The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society forforPlant Plant Systematics iSSN1346-7565 Acta Phytotax, Geobot. 62 (1): 51-59 (201 1) Contributions to the Moss Flora ofBorneo, 1, A New Species, Dimorphocladon echinocarpum (Symphyodontaceae, Musci), with Unique Multicellular Exothecial Spines HIROYUKI AKIYAMA Miisettm qfNbture andHuman Activities, la,oigaoka-a Sanda, H),ogo Prq12]cture 669-1546, Japan. aktyama@hitohaku,1'p Dimorphocladbn echinocaipum H, Akiyama, with conspicuous multicellular spincs on the exothecium, is described as new based on two s'pecimens frem northern East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Key words: Bernco, bryophytes, Dimorphocladbn, East Kaljmantan, Kayan Mentarang Natienal Park, new species, Symphyodentaceae Northern Borneo is part of three countries; kan. Long Bawan js one ofthe main villages in- Malaysia (Sabah & SarawalO and Brunei in the side the Kayan Mentarang National Park and northwest and across the backbene range, and In- deeply involved in the WWF Heart of Borneo donesia (East Kalimantan) in the southeast. Dur- Initiative (Persoon & Osseweijer 200g), ljoined ing the 2eLh century, bryological surveys were the trips as a bryophyte specialist and coltected conducted mostly in the Malaysian and Brunei more than 500 bryophyte specimens. In the parts of Borneo, while East Kalimantan was left course of identification, an interesting moss was nearly untouched, Eastern part ofEast Kaliman- found among the collections, tan mostly consists ofa vast range oflowland be- The moss was collected at 1000 m alt. near the low 100 m and bryophyte diversity is very lew eamp site beside a small river at the fbot ofBatu because of low humidity, On the other hand, a Harum, a five-day hike through the fbrests from large number ofbryophytes are to expected in the Long Bawan. It is characterized by geminate western part of East Kalimantan, where eleva- teeth on the leaf maTgins, linear laminal cells tions are much higher, especially near the border with distinct prorulae at the upper ends, weakly with Sabah and Sarawak. differentiated alar cells, a short, double costa, and A joint botanical survey was conducted in sharply spinose capsules on smooth setae. In ad- l990 by Herbarium Bogoriense and the Univer- dition, a habitat preference for shrub leaves at sity of TIbkyo to document plant diversity in the rather sunny streamsides is also characteristic. region, especially from Long Bawan to thc peak These features suggest its close relationships to of Gunung (Mt.) Batu Harun (2169 m alt.). Long the Symphyodontaceae, especially Dineoi:phocla- Bawan is a small village at an elevation of 1000 don Dixon or Chaetomitrium Dozy & Molk. De- m. It is situated near the border of the Malaysian spite the superficial resemblance ofthe spines on state of Sabah, about a one week walk across 1ow- the capsule walls to those of Syimpbyodbn Mont., 1and forests and river systems, or aone hour fiight it is described here as a new species ofDimor- by a small plane, from the seaside city of [fara- phocladbn as discussed below in detail, NII-Electronic Library Service TheTheJapaneseSociety Japanese Society for PlantPlantSystematlcs Systematics S2 AetaPhytotax.Geobot. Nbl, 62 Indonesiu, Eust Kalirnantan, Kabupaten Dimorphocladon echinocarpum H, Akiyama, Z)v7tts. Bu- lungan, Kecamatan Long Bawan, north of Long Bawan sp.nev. Figs. 1-11, 18-20, vi11agc: ln thc vicinity of Bulu Kinuab, fbot ofBatu Har- Affine Dimorphoctado borneensi Dixon., sed capsu- un, ca. 1070 m alt., 4005'N, 1150SO'E, 20 Sep. t990, HL 1is ovoideis ad brevitcr cylindracejs, setis juxta capsulas Aklyama IC-24208 (holo- HYO; iso- BO, L, NY), argute flexis, et spinis in paginis capsularum mu]ticellu- laribusdiversum. t- glik'l fie.l' ' IE sva1G,, e FiG. 1-1O. Dimoi7)hocladon echinocai?um (all from holotype). 1. plants on Ieafof1iving shrub. Z. ventral side ofprostrate stem 3.deoper- showing dislalike rhizoid tu fts (arrows indLcate gemm{fereus branches with filamentous gemmae in leaf axiLs), cul atc capsulc with closed peristomes in dry cQndition. 4. echinate capsule with a cucullatc, sctosc calypLra. 5. closcup of young calyptra. 6. denbe]y echin ale capsules and smooth epercula with long, slender bcaks. 7. outer surface ol'perisLome. 8. transversely st-ate ornamentation on lower portion of exostoTnc teeth 9. inner surfacc of endostome with high basal mcmbranc and keeled segments. 10. exothecial cclls with multicellular prqcctions. NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics June 2011 AKLyAMMA New Species. Dimorphocladon eckinocarpum 53 Plants green to olive-green in life, turning just below neck of capsule. Copsules upright to pale brownish yellow after drying, forming low, horizontal, ovoid to short cylindrical, deep yel- thin tufts on leaves of living shrubs. Rhizoids re- low, with short neck, 1-1,8 mm long, with mnlti- stricted to ventral surfaces of prostrate stems, cellular spines O,1-O.2 rnm long throughout; exo- tufted, smooth, brown. Stems pale green, becom- thecial cells quadrate to short rectangular, evenly ing brownish yel]ow in age, prostrate, tjghtly at- thick walled, smooth; stomata absent; annuli tached to substrate by rhizoids, densely and pin- present; opercula long rostrate, smooth, to 1 mm nately branchcd; paraphyllia and pseudopara- long; peristome double, brownish yellow, closed phyllia absent; cortical cells lax, thin walled; cpi- during dry conditions, exostome teeth 16, lanceo- dermal cells thick walled, substereid, without late belew, dorsally with narrQw medi' an furrows, centrul strand. Branches dimorphic. Plegetativesuddenly narrowed at shoulder into filamentous mostly simple, usually cm upper branches lessthan 1 portion,to 450 ,um inheight,basallydense- long, more or less complanately fbliate, Genemi- ly striate, margins more or ]ess appendiculate, .ferous branches similar to vegetative ones, but apically finely papiltose; endostome to 450 ptm in tapering apically, with a number of smooth height, with high basal membrane, segments lan- walled, filamentous gemmae in leaf axils; gern- ceolate, keeled, basally smooth, apically finely mae 2-2.5 mm long, Stem leaves slightly smaller pap{11ose; cilia rudimentary, 1 or absent. spores than braneh leaves. Branch leaves narrowly lan- etlipsoid, thin walled, longer axis 35-50 um long, ceolate, 1.4-1.8 mm long, more or less shallowly shorter axis 25-35 um long. concave, not decurrent at base, margins minutely Bor- Aclditionalspecimen examined. INDONESIA. revolute, apex long acuminate, twisted, with nco Island. East Kalimantan: Kabupaten Bulungan, Ke- short but distinct geminate teeth throughout; cos- camatan Long Bawan; in the vicinity of Tadur Bangar, ta double, reaching 113-1" of leaf length; upper 1050-1100 m aLt, 04015'N, 1150soiE, 20 Scp. 1990, H. Akty'ama l(-24243 (HYO). laminal cells linear, ca. 100 stm long, becoming shorter apically, prorate on upper ends on dorsal .Habitat. On leaves of short shrubs at sides of and lower surface, walls slightly thick ; median streams in moi st secondary and primary montane laminal cells linear, walls slightly thick 80-120 , forests; quite similar to habitat of DimoFlphocla- smooth; marginal cells similar "m !ong, laminal don borneense and species of Chaetomitriune. to inner ones but shorter; alar cells slightly difller- Disiribution, Known only from the speci- entiated, or hexagonal, 3-5 in num- quadrate ca. mens cited above; probably endemic to northern ber, pale green, not porQse. Axil]ary hairs hya- Borneo, line, un iseriate, 2-celled; basal cell quadrate,pale Distinguishing foatures, (l) Epiphyllous on apical cell elongate, smooth. brown; hyaline, short shrubs at sides of streams in montane for- Autoicous. Perigonia on stems or at prostrate ests; (2) dimorphic branches with more or less base of lateral branches, with ca. 10 antheridia complanate foliation; (3) filamentous gemmae in and few Perigonial leaves ovoid, paraphyses. leaf axils of caudate, gemmiferous branches; (4) margi.ns entire or finely serrulate apex distally, linear, slightly thick walled laminal cells; (5) low often laciniate, apiculate; costa double, 1f5 ofleaf but distinct geminate teeth at leaf margins; (6) length. Perichaetia on stems or at base prostrate short, double costae; (7) weak difTerentiation of of lateral branches, with 3-10 archegonia, with- alar cells on branch leaves and with few quadrate out Post-fertilization paraphyses. perichaetial to hexagonal cells; (8) smooth setae often sharply leaves lineaFtriangu]ar, 1.g-2.5 mm long, slight- curvedjust below capsule; (9) capsules with mul- concave, often laciniate revo- ly distally,margins ticellular spines and opercula with long, slender Iutc and sharply serrulate, apex filamentous; cos- beak; (10) transversely striate ornamentation at ta weakly developed. Ca(zptrae cucullate, dense- base of exostome teeth; and (11) large, el]ipsoid ly setose. Setae reddish brown, ca, mm long, 8 spores to 50 ptrn long in longer axis. srnooth, straight, but sharply bent alld echinate NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics 54 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. Vol. 62 .J c k ) 2 ' f Eg' K 1 1 v L Pe 50um f g f E-ot) ( n x xi' l O o g J fi E.E"1d fi o-,d- 9a $/[a/I.,$.s・ e ,eeX t\i,l[ Fic}. 11. Dimorphociadon eehinocarpum (a-o: all from holotype), a & b: leaves ofnormal branehcs. c: a lcaf ofgemmiferous branch. d & e: perigonial ]eaves, fi a post-fertilizaiion pcrichactial lea£ h & i/ filamentoug gemmae in leaf axils. j: apcx of branch leaf. k, apicalmaTgin ofbranch lea'E 1: mcdian laminal cells ofbranch leaE m& n: alars ofbranch leaves. o, Transverse seetien ofbranch. NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant SystematicsSystematics. June 2011 AKIyAMA-ANewSpecies,DimorphoctadonechinocarT]um 5S Comparison M,ith Dirnorphocladon borneense lowing morphological features with D. echino- (Figs, 12-17, 21-22) carpum; (1) dimorphic branches, (2) filamentous, Dimop:phoclaclon was established as a mono- smooth gemmae in leaf axils of gemmiferous typic genus by Dixon C1922) based on a single branches, (3) geminate teeth to base of leaf mar- specimen collected in Sarawak in north central gins, g) linear, somewhat thick walled laminal Borneo, The sole member, D.
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