- » ••*"' , 4' y' * .• •'-*• J . ; . ’ Wednesday, Septem ber 19,1948 « |TAOZ TWJprTT manrtjffitfr lEnrning Iffralit Avitaga Daily Hst ftosa Boa ffhv tta MaolB af AagM IStS «H 7 . ObWe tha local Corps program Macs eleven eastern states. I held at the loeal Cttadd Sunday Delta Chapter, No. 51, Rojral early childho^, coming up A public farewell service was nl^t at 7:80 for Miss RusseU. V ■ r Arch Masons, will confer the Roy­ 9 ^ 4 3 , Fair to toelty. Begins Studies through the various Young .About Town al Arch Degree on a class of can­ People’s Departments of the Sal- Friday fair Md didates at lU regular convocation 1C this evening at 7:30 o’dock at the At S A College aation Army. She was president Fail Cleaning Aids A w a » «n'a b ow to* leagu* !a Masonic Temple. Refreshments of the Torchbearer Group of Manchod&r^A City of VUiano Charm MOW b«iac tennad for the aeaaon will follow the meeting. young people which meets every ■Bd MV glria Mid teams Interest- Miss Beverly Russell Wednesday at the Citadel. She •d ia Joiaiaf ars urged to contact King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ was a member of the Sunday VOL. LXVn., NO. 295 Adverttahig aa 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CRK98 Mrs. Mary Mmmona Last year lows and Sunset Rebekah lodge, Enters School in New School, the Band and Songsters, Johnson’s W ax four taauM comprised the league with their families and friends, the Young People’s Chorus and MSMtirs ship It la hoped that girls will hold their annual outing, York for Training Friendship Circle. She Is also a from Burton's, the bank. Md Sunday, September 19, at Vienna member of the Corps Cadet class, gtom various dubs will Join the woods. Forest street, Hlllstown. a weekly Bible study group, and Amiy Posts Employment Sign Miss Beverly Russell, daughter just completed five years of Bible Gal. 6 2 .98 Qt. 9 8 c pt. 5 9 c loague this season. A meeting will Those attending will provide their of* Mr. .and Mrs. Thomas Russell Japan Is Lashed be held In the near future to dis­ owti box lunches. Coffee, soda study in this department. News Tidbits 3 9 Sailors R escu ed , o f 51 Spruce street, entered the Graduating from the locsd High FREE Wax Applier with the purchase of Johnson’s Called From (/P) Wires : . 7 cuss plans for the fall and winter and other items will be available Salvation Army Training College School with the cIium of 1647, for W a x . season. at the grove. Those who require in New York aty today where transporUtion should get in'touch the past year she has been in the she will pursue a course of study employ of the McKlrmey Iimur- Kerosene truck oa*ned by Con­ with Mrs. Ethel Asplnwall or By Winds, Floods; Prospective members of the O preparatory to being commis- ance Company. necticut Refining company and Clef Club are Invited to un^te with James Cummings. The local Corps has sent sev­ driven by Angelo Martone of New Six Believed Lost, the present members at their first eral Individuals to the Salvation Dustmaster Haven has harrow escape In freak meeting of the season tomorrow The daughter bom September aocMeat on Main street, Tbrrlng- 13 at Manchester Memorial hos­ Army College, who are now offi­ evening at the Emanuel Uitheran cers In the field In all parts of the Towns Evacuated ton . Royal Air Force claims church at 7:80. This chorus Is com ­ pital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. credit for major aaalst In behalf of Blake of Kew Gardens^ Long Is­ posed of all women and Is under Dust M ops Rnssia In dark days of war against land, has been named Karen Susan. the dlrecUon of G. Albert Pearson. Oermsny In 1941... Joint commit­ The baby is the first grandchild Early Reports Say at In North Atlantic tee of State Mental hospitals an­ o f Dr. and Mrs. George Lundberg FENDER AND BODY Meat Packers » All members of the Second Con- Leftot Two Dead, Three nounces election ss chslrmsn of of East Center street and of Mr. Mrs. Joseph Merritt of Hartford to creaatlonal church and parish are Mid Mrs. Warren Blake of Bangor, $2>29 urged to rttend the fall fellowship WORK Injured, 23 Missing; succeeds Prof. Albert E. Waugh British Freighter la Maine. Set to Fight o f Storrs who has served aa chair­ rally this evening at 8 o’clock. Thousands Flee Banks German Youths Again Abandoned as Hnrri-; Pictures will be shown and the fall Solimene and Flam, Inc. High quality strong asMiled man for two years . Arraign­ Bolton Congregational church program discussed. 654 Oaatot Street colored yam awab., waahable. Of Rivers as Waters ment of Mildred E. GlUars, "A xis cane Whips Up Moun^ women will hold a food sale to­ Flexible steel qpring core adapts - Federal Suit Sally" o f German radio, postponed morrow afternoon at two o'clock mop tq comers and difficult Begin to Reach Homes to Sept. 24. George Fox Bleele, tainous Seas; Vessel oi$' at Hale's store. Stone Police in Berlitz plama to dmm. Ready to Battle to bead of Trading Departmant Of Way from London to' Tokyo, Sapt. 16—(ff>— Ton Coburn and Mlddlebrook, Inveotr- Mrs. Salvatore J. Vendrillo of ment Bankers, died at S t fYancia Soviet Controlled Po> New York in Ballast; 67 Alton street was admitted to AM ESITE BISSELL central Honshu prrfectures Finiib Charge They hospital . Joseph Bruoril, 81, o f Atlantic the Hartford Hospital yesterday, Death Qaims were lashed by a typhoon to­ Conduct Business That West Haven, struck by automobile, per Reports Another American and Argen­ where she will undergo an opera' DRIVEW AYS dies In New Hav4n hospital this tion. n ig h t as 'Winds up to 60 m iles incident in the War tine Ships Save. Crew Range and Fuel POWER ROLLED Carpet Sweeper an hour sipped east of metro­ Bans Competition morning. Song Writer New York shivers In first be- Orders taken now! SpeclaUs- Of Nerves in the Sector Zion Luthersm Ladles Aid mem­ politan Tokyo. At least two low-freetlBg temperatorea of aaa- Ing In parking area, and ga. Chicago, Sept 16—(FI—The na­ New York. Sept. 16— bers will be guests of the Aid So­ were dead, three injured and aon. .PorRand, Conn., saddle horse, OIL ciety of Christ Lutheran church, atatiiina Work goaranteed. Grand Rapids .$6,95 tion’s four major meat packers ap­ Berlin, Sept. 16—>.4h—Soma 150 Bridgeport Resident Thirty-nine crewmen <rf an Time payments arranged. Free 28 missing in the 10 per- goaded Into sudden fright by acci­ Hartford, tomorrow evening at Miss Beverly Rossell peared ready today to aquare off dent lea]M upon automobile and German youths stoned three po­ abandonee British freighter eight o’clock, "The Forgotten estimate.. fectures, eariy reports indi­ Was' the Composer of for a finish fight with the govern' drives fore feet throogii srtaJ- licemen In the Russian sector of have been rescued in the Village,’’ a religious film will be sioned m an officer of the Salva­ Vanity $8.45 cated. L T. WOOD CO. Ik Torrential raiaa deluged aec- mant In Its attempt to disaolve ■Meld. ..Czechoslovakia agrees to Berlin today, the Soviet-controlled '■ “ The Prisoner's Song" hurricane-whipped North A t- shown. tion Army. pay U. S. $172,961 for leai-leaaa Miss RusseU has been active in DeMoiO Brothers tloaa north and went of Tokyo them and reorganise Into 14 sepa­ press reported. lantic, her owners said today, 51 BteMO St. TeL 4496 St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Paving Contractor. Since 1921 sanding rivera on rampagea. rate and eompetlng companies WhDa langiOenBMa pteketa aOiaS by, a ehrlBaa employe tuiehMi ereet- property originally worth more This was the third etoning o f Bridgeport. Sept. 18—(F)—Ver­ but the fate of six others is iThouaaada of Japaneaa fled aa than $2,170,000 .. ChIneM news of Isabella at their first fall buai Call Mancbeater 7661 Anytime Spokesmen for three of the pack- taig a alga ovar eatraace to office opened by' the Army la Saa Frim- eoatem sector police In recent non Dahiart, pioneer American ro- unknown. Earlier. Coast ness meeting last night in the K I rivera threatened to engulf their etaoe to etaptoy leagshoremea to load atrike-bound cargo for Faeille reports Indicate National troops weeks. The first two drew gun­ Mmute Mop and Drainer B named In the civil anti-trust bc4ag beaten below and abova cording'star and composar o f ona Guard headQuarters here said of C. Home, set the date o f TueS' I-lKWllOO. suit filed in Federal court yester­ ontpoato aai oeeapatloa forces Army Secretary Royia aaaaaaeed fire from the police and reoultad day, September 38, for a penny bln ! Feara were tnpreaaed for the la waahlagtoB the Army wouM um troops to load mllitaor cargoea Great Wall in struggle for Peip- in the death of one Berliner and o f the nation’s biggest aong hits U. mm ^ bora reacutfi from DuPont cellulose sponge head, 9 x 2 inchea, day denied chargee of conspiring ing-Mukden railroad.. Blast 115 tho freighter Leiccstar by an go for members and friends, at the mounted on wood block with a 48 Inch han­ * ripening rice crop#. If naaMe to hlie at^edores. Very tew have slgoed up so far, aoeord- the wounding of more than 20 oth­ of all Ume.
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