Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual for Reef and Rainforest An Environmental Encyclopedia and Wiki of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands An Open Education Resource Project Written by Edvard Hviding United Nations Local and Indigenous Educational, Scientific and Knowledge Systems Cultural Organization Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 1 10/08/15 16:55 This book should be cited as Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual: Reef and Rainforest – An Environmental Encyclopedia and Wiki of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands – An Open Education Resource Project. 2015. UNESCO: Paris, 48 pp. The author of Reef and Rainforest and of this Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual, Edvard Hviding, is professor of social anthropology at the University of Bergen, Norway. Since 1986, he has carried out more than 23 years of field research in the Marovo Lagoon of Solomon Islands, where to this day he continues his work with the Marovo people. Reef and Rainforest, an encyclopedia of the local knowledge of the coral reef and rainforest environments of the lagoon, was written and published upon the Marovo people’s request. It is hoped that it will encourage young Solomon Islanders to continue to learn from the knowledgeable men and women of their villages, and that it may serve as a catalyst for similar undertakings in the Pacific Islands or elsewhere. Reef and Rainforest is the first publication in UNESCO’s Knowledges of Nature series. This book resource builds on Edvard Hviding, 2010. Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual: Reef and Rainforest – An Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo, Lagoon Solomon Islands – A Pilot Project in Vernacular Environmental Education for the Pacific Islands. UNESCO: Paris, 40 pp. This UNESCO publication is a collaborative effort of the Natural Science and Communication & Information sectors of UNESCO in Paris and Apia Marovo Based Coordinator Coordinator Brian Bird Facilitators Brian Bird, Teanau Tuiono, Aseri Yalangono & David Leeming Patukae Editorial Team Aseri Yalangono, Fensal Fate, Teanau Tuiono, Redley Manu, Logan Tuni, Delilah Hagety & Loiley Nonga Design & Production Julia Cheftel Photography Edvard Hviding, Teanau Tuiono, Delilah Hagety, Fensal Fate, Loiley Nonga, Jackson Busu & Patukae Community High School Printed in 2015 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 7 Place de Fontenoy, 73752 Paris 07 SP, France © The People of Marovo and Edvard Hviding The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this text and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. For further information please contact Douglas Nakashima Small Islands and Indigenous Knowledge Section UNESCO – 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Email: [email protected] The contents of this resource is made available as Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/igo/) Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 2 10/08/15 16:55 Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual for Reef and Rainforest An Environmental Encyclopedia and Wiki of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands An Open Education Resource Project United Nations Local and Indigenous Educational, Scientific and Knowledge Systems Cultural Organization Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 1 10/08/15 16:55 View of Marovo Lagoon from the peak of Marovo Island Children at Duvaha Primary School, northern Marovo The famous Bili Passage has always been the point of entry for seafarers approaching the Marovo Lagoon from the east Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 2 10/08/15 16:55 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 PART ONE BACKGROUND 7 PART TWO TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: 11 • SOLOMON ISLANDS PRIMARY SCIENCE SYLLABUS • THE MAROVO ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WIKI PART THREE LESSON PLANS FOR TEACHERS USING THE SOLOMON ISLANDS SCHOOL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK 19 PART FOUR LEARNERS’ EXEMPLARS: EXAMPLES FROM MAROVO 41 Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 3 10/08/15 16:55 Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual INTRODUCTION In January 2005, UNESCO’s LINKS programme (Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems) published the book Reef and Rainforest: An Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon1 by Edvard Hviding, henceforth referred to as the Encyclopedia. Further details about the book and its role in the LINKS programme can be found at: www.unesco.links In 2010 the Encyclopedia was put online in a Wiki format, in Marovo and English languages, as an Open Educational Resource2 supported by a series of workshops which added new entries and adapted many of the original entries. Found at www.marovo.org, local contributions to the wiki were made in various digital formats. Under the guidance of Principal, Patukae Community High School, Brian Bird and Under Secretary, Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, Aseri Yalangono, and with support from UNESCO, training was given to the teachers on how to manage with their students, educational activities that generate content. This was done through the drafting of lesson plans during the workshops, using tools that support the on-going development of the Marovo wiki. The project harnesses the connections 1. Knowledge of Nature between communication and information, education, and Series No. 1; 248pp; illustrated introduction; 10 chapters; cultural and biological diversity, enhancing the capacity 1,211 entries in Marovo and of local communities to transmit local environmental English – many with scientific identifications; indexes of knowledge using online communication tools. scientific, Marovo, Hoava and Vangunu names; colour photographs; maps. The lesson plans in this Teacher’s Guide provide information and serve as examples that illustrate 2. Open Educational Resources ways in which teachers can make use of the (OERs) are any type of educational materials that are in the public Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon domain or introduced with an and its associated Wiki in schools and community open license. The nature of these education. These Marovo resources are an outcome open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, use, of an initiative by the Marovo Lagoon people. adapt and re-share them. 4 Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 4 10/08/15 16:55 Introduction UNESCO funded the original Encyclopedia and the original Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual along with the development of the Encyclopedia in Wiki format aimed at supporting environmental education based on local knowledge and carried out in Students using One-Laptop- the vernacular languages of the Pacific Islands. per-Child computers to identify different species during a Marovo wiki workshop This teacher’s guide is organised into four parts: PART ONE Provides information on the Marovo region and raises issues related to incorporating Indigenous Knowledge perspectives into the formal science curriculum. PART TWO Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into the National Curriculum. Gives some practical advice on how to use the Encyclopaedia and the associated Wiki. It provides a basic outline that illustrates how indigenous Marovo knowledge can be taught within the current Science Framework while still retaining a perspective that remains distinctly Marovo. PART THREE Provides examples of Science Lesson Plans that link with the Solomon Islands Science Syllabus Years 3, 4 and 6 focusing on one sub-strand in each year that has a direct connection to subject matter in the Marovo resources These lesson plans were developed, trialled and used during the workshops held at Patukae Community High School between 2010–2012. PART FOUR Provides a number of Learners Exemplars, provided by learners at primary and secondary schools in the Marovo Lagoon. It gives examples of the type of work teachers should expect from their students. 5 Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 5 10/08/15 16:55 Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual Illustration from an assignment submitted during Hinabu topa: the UNESCO–LINKS Pilot Project trials for the catching the bumphead parrotfish Encyclopedia in Marovo (2005), by Jastin Hoala, Standard 4, Tamaneke Primary School. Note the close attention given to reef organisms and their names. 6 Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 6 10/08/15 16:55 PART ONE BACKGROUND 1 Marovo TM Lessons E 2015.indd 7 10/08/15 16:55 Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual Background to the Marovo Lagoon and its people Located in the tropical south-western Pacific, the Marovo Lagoon is one of the world’s largest coral lagoons. It is formed by a globally unique elevated barrier reef, which is intersected by passages to the open sea. The lagoon and barrier reef cover an area of about 700 square kilometres, and are backed by New Georgia, Vangunu and Gatokae, three forested, mountainous volcanic islands with extinct craters and limestone peaks. The Marovo barrier reef extends for about 100 kilometres from Gatokae in the southeast, along the northern coasts of Vangunu and New Georgia to Kalikolo/Kusaghe in the northwest. In its eastern parts this barrier reefs forms a double chain of raised narrow islands, with tall cliffs facing the ocean and dense mangroves fringing the wide, deep waters of the lagoon. By 2008, about 13,000 people lived in villages scattered throughout the coasts of the volcanic islands and barrier reef of the Marovo Lagoon area. The Marovo people have occupied their lagoon and surrounding lands for thousands of years and have a famous history of overseas canoe travel for warfare and trade. More recently, the Marovo Lagoon is known as a ‘hot-spot’ of biological diversity, and a number of international conservation organizations have worked in the area to attempt to counter the environmental challenges posed by the operations of an increasing range of transnational resource extraction companies since the 1990s.
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