E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 No. 160 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was munity in Wilson, North Carolina, has cellence among the youth in her com- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- lost a giant and a friend. munity. pore (Mr. HARPER). Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Sallie Baldwin Along with many other projects, Mrs. f Howard was born on March 23, 1916, Howard founded the youth enrichment right in the midst of World War I, in program with my good friend, Dr. Jo- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Wilson, North Carolina, to Narcissus Anne Woodard, in 1989, focusing the TEMPORE and Marcellus Sims. Even though I did program on lasting scholarship, a com- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- not know Mr. Sims, I certainly knew mitment to the cultural heritage of Af- fore the House the following commu- Ms. Narcissus Sims Townsend, who rican Americans, and promoting the nication from the Speaker: lived directly across the street from arts. WASHINGTON, DC, me as a child. Mrs. Howard’s tireless work to enrich September 27, 2018. Though she was raised in the Jim her community inspired Dr. JoAnne I hereby appoint the Honorable GREGG Crow South as the daughter of share- Woodard to create the Sallie B. Howard HARPER to act as Speaker pro tempore on croppers, Mrs. Howard graduated as School for the Arts and Education in this day. valedictorian from Wilson Colored Wilson, naming the school in Mrs. PAUL D. RYAN, High School, later renamed Charles H. Howard’s honor. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Darden High School, in 1938, the same Established in 1997, the Sallie B. f school that I graduated from in 1965. Howard School for the Arts and Edu- She attended Kittrell Junior College cation is one of the first public charter MORNING-HOUR DEBATE in Kittrell, North Carolina, before schools in the State of North Carolina, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- earning both a bachelor’s and a mas- and the only charter school to open in ant to the order of the House of Janu- ter’s degree in education from Hunter Wilson County after legislation passed ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- College in New York City. She also did in 1997 to approve charter schools in nize Members from lists submitted by extensive study at the New School of our State. The school, along with the the majority and minority leaders for Social Research, as well as Columbia youth enrichment program, has been morning-hour debate. University. an invaluable asset to our community. The Chair will alternate recognition Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Howard taught for Mr. Speaker, the school’s mission is between the parties. All time shall be nearly 30 years as a first-grade teacher to provide every child, privileged or equally allocated between the parties, in New York City. While there, she underprivileged, the kind of education and in no event shall debate continue worked in the New York City American that nutures students’ gifts, talents, beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other Negro Theater, which helped launch and potential to become more than than the majority and minority leaders the careers of the likes of Sidney they ever thought they could be. At and the minority whip, shall be limited Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Ossie Davis, Sallie B. Howard School, they prepare to 5 minutes. Ruby Dee, and Esther Rolle. students for careers in the performing f There, she honed her acting and di- arts, science, and humanities. They are recting and writing talents, finding her a school to behold. HONORING THE LIFE OF SALLIE voice through her art. Mrs. Howard’s Established as an academic and as a BALDWIN HOWARD off-Broadway play, ‘‘The Passing of a writer, Mr. Speaker, and as a play- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Dinosaur,’’ is still performed today in wright, avid traveler, and educator, Chair recognizes the gentleman from local schools. Mrs. Howard used her vast array of tal- North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) for 5 Upon her retirement, Mrs. Howard ents and expertise to leave a lasting minutes. returned to her beloved Wilson, North impact on thousands in our commu- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I Carolina, where she became an active nities. rise today to honor the life and work of member of St. John African Methodist Two years ago, we had the awesome Mrs. Sallie Baldwin Howard, a great Episcopal Zion Church, which is a opportunity to celebrate Mrs. Sallie B. North Carolinian, a nationally recog- church that just celebrated its 150th Howard’s 100th birthday, and this pic- nized academic, and a dear family anniversary this past weekend, and I ture that I have with me today depicts friend. had an opportunity to speak for that that moment as I escorted her into the At 102 years old, Mrs. Howard program. She led the Christian edu- auditorium of the school. We will have transitioned to her heavenly home on cation department and the church very fond memories of that day when Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Our com- honor roll to encourage academic ex- she reached 100 years old. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9093 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.000 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Finally, beyond her academic con- Through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, This experience started a decades-long tributions, what is more illuminating we have doubled the standard deduc- career fighting for the rights guaran- of Mrs. Howard’s character was the tion and lowered tax rates, which teed to all Americans under the United way she connected with her students means that 90 percent of Americans are States Constitution. and her friends. She took a personal in- seeing more money in their paychecks In his time as executive director at terest in the scholarship and this year. Plus, more than 4 million the ACLU of Florida, Mr. Simon mentorship of the youth that went far Americans at 642 companies see better oversaw landmark work defending the beyond success in the classroom. wages, bonuses, and expanded retire- rights of LGBTQ Floridians, protecting This is, indeed, a solemn occasion, ment options. immigrants, reforming our criminal but it is also an occasion to celebrate. In fact, more than half of small busi- justice system, protecting free speech, At 102 years old, Mrs. Sallie B. Howard nesses have plans to expand and boost preserving women’s health, and fought the good fight, served her com- hiring or increase employee benefits. strengthening the right to vote. The munity, and was a friend and mentor This is tremendous news for American rights that Floridians enjoy would not to many. families. Too many Americans have be the same without the tireless work I am thankful to God that she was been living paycheck to paycheck and of this champion of liberty. able to touch so many lives. May she have been doing so for way too long. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to call How- rest in peace. She now belongs to the Stagnant wages, growing debt, and the ard Simon my dear friend, and I join ages. inability to save have plagued so many. my fellow Floridians in thanking him Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to Tax reform 2.0 will create and expand for his thoughtful and compassionate join me in celebrating the extraor- additional programs to help Americans work to safeguard our civil liberties dinary life, work, and legacy of Sallie save. For example, it creates a new and for helping to make the United Baldwin Howard. savings account to offer a fully flexible States a more perfect union for us all. f savings tool that families can use at f SUPPORT TAX REFORM 2.0 any time. It expands the 529 education savings accounts. It creates a new baby RECOGNIZING PAUL AND SWANEE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The DIMARE Chair recognizes the gentleman from savings program to help with the birth The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 of a child or an adoption. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from minutes. Mr. Speaker, I fundamentally believe Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. that Americans should keep more of Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- Mr. Speaker, last week, as I traveled their hard-earned money. They deserve utes. the communities of my congressional that. Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, district, I witnessed and saw firsthand Act, Congress paved the way to create on October 2, the Dade County Farm the evidence of the great American a tax system that is fairer, simpler, Bureau is proud to honor Paul and comeback: the amount of jobs, the job and one that establishes an environ- Swanee DiMare, an agriculture power- growth that was available, the increase ment where our country can thrive. house couple hailing from our south in wages, individuals who have left one We worked hard to do that. On Fri- Florida community. job for what we call a new job, a better day, we will vote to make those tax For more than 90 years, the DiMare job, higher wages.
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