DECLASS IFIE ,< <. RESTRICTED By ~ 1 • i3 AC of s G-2 ··" I I (.. ;;,- GHQ ' \ - Far East Command 53 ---~ -- GENERAL HEADQUARTERS FAR EAST COMMAND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SECTION. GENERAL STAFF UNIFORM, INSIGNIA, EQUIPMENT NORTH KOREAN ARMY AUGUST 1950 North Korean Army. Far East Command . Aug 50 . This Document IS A HOLDING OF THE ARCHIVES SECTION LIBRARY SERVICES FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS DOCUMENT NO. H- 17245 COPY NO. _1_ !)fl-. R 6 1951 RESTRICTED GENERAL HEADQUA•RTERS FAR EAST COMMAND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SECTION, GENERAL STAFF UNIFORM, INSIGNIA, EQUIPMENT NORTH KOREAN ARMY AUGUST 1950 RESTRICTED General Headquarters Far East Command August 1950 T his Handbook has been prepared to provide United States military Fersonnel of all grades and arms with a fairly detailed picture of the North Korean Army in terms of its uniform, insignia, weapons, and equipment. Also included, for your ready reference, are plates showing the insignia used by the Republic of Korea Armed 1:orces (Appendix A). I t is intended to keep this handbook up to date with necessary revisions and corrections as further information becomes available; therefore, in order that this may be facilitated, it is requested that all suggestions for changes or additions be communicated to the Military Intelligence Section, General Headquarters, Far East Com­ mand. APO 500. Reproduction is by Publication, Drafting and Mapping Section, Theater Intelligence Division, G-2 GHQ FEC. BY COMMAND OF GENERAL MacARTHUR EDWARD M. ALMOND Major General, GSC Chief of Staff OFFICIAL: C. A. WILLOUGHBY Major General, GSC Ass't Chief of Staff, G-2 CO.NTENTS Page SECTION I. INSIGNIA . l A. GROUND ........ ............... ....... .. ... .. .. 2 B. AIR ........... .. ..·.. .. ... .. 4 I. Shoulder Boards .... .. .....' . 4 2. Aircraft . 5 C. NAVY .................. .................·........ .. 6 SECTION 11. UNIFORMS . .. 7 A. GROUND ................. ..•.............. .. .. ,.. 8 B. AIR . .. II SECTION III. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT. 13 A. SMALL ARMS . .. ................. ........·. 14 I. Pistol . • . 14 (a) 8 mm Type 14 Automatic . l·i (b) 7.62-mm "Nagant" Ml895 Revolver. ..... ... 15 (c) 7.62-mm "Tokarev" TT 1930 Automatic... .. 16 2. Submachine Gun . • . 17 (a) 7.62-mm "Shpagin" PPSH Ml941 . ............. 17 (b) 7.62-mm "Sudaev" PPS Ml943. ............. 18 !I. Rifle . 19 (a) 7.62-mm "Mossin-Nagant" Ml891 / 30 . 19 (b) 6..5-mm "Meiji 38" . 20 (c) 7.7•mm Type 99 .. : . ..·.......... : .... .. ...... 21 4. Carbine ............. .. ........... ; . 22 (a) 6.5-mm "Meiji 44" . 22 (b) 7.62-mm "Mossin-Nagant" Ml924/ 27. .. • . 23 5. Anti-tank Rifle . 24 (a) 14.5-mm "Siminov" PTRS-1941 , . 24 (b) 14.5-mm "Degtyarev" PTRD-1941 .. .· ..... .... 25 6. Machine Gun . 26 (a) 7.62-mm "Degtyarev" DP Light... .......... 26 (b)· 7.62-mm "Maxim" Ml910 Heavy.. ...... ... ... 27 B. MORTARS . 28 I. 50-mm M1938 . 28 i Page LIST OF PHOTOS 2. 82-mm Ml936 and Ml937.......................... 29 3. 120-mm Ml938 .................... • ... • • • • • • • • • • 30 Page C. ARTILLERY . .. .. • 31 I. Officer, North Korean Army . 9 1. Field . 31 2. Enlisted Man, North Korean Army ... ...... .. ........., IO (a) 76-mm MI942 "'Zis 3" Field Gun............... 31 3. Officer, North Korean Air Force.......................• II-12 (b) 122-mm MI938 Howitzer . 32 4. 8-mm Type 14 Automatic Pistol . 14 2. Anti-Tank . • 33 5. 7.62-mm "'Nagant" Ml895 Revolver . 15 (a) 45-mm MI937 .............................. , 33 6. 7.62-mm "'Tokarev" TT 1930 Automatic Pistol............ 16 (b) 45-mm MI942 . • 34 7. 7.62-mm "'Shpagin" PPSH Ml941 Submachine Gun........ 17 3. Anti-Aircraft . 35 8. 7.62-mm "'Sudaev" PPS Ml943 Submachine Gun ......... , 18 (a) 37-mm Ml939 . .. 35 9. 7.62-mm "'Mossin-:\Tagant" Ml891/30 Rifle . 19 D. TANKS . 36 IO. 6.5-mm "'Meiji 38" Rifle....... ....... ................... 20 I. Light . 36 11. 7.7-mm Type 99 Rifle................................... 21 (a) T-70 . 36 12. 6.5-mm "'Meiji 44" Carbine............................. 22 2. Medium . 38 13. -7.62-mm "'Mossin-Nagant" Ml924/ 27 Carbine............. 23 (a) T-34/85 . 38 14. 14.5-mm "'Siminov" PTRS-1941 Anti-tank Rifle........ .. .. 24 E. AIRCRAFT . 40 15. 14.5-mm "'Degtyarev" PTRD-1941 Anti-tank Rifle .......... 25 I. Bomber ........ ... ............................., 40 16. 7.62-mm "'Degtyarev" DP Light Machine Gun ..... ... ,... 26 (a) IL-IO Attack Bomber . 40 17. 7.62-mm "'Maxim" Ml910 Heavy Machine Gun............ 27 2. Fighter . 44 18. 50-mm Ml938 Mortars...................... ............ 28 19. (a) Yak 3 . 44 82-mm Ml936 and Ml937 Mortars.... .. .... ..... .. .. .. 29 20. (b) Yak 9 ..... .... , . 46 120-mm Ml938 Mortars... .... .......................... 30 21. 76-mm Ml942 "'Zis 3" Field Gun....................... 31 APPENDIX A. INSIGNIA, REPUBLIC OF KOREA ARMED 22. 122-mm Ml938 Howitzer................................ 32 FORCES .... ........................... 48 23. 45-mm Ml937 Anti-Tank.-~............................. 33 I. FLAG ... .... ...... .. ..................... , . 49 24. 45-mm Ml942 Anti-Tank . 34 2. GROUND FORCES .... ...... ..... .... ............ 50 25. 37-mm M!939 Anti-Aircraft .. , . • 35 3. AIR FORCES . 51 2G. T-70 Light Tank . 36 a. Shoulder Boards . 51 27. T-34/85 Medium Tank................ ................. 38 b. Aircraft . 52 28. IL-IO Attack Bomber.................... .. .. ......... .. 40-43 29. Yak 3 Fighter...................................•.•.... 44.45 30. Yak 9 Fighter........... .................. ...........• 46-47 ii iii LIST OF .PLATES , Page Plate 1-1. North Kor.ean Ground Forces Insignia of Rank (North Korean ~rmy) . ... ... .._..... .. 2 Plate I-2. North Korean Ground Foi;ces Insignia of Rank (Security Forces) . .... ,. .. ... ....... ........ .. , . 5. Plate 1-3. North Korean Air Forces Insignia of Rank.·: .. ·: . 4 Plate 1-4. North _Korean_Aircraft Insignia . .. .. · ; . 5 I. INSIGNIA Plate 1-5. North Korean Navy Insignia_of Ran~ . .. .•.. .. ,. 6 Plate A-1. Republic of _Korea Flag . _. ....... , ..._.. _.... 49 A. GROUND Plate A-2. Republic of Korea Armed Forces Insignia of Rank. 50 Plate A-3. Republic of Korea Air Forces Insignia of. Rank.. .. 51 B. AIR Plate A-4. Repub-lic of Korea Aircraft Insignia... .. ... ... 52 1. Shoulder Boards 2. Aircraft C. NAVY iv NORTH KOREAN GROUND FORCES NORTH KOREAN GRa.N) FORCES INSIGNIA OF RANK INSIGNIA OF RANK SHOULDER BOARDS AND SHOULDER STRAPS SHOULDER BOARDS AND SHOULDER STRAPS SECURITY FORCES ARMY CAP INSIGNIA CAP INSIGNIA OFFICER OFFICER LIEUTENAN T SEN IO~ CO LONEL LI EUT ENANT MAJO R LIEUT[NANT SENIOR COLONEL LIEUTENANT GENERAL COLO NEL ~ COL ONEL MAJOR GENE RAL 00 COLONEL ~ * ril m ~GENERAL ~GENERAL COLONEL m~ I t ..UNIOR CAPTA I~ SENIOR L IEUTENAN T MAJ OR L IEUTENANT rIDMAJOR CAPTAIN SENIOR LIEUTENANT JUNI OR LIEUTENANT ~ • m• mm ril mLlEUTENANT rtl mLIEUTENANT ENLISTED MEN ENLISTED MAN PRIVATE MASTER SENIOR SERGEANT JUNIOR .,_ SEIIGEANT CORPORAL Pf 'ATE SERGEANT ....,... ....o. SERGE.UH S ERGEANT SERGEANT .,......., I SERGEANT 2 3 Plate 1-1 Plate 1-2 NORTH KOREAN AIR FORCES INSIGNIA OF RANK NORTH KOREAN AIRCRAFT INSIGNIA SHOULDER BOARD AND SHOULDER STRAPS OFFICER 0 MAJOR LIEUTENANT GENERAL GENERAL WINGS 8i FUSELAGE WINGS LIEUTENANT MAJOR SENIOR COLONEL COLONEL COLONEL FUSELAGE JUNIOR SENIOR LIEUTENANT CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT ENLISTED MEN SERGEANT MASTER SENIOR SERGEANT SERGEANT WINGS a FUSELAGE FONOT E: NUMEROUS MARKINGS HAVE BEEN OBSERVED ON NORTH KOREAN AIRCRAFT UR ARE SHOWN ABOVE . BASICALLY, THE RED STAR IS USEO IN THE CENTER OF PRIVATE THE INSIGNIA ENCOMPASSED BY CIRCLES OF VARIOUS NUMBER AND COLOR. JUNIOR CORPORAL SERGEANT 5 4 Plate 1-4 Plate 1-3 NORTH KOREAN NAVY INSIGNI A OF RA NK SHOULDER BOARDS AND SHOULDER STRAPS OFFICER I t. ~ ~ I ti; ~ ~ LIEUT t NANT COLONEL MAJOR CAPTAIN II. UNIFORMS A. GROUND SENIOR LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT JUNIOR LIEUTENANT B. AIR ENLISTED MEN I......____.1 I 9 1 11 1 SERGEANT WA~RANT OFFICER SENIOR SERGEANT I PRIVATE JU~IOR SERGEANT CORPORAL NORTH KORE4N NAVAL ENSIGN 7 6 Plate 1-5 • !).' UNIFORM MATERIAL Lightweight cotton. COLOR Dark khaki to a dull green (similar to U. S. Army fatigue clothing). TROUSERS (Officers) ¼ inch stripe running vertically from waist to cuff along outside seam of trousers leg. Color of stripe: N.K. Army-Red: Security Forces-Green. (Enlisted Men) No stripe. JACKET (Officers) Form fitting, reaching slightly below the waist with a 2 inch stand-up collar topped with colored piping. A ½ inch stripe en­ circles both sleeves about 3 inches above the cuff. Four ¾ inch brass buttons close the front of jacket. Color of piping and stripe: N .K. Army-Red; Security Forces-Green. (Enlisted Men) Open collar without colored piping or stripes. BELT: Detachable brown leather about 2½ inches wide worn over the jacket. Officers wear leather strap over right shoulder with the belt. CAP: Same material as the jacket and trousers and resembles the U.S. Army fatigue cap. Has a cloth neck shade attached to the rear which can be worn buttoned up or allowed to hang. Marked with a red star insignia NORTH KOREAN OFFICERS UNIFORM over the visor. LEFT-N.K. ARMY RIGHT-SECURITY FORCES SHOES (Officers): Usually, black leather boots. (Enlisted Men): Usually, canvas uppers with rubber soles. 8 9 Lieutenant-NORTH KOREAN AIR FORCE Sergeant-NORTH KOREAN ARMY 10 11 III. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT A. SMALL ARMS B. MORTARS C. ARTILLERY D. TANKS E. AIRCRAFT Lieutenant-NORTH KOREAN AIR FORCE 12 13 SAFETY CATCH COCKING BLADE OFF ON KNOB FORESIGHT / STOCK RETAINING SCREW I Rtmove ori COrTtmencerfien1 ot \tripptn@ 7.62-mm "NAGANT" Ml895 REVOLVER . A typical double-action revolver loaded through a swinging !oad­ i~g gate on the right side of the frame. It has one peculiarity in that when the hammer is cocked the cylinder moves forward and the c amber in Jine "ll, I1 tI1e •·uarreI 1·s locked to the protruding.' breed , 8-mm (.315 in) TYPE 14 AUTOMATIC PISTOL end. .of the barrel . Th·1s ensures a gas- ti·g ht fi t. The ammunition· is ieadily recognizable by the fact that the projectile is sea ted below the The model 14 8-mm pistol is a semiautomatic, recoil-operated, mouth of the rimmed cartridge case. magazine-fed hand weapon. The front sight is a blade type sight and the rear sight is a non-adjustable open V notch.
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