Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 10-1-1947 The Ledger and Times, October 1, 1947 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, October 1, 1947" (1947). The Ledger & Times. 1603. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1603 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1947 Selected As Rest All-Round Kentucky Weekly Newspaper For 1947 -s • NUMBER WEATHER FORECAST UDIT Kentucky-Increasing cloudi- UREAU ness and continued cool to- Of day. Considerable cludiness • lRCul.ATIrls tonight and, Thursday. Prob- ably followed by occasional rain in north portion. YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- United Press PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 1, 1947 MURRAY POPULATION — 5187 Vol. XIX; No. 92 Local Harvest Days Sale 'Cut Out The Climb! Hendon Attends Farm Bureau Meet National Newspaper Week Begins At Louisville • 1. CP' Set For Oct. 10, 11,13,14 Rudy Hendon, president of the Calloway County Farm Bureau, is in Louisville attending the Faust Today With Merchants To Offer Bureau Federation's annual Presi- Many Events ;co, Sc Invitation Extended Many Bargains For dents' Conference, October 2 and Murray Woman's 3. eep 4-Day Shopping Spree Club to Exhibition The annual conference is held Ledger And Times so that county Farm- Bureau of- Ed Settle. president of the Mur- ficers can exchange experiences in, The Charity League of Paducah Has Full Week Of the operation and functions ray Retail Merchants Association, has extended' an invitation to ill of lo- a cal orglinizations. ' Also dis- today announced that all local members of the Murray Woman's up for Activities Planned atical- cussion this year is united effort merchants are uniting in a Harvest Club to attend 'an art exhibit by the counties on coin- which will be held on Thursday. the State Fed- James C. Williams. general Day Sale which will take place eration's legislative program October 2, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m at with manager of the Murray Ledger and each county ident- on October 19, 11, 13. and 14. Dur- 1921 Broadway, Paducah. supporting the pro- Times, announced today that many gram adopted by ss and ing this period of four days it is convention dele- activities have been planned for 0 Paintings by W. Kimball Under- t es. body expected that unprecedented sales wood W ill be on exhibition. the observance of National News- ' Lau- The conference is entirely in the paper Week which begins today. Values, will be presented to the No need any more to chase ituih form of panel discussions, with Arrangements are now being Subtle. taa_prebiatanta latoon - tilt cords on your Yenetian b -being the prina completed fiat various school when they climb up. cipal members same - This savant _is_ pepeetad..to- draw_ 11 New Members of each panel. groups, including the Murray High . New blinds are now out, with a_a Among w him thousands of people into our trad- the subjects to be discussed School and MSC...journalism classes, free-whbeling device that keeps' I ing area, he said. Initiated Into are: "Federation Help for Coun- to visit the newspaper plant to they the cords level, saves wear, tear ties"; "Effective Service to Mem- nbach • The Association, only recently and ladder -climbing,, Blinds with see how a newspaper office func- bers at the organized, has made rapid strides Hazel FFA Group the "Levolor - action" have two County Level"; "Steps tions. Students who ,plan to make small metal beads in Setting Up Cooperatives"; "In- their thus ing to and bids to be one of the most fastened to the journalism career will tilt cords. surance Services"; helpful organizations in Murray. The Hazel chapter of Future "Membership have a chance to glimpse the ed her They show that the cords' Education"; With it as a medium, the mer- Farmers held its regular can't "Getting and Keep- work behind the headlines. ,r pic-* monthly get very far out of alignment - ing Mernbers'a "Who Should be Any civic groups of Murray or of si chants of the town can atrive at meeting Thursday night. Septem- and if they do fail to level com- Eligible for Membership"; and visit mburg decisions affecting the town as a ber 25, at 7 o'clock. in the agricul- pletely, you simply pull the short individuals are invited to the "Resolutions and Recommenda- Times any time 1945. whole, more quickly. it' is believed: ture room., cord - and, "click", they're level Ledger and lant again. tions". during the week. Members of the to ac- Over 80 merchants plan to ad- The meeting was called to order Ransom Aldrich, president -Mis- star; will gladly explain every bene- veitise values for these four days. by president Joseph Davenport. and sissippi Farm Bureau' Federation, phase of newspaper. production to sath. the meeting began with the open- "Miss America Day" In an iterview with a Ledger will give, the principal address at visitors who are interested. ing ceremony. and Times reporter, Settle urged Welcomes Home Miss the 'banquet scheduled for Thurs- Throughout the week special that the people of Murray trade Business- on hand fur discussion day night. Breakfast will be held stories will be published explain- as Barbara Jo Walker at home. This harvest sale, ahe the reports of, our different' the following morning. at which 0. ing modern methods used in a said, will give the people ot Mur- communities. The recreation com- D. Brissenden, direator of MEMPHIS, Tenn. Oct. 1 i UPI- organi- newspaper plant, and pointing out ray and surrounding areas the op- mittee composed of Joe Pat Lee, zation Illinois Farm Bureau, This city broke out the welcome will the different ways in which a portunity of purchasing quality Johnny Orr. and Frank Hill. report- be pincipal speaker. home mat for Barbara Jo home town paper can be of service merchandise at prices that are en- ed that arrangements had beersi Walker today and celebrated "Miss Ameri- to the community. tirely in keeping with prices in completed for the initiation of I Miss Saturday. October 4. is official- this general area. freshmen boys taking agriculture. ca Day." Walker returned Auction Sale To Be home-for'-the -first'-time -since-win--- ly designated as newspaper boy Other A motion was made and carried officers of the Assoaia- fling the beauty crown from other Held In College View day. This is the day set aside to tion are: that we accept the report of the Hilton Hughes, vice-pres- American beauties. She planned fete the boys who deliver the ident and committees and initiate the fresh- Addition Friday fla Dotatlas. secretary. to complete her education at Mem- news to .your doorstep every day The man boys. membership fee is $5.00. phis State College. of the year. Ledger and Times Those initiated were: Paul Bran- An iittct.o.1 sale will be held on carriers will be entertained Satur- A parade, luncheon, fashion don, Billy Denham. Roy Enoch, Friday. Octob-r 3, at 2:00 p m. in day with ice cream and a movie at show, formal tea, and "Miss Junior Knight. Edward Lawrence. the College View Addition alocated one of the local theaters. Ladino, Fescue Seed America Ball" featured the clay's James Phillips. Billy Platt, James about 1000 . feet from Five Points Throughout the week several activities. Pay in Fulton County Smotherman. Orvis Strader, Chas. on the Mayfield and Coldwater round table _ . discussions will be Tidwell. and Buddy White. highway, according to Mr. T. 0. held by members of the staff to Fulton county farmers produced Baucum of the Following the initiation a weiner U.S. Scrap Iron Comes Tucker & Baucum discuss methods of developing a approximately 80,000 pounds of la- Real Estate roast was enjoyed by all. Agency. The Its will bigger and *better Ledger and dina clover seed whict they sold be --By Chapter Reporter. Home Again As Jap auctioned to the highest bidder Times for their readers. for $1 40 a pound. C nty Agent Post Office Clerks Guy Shrader. Navy Is Scrapped 4-Year-Old Boy Killed Plans are also being completed John B. Watts believes ladino seed All lots in the auction 'sale that to award special certificates ot promises to become a leading Is to lake place In the College To Play Host WASHINGTON. Sept. 30 ,UP1- Sat. meritorious service to country source of incorae in Fulton county. View addition on October 3a,st 2 The United States which poured correspondents at a special cere- Kentucky 31 fescue is another KUC Claims-takers p.m. are 75 feet in uidth and from At Noon With Pistol To Federation millions of tons of :reran into mony the first part of next week.. profitable crop, according to re- Announce Schedule 100 to 310 feet in depth. It was Japan's war machine in the 1930's, erroneously stated turns obtained by J. B McGehee seaterday that David Linn Humphreys. 4 yeais net. At lust xl.inte she thought The clerks of the local Post Of- will get back a few thousand tons the lots were of Cayce, Fulton county. He seed- The 57 feet in width. old, was shot and killed at 12:00 Former MSC Teacher claims-takers for the Ken- when it scraps remnants of gie Jap he had cut himself.
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