Zecker, Robert M. "Index." Race and America’s Immigrant Press: How the Slovaks were Taught to Think Like White People. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011. 329–348. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 27 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 27 September 2021, 10:28 UTC. Copyright © Robert M. Zecker 2011. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. Index Abdul Aziz (sultan of Morocco) American Defense Society 22 288n. 137 American Federation of Labor 96, Abel 74 207, 210 Abyssinia 66, 93, 153, 157 American Museum of Natural History acculturation 4, 5, 6, 22, 31, 37, 114, 145 117, 167, 178–81, 185, 189, The American Slav 242, 244, 245, 197–8, 242 292n. 207, 305n. 104 Acheson Harden Handkerchief American Slav Congress 242, 244 Company 82 Americanization 5, 22, 149, 167 “The African” 158–9 radicals 188, 242 African Americans 9, 15, 17, 131, 180, settlements 37, 180–1 182, 219, 241 and whiteness 4, 114, 121, 131, 134, immigrant perceptions 2–3, 5–6, 26, 139, 177–8, 180–1, 185, 188–9, 89, 94, 97, 101, 172, 187, 192–3, 197–9, 242 199, 204–5 Amos ‘n’ Andy 46, 181, 195 race riots 88, 94, 97, 205, 214–18, Amsterdam News 237 220–34, 237–8, 240 anarchists 32, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 91–3, resisting lynching 14, 18, 20, 127 127, 135–7, 217 soldiers 20–1, 120–1, 127, 214 Anderson, Benedict 27, 256 n.8 scabbing charges 206, 209–13 anticolonialism 35, 42, 117–23, 125–6, Aguinaldo, Emilio 105, 106, 108, 110, 128–9, 134, 141, 149, 151–7, 111, 113–14 160–1, 245, 289n. 156 “Alabama Coon” 180 anticommunism 78–9, 161, 243, 244, Albanese, Carmen S. 251 251 Albania 64 Anti-Defamation League 88 Alcsut, Hungary 171 anti-Semitism 9, 15, 71–7, 79–84, Alexander III (tsar of Russia) 75 86–8, 206, 274n. 12, 275n. 41, Alexander, June Granatir 5, 22 305n. 103 Alexander Smith Carpet Company, Antin, Mary 275 n.42 197, 298n. 10 Apaches 286n. 116 Algeria 59, 153, 155, 160 apartheid 150–1 Algiers 160 Apponyi, Count Albert 169 All Right! 186, 241 Arabs 154–5, 160 Allegheny City, Pennsylvania 164 Arbeiter Zeitung 148 Altoona Mirror 235 Argentina 65, 73 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Armenia 64 America 199 Armenians 94 American Aluminum Works 94 Arundel, Maryland 226 99781441134127_Index_Finals_txt_Print.indd781441134127_Index_Finals_txt_Print.indd 332929 66/2/2011/2/2011 110:19:030:19:03 AAMM 330 Index Aryans and Mongols 165 “Before Day Club” 21 Atchison, Kansas 32 Beidler, Jacob A. 118 Atlanta 77, 126, 216, 217 Beilis, Menahem Mendel 74–5 Atlanta Constitution 263n. 94 Belair, Maryland 24 Attila the Hun, 59 168 Belgian Congo 140, 148, 156, Attorney General’s List of Subversive 288n. 144 Organizations 161, 243 244 Belgium 65, 156 Aurora, Missouri 18 Bell, Thomas 4, 27, 46, 205 Ausgleich 52 Belle Island Park, Detroit 88 Austin, Al 136 Benga, Ota 145–6, 287n. 123 Austin, Charles 136 Benkovsky, Jozef 189 Australia 66, 84, 109, 141, 163, 171, Berbers 160 296n. 39 Berkley, Virginia 33 Austria 64, 128, 251, 270n. 35 Berlin 53, 66, 82, 86 Austrian Rod & Gun Club 292n. 203 The Berlin Wall 53 Austrians 164, 174, 290n. 175 Bernolak, Anton 255n. 20 Bibb County, Alabama 213 Back of the Yards, Chicago 210, 221, bicycles 288n. 137 242 Biegert, M. Langley 216 Backor, Michal 64 Bielek, Ivan 70 Bacon Bill 281n. 22 Bielska, Brigid 298n. 10 Baker, Ray Stannard 21, 33 “big stick” policy 104, 126, 128, 130 Baku, Azerbaijan 65 Bigelow, Poultney 83–4 Balch, Emily Greene 55 Birmingham, Alabama 212 Baldwin Locomotive Works 237 Birth of a Nation 149, 218 Bales, M.P. (Hay) 281n. 22 Bishop, E.A. 12 Balltown, Louisiana 29 Bivouac 43 Baltimore 79, 172, 226, 244 Black Belt, Chicago 38, 210, 214–15 Bamboo Curtain 251 The Black Hand see Mafi a bandits 122, 126, 128, 131, 134–40, blood libel 55, 74 285n. 107 Blossburg, Alabama 257n. 18 Bangor, Maine 226 Blount, George W. 33 Baptist Young People’s Union 42 Bludar 269 n.29 Barnabet, Clementine 20 Bluefi eld, West Virginia 29, 97 Barnum’s “Ethnological Congress of Blumenbach, Johann von 50 Strange Savage Tribes” 171 B’nai B’rith 77, 88, 305n. 103 Baron de Hirsch Fund 72 boarding houses 53, 56, 97 Barre, Vermont 92 Boas, Franz 70 Barrett, Charles F. 229 Boer War 150 Barrett, James 2, 7, 68, 78, 195, 210, Boers 149–51 215, 223 Bohemian bazaars 159 Barth, Gunther 26 Bohemian Review 70 baseball 22, 188, 260n. 41 Bohemians see Czechs Bashkirs 57 Bolsheviks 75, 78, 285n. 107 Bataks 141 Boston 274 n.25 Beaver, Pennsylvania 226 Boxer Rebellion 36, 117, 119, 163, Becker, Maurice 289n. 156 164 99781441134127_Index_Finals_txt_Print.indd781441134127_Index_Finals_txt_Print.indd 333030 66/2/2011/2/2011 110:19:040:19:04 AAMM Index 331 boxing 43, 47, 218–19 Cameron, Texas 136 Boyd, Kennedy, 41 Camorra see Mafi a Braddock, Pennsylvania 27–8, 187, Canada 109, 158, 164, 290n. 175 205 Cannibal Symphony Orchestra 145, Bradley, Ohio 211 176, 186 Bragg, William 257n. 14 cannibalism 7, 9, 35, 66, 103, 127, Bratislava 86, 90 139–49, 152, 153, 176, 186, 192, Brazil 91, 140 202, 213, 241, 286n. 116 Brazil, Indiana 211 Čapek, Thomas 64 Brewton, Alabama 264n. 94 capitalism 24, 26, 43–4, 134, 137–8, Bridgeport, Chicago 221 148, 162, 187, 199, 206, 210, Bridgeport, Connecticut 22 212–13, 241, 260n. 46, 260n. 49, Broadway 149, 189, 195, 287n. 128 295n. 18, 299n. 23 Brodkin, Karen 89, 240, 250 and Mexican revolution 135–7, Brodnan, Ján 255n. 20 285n. 109, 286n. 111, The Bronx 98, 287n. 123 and minstrel shows 177, 182, 202 Bronx Zoo 145–6, 287 n.123 radical critiques 43–4, 134, 137–8, Brooklyn 85, 86, 98, 99, 178, 182, 189 148, 187, 213, 241, 295n. 31 Brookwood Labor College 198–9, 241 Caracas, Venezuela 129 Brown, John 20, 187–8, 203, 241 Carmaux, France 54 Brown, William 227 Carnegie, Andrew 117–18 Brownsville, Texas 21, 121, 136 Carol Club 290 n.178 Bryan, William Jennings 117, 119, Carranza, Venustiano 137 294n. 15 Carter, Peter 37 Bubbly Creek, Chicago 215 Cartersville, Georgia 16, 18 Buchanan, Georgia 19 Caruso, Alfredo 92 Budapest 52, 63, 66, 69, 72, 85, 162, Caruso, Enrico 99 167, 169, 172, 206 Castro, José Cipriano 129 Buffalo, New York 251 Catabalo, Mindanao, Philippines 119 Bugoš, Andrej 26, 172 Catholics 88, 89, 96, 105–7, 110, 116, Bulgaria 64, 65 118–22, 125, 126, 129, 130, 149, Bunker Hill 206 239 Burck, Jacob 265n. 110 Cato, Will. 21, 34 Burleigh, Harry T. 182 census 169–70, 291 n.191, 291 n.194 Burns, Tommy 218 Centralia, Washington 78 Burnside, Illinois 215 Černova Massacre 6–7, 167 Burton, Theodore E. 118 Cesta k americkemu Občianstvo 56, 189 Butler, Smedley 134 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 65 Chaplin, Charlie 145, 186 Čadca 64 Charleroi, Pennsylvania 260 n.46 Cahan, Abraham 148–9 Charleston, South Carolina 227 Cairo, Illinois 76 Chase, Hal 260 n.41 California 15, 120, 163, 166, 172, Chattanooga, Tennessee 15, 24 207–8 Chicago 38, 112, 115, 163, 217, 233, Calumet, Michigan 292n. 203 246 Calumet Rifl e Club 292n. 203 Croatians 43, 56, 60, 198, 250 Camden, New Jersey 8, 227, 255n. 20 Czechs 147–8, 185–7, 203 99781441134127_Index_Finals_txt_Print.indd781441134127_Index_Finals_txt_Print.indd 333131 66/2/2011/2/2011 110:19:040:19:04 AAMM 332 Index Irish, 301n. 45 Collier’s Weekly 55 Italians 93, 98 Collinsville, Illinois 32, 174 Poles 4, 55, 210, 221–3, 239, 242 Colorado Fuel and Iron Company race riots 192–3, 220–8, 234, 241, 137, 139 306n. 114 Colored Farmers’ Alliance 216 restrictive covenants 94, 239–40, Columbia University 99, 270n. 35 242 Columbus, Christopher 64 segregation 214–15, 301n. 45 Columbus, New Mexico 137 strikes 210 The Communist International 42, 160 Chicago Defender 41, 237, 239 Communist Party 42–3, 46, 48, 87, Chicago Examiner 156 134, 160, 240, 244, 265n. 115 Chicago Tribune 240 Coney Island, Brooklyn 85 Chihuahua, Mexico 135–6 Congolese, 286n. 116 Chilkats 104 Congress of Berlin 153 China 36, 42, 160, 162, 164, 165, 169, Congress of Industrial Organizations 249 161, 243 Chinese 69, 120, 133–4, 156, 162–5, Connellsville, Pennsylvania 29, 162, 168, 169, 175, 206–10, 275n. 41, 168, 226 281n. 22, 290n. 178, 298n. 10 convict labor 212, 288n. 144, 299n. 21 Chinese Exclusion Act 164, 209 “coolie wages” 133–4, 162, 197, 206–9, Chlebuch, Anton 174 298n. 10 Christadora House Boys’ Glee Club coon songs 180 181 Cooper, Texas 25 Christadora House Settlement 139, Cooper Union (New York) 22 180–5, 290n. 178, 294n. 15 Cork Southern Reporter 65 Christmas plays 51, 55, 190 Corrigan, Archbishop Michael 147 Cicero, Illinois 224, 232, 246 Corti, Eli 93 Cigani 56 “Cottonfi eld Dance” 148 Ciganska Kri 56 Courtney, Texas 22 Ciudad Juarez, Mexico 135 Coweta, Oklahoma 217–18 Civil Rights Act 251 crime Claremont, Virginia 20 African American 12–17, 20, 22–4, Clarksburg, West Virginia 138 28–30, 32–3, 39, 41, 42, 223, 226, Cleveland 56, 72, 118–19, 158, 168, 227 192, 234, 260n. 41 Italian 9, 68, 90–1, 95, 97–100 Cleveland Gazette 36 Jewish 55, 74, 76, 85 Cleveland, Grover 119 Mexican 15 Cmero, Štefan 172 Polish 55 “Coal Black Coffee” 180 Slovak 54 Coaldale, Pennsylvania 115 Črnošolec 56 Coatesville, Pennsylvania 38–9, 41, 49, Croatia 64 131, 238 Croatian Workers Singing Society, Cobb, Ty 22 “Red Star” 284n.
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