Redulem tor A nun: ons:t age and of. D.: Darbara lzard Hieron7mus. 4. Reoulem for a n._!ri FaLliner. Enter NEW c.:UMMAND or LINE # of selec.ion or HELP- 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE REFERENCE BOOKS FAULKNER HANDBOOKS, DICTIONARIES, ETC. Ref A Faulkner Glossary PS 3511 Runyan, Harry A86 New York: Citadel Press, 1964 Z965 u...alphabetical arrangement of all titles, characters, and places in the published writings of Faulkner." The "Appendixes" include: I, "A Biographical Sketch;" II, "The Poetry;" III, "The Fiction;" IV, "Nonfiction Prose;" and V, "Histories of the Principal Families of Yoknapatawpha County." Ref Faulkner's Art and Characters PS 3511 Everett, Walter K. A86 Woodbury, New York: Barron's Educational Series, Z7825 Inc., 1969 Commentaries on the novels and short stories,an extensive dictionary of characters, a selected bibliography. Ref A Glossary of Faulkner's South PS 3511 Brown, Calvin S. A86 New Haven, Yale University Press, 1976 Z49 1976 Southernisms, dialect pronunciations, descriptions of local species of flora and fauna inan alphabetical listing with references to works (selective) in which theyoccur. Ref A Reader's Guide to William Faulkner PS 3511 Volpe, Edmond L. A85 New York: Octagon Books, 1974 Z983 1974 The "Introduction" discusses themes, narrative techniques and style. The second section discusses the nineteen novels individually(about tliirty pages on each novel). The "Appendix" contains detailed chronologies forsome of the novels. Notes. Index. 3 .. Ref William Faulkner's Characters: PS An Index to the Published and Unpublished Fiction 3511 A86 Dasher, Thomas E. Z7816 New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1981 Part one lists characters under the title of the .. novel, short story, or unpublished work in which they appear. Part two lists all named characters and divides them into catagories such as fictional, historical, Biblical, etc. The third part, "Master Index (pp. 361-427), refers to the works in which the characters appear. No critical evaluations. Ref Who's Who in Faulkner PS 3511 Ford, Margaret Patricia and Kincaid, Suzanne A86 [Baton Rouge]: Louisiana State University Press Z784 1963 Brief identification of the fictional characters with cross references and nicknames. Specific works of Faulkner criticism can be located in the general collection by entering s/faulkner w into ALADDIN. 4 .. SOURCES OF BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL INFORMATION Gale Literary Criticism Series This group of reference works provides a comprehensive source for biographical and critical information on authors. Titles in the series with entries on Faulkner include: Ref Contemporary Literary Criticism PN 771 CLC "presents significant passages from published C59 criticism of works by today's creative authors." Citations are given for each excerpt (you can then go to P.A.S.L. or ALADDIN to find the journal with full text of the criticism). Entries are several pages long. William Faulkner is represented in nine volumes of CLC (with no duplication). Within a volume authors are arranged in alphabetical order. Use the "Cumulative Index to Authors" at the end of the last volume in the series for the fullest coverage of an author. Here is the index entry on William Faulkner: Faulkner, William (Cuthbert) 1897-1962.... CLC I, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, IS, 28; SSC I See also CA 81-84; DLB 9, 11, 44; DLB-Y 86; DLB-DS 2 Gale Literary Criticism Series (continued) Ref Dictionary of Literary Biography PN 451 Biographical--a good overview of an author's D52 life and
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