BGD/81/035 Technical Report 3 Volume II LAND RESOURCES APPRAISAL OF BANGLADESH FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT 3 LAND RESOURCES DATA BASE VOLUME II SOIL, LANDFORM AND HYDROLOGICAL DATA BASE A /UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FAo FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION vJ OF THE UNITED NATIONS BGD/81/035 Technical Report 3 Volume II LAND RESOURCES APPRAISAL OF BANGLADESH FOR AGRICULTURALDEVELOPMENT REPORT 3 LAND RESOURCES DATA BASE VOLUME II SOIL, LANDFORM AND HYDROLOGICAL DATA BASE Report prepared for the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations acting as executing agency for the United Nations Development Programme based on the work of H. Brammer Agricultural Development Adviser J. Antoine Data Base Management Expert and A.H. Kassam and H.T. van Velthuizen Land Resources and Agricultural Consultants UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1988 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and AgricultureOrganization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyingor otherwise, without the prior perrnission of (he copyright owner. Applications for such permission,with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressedto the Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viadelle Terme di Caracarla, 00100 Home, Italy. CO FAO 1988 iii CONTENTS LIST OF REPORTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT L. INTRODUCTION SOIL AND LANDFORM DATA BASE 2.1 Soil associations 3 2.2 Soil series 10 2.2.1 Landform characteristics 10 2.2.2 Physical characteristics 12 2.2.3 Chemical characteristics 14 2.3 Soil correlation 15 HYDROLOGICAL DATA BASE 25 3.1 Depth of inundation 25 3.2 Flood hazard 25 3.3 Groundwater level 25 REFERENCES 31 APPENDIXES 33 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Reconnaissance soil survey reports published by the Soil Resources Development Institute 4 Table 2.2 Example of soil association composition 7 Table 2.3List of physiographic units, subunits and soil associations 8 Table 2.4List of soil parent materials 16 Table 2.5List of general soil types 16 Table 2.6List of FAO soil units and subunits occurring in Bangladesh 17 Table 2.7 List of USDA Soil Taxonomy subgroups occurring in Bangladesh 19 Table 3.1 Country summary of inundation depth and flood hazard 27 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 District map of Bangladesh 2 Figure 2.1 Make-up of the soil and landform data base 5 Figure 2.2Example of soil association map unit 6 Figure 2.3Relationship of soils to topography in a soil association 11 Figure 2.4Generalized physiography map 20 Figure 2.5 Generalized map of general soil types 22 Figure 3.1 Generalized map of inundation depth 28 Figure 3.2 Land type and inundation level transect 30 iv Page LIST OF APPENDIXES Appendix 1.1 List of Districts and Upazilas 33 Appendix 2.1 Soil association composition 45 Appendix 2.2 Computer codes for physiographic units and their subdivisions 165 Appendix 2.3 Soil series landform, physical and chemical characteristics 173 Appendix 2.4 Soil correlation 275 Appendix 3.1 Example of information on flooding hazards by land type 309 Appendix 3.2 Dug well and piezometric well location characteristics 313 Appendix 3.3Example of historical well data 339 Appendix 3.4 Mean well data 343 LIST OF REPORTS COMPRISING THE LAND RESOURCES APPRAISAL OF BANGLADESH REPORT 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT 2 AGROECOLOGICAL REGIONS OF BANGLADESH REPORT 3 LAND RESOURCES DATA BASE Vol. I Climatic Data Base Vol.II Soil, Landform and Hydrological Data Base REPORT 4 HYDROCLIMATIC RESOURCES Vol. I Climatic Resources Inventory Vol. II Inundation Resources Inventory REPORT 5 LAND RESOURCES Vol. I Computerized Land Resources Inventory Vol.II Land Resources Maps and Legend REPORT 6 LAND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT 7 AEZ COMPUTER SYSTEMDOCUMENTATION AND PROCESSING Vol. I Introduction to the System and Soil Data Processing Vol.II Climatic, Inundation Regime and Land Resources Inventory Data Processing vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Food and Agriculture Organization is greatly indebted to the following individ- uals and institutions who assisted the project in one way or another to compile the infor- mation given in this series of reports. Mr A.M. Anisuzzaman, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, who initiated the re- quest for the agroecological zones study to be carried out and who maintained an active interest in the progress of the study through to its completion. Mr K.M. Ejazul Hug, Joint Secretary (Planning), Ministry of Agriculture, for his constant interest in and support of the project. Officers and staff of the Bangladesh Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI), past and present, whose reports on reconnaissance soil surveys and soil moisture studies provided the basis for the information on soils, landforms and inundation characteristics presented in the reports. The Bangladesh Meteorological Department and the Surface Water Hydrology Direc- torate of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) which provided climatic data. The Master Plan Organization of the Ministry of Irrigation, Water Development and Flood Control which provided the groundwater data used for the analysis of inundation regimes. Messrs A.M. Ibrahim, A.B.M. Fazlul Hoque and Belayetul Karim Chowdhury, national consultants, and Mr Serajul Islam, Principal Scientific Officer, SRDI, and National Proje,-tCO(Oct(A;L, .11'delineating, measuring and verify- ing the units ,Ilown Ji Naf). Messrs Ibrahim and Islam also assisted in ch ,2cIL-l1:;much of the computer data and in many other ways. Mr Mahbub Ahmed, Senior Computer Programmer, BARG, Mr Qamrul Habib, Scientific Officer, SRDI, and project staff of the BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council) Computer Centre who carried out the computer data processingon which the tables in the report series are based. Mr D. Mazzei, Cartogranher, who organized the drafting and printing of the maps and figures in the flo-ts. The farmers of Bangladesh whose skill and experience in adapting their cropping and farming systems to the multitude of micro-agroecological environments in the country provide the basis for much of the agricultural information given in Report 2. Chapter INTRODUCTION Report 3 deals with the land resources data base developed for use in the land resources appraisal of Bangladesh. The Report comprises two volumes. Volume I deals with the climatic data base; Volume II deals with the soil, landform, and hydrological data base. The data base provides a 'permanent' record of natural resources information for future use, and forms the information source in the compilation of the inundation resources inventory described in Report 4, Volume II, and the land resources inventory described in Report 5. The 64 administrative Districts and 486 Upazilas into which Bangladesh is divided are listed in Appendix 1.1, and a District map is presented in Figure 1.1. 88° 89° 90° 91° 92° -- ----- - r r. ,... Fig.1-1 I.1, . .". .......*1\.k., k.''-,. ', 1 , ......3., > P.ANCHAGARHI:.J/ -:, .1.- ) ) rt. ...- ' I THAKURGAON) I. ).L'ALMANIRFIAT \ ......1. -, ( vs, . 26° /. .I \ / NII_PHAMARI..).' /-C.'7 -1 o r)1E:2:, ) --`-s,\ 5 . -- --,.r- .N. ) ..\KURIGR;AM, ...\) --.1* -.., RANGPUR 0 ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICTS t., DINAJPUR % ,,--.. L 0 \ -N, f \ \ - .3. ''1.I r...0--..../...4 G-Ff.IBANDHA I ,..; \ J..... 1 JAIPURHATY \-'--- )SHERPUR-i .) v., i SYLHET i /..-' ) 25° ( . .-- '\-- SUNAMGANJ i ('\..5. 11 ) NAOGAON . ,) --.. .i- A ALPUR ,./. NETRAKONANf. r-.- I--....., BOGRA ( 1., ,-- / -.. --k. ) N.AWABGANJ.:',, r i d ! L .;-\.. " .-/ I r` -\ ? ,..,.- -.1 MYMENSINGH \...,"--- " /- f ,,/ i' 1,) MOULVI 1- fJ (:... RAJSHAHI ..,-; BAZAR t ) NATOR ....-.. \ SIRAJGANJ i KISHOREGANJ ç'1 TANGAIL ! C. / -- 'HABIGANJ ( j ) ) M I .'"""7-. / ...,. 'V. / 4t. 9. (JAYDEBPUR \-.. i...... \ .. -... ./ I PABNA /. NARSINGHDI' ... 24° L. .-,) ri KUSHTIA ---\----- -. JHAKA-7? J ' -"),_- . 1'1.. RAHMANBARIA ,- r.o. il UN. AN KGANJ,, .."--"'N .....; MEHERPUR: i./ RAJBARI .--, .-... ..i e'' 1-.1'.'-- ..\-) k /'- I-N, r ,,,--` -rNARAYANGANJ ( (. \ *-/."I) CHUADANGA ( MUNSHIrA.R11 L:: \ \- \ 1 COMILLA \.,, ..1 FARIDPUR ..I. i'MAGUR A' . \ (. .N., / .., jTTIHEN 1.' ,e'-',.,:j.',-)SAF,RIA-T--PUR . 1 ,..-- i k V AIDAH./..\.\"..^ Y---).,Y' \ KFIAGRACHHARII. CHANDPUR: ) ..,-, l N-; r :MADARIPUR ( 1 k f' ,',NARAIL.....j .\ ! . ,-.... i N. (. -,. \GOPALGANJk,/-'! (".' . 3) i. JESSORE / \k,. _, -... /o.' 'LAKSHMIt'UR i \ / iFENI../."'' .i 1., 23° 7 . BARISAL ..) I:- L ..),----,__, , 1 I 1 .) \," .---s... ' )NOAKHALI -s. ( I-) PIROJPUR'-..e.\ . ,..? ;'.., I.N!) ,_- / .. ( '''. <JHALAKATI \ r-\ t1 .. ;K HUL NA ,. \..; . \ i .-) "2 .4...-..,...:. \ CHITTAGONG) . 1 (7.l '/ I . ' RANGAMATI 1 1 (BAGERHAT -'-' PATUAKHALI ,/ \ V SATKHIRA ) ,..-. \ .. i \ BARGUNA ( \ *, i . E . k \ 22° . \; )./ \ ) ,,, (' ( 22° ..) eo .\----- BANDARBAN COX'S ._- j-..; BAZAR.\- 2o 2o 20 bl.) 80 100 Km , FAO/UNDP L:GD/81 /035 88° 89° 90° SOIL AND LANDFORM DATA BASE The main source of information on soils and landforms forthe compilation of the data base is the reconnaissance soilsurvey reports published by the Soil
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