8UOAR ilfi A WEATHER Cuio: 3.60c por lb., $77:20 Thor., mln., 74. por ton, liar., 8 a. m., S0.0S. Ucota, 11b. Co', por cwt., Rain, 24h, a. m., tnth 188.60 por ton. Star Wind, 12m., MB, .jjj Telephone 2365 Star RmnriPM office The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. vol. xx TWENTY PAQES. HONOLULU. HAWAII. S. rURDAY, JUNK 22, VH2. TWENTY PAGES, - THE TAFT PLATFORM ADOPTED 1 (Associated Press Cable to the Star.) j he Isthmus CHICAGO, Juno 22. The vote on ihe nooption of r the Taft platform was 6C6 ayes, 53 noes, absent 10. Three hundred and forty-thre- e delegates fol- lowing the Roosevelt lead refused to vote, Inc uding twenty-fou- r California "My visit to the Hawaiian Islands things. delegates. The entire delegation of Maine, Nebraska, South Dakota and is entirely duo to tho "I was in Culebra cut when a land' enthusiastic Miflsourl solidly aye." Illinois voted forty-si- x aye, nine not voting; Ohio boosting of Major Winslow tho slide occurred. These slides of are not voted fourteen nyo, thirty-fou- r not v ting; Massachusetts twenty aye, four- army, formerly stationed here," said as you would suppose from tho out- teen not voting. tJoorgo B. Thayer, a lawyer of Hart- side,- but arc caused by the hills on California Declines to Vote. ford, Conn., this morning. Mr. Thayer, tho sides of the cut settling, causing When California was called Meyer Lissner of Lai Angeles, chairman of 60 years jaunti- up. although old, walked the arth in tho cut to buck tho delegation announced that California declined to vote and a storm of ly across the Isthmus of Panama on "The men were at their noon lunch applause fo'.lowed. way gained knowledgo his hero and a when this slide occurred. I saw Tho names of Meyerfleld and Tyron Taft dolcgates seated from Cali- of the canal find its construction tho ground under the railroad tracks fornia when announced in tho roll were greeted with a storm of boos which the ordinary tourist in Pan- in the cut begin to bulge up and the end hteBes. , ama does not get. rails arose until they formed an in- La Follette platform, "When I left Hartford," said Mr. verted V about ten feet high. The Tho La Follotte platform was road but the tumult was so great that few Thayer, "I only intended to visit San , settling of the big hill dislodged some of the delegates heard it. r.i Francisco traveling by way of tho boulders on its top and I saw one Nominations Begin. Isthmus, but on tho way down from as big as a small house come tearing Nominations for President or the United States were called for at 5:52 New York I met Major Wlnslow who down with a noise like thunder, but p. m. Warren G. Gardlng of Ohio nominated William Howard Taft and a urged me not to miss visiting tho is-- it stopped before it hit the tracks. great demonstration followed tho men ion of hia name. Tho Roosevelters lands and I am certainly glad that The hill where this slide occurred Is wer0 tilent with an undertonlng of booing. Governor Haaley of Missouri I came and when I go back I will do a known as Y. M. C. A. Hill because assorted loudly "The people do rulo." This declaration was met with Bhouts little promotion work myself. I had the association buildIns is.onjUs,jUni- - of "Where?" the -- good fortune1-- to find'haro'frudgoJmltsiwrhobuiJdingvrfl Senator W. O. Bradley haa begun his speech seconding tho nomination, Wilder and Fred Peterson, both moved shortly I understand, other- - of Taft, The convention will probably end at midnight. Thereis"general 1 of whom were classmates of mine at wiBC it may go into the cut some day. good nature and relaxing of strain duo to tho excitement of tho past few Yale. I "Tho men worked all afternoon ancr days. "About my trip across Panama. On until late at night trying to keep the Bryan's appearanco today was the occmlon of a signal ovation. reaching Colon I decided that seven rails straight so that trains could The Democratic Platform. days on a steamer called for oxer- - pass over them, and tho slide finally BALTIMORE, Juno 22. Th0 demo raiic national platform is being fram- cisc. I have always been used to it, stopped. The engineers have found ed. It Includes woman suffrage, an increase In the navy appropriation and because for a number of years I was it necessary in combating the slides wl l probably declare for two battloships a year. A plank permitting pos- physical director of the Y. M. C. A. to take the weight from the top of tal employes to organize Is nho being considered. Tho improvement of at Hartford, and I also had the ex- - the hill, so they have steam shovels rivers and harbors will bo a feature and there may be a plank declaring high-wheele- u perience of riding a d bi- - at work cutting off the summit, (gainst third term in the presidency. cyclo across the continent in my, "From what I saw and what I was younger days. Anyway. I thought told the canal will be completed by that as the distance across the isth- - the end of 1913. When I was there Roosevelters Are Called mus was only fifty miles It wouldn't only 30 feet of dirt remained to be hurt me to walk it, ana It didn't, removed from tho culebra cut, the Out of the Convention 1 carried an umbrella to guard against Gatun dam was practically finished tho sun and I slept in the Y. M. C. A. and since theu I understand It has CHICAGO, June 22. Whllo thc convention was still seated this morning buildings scattered along the zone nt been closed and tho Gatun lake is and tho Taft supporters wero singlng"MorrIly Wo Roll Along," Colonel night. now in course of formation. Roosovelt completed arrangements for tho launching of a new party. "I proceeded leisurely, taking six "It has been a great work and it Tho arrangements for tho new party will probably be consummated days, and I saw many Interesting h:.-- - been magnificently performed." at a mass meeting to be held In Chicngo tonight Convention Repudiated. After Colonel Roosevelt had issuet" a statement severing all connec- HACKFELD & Co. AY t tion with tho Republican convention and urging his followers not to voto S in or take part in tho proceedings of tho convention, Henry J. Allon of Wichita, Kan., ono of the Roosevelt leaders, addressed the convention. Ho August Santos, who was on trial formally repudiated the body as a representative Republican national con- TAKE KONA AGENCY yesterday in Judge Robinson's Court vention. on a charge of robbery in tho second Ho said: "Without a physical bolt from this convention wo will ap- peal to the people. The steam rol'or has exceeded speed limit." degree, was In the afternoon found the The Taft Platform. According report gust Haneberg, auditor of Hackfeld & i to a received this guilty as charged. morning This he Tho platform committee has completed Its work rji' platform re- lo- Co., all landed in Kona on the last tr.ip morning from Kona, and verified was sentenced by Judge Robinson to protective policy of the Kllauca, and proceeded to an affirms the tariff of the Republican party and proposes a cally, tho agency for tho Castle In- Never beforo in the history o" At a meeting of tho joint commit-to- o examination of the property of the not more than ono year In Jail. rridjustn e it o uu.Y schedules to onform to changed business condi trans- Fourth of July celebrations has the of the Morcliants' Association and terests In Kona is likely to be Agricultural company. Santos was asked by tions. South Kona When tho crater of a volcano been used by the the Chamber of Commerce yesterday J ferred from Theo. II. Davles & Co. to trip, is understood, Is with a Another fp&lure of tho platform Is a suggorio.i for a federal trade The it judge whether or not ho had any- American people to aid the making of afternoon, F. C. Atherton, treasurer, & Co. Tho negotiations View to taking up tho matter of tho commission havin,; somo of tho functions of . court. A tontlnuanco of II. Hackfeld thing to say as to wny ue should not tho holiday and it has rested with reported that practically all of tho arc now under way, and representa- Hackfeld company becoming agents the present I h'.lh plno policy is urged. Another plank with regard to began Honolulu to bo tho first to inako this $2500 needed for the celebration had tives of Hackfeld & Co. are In Kona for tho Kona Sugar company, and be sentenced, ho a voluble and the regulation of immigration, favors a liberal policy in dealing with tho rambling use of an ancient vent for the fires been subscribed. investigating. other interests in Kona. speech. Only a part of it territories. of the nether world. W. O. Aaams the literary com- B. H. Wodehouse of Davies & Co., At the oltlces of II. Hackfeld & Co. was translated, but Santos Bcemed to of California's Governor Quits. Tho great eruption of Punchbowl mittee asked that all singers, choirs, SBfS JPilf'5l r F. B. McStocker, representing the this morning it was admitted that tho be telling the sad story of his young uovornor Jonnson ot uanrornia, ono or HooBcveit's lloor loaders, scheduled for the evening of July singing organizations take part iiiram Castle interests In Kona, Manager matter was under consideration, but life and all of his experiences, of and has walked out of the convention, and declined further to participate In Fourth will, if tho plans are carried in the exorcises in tho Capitol grounds Weluzholmer of tho Pioneer Mill Com- tho statement was made that there which, it appeared, he had had many, tho proceedings.
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