the itty ag SAIL CANYON LAKE April 2018 D B Volume 50 – Number 4 Lake Canyon Yacht Club, Canyon Lake, Texas www. lcyc.net Commodore’sReport Phil Crane t appears as if Spring has sprung! This is I’ve noted that it’s been about a year since to go sailing! not only evident from the warmer weather we’ve had our last New Member Orientation . As you read through the rest of this month’s and greenery that is growing but also the We’ll have one on April 21st . If you’ve joined Ditty Bag please note all the activities . We do Ivery successful Spring Fling Regatta held in the club in the last year or so and have not have something for everyone . Whether it’s March . I’ve heard nothing but glow- racing in the club series, socializing ing reports and you can read more at any number of Ann’s and Vivian’s C E Sailors for the Sea is proud to award the R about it in the Youth Sailing report T fantastic activities (read about the I F I E D S Spring Fling Regatta I in this issue Italian Dinner!), helping teach people L V E R 20 There are some changes and addi- Hosted by the Lake Canyon Yacht Club 18 – young and old – to sail, helping tions to report as well . At the Board those that have special needs get on SILVER LEVEL of Governors level we had a resigna- CLEAN REGATTAS the water, raising money for worthy tion and at the March meeting the CERTIFICATION charitable causes (see the Leukemia Board elected Kathy Leubner to fill Cup Regatta) or sailing or working th th the unexpired term . As most of you March 17 to 19 2018 on our own Wurstfest Regatta, there know, Kathy has been active in the is an activity that you can participate Robyn Albritton David Rockefeller, Jr. Sustainability Director Founder club for many years and we look for- Sailors for the Sea Sailors for the Sea in the will enrich your life and per- ward to her being part of the Board . haps the life of someone else . We do Please congratulate Kathy when you all of this through the volunteerism see her . that is the spirit of LCYC . And we do recognize some of our super vol- We have also found and hired our unteers as you’ll see in the Lifetime third Docks and Grounds employee Service Awards article also in this and are back to the full complement . Please been to an orientation, please join us . We’ll issue . So, if you aren’t already involved in welcome Gary “Bones” Mercado to the LCYC start about 9:00 AM and try to be though some these activities – come out to YOUR staff when you see him around the club . about noon so you can have the afternoon club and participate . You (and we) will be happy you did CALENDAR TABLE OF CONTENTS April 7-8 Adaptive Sailing . 4 Silly String TSA Regatta Art Class . 9 April 14 Cat Corner . 8 Summer Series Keelboats Classifieds . .10-11 April 15 Commodore's Breakfast Commodore's Breakfast . 3 Summer Series Boardboats Learn to Sail Program . 3 April 21 Leukemia Cup Regatta . 2 New Member Orientation Lifetime Service . 2 Lifetime Service Awards April 28 Port Co-Captains . 5 Spring Work Week The Sailing Ecosystem . 4 May 5 Racing . 9 Adaptive Sailing TSA Spring Fling . 5 Photo by Lisa Begley Youth Sailing . 6-7 5th Annual Charles L. Branch M.D. Leukemia Cup Regatta (LCR) Lake Canyon Yacht Club Officers June 30 & July 1, 2018 Commodore Phil Crane Vice Commodore Mike Samulin he 5th Annual LCYC Leukemia Cup there will be a competitive but fun regatta, the Rear Commodore Lynn Simpson Regatta (LCR) is dedicated to the primary goal is raise money for LLS in the fight Secretary Gary Kirkham memory of Joy Clayton who passed against blood cancers . So step up and start a Treasurer Renee Kizziar Taway earlier this year to cancer . For the last 3 team . All of us know someone who has been Port Co-Captains Ann Cook years, Joy worked tirelessly on the LCR Silent impacted by leukemia and/or lymphoma . so Vivian Miller Auction, bringing it much success . We will let’s make a difference! Rear Commodore for Sail miss her energy, dedication and enthusiasm . We would love to have more boats par- Chris Powers The LCR will kick off at the Commodore’s ticipating this year! There are typically about Board of Governors Breakfast on April 15th with Alana Seger from 20-23 boats entered, however there are many, 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) many more sitting in slips or on the hard, miss- Elizabeth Bentzen Terry Beasley in attendance . The Crane and Leubner fami- ing out on some great fun . Following the com- Bill Clark Glen Graham lies will be hosting the breakfast . The menu petition on June 30th is the traditional BBQ, Anu Day Carolyn Popp will consist of quiche, salmon, bagels, sau- silent auction, and live music . Recognition Joseph O'Brien Kathy Leubner sage and fruit . After breakfast, there will be awards for sponsors and fundraising teams Chris Powers an LCR Executive Committee meeting on will be presented that evening . Race trophies Legal Counsel to the BOG - Jim Kizziar the McKown Deck . will be given out Sunday afternoon following LCYC has raised $154,000 over 4 years for the conclusion of the regatta . 2017 Committee Chairs the South Central Texas chapter of LLS . Let’s Please engage in a great cause . Your contri- Adaptive Sailing Bill McVey bring this total to over $200,000 for this 5th butions will make a difference in the lives of Adult Sail Training Bill McVey year of LCYC sponsorship! so many . If you would like to participate in Lynn Simpson There are 4 fundraising teams already signed any way, please give either Phil or me a call . Audit Committee Ed Miller up from last year . If you want to start your own Budget Committee Laurie McGill fundraising team, just let us know and we will Ray Leubner/Phil Crane Cabana Owners Rick Walker get it set up for you . Keep in mind that these Corps of Engineers Pete Macler teams don’t have to be sailing teams . While Docks & Grounds Craig Uberroth Emergency Task Force Junior Sailing Chris Fogle Debbie Fogle Lifetime Achievement Jim Kizziar LCYC SELECTS 2018 LIFETIME Long Range Planning Marvin Arnold SERVICE AWARD HONOREES Membership Jim Garity Lifetime Service Award Committee Nominations Ray Leubner Personnel Anu Day The LCYC Board of Governors is pleased This year’s recipients have been Club mem- PHRF Jim Garity to announce that members Robert Borrego, bers for 20 to 26 years . They have provided Safety Pete Macler Renee’ Kizziar, Doug Toepperwein and Jim exemplary service to the Club in various vol- Slip Utilization Steve Edlund Kizziar have been selected as recipients of the unteer capacities and positions . TSA Rep Chris Fogle 2018 Lifetime Service Award . Please join the The 2018 Lifetime Service Award honorees Board and Club officers in congratulating these will receive a plaque recognizing their service Vice Docks and Grounds Travis Mitchell members for their distinguished service to the to LCYC at the annual Lifetime Service Award Wurstfest Regatta Mike Samulin Club and receipt of this award . Dinner on Saturday, April 21, 2018 . Their Staff The Lifetime Service Award may be pre- names will be inscribed on the Lifetime Service Club Administrator sented to members who have made outstand- Award Keel Memorial located on the McKown Carolyn Cole ing contributions to LCYC for twenty or more Deck . Just as a keel provides stability and Property Manager Julian Craven years . Factors considered by the Board of direction to a sailboat, these honorees have Docks & Grounds Donny Ahr Governors when selecting honorees from provided exemplary service, guidance and Staff Gary Mercado those nominated by Club members include support to LCYC Ditty Bag Bill Cook long term volunteerism, consistent support Website Stuart Allen of Club activities, effective service in elected or appointed positions and demonstration of leadership, sportsmanship and cooperation . 2 April 2018 Copyright 2007-2018 Lake Canyon Yacht Club upwind sailing was definitely time well spent . Bill McVey Learn To Sail Program Report The student critiques submitted all were very appreciative of our volunteer skippers, his year’s class was a great success by and while returning how to sail upwind in crews, instructors and all club members for many measures…a maximum capacity pouring rain and 10-14 mph breeze! It was a making this opportunity possible for them . I of 30 students signed up (with 5 still great reminder to all on how much longer it believe a couple have already submitted appli- Ton the waiting list), we had a total of 42 LCYC takes to sail the same distance upwind as down- cations for LCYC membership and a couple members volunteer to help either one or both wind! Ann Cook and Lancine Justin brought more are considering do so! weekends, and after 4 mornings of captivating smiles to everyone’s faces as they rushed to the Those who volunteered to help this year classroom instruction, weather permitted us clubhouse to prepare and have hot chocolate included Mike Stellato, Pete Macler, Lynn to sail on all 4 afternoons! and fresh popcorn waiting for the wet sailors! Simpson, Chris and VanEtte Christian, The first weekend focused on teaching the Actually everyone had been advised to bring Sylvie Mathis, Joe O’Brien, Trace Jurica, Rick basics of sailing, types of boats, names of parts, dry clothes and I believe almost everyone had .
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