22010-11010-11 LibertyLiberty Game No. 9 - Dec. 2, 2010 MMen’sen’s BBasketballasketball QQuickuick FFactsacts Presbyterian College BLUE HOSE (2-4, 0-0 Big South) GGeneraleneral IInformationnformation NNameame ooff SSchoolchool ...................... LLibertyiberty UUniversityniversity CCity/Zipity/Zip .................................. LLynchburg,ynchburg, VVa.a. 2450224502 FFoundedounded ....................................................................................11971971 at EEnrollmentnrollment ........................................................................ 111,9281,928 NNicknameickname.......................................................................... FFlameslames SSchoolchool ColorsColors ........................ RRed,ed, WWhitehite & BBluelue HHomeome AArenarena................................................ VVinesines CCenterenter Liberty FLAMES CCapacityapacity....................................................................................88,085,085 AAfffi lliationiation ................................................ NNCAACAA DDivisionivision I (4-4, 0-0 Big South) CConferenceonference ............................................................ BBigig SSouthouth FFounderounder .................................................. DDr.r. JJerryerry FFalwellalwell Lynchburg, Va. - Vines Center - 9 p.m. CChancellorhancellor ..........................................JJerryerry FFalwell,alwell, JJr.r. DDirectorirector ooff AAthleticsthletics................................ JJeffeff BBarberarber AAthleticsthletics DDept.ept. PPhonehone .......... ((434)434) 5582-210082-2100 The Games MMen’sen’s BBasketballasketball IInformationnformation HHeadead CCoachoach...................................................... DDaleale LLayerayer The Liberty men’s basketball team kicks off Big South play this Thursday, taking on AAlmalma MMaterater ........................................................EEckerd,ckerd, ‘‘8080 conference member Presbyterian. The Blue Hose fi nished with a 5-26 record last season, RRecordecord aatt SSchoolchool ........119-209-20 (Second(Second Year)Year) CCareerareer RRecordecord .................. 2289-21389-213 ((18th18th yyear)ear) but are expected to be vastly improved from last season with the return of three redshirt AAssistantssistant CCoachesoaches players, which includes Big South Preseason team member Al’Lonzo Coleman. ....JJasonason EEakeraker ((Texas-PanTexas-Pan American,American, ‘04)‘04) ......................MMyronyron GGuilloryuillory (Virginia(Virginia Tech,Tech, ‘99)‘99) Thursday’s contest marks the eighth meeting between the two squads, with Liberty ........ BBrianrian JJoyceoyce ((OklahomaOklahoma Christian,Christian, ‘95)‘95) holding a 4-3 edge in the series. Tipoff inside the Vines Center is slated for 9 p.m. CCertiertifi eedd AthleticAthletic TTrainerrainer .................................... AAaronaron SSchreinerchreiner (Taylor,(Taylor, ‘02)‘02) Recent Results HHistoryistory FFirstirst SSeasoneason ooff BBasketballasketball ....................11972-73972-73 Playing in its fi rst of two games inside the South Padre Convention Centre, the Liberty AAll-Timell-Time RRecordecord ....................................................5543-57543-575 men’s basketball team squared off with Mississippi Valley State. Thanks to solid three- NNCAACAA TTournamentournament AppearancesAppearances ......................2 LLastast NNCAACAA AAppearanceppearance ......................................22004004 point shooting in the fi rst half, the Flames created a 10-point bulge at halftime and did not OOpponentpponent .......................................................... SSt.t. JJoseph’soseph’s let up in the second half, en route to a 64-58 decision, Friday afternoon. RResultesult ........................................LL/82-63/82-63 ((FirstFirst RRound)ound) FFinal/Highestinal/Highest RankingRanking .............................................. NN/A/A Liberty picked up its second straight win on Saturday, wrapping up the South Padre FFinalinal 22009-10009-10 RecordRecord ..........................................115-165-16 Island Invitational with a 67-65 overtime victory over Chicago State. The extra period al- CConferenceonference Record/FinishRecord/Finish ..............110-8/Sixth0-8/Sixth SStarterstarters RReturning/Losteturning/Lost..............................................33/2/2 lowed the Flames to take home some hardware, as they were crowned champions of the LLetterwinnersetterwinners Returning/LostReturning/Lost............................77/5/5 tournament’s Laguna Madre Division. NNewcomersewcomers........................................................................................5 With the victory, Liberty improved to 4-4 on the season, while the Cougars fell to 3-4. AAthleticsthletics CCommunicationsommunications IInfo.nfo. AAsst.sst. AADD - CCommunicationsommunications ....................................................................................TToddodd WWetmoreetmore Watch and Listen to the Flames SSIDID OOfffi ccee PPhonehone ........................ ((434)434) 5582-229282-2292 Thursday’s contest will be televised on MASN with Ray Jones providing the play-by- CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-897441-8974 EEmailmail AAddressddress.............. [email protected]@liberty.edu play and Tim Scarborough adding color commentary. There will be a radio broadcast will AAssoc.ssoc. DDirectorirector ..........................RRyanyan BBombergeromberger air on the Flames Sports Network (fl agship WRVL 88.3 FM) with Alan York providing the CCellell PPhonehone .......................................... ((434)434) 2221-557621-5576 EEmailmail AAddressddress...... [email protected]@liberty.edu play-by-play. York takes over play-by-play duties this season for longtime broadcaster AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ........................................ PPaulaul CCarmanyarmany Jerry Edwards, who retired this past spring after 29 years. CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 2221-557521-5575 EEmailmail AAddressddress.......... [email protected]@liberty.edu In addition to the radio broadcast, an Internet audio broadcast on LibertyFlames.com AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector .................................................. EEricric BBrownrown will be available. CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 2221-881721-8817 EEmailmail AAddressddress................ [email protected]@liberty.edu AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ..................................JJenniferennifer SSheltonhelton Liberty’s Probable Starters CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((828)828) 6638-387638-3876 EEmailmail AAddressddress.......... [email protected]@liberty.edu No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Yr. PPG RPG Other Stats MMBBBB CContactontact .................................................. EEricric BBrownrown 25 Jesse Sanders G 6-3 200 Jr. 7.0 6.4 6.25 apg AAth.th. CComm.omm. FFaxax............................ ((434)434) 5582-207682-2076 10 Evan Gordon G 6-2 185 So. 13.8 2.8 77.3 FT% WWebsiteebsite .......................................... LLibertyFlames.comibertyFlames.com 14 David Minaya G 6-6 205 R-Jr. 11.6 3.9 84.6 FT% 20 John Brown G 6-5 195 R-Jr. 11.6 10.9 13 Steals MMediaedia IInformationnformation 24 Antwan Burrus F 6-6 235 So. 8.8 5.9 16 Blks RRadioadio Reserves SStationtation .................................................... WWRVLRVL ((88.388.3 FFM)M) 2 Chene Phillips G 6-2 170 Fr. 3.1 1.5 -- PPlay-By-Playlay-By-Play ..........................................................AAlanlan YYorkork 4 James Spencer G 6-1 190 Sr. 0.0 0.4 -- 5 Tanner Hoyt G 6-4 170 Jr. 0.0 1.5 12 Jeremy Anderson G 6-4 200 R-Jr. 2.8 0.2 -- 21 Joel Vander Pol C 6-10 225 R-Fr. 1.4 2.1 -- 23 Asaad Woods G/F 6-4 210 Fr. 0.0 0.0 -- 33 John Caleb Sanders G 6-0 175 Fr. 4.9 1.6 -- 41 Carter McMasters C 6-11 240 R-So. 0.9 1.0 -- 42 Sommy Ogukwe F 6-7 215 Fr. 0.9 2.6 -- 2010-11 Liberty Head Coach Dale Layer Men’s Basketball Schedule/Results Overall: 4-4 Big South: 0-0 11/12 VIRGINIA INTERMONT W/82-65 11/14 at Notre Dame L/51-72 11/16 at UNC Wilmington L/64-69 OT 11/18 SOUTHERN VIRGINIA W/82-49 South Padre Island Invitational (Campus Sites) 11/21 at Texas Tech L/71-79 11/23 at South Florida L/43-60 Chicago Invitational (Chicago, Ill.) Record at Liberty: 19-20 (Second Year) 11/26 vs. MVSU W/64-58 Career Record: 289-213 (18th Year) 11/27 vs. Georgia So./Chicago St. W/67-65 OT 12/2 PRESBYTERIAN*^# 9 p.m. Mountain West Conference Championship: 2003 12/4 WINTHROP ^# 7 p.m. 12/11 GEORGE MASON^# 7 p.m. 2 NCAA Division II Appearances: 1996 (Sweet 16), 1998 12/18 WILLIAM & MARY^# 7 p.m. 12/22 at Hampton 7 p.m. 12/28 UNION COLLEGE 7 p.m. 12/31 at Gardner-Webb*# 5:30 p.m. 1/2 at UNC Asheville*# 2 p.m. 1/6 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN*^# 7 p.m. Entering his second season as head coach of the Flames, Dale Layer is the eighth 1/8 COASTAL CAROLINA*^# 7 p.m. coach in program history. Layer returned to Liberty Mountain in 2009 after previously serv- 1/13 at High Point*# 7 p.m. 1/15 at Radford*&# 7 p.m. ing as an assistant coach for the Flames during the 2007-08 season. 1/20 VMI*^# 7 p.m. 1/27 UNC AASHEVILLE*&# 7 p.m. This is Layer’s third head coaching stint and fi rst since leaving Colorado State in 2007. 1/29 GARDNER-WEBB*^# 7 p.m. 2/3 at Coastal Carolina*# 8 p.m. Layer, 51, comes to Liberty most recently from a successful run as an assistant coach
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