THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC VOL. 78 MARCH 26, 1943 NO. 7 •y--^''^^^!^^ ^ M/U lsga»^gjgig?»*qW!SE^f<^^*»«B^^ •r^\ -*.'i'^.^li5 ! Y-'V ?.^>^ "••tC-;^ ® 3 i - 5 ^^^ — - ^ — - ?•; t^??:-.: r>v.*:55?^ j55I?^5S^wrg?g^CTeEsgjA^fig^«^jg«ffl^J^M^*igi^a?^^^S f CI LB CRT'S ^ SOLE AGENCY In South Bend For DOBBS NAVY OFFICERS' CAPS Ofoduced by famous Dobbs craftsmen, these are ••• the finest officers' caps made. You can have com­ plete confidence in your Dobbs. You know it is not only correct in style, but it gives that extra measure of smartness and distinction every officer w^ishes to command. $18.50, including 3 covers. In South Bend — W£ MODSRN TAXI FREE to Gilbert's 813-817 S. MICHIGAN STREET GILBERT'S I n(h<£, Ata^ 7Ji££4 AtotUe/C 5 CILBERrS 1 SOLE AGENCY In South Bend For HICKEY-FREEMAN Customized NAVY OFFICERS' UNIFORMS /^fficers of the Navy insist, and rightly ^^ so, upon fine uniforms. Not only do they want style, fit and serviceability, but individuality as well. These quali­ ties are found in the uniforms tailored for the Modern Gilbert's by Hickey-Free- man. There's nothing finer than Hickey- Freeman Navy officers' uniforms. $60 and upw^ards. Appointed by U. S. Navy REGULATION UNIFORMS Commissioned Officers' Service Blue, $40 Raincoat, $37.50 r^i MODSR/if S13-817 S. MICHIGAN STREET GILBERT'S L s THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Viturus Vive Quasi COLLEGE PARADE Cras Moritimts JOHN A. LYNCH FOUNDED 1867 Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for raailins at special rate of postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. HEAD OF THE WEEK may enter one dog providing the entrj' has four legs, at least six teeth, ^\^hich SPRING: includes two incisors and four grinders, Roller Skates, Outdoor Gym Classes, a tail or remnants, and the correct atti­ and Lovers Take Campus by Storm. tude toward life and property." —The DePauiv At latest local reports the Evil Eye Just a little something to replace the Club of Sorin Hall will undertake a like E.R.C.'s. gesture to doghood on our own campus. • Demerit of U. S. Navy fame is favored FLOPHOUSE FORMAL by unattached observers; Mr. Connolly t- \, has made no entry from his dining-hall Advance public-- kennel as yet. DANIEL DOWNEY. Editor ity for the Flop­ • house Formal at TED WEBEK... Managing Editor Queen's University, YON YONSON BILL BOSS Sports Editor Kingston, Ontario, There was once a Swede who finally DAVE CONDON Campus Editor comes in the form turned away in disappointment after ROBERT KOPF. Admin. Editor of a press state­ standing an hour in front of the sweater PHIL KEEN Asst. Sports Editor ment by Hon. Aug­ counter in a department store. This ROBERT LONEUGAN Promotion ustus Jones, newly greatly puzzled the salesgirls at the AL SCIIAEFER Staff Photographer elected head of the counter—probably because they couldn't REV. C. M. CAREY, C.S.C. Faculty Adviser North American see the sign directly in front of them, JOHN LYXCn Panhandler Associ­ reading "V-Neck." Member of Catholic School Press Association, ation. —The Tomahaivk, Holy Cross Associated CoUejiiate Press, Distributor of Col­ legiate Diotest. Represented for national advertis­ Said Hon. Jones: "This year's dance ing by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 will be the greatest gathering of bums in Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos­ ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO­ the history of North America. Last year DORM DIALOGUE LASTIC is publishe<l thirty times during the school j'ear at the University of Notre Dame. Address all at the famous Bum's Rush only 350 "Does your girl smoke?" manuscript to the Editor, 313 Sorin Hall or 121 couples attended the festivities because "Not quite." Administration BIdg., Notre Dame, Indiana. we were snooty in those days and only —The Oredigger Colorado Mines Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave the better bums were allowed. However, Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at • 7:15 p. m. this year any bmn can go as long as he has the necessary lucre." SINGING IN THE RAIN • Tradition was upset at Ohio State in !N THIS ISSUE COLGATE SURVEY the recent initiations for the Bucket and Our hats go off to Colgate University Dipper pledges when said pledges muti­ CAMPUS nied at midnight, after standing three for the biggest blow of the week. As War Chctrities Cccrnival Planned 5 and a half hours in the rain singing the result of a recent sur\'ey at Colgate, "Tailor-Made Man" is Success 9 "Jack the Ripper," while pointing to the wherein seniors were investigated as to Musical Comedy in Rehearsal 7 North Star. The neophytes of the men's intelligence in relation to participation Economics Comprehensive 27 in exti-a-curricular activities, the follow­ honorary society took refuge at midnight ing notation was made: in the Commerce Building and refused to ADMINISTRATION "The most intelligent group, sixteen vacate when a two-minute ultimatum was per cent above the average, worked on offered, knowing that they outnumbered Story of Notre Dame Farms 11 student publications." the active members. Father Ward to Lecture 12 • Plans are now afoot to disband the DRAINED eritire organization for the duration. Just NAVY PAGE 15 one more horror of war. 750 Students Give Blood During Year. SPORTS —Queeji's Joui-nal, Queen's U. And a pound of flesh every now and New Bengal Champs Crowned 16, 17 then! - SEEN AT.... Trackmen Continue Victory Drive ;.18 The captain suddenly appeared in the Interhall All-Stars Named 19 messroom while the crew were eating. PURDUE DOG DAYS "What's this I hear about your com­ FEATURES Purdue University conies into the news plaining about the food? Here let me try College Parade .- 4 again with its campus dog show, wherein it." The Week _ 6 and whereby fraternity dogs and just He took a spoonful to his mouth, tasted Man About Campus plain campus strollers are mingled re­ thoughtfully and said, "Seems all right Pressbox Splinters ... ..22 gardless of pedigree. As explained in the to me. I would say that is very good tea." Warming the Bench _23 Purdue Exponent, "Any University frat­ "Yes, sir," spoke up a timid sailor, Introducing - .. _.20 ernity, cooperative, or organized group "but they tell us it's soup." Music ; ...28 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25. 1918. Vol. 78 MARCH 28, 1943 No;? West, and many of the chairmen already Star-Spangled Midway to Mark 2nd Annual know the entire business from the back of the book to the preface. Equipment University-Knight's War Charities Carnival will be brought down from Chicago and other centers in the immediate area. Inaugurated under the auspices of the Entire Campus to Co-operate Knights of Colinnbus, the program will affair, was more or less strictly "Notre extend to all clubs on the campus. All the" In K. of C. Venture Dame." SCHOLASTIC staff will participate. The usual games of skill and of chance Under the patronage of the Eev. Hugh With harking barkers, games of will predominate along the midway and O'Donnell, C.S.C, and president of the chance, and games of skill, and blaring already several campus clubs have asked University, the event wiU be under the bands holding forth along the Midway, for various booths. Spinning wheels and special supervision of the Eev. Charles the second University of Notre Dame many lucky numbers Avill be in evidence M. Carey, C.S.C, and Rev. John Burke, War Charities Carnival, sponsored by the throughout the four nights, and the Cav­ C.S.C. "Red" Lonergan actively is in campus Knights of Columbus, will open aliers, the University super dance band, charge of promotion. a hilarious four day stand in the Univer­ will color the air with melody and pro­ sity fieldhouse on Wednesday evening, vide a background for the special enter­ April 14. The show will run through Sat­ tainment features which have been added urday night, April 17. to the show. • It will be four days of fun and frolic Several new innovations, to be an­ for Notre Dame, St. Marys, South Bend, nounced soon, will be added to the pro­ and the University Midshipmen's school. gram this- year. And it won't be a case of Already several organizations in South everything costs, because the program committee has made arrangements for much free entertainment and for several door prizes to be raiiled nightly. Despite the increasing wool shortage, the ever popular Notre Dame monogram blankets Avill again be an attraction at the booths, and with the rationing pro­ gram being what it is, the booths offer­ Juzwik and Brutz look over the "auto." ing gToceries and meats as prizes are expected to enjoy a heavy run. Executive committeemen are Frank W. Lloyd, J. Arthur Haley, Herbert E. Jones, The Red Cross and local charities will Frank W. Leahy, James E. Armstrong, share in the proceeds, and one of the principal beneficiaries will be the U.S.O., William R. Dooley, Eugene F. Connolly, which has been extremely generous to the Earl J. Redden, Hal Miller, and Tom Notre Dame Midshipmen's school. Mills. Tommy Nolan drums up some business. Mr. Miller, a distinguished alumnus re­ Offering every conceivable carnival siding in South Bend, and Mr. Redden Bend have signified their intention of game and contest, the event should prove have consented to help on the arrange­ participating; and the gigantic bingo a field day for all "men about the cam­ ments committee.
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