DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 38 – Year XIII – No. 2, 1998 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR PASTORAL ASSISTANCE TO HEALTH CARE WORKERS ARCHBISHOP JAVIER LOZANO, Editor-in-Chief CORRESPONDENTS REV.JOSÉ L. REDRADO, O.H., Executive Editor REV.FELICE RUFFINI, M.I., Associate Editor REV. MATEO BAUTISTA, Argentina MONSIGNOR J. JAMES CASSIDY, U.S.A. REV.RUDE DELGADO, Spain REV.RAMON FERRERO, Mozambique REV.BENOIT GOUDOTE, Ivory Coast PROFESSOR SALVINO LEONE, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD REV.JORGE PALENCIA, Mexico REV. GEORGE PEREIRA, India REV. CIRO BENEDETTINI MRS.ANVERLINDE, Belgium DR. LILIANA BOLIS PROFESSOR ROBERT WALLEY, Canada SR.AURELIA CUADRON REV. GIOVANNI D’ERCOLE, F.D.P. DR. MAYA EL-HACHEM DR.GIOVANNI FALLANI REV. GIANFRANCO GRIECO EDITORIAL STAFF REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS MONSIGNOR JESUS IRIGOYEN DR. COLETTE CHALON REV.JOSEPH JOBLIN DR. ANTONELLA FARINA REV.VITO MAGNO, R.C.I. PROFESSOR MATTHEW FORD DR. DINA NEROZZI-FRAJESE SR.MARIE-GABRIEL MULTIER DR. FRANCO PLACIDI REV.DAVID G. MURRAY REV.LUCIANO SANDRIN DR.SIMONA NOVELLI MONSIGNOR ITALO TADDEI DR.GUILLERMO QWISTGAARD Editorial and Business Offices: VATICAN CITY; Tel. 6988-3138, 6988-4720, 6988-4799, Fax: 6988-3139. E-MAIL: [email protected] Published three times a year. Subscription rate: Lire 60.000 (or the equivalent in local currency), postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR S.p.A., Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Spedizione in a.p. - art. 2, comma 20/c, legge 662/96 - Roma We ask precisely you, that are weak, to become a source of fortitude for the Church and mankind (Christifideles Laici, no. 54) Contents 3 A CHURCH SYMPOSIUM ON DRUGS: 59 The Spiritual and Pastoral UNITED FOR LIFE Accompaniment of Drug Addicts VATICAN CITY Rev. Adriano Yugueros OCTOBER 9-11, 1997 Organized by the Pontifical 67 Message Council for Pastoral Assistance to Senator Pino Arlacchi Health Care Workers 68 Message from WHO 6 Words Addressed Dr. Mario Argandoña Yánez to the Holy Father Archbishop Javier Lozano 70 EMCDDA: Intersecting Fields 9 Greeting and Introduction Mr. Gregor Burkhart Archbishop Javier Lozano 73 Conclusions of 10 Opening Address the International Symposium 3 Angelo Cardinal Sodano Rev. Tony Anatrella 14 The Harmony of the Person and Drugs: Anthropological-Theological 77 THE SIXTH WORLD DAY Reflections OF THE SICK Monsignor Carlo Rocchetta LORETO, ITALY FEBRUARY 8-11, 1998 17 Drugs and the Value of the Body 78 Loreto: Rev. Bonifacio Honings An Account of the Sixth World Day of the Sick 22 Education to Promote Life Rev. Vitor Feytor Pinto 81 The Holy Father’s Letter to Cardinal Angelo Sodano 26 From Treatment to Self-Discovery: The Person as a Value 82 Christ Reveals the Meaning Dr. Bianca Costa Bozzo and Value of Suffering Pope John Paul II 33 Report by the French-English-Italian Study Group 83 The World Day of the Sick Rev. Oreste Benzi Pope John Paul II 34 Report by the Spanish Study Group 84 Being Close to Pain with Rev. Manuel Zubillaga the Gospel of Love Angelo Cardinal Sodano 35 The Family and Drug Addiction 88 To Be Fishers of Men Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo Archbishop Javier Lozano 40 Medical Aspects of Drugs 89 Statement from the Swiss Professor Bruno Silvestrini Confederation Hon. Flavio Cotti 44 Drug Addiction and Organized Crime THE FIRST MEETING Professor Vincenzo Scordamaglia OF EUROPEAN BISHOPS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HEALTH MINISTRY 55 The Fight Against Drugs IN THEIR BISHOPS’ CONFERENCES and International Norms Professor Talitha Vassalli 90 Introduction of Dachenhausen Archbishop Javier Lozano 91 The Bishop Responsible 109 THE FOURTH PLENARY ASSEMBLY for the Health Ministry OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL in the Bishops’ Conference FOR PASTORAL ASSISTANCE TO Most Rev. Javier Osés HEALTH CARE WORKERS VATICAN CITY, MARCH 9-11, 1998 95 Summary of the Work Groups 110 Greeting, Introduction INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON to the Session, and Remarks THE ECONOMICS OF HEALTH CARE: on Methodology PRIORITY AND EQUITY IN Archbishop Javier Lozano DISTRIBUTING RESOURCES 112 Christ Suffers in Our 97 I. The Sociological Dimension Sick Brothers and Sisters Professor Stefano Zamagni Archbishop Javier Lozano 101 II. The Political and Economic 113 To Make Known Dimension the Church’s Doctrine Dr. Fernando Antezana on the Meaning of Human Pain Pope John Paul II 104 III. The Theological-Pastoral 4 Dimension 115 Proposals of the Fourth Plenary Archbishop Javier Lozano Assembly for the Future Activity of the Pontifical Council Archbishop Javier Lozano Rev. José L. Redrado The illustrations in this issue have been provided by the VELAR archives. A Church Symposium on Drugs: “United for Life” Organized by the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers October 9-11, 1997 Vatican City Words of Greeting for the Holy Father Most Blessed Father, finish with this Symposium, but will be fol- Health Care Workers involved in the fight lowed by preparing a kind of manual which against drug-addiction along with persons will be a great help in the pastoral orienta- who work in the juridical, social and politi- tion of health care workers in this particu- cal fields of our reality, coming from various lar sector of drug-addiction, and without countries, are meeting these days in the doubt a valid instrument also for those men Vatican to discuss pastoral approaches that of good will who pursue our own goals. are more suitable for solving problems aris- Being aware of the importance Your ing from drug abuse for many persons who Holiness attaches to our work, we humbly are under its evil influence. request your authoritative word, so that we We have reflected on theories and pas- may be sustained, enlightened and shown 6 toral applications, recalling different expe- the ways for our future activity. riences that emerge in preventive Centers We will listen with religious attention to involved in the cure of drug-addicts in vari- your orientations. ous parts of the world. Our task will not +JAVIER LOZANO B. The Struggle Against the Scourge of Drug Addiction Is Everyone’s Business, Each According to His Own Responsability THE HOLY FATHER’S ADDRESS ON OCTOBER 11, 1997 TO THE SYMPOSIUM HELD AT THE VATICAN “The struggle against the scourge of drug casion of the international meeting on drug addiction is everyone’s business, each ac- addiction. I thank Archbishop Javier Lozano cording to his own responsibility... I encour- Barragàn, President of the Pontifical Council age the public authorities, parents, teachers, for Pastoral Assistance to Health-Care health-care professionals and Christian com- Workers, for his words of welcome and for munities to be jointly and increasingly in- organizing this meeting. Indeed, it is particu- volved in the work of prevention among larly appropriate to reflect on the serious young people and adults,” the Holy Father questions arising from the phenomenon of said on Saturday, October 11, to those taking drugs and on the urgent need for research that part in an international colloquium on drug will help political and economic leaders, addiction organized by the Pontifical Coun- teachers and families tried by the tragedy of cil for Pastoral Assistance to Health-Care drug addiction. Workers. Here is a translation of his address, which was given in French. 2. For some years the Holy See has been able to express its ideas on this subject, mak- Dear Brothers in the Episcopate ing pastoral, educational and social propos- and the Priesthood, als. We must unfortunately note that today Dear Friends, this phenomenon is reaching every milieu and region of the world. More and more chil- 1. I am pleased to welcome you on the oc- dren and adolescents are becoming con- sumers of toxic substances, often because courageously, but they do not always feel they were first tried casually or defiantly. supported, especially when the media spread Parents and teachers often find themselves un- morally unacceptable messages which serve prepared and discouraged. Doctors, as well as as cultural standards in all the countries of health and social services, encounter serious the world, advocating, for example, many problems when it is a question of helping family models which destroy the normal im- those who seek their aid to escape the drug age of the married couple and disparage fam- scene. It must be recognized that a crack- ily values, or which consider violence and down on those who use illegal substances is sometimes drugs themselves as signs of per- not enough to contain this scourge; in fact, a sonal liberation. significant criminal network of trafficking and financing has been organized on an interna- 4. The fear of the future and of adult com- tional scale. Most of the time the economic mitments which can be observed in the power connected with the production and young makes them particularly vulnerable. commercialization of these substances es- Often they are not encouraged to struggle for capes the law and justice. a good, upright life; they have the tendency It is therefore not surprising that a great to withdraw into themselves. One can no feeling of helplessness and powerlessness is longer minimize the devastating effect of un- overrunning society. Some are of the opinion employment to which young people fall prey that the production and sale of certain drugs in proportions unworthy of a society that should be legalized. Certain authorities are wishes to respect human dignity. The forces 7 prepared to do nothing, seeking merely to lim- of death then urge them to abandon them- it drug consumption by trying to control its ef- selves to drugs, to violence, sometimes even fects. Consequently, in school the use of cer- to the point of suicide. Behind what can ap- tain drugs is becoming common; this is en- pear as fascination with a sort of self-destruc- couraged by talk that tries to minimize the tion, we must see in these young people a call dangers, especially by distinguishing between for help and a deep thirst for life, which soft and hard drugs, which leads to proposals should be taken into account, so that the for liberalizing the use of certain substances.
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