THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 39: ISSUE 129 THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ND -will a-ward 13 honorary degrees at commencement their contributions in fields for an honorary degree. usually consists of 10 to 12 world known for successfully By KATE ANTONACCI ranging from business, law and "Each of the colleges submits individuals who do not neces­ separating Siamese twins Associate Nrws Editor science to medicine, sports and recommendations for honorary sarily need a connection to the joined at the hack of the head entertain- degree recip­ University, Brown said. in 1987, will recetvEl a doctor­ Thirteen honorary degrees ment, said ients, and Aaron, the all-time leader for ate of science. will bP awarded at Notre Dennis other sugges­ career runs in Major League Judge Hobert Carter, a U.S. Damn's May 15 eommoncenwnt Brown, asso­ tions can be Baseball who was elected to the District Court judge for tho cPrPmony. Univnrsity officials ciato director . ·,·~.. submitted by Ilall of rame in 1982, will Southern District of New York announctHI Wndnnsday. Among of news and ' . anyone with­ receive a doctorate of laws. known for his involvomnnt in tlw rncipionts will be baseball information. in the cam­ Arinze, a Nigerian who was the civil rights movement, will lognnd !lank Aaron and former llonorary t pus commu­ considered a strong papal can­ receive a doctorate of laws. papal candidate Cardinal degrees arc nity," Brown didate before Pope Benedict Hobert Conway, class of 1966, Francis Arinze. ways of rec­ said. XVI was selected Tuesday and a senior director at Goldman 'Aaron U i Arlnze In addition to commnnr.ement ognizing and n ve rs ity has been instrumental in pro­ Sachs who also serves on Notre speaknr Vartan Grngorian, honoring the President moting inter-religious dialogue, Dame's Board of Trustees, will prosidE)nt of the Carnegie accomplishments of various Father Edward Malloy and sev­ will also receive a doctorate of receive a doctorate of laws. Corporation, Notre Dame will individuals. Students, faculty eral officers then narrow down laws. .Jack Greenberg, a well- honor distinguishnd figures - and staff members are all the group of nominees. They Dr. Benjamin Carson, one of thnH~ women and I 0 men- for allowed to nominate a person make the final decisions, which the top brain surgeons in the see DEGREES/page 6 Abroad students flock to St. Peter's Lead-ND New pope's views Crowds attend the works to spark debate in Rome papal announcement help local By KELLY MEEHAN By RICKY McROSKEY Nrws Writer News Writer HOME - Saint Mary's sopho­ HOME - As the slow, steady youth more Sarah DeShon was not cheers of "Benedetto" resound­ expecting a rww pope to be ed throughout St. Peter's olocted so quickly. When her square, Notre Dame students By JARRETT LANTZ roommate informed her had the special opportunity to News Writer Tuesday evening that a pope witness history when Cardinal had been named, she knew she Joseph Hatzinger ascended to In his first year com posi­ only had about 45 minutes to the papacy Tuesday evening in tion class, Steve Cartwright arrive at tlw Vatican to see the Home. There, at 5:50 p.m .. was tasked with writing an prnsnntation of the new pontiff. white smoke rose from the essay about the issue of' She bngan running to St. Sistine Chapel chimney and all educational disparity. ;\s he Peter's square. of Home - and the world, for sat hunched over his desk, Slw had company. that matter - turned its gaze lw had an idea: instPad of "I think it was amazing to soe toward the Vatican to hear the just writing about tlw prob­ so many people running first words of Pope Benedict lem. he could propose a through tlw streets. osp!~cially XVI. solution - a solution that SI'VI'ral pril'sts and nuns," Many students wen~ tlH're for IPd to his founding of Lead I )I'Siwn said. tho first papal inauguration in ND, a Notrn Danw sPrvirr• Word spn•ad quil'kly among 26 years, though thn suddr•n club. Saint Mary's studnnts studying nature of the announer~nH~nl l.ead-ND strivPs to pro· in Hon11• artnr (;prman Cardinal sent many of them running ·vidP South Bnnd youth with .Josnph Hatzingnr was toward St. Peter's from all dif­ al'l!~r-srhool romrnunity announn~d as t.lw next pope. AP ferent parts of Horne. sr~rviee opportuniii!~S. Wh:Lt Catholics celebrate together the election of Pope Benedict XVI sets Lead-ND apart from sec.: DEBATE/page 6 at St. Peter's square in Vatican City. see CROWDS/ page 8 other service programs is that the participating chil­ dren, not adults, plan and carry out the bulk of the projects. During this past semester, Baron delivers first State of the Student Union 10 Notre Dame students visited the children at Jefferson lntermndiatP Miller gave an exuberant. almost School to gently guidE~ tlw By MADDIE HANNA !lamboyant introduction of the Associate News Editor organization of tlwir own new presidnnt. community sr~rvien projects. Emphasizing "we're not gov­ Despite being unable to sup­ "A lot of stud11nts come ernment; we're Union," student press a few laughs himself. !'rom low socioEH'.onom ir body president Dave Baron deliv­ Baron quickly regained compo­ backgrounds and lwvn a lot ered his first sure, apologizing for "all the of dilTnrnnt issuns tlwy l'acP State of the pomp. circumstance and political at school and away from I'm Student Union See Also theory that about to give - school," I.Pad-ND tt~am address but hey, that's what you get when leader Krystal llardy said. "Members Wednesday you elect a !political sc.ieneel and "Tiwy're the kids that don't night, assum­ discuss !economics! major as studPnt twcnssarily get straight ;\s, body pt·esident." ing the podi­ basketball but thny havP a lot of lPad­ um at the lie stressed the power of the ership potnntial. Tlwy seP beginning of tickets, future of Student Union while analyzing that part of thnmsPivns the Senate Copy Shop" thn common phrase "student stuck as a 'elass c:lown', bur meeting. government has no power." we'vr1 shown them that tlH'Y Baron's page4 "I'm here tonight to both agree can channel that energy entry was and entirely refute that state­ into somnthing positive." what one might expect of a big­ ment," Baron said. Over onn year of planning PAMELA LOCK/The Observer time politician - except for the lie explained he agrees with and training culminated in Student body president Dave Baron discusses perseverance, laughter that ensued after direc­ proactlveness and convictions durlllg his speech to the Senate. tor of communications Steve see UNION/page 6 see LEAD-NO/page 8 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, April 21, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR AT NOTRE DAME? Proper· quad attire From what I can recall, Notre. Dame is not the University of Southern California. Katie Jannazo Jen Richard Ashley Shelton Tom Stablein Michael Devitt Brian Fallon While the beauty of the St. Joe's and St. Mary's Lakes surpasses any freshman sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore ocean. unfortu- Cavanaugh Walsh Walsh Knott Dillon Dillon nately they are Jen Rowling barely lakes - "The first snow- '"WILD' week in "Leaving Bond "Football "Spring. rather represen- "The first really tative of ponds. News Writer warm day when fall - before Walsh ... if you at 7 for season ... what Everyone loves a At the same everyone comes it's freezing and don't know, you breakfast. " else would it good tulip. " time it is under- on the quad. " we get sick of should find b e.?" standable how the grassy North, South and God quads can be mis­ winter." out." taken for the sandy beaches of the Pacific coast. The sooner students come to rec­ ognize the difference between the beaches of California and the quads of Notre Dame, the better off we all will be. What exactly do I mean by under­ standing the difference between the quads and the beach? By no means IN BRIEF do I suggest that students not be out enjoying the radiant South Bend The Howard Hall Bone sun. That is what the quads are for. Marrow Registration will take I enjoy walking to and from classes place between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. listening to the resounding music today in the Sorin and Dooley from the dorm windows and wit­ Rooms on the first floor of nessing the countless games of fris­ LaFortune. bee. soccer and baseball. Furthermore, I find great pleasure There will be a performance of in observing the talented trapeze Tom Stoppard's "Arcadia" artists who spend their afternoons today at 7:30 in the Decio walking across a rope connected to Mainstage Theatre. DeBartolo trees. All would agree that a nap on Center for the Performing Arts. the grass tops off a spring day at Buy tickets at the box office. Notre Dame. So where exactly does the prob­ Writer Blue Balliett will sign lem come in? copies of his latest book The spring events I have "Chasing Vermeer" today at 4 described take place on a grassy p.m. in the Hammes Notre Dame ql!ad, and therefore, they should be Bookstore. accompanied by "quad attire." Although I cannot specify exactly Guillermo Grenier, professor what I mean by "quad attire," I can, of sociology at Florida however, explain what I do not International University in intend.
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