
Die approbierte Originalversion dieser Diplom-/ Masterarbeit ist in der Hauptbibliothek der Tech- nischen Universität Wien aufgestellt und zugänglich. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at The approved original version of this diploma or master thesis is available at the main library of the Vienna University of Technology. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at/eng DIPLOMARBEIT ADOBE IN ETHIOPIA Implementation of earth building projects in the development context: problems / strategies ausgeführt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Diplom Ingenieurs / Diplom Ingenieurin unter der Leitung von Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.phil. Andrea Rieger Jandl und der Mitbetreuung von Senior Scientist Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ulrike Herbig E 251-1 für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpfl ege Fachgebiet Baugeschichte und Bauforschung eingereicht an der Technischen Universität Wien Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung von Denise Kießling 00307838 Wien, am 28.09.2017 ABSTRACT KURZZUSAMMENFASSUNG The good availability and its material characteristics make earth Lehm eignet sich durch die große Verfügbarkeit und seine Materia- an ideal building material in arid and hot regions of the planet. leigenschaften hervorragend als Baustoff in ariden und heißen Gegen- In the third world countries earthen architecture is still particu- den der Erde. Vor allem in weniger entwickelten Ländern ist dieser larly widespread, because its extraction is dependant only on noch weit verbreitet, da dessen Gewinnung nur mit zeitlichem, aber time, with no financial outlay. Despite these positive aspects, keinem finanziellen Aufwand verbunden ist. Trotz der genannten pos- earthen architecture is rarely used in development cooperation itiven Aspekte wird Lehmarchitektur selten in Projekten der Entwick- projects. Lack of experience with the building material and lungszusammenarbeit eingesetzt. Mangelnde Erfahrung mit dem image problems may be possible explanations for this. Baustoff und Imageprobleme mögen eine Erklärung hierfür sein. Through the scientific monitoring of a development project in Durch die wissenschaftliche Begleitung eines bereits im Bau befind- the Afar-Region in Ethiopia I will examine where the problems lichen Entwicklungsprojektes in der Afar-Region in Äthiopien werde in the implementation of such a project are. The field sample ich untersuchen, wo die Probleme bei der Umsetzung eines solchen after the design of Katharina Schoenher is particularly suitable Vorhabens liegen. Das Feldbeispiel nach dem Diplomentwurf von since it is also used to establish a new, sustainable technology Katharina Schönher eignet sich besonders, da durch die Verwendung for this place through the use of clay bricks as a building von Lehmziegeln als Baumaterial auch eine für den Ort neue und material. nachhaltige Technik eingesetzt und vermittelt wird. The goal of my work is to record and analyse the difficulties in Das Ziel meiner Arbeit liegt in der Erfassung und Analyse der Schwier- implementing such a construction project. Based on the case igkeiten bei der Umsetzung eines solchen Bauprojekts. Anhand der study, specific problems such as the lack of availability of build- Einzelfallstudie werden konkrete Problemstellungen wie die mangel- ing materials and other resources, the language barrier and the nde Verfügbarkeit von Baumaterialien und anderen Ressourcen, cultural and social differences will be examined. These are com- die sprachlichen Barrieren und die kulturellen und sozialen Unter- pared with other earth building projects in the development schiede untersucht. Diese werden mit weiteren Lehmbauprojekten im context and strategies for problem solving are documented. Entwicklungskontext verglichen und Lösungsstrategien dokumentiert. This documentation can serve as a guide for the realization of Diese Dokumentation kann als Hilfestellung zur Realisierung ähnli- future similar projects. cher Bauvorhaben dienen. fig. 1: Adobe wall of the Afarkindergarten-project in Mai 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5. NESTown-PROJECT 75 5.1 The need for new towns in Ethiopia . 76 GLOSSARY . 6 5.2 Kebele Bura . 79 5.3 About NESTown . 80 1. INTRODUCTION 9 5.4 The components of the Town . 82 1.1 Research Question . .10 5.5 The Rain Water Unit . 84 1.2 Theme fi nding . .10 5.6 The Implementation of earth . 86 1.3 The three projects . 11 5.7 Participation of the inhabitants . 89 1.4 Scope and delimitation . 12 5.8 The design in comparison to the local architecture . 90 1.5 Aims and objectives . 12 5.9 Problems and strategies . 90 1.6 Methodolgy . 12 1.7 Work plan . 13 6. SRDU-PROJECT 95 6.1 Reasons to improve rural housing . 96 2. APPROACHES TO ADOBE BRICKS IN CONSTRUCTION 17 6.2 The Gurage-Zone . 98 2.1 Earth as building material . .18 6.3 About the dwelling unit . 100 2.2 Material properties and composition . 20 6.4 The evolution of SRDU . 103 2.3 Material preparation . 23 6.5 The construction of SRDU . 104 2.4 Adobe bricks. 24 6.6 The implementation of earth . 106 2.5 Plaster . 28 6.7 The education of the workers . 107 6.8 The design in comparison to the local architecture . 108 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 31 6.9 Problems and strategies . 109 3.1 Location and climate . 32 3.2 Social structure . 33 7. COMPARISON 113 3.3 Political structure . 34 7.1 The initial position . 114 3.4 Hisorical and architectural overview . 35 7.2 The scale . 115 3.5 Earthen architecture in Ethiopia . 38 7.3 Construction and design . 115 7.4 The implementation of earth . 116 4. AFARKINDERGARTEN-PROJECT 41 7.5 The education of the workers . 118 4.1 The Afar and their need for new construction methods . 42 7.6 Problems and strategies . 118 4.2 The development of Logia . 50 4.3 The Afar Kindergarten Project . 56 8. CONCLUSION 121 4.4 The education complex . 57 8.1 Summary . 122 4.5 The Hostel building . 59 8.2 Suggestions . 123 4.6 The implementation of earth . 63 4.7 The education of the workers . 67 REFERENCES 125 4.8 The design in comparison to the local architecture . 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY . 126 4.9 Problems and strategies . 68 FIGURES . 129 APPENDIX 130 FILM TEXT. 131 INTRODUCTION 1 6 GLOSSARY General: CIS: Corrugated iron sheets APPROCHES TO ADOBE BRICKS IN CONSRUCTION EiABC: Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, 2 Building Construction and City Development ETH Zurich Zurich University of Technology NGO: Non governmental organization TU Vienna Vienna University of Technology BACKGROUND INFORMATION 3 Earth: Lean soil: Not very cohesive soil Rich soil: Soil with strong binding characteristics Afarkindergarten-project: AFARKINDERGARTEN-PROJECT 4 AK-project: Afarkindergarten-project APDA: Afar Pastoralist Association Chikka: Designation of a widespread building technique in Ethiopia, where a wooden substructure is covered with earth NESTown-PROJECT 5 Deboita: Mobile house of Afar NESTown-project: CTC: Community training centre ITA Integrated Town Agriculture SRDU-PROJECT 6 NEST: New Ethiopian Sustainable Town RWU: Rainwater-unit SRDU-project: COMPARISON 7 RHR Rural Housing Research SRDU: Sustainable Rural Dwelling Unit CONCLUSION 8 1. INTRODUCTION The whole process of traveling, fi lming and researching for my master thesis was long and challenging, but it gave me the opportunity to gather many experiences for my life. fig. 2: Fieldwork in Logia/ Afarkindergarten-project 10 1.1 Research Question 1.3 The three projects 11 The focus of my thesis is the construction with adobe * What are essential rules of construction for earthen The three projects described and compared in this the- bricks and important things you need to know about buildings? sis are located in completely different regions of Ethio- this material before starting a building project. The pia and have different functions. Their main similarity main questions have been: * How can I ensure durability? is the building material; adobe bricks. * What are the motives of building with earth, espe- * What are the biggest challenges during construc- * The Afarkindergarten-project (AK-project): 1. INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION cially with adobe bricks? tion? This project is about the construction of an educa- tion complex in the Afar-Region, one of the hottest fig. 3: Afarkinder- * How can I improve the acceptance and the image of * With respect to the three projects compared in this and driest areas of Ethiopia. The focus is on the garten-project earth construction methods within the population? thesis, what are the different approaches in realizing construction of one hostel building. construction projects using adobe bricks? * New Ethiopian Sustainable Town (NES- * Do cultural differences affect the work on a con- Town-project): A new town is rising up in the vil- struction site? * How can I transfer the knowledge about adobe con- lage of Bura in the Amhara-Region. It will enable struction so that the local people apply the technol- sustainability, independence and income security. * How do I know if the soil on the building site is ogy independently? The Rainwater-unit (RWU), the accommodation of suitable for construction? the future inhabitants, is described in detail. * And finally, how can I present the topic of adobe * Sustainable Rural Dwelling Unit (SRDU-pro- construction in a documentary movie? ject): The goal of this project was to create a new form of rural housing, which better adopts modern standards. It had been realized in different areas of 1.2 Theme fi nding the Gurage zone, a part of SNNPR-Region. The design is strongly oriented on the traditional house. fig. 4: NESTown-project In December 2015 I received an email from Professor fast, I was rather unprepared when I arrived and had Andrea Rieger-Jandl about a building project in Ethio- no clear vision about the detailed content of the movie pia of two former architecture students of Vienna Uni- and also the written thesis. I thought if I was on the versity of Technology. It was about an education com- construction site for some time and worked with the plex that enables children from the countryside to visit people, finally the ideas would come. And somehow it high school.
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