Weld-Grimké Family Papers William L. Clements Library Correspondence: Writer Index The University of Michigan Finding aid: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clementsead/umich-wcl-M-400wel?view=text Aaron, Samuel • 1844 August 3 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Abbot, Ezra, 1819-1884 • 1880 August 12 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Adams and Co. • 1866 December 12 (to [Sarah Moore Grimké?]) Adams, John Quincy • 1871 July 8 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Adams, Nancy • 1838 March 30 (to Sarah & Angelina Grimké) Aldrich, Alfreda • 1877 October 7 (to [Sarah Weld Hamilton])* Allan, William T. (see joint letters under Lyman, Huntington; and Wells, Samuel) Allan, Willam T. joint letter with Alvord, John Watson, 1807-1880 Streeter, Sereno Wright Thome, James Armstrong, 1813-1873 • 1836 August 9 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** Allan, William Thomas • 1879 November 3 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) Alvord, John Watson, 1807-1880 (see joint letters under Allan, William T.; Thome, James Armstrong) • 1838 August 29-September 1 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** American Anti-Slavery Society • 1838 August 16 (to T[heodore] D[wight] Weld) • [1839 August 15] (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** American Anti-Slavery Society. Committee of Arrangements • 1836 March 10 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** • 1836 April 21 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** * Indicates letters acquired as part of the Clements Library's 2012 Weld-Grimké Family Papers acquisition. ** Indicates letters published in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond, eds. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimké Weld, and Sarah Grimké (NY: Appleton-Century, 1934). American Anti-Slavery Society. Executive Committee • 1839 September 16 (to Rev. R. J. Judd) • 1839 September 16 (to Ozias Wright) • 1839 October 3 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld) • 1839 November 18 (to Mary Webster) • 1839 December 2 [American Anti-Slavery Society. Executive Committee] • 1838 November 28 (to Gerrit Smith)** • 1838 December 25 (to Daniel Gibbons) American Anti-Slavery Society. Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873 • 1835 March 19 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** American Free Produce Association • 1839 September 25 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** • 1842 September 27 (to T[heodore] D[wight] Weld)** American Peace Convention • 1838 July 6, 10 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld)** American Tract Society. [S. V. S. Wilder] • 1832 June 30 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Ames, Josie • 1870 January 10 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1872 November 7 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Ames, Lilla P. • [1893] November 21 (to [William Lloyd] Garrision, [Jr.]) Anthony, Susan Brownell, 1820-1906 • 1895 October 12 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) Anti-Slavery Society. Essex County (N.J.) • 1840 March 21 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Appleton, Nathan • 1885 June 2 (to [Charles] Stuart F[aucheraud] Weld) • 1885 June 4 (to [Charles] Stuart [Faucheraud] Weld) Arnold, B. G. • 1859 September 30 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) • 1861 July 11 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Arnold, Frank B., 1839-1890 • 1859 September 23 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld) * Indicates letters acquired as part of the Clements Library's 2012 Weld-Grimké Family Papers acquisition. ** Indicates letters published in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond, eds. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimké Weld, and Sarah Grimké (NY: Appleton-Century, 1934). • 1861 March 28 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld) • 1861 April 17 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) • 1861 April 19 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1861 April 19 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) • no date (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Atkinson, William P. (William Parsons), 1820-1890 • 1871 August 3 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld) Avery, John J. • 1893 December 13 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) Badger, Clay • 1857 February (to [Sarah Moore Grimké]) Badger, Henry C. (Henry Clay), 1832-1894 • 1891 October 10 (to Sarah Grimké Weld)* Badger, Mrs. Henry C. [Ada Badger?] joint letter with Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879 • 1869 April 6 (to S[arah] G[rimké] Weld [Hamilton])* Bagg, M. M. (Moses Mears), 1816-1900 • 1892 July 4 (to Luther R[awson] Marsh) Bailey, John • 1843 May 31 (to Jessie [Jesse?] Hutchinson, Jr.) Balestier, Joseph N., Jr. • 1860 November 7 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • no date (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Ballard, Peter J. • 1861 February 25 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Ballou, Adin, 1803-1890 • 1856 December 23 (to [Sarah Moore Grimké]) • 1857 February 25 (to [Sarah Moore Grimké]) Bancroft, George • 1838 January 25 (to A[ngelina] E. Grimké)** Barker, Abigail • 1835 November 25 (to [Sarah Moore Grimké]) • 1835 December 8 (to [Sarah Moore Grimké]) Barney, Susan A. • [1849] November 28 (to [Sarah Moore] Grimké) * Indicates letters acquired as part of the Clements Library's 2012 Weld-Grimké Family Papers acquisition. ** Indicates letters published in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond, eds. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimké Weld, and Sarah Grimké (NY: Appleton-Century, 1934). Bascom, Elizabeth P. • 1828 July 23 (to Sarah M[oore] Grimké) • 1839 July 22 (to Angelina Weld) Battle, Edward • 1863 January 17 (to unidentified) Battles, Jonathan • 1868 September 7 (to Theodore Grimké Weld) Beaumont, Myron • 1858 July 24 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Beaumont, S. • 1837 August (to Angelina E. Grimké) Beecher, Luther F. • 1867 November 11 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Beecher, Lyman, 1775-1863 • 1834 October 8 (to Theodore Weld)** Belcher, C. E. • 1865 December 1 (to Theodore [Dwight] Weld) Belleville (N.J.). Citizens • [1842] (to Court of Quarter Sessions, Essex County, New Jersey)** Bellows, Anna L. • 1886 March 23 Bellows, Eliza Nevins • 1860 August 21 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1861 September 24 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bellows, H. Hudson • [1863] July 23 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bellows, Henry W. (Henry Whitney), 1814-1882 • 1858 March 1 (to T[heodore] D[wight] Weld) • 1860 January 5 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1860 September 27 (to T[heodore Dwight] Weld) • 1860 October 9 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1861 February 9 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld) • 1871 July 13 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bellows, R. (see joint letter under Birney, F.) * Indicates letters acquired as part of the Clements Library's 2012 Weld-Grimké Family Papers acquisition. ** Indicates letters published in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond, eds. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimké Weld, and Sarah Grimké (NY: Appleton-Century, 1934). Bellows, Russell N. • [1886] May 2 (to Julia S[everance?] Burrage) Beman, Nathaniel S. S. (see also joint letter under Finney, Charles G.) • 1837 May 10 (to Theodore Weld)** • 1840 February 3 (to Theodore Weld)** • 1862 September 22 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld) Bennett, Mary A. • [ca. 1865] (to Sarah [Moore Grimké]) Betts, M. A. • 1867 July 29 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bicknell, Mary J. • no date (to [Sarah Weld Hamilton] and [William Hamilton])* Birney, Catherine Hoffman • 1879 November 3 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Birney, F. • 1861 September 4 (to [Charles] Stuart [Weld]) Birney, F. joint letter with Bellows, R. and Wilkeson, B. • 1858 November 23 (to unidentified) Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857 • 1834 November 20 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Birney, William, 1819-1907 • 1884 April 4 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1884 April 7 (to [Charles] Stuart [Faucheraud Weld]) • 1884 April 7 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1884 April 12 (to [Charles] Stuart [Faucheraud Weld]) • 1896 May 1 (to Sarah Weld Hamilton)* • 1896 May 9 (to Sarah [Grimké] Weld Hamilton)* • 1897 July 8 (to Sarah Weld Hamilton)* • 1897 July 14 (to Sarah Weld Hamilton)* • 1897 September 30 (to Sarah Weld Hamilton)* Bisbee, Bessie • 1867 August (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1867 September 6 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bisbee, Cecelia E. • 1899 February 1 (to Nina Hamilton [Angelina Hamilton])* * Indicates letters acquired as part of the Clements Library's 2012 Weld-Grimké Family Papers acquisition. ** Indicates letters published in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond, eds. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimké Weld, and Sarah Grimké (NY: Appleton-Century, 1934). Bishop, Emeline (see also joint letters under Robinson, Marius Racine; and Weed, Phebe Matthews) Bishop, Joel Prentiss, 1814-1901 • 1856 March 27 (to T[heodore] D[wight] Weld) Bissell, Henrietta • 1831 March 29 (to Theodore Weld) • 1831 August 1 (to Theodore Weld) Black, Rebecca • 1877 April 7 (to "Charlie" [Charles Stuart Faucheraud Weld]) Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, 1825-1921 • 1879 June (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Blackwell, Henry Browne, 1825-1909 (see also joint letter under Stone, Lucy) • 1886 July 13 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) • 1892 May 2 (to [Sarah Weld Hamilton])* Blanchard, Jonathan, 1811-1892 • 1856 July 26 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Bliss, N. S. • 1895 September 17 (to Sarah Weld Hamilton)* Bond, Annie W. • 1893 November 20 (to W[illia]m Lloyd Garrison, [Jr.]) Bond, E. E. • 1897 October 21 (to Sarah Weld Hamilton)* Bond, Elizabeth Powell • 1872 December 18 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1873 December 29 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) • 1879 November 26 (to [Theodore Dwight Weld]) Bond, Maria L. • 1868 October 11 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • 1869 April 2 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) • no date (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Booth, Sherman M. • 1836 June 27 (to Theo[dore] D[wight] Weld)** Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society. Chapman, Maria • 1837 June 7 (to Female Anti-Slavery Societies Throughout New England)** * Indicates letters acquired as part of the Clements Library's 2012 Weld-Grimké Family Papers acquisition. ** Indicates letters published in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond, eds. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimké Weld, and Sarah Grimké (NY: Appleton-Century, 1934). Boutelle, Luther • 1893 November 24 (to Theodore D[wight] Weld) Bowditch, Henry I. (Henry Ingersoll), 1808-1892 • 1880 June 20 (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bowditch, Olivia Y. • no date (to [Theodore Dwight] Weld) Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909 • 1891 October 21 (to Theo[dore] [Dwight] Weld) • 1893 November 16 (to [William Lloyd] Garrison, [Jr.]) Brackett, J. Q. A. • 1891 January 1 (to Mr. Hutchinson) Bradley, Cyrus P. (see under Dartmouth College Anti-Slavery Society) Bramhall, C.
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