A L y , " - . , " , ' . - ~. , '< _' , " - ' .. r" , " ~;J> , ... _'(, .'-" '. " ' , .... .. .' . "t', \ 't _~ , ' , : .;, ~,/ . Number lOt Pullman, Washington,Friday, May 11,' 1956 Vol. LXII Mock Polit:ical Convent:ion Is Here! Thousands Expected at Bohler 10th Annual NCRTG Banquet MPC General Schedule Friday Evening For Tonight/s Opening Session To Feature Gilmoret Waller 6:15-Registration Opens - By Tom Heuterman Bohler Gym. All Dele- By Sharon Harmon, I gram, "Ding Dong' School." The culmination of months of detailed planning, hoping Art Gilmore, WSC grad, and Also attending is Mrs. Scott gates and Alternates and actual work will be seen tonight as the WSC Mock must Register. at the present time top radio and Political convention gets under way at Bohler gym at 7 p.m , TV announcer in Hollywood, 7:OO-First Session Opens Doors of the gym will open at 6:30 to admit the first of Will be featured as the m a i n Saturday the 53 delegations whose delegates will pick up their packets speaker at the 10th annual Na- and proceed to their areas on the convention floor. tional Collegiate Radio and Tel- 8:OO-Second Session Opens evision Guild banquet Saturday 1:15-Third Session Opens and proceeds to their areas on --------------- forthcoming from various nation- at 6:30 p.m. in the CUB. Delegates and Alternates the convention floor. Many ,alumni of WSC 'and Highlight of the evening will al officials. Among these have MUST Be in Attendance at been statements from both Leon- KWSC, including many promi- come when Oregon Republican nent in radio and TV at the All Sessions on Time! ard W. Hall, GOP National Com- present time will be present at '-:::::=::=::============ Congressman Harris Ellsworth mittee chairman and Paul M. the banquet. Honored guest will _ ,delivers the convention's initial Butler, Democratic Nation a 1 be MiSS Judith Waller, program keynote address. He will be in- committee chairman. consultant for NBC-TV. Among troduced by President C. Clem- Said Hall, "Mock conventions other outstanding achievements, Jazz Lovers Plan ent French following a welcome help to stimulate interest among Miss Waner is originator of the by the campus head, college students in the political well known children's TV pro- Seminar May 17 From there on, as the order of process of which they are ex- convention business shows, it'll pected to be an integral part. A panorama of jazz 1900-1940 be the time-consuming and per- In so far as such an event en- Press Chief will be the bill of fare when lov- haps controversial committee re- ables you to express yourselves ers of the American art form ports, seating of delegates and presently and helps, prepare you gather Thursday evening, May adoption of platform. However, to participate effectively as your Murlin Spencer 17, at 7:30 in the. CUB, Browsing there'll be no absence of color future increases your responsi- library to hear "Jazz Seminar." and pagentry in the initial ses- bility in political affairs, a mock sion as the bunting and decora- convention is well worth the Speaks Monday The event, sponsored by the tions erected in the CUB Thurs- hours of work necessary for its CUB music committee, will fea- day will testify. success. I commend you for your Journalism authorities are Art Gilmore turecomments by three WSC interest and with you success ill opening up to anyone interested English professors interspersed Top features of the Saturday your forthcoming convention!' the opportunity to hear Murlin Bullitt, president of King radio with jazz record classics from morning program will be the de- Said Butler, in part, "I eon- spencer, chief of Associated and King TV at the present their own collections. livery of the second keynote ad- gratulate you, the faculty and dress by Montana Attorney Gen- Press for Washington and Alas- time. Master of ceremonies will John R. Elwood will present students of the State College of be Bob Hardwick, outgoing pres- end Arnold Olsen, He will be Washington, on the display of ka, two-beat in the New Orleans followed by the roll call of the Spencer will speak at 1:20 ident of NCRTG. responsible citizenship which is tradition; Lewis Magfll will dis- state delegations for presidential MondaY afternoon, May 14, in cuss the Chicago era; and Har- represented by your Mock Pol- the £vergreen editorial office outstanding students in radio nomina tions. itical convention. The meaning- (CUB B-30). He will be address- and TV will be honored' during old S. Karl' will fill in with com- ments about the era of the swing Endorsement of WSC's efforts ful political experience afforded Ing' Sigma Delta Chi, men's jOUl"- the evening and the Judith Wal- band. in the convention vein has been young people by realistically con- nalism fraternity; the advanced Iler and ~dward R. Murrow ducted mock conventions can r'eporttns class taught by May- Awards WIll be presented. only result in a keener aware- nard Hicks; and those on cam- A special turnout of ten year ness and appreciation of political pus 'in mass communications grads is expected. Committee Republicans Cheer Eastvold, parties as the chief instruments areas who wish to attend. chairman for the banquet in- of politics in a democracy . Jerrold wertrnmer. instructor clude, Bob Hardwick, general In 1956 we have an exception- in journalism, who is in charge chairman; Grant Morlin, public- At Pre-Convention Party Rally al opportunity to display before of arrangements, says that he itv: Shirley Lantow, program; the world the magnificent, ex- expects Spencer to be accornp- Joan Meagher, invitations; and ample of a free people exercis- anied here by Robert Woods, ex- E. C. Herald. open house. ing' their free choice in an un- ecutive editor of the Wenatchee Mr. Gilmore is at the present rivaled expression of popular Daily World, who may also ad- time, among other outstanding' 'consent'. You are making 3. dresS the Monday meeting, accomplishments, head announ- splendid contribution to this end spencer's only other local ap- cer for the "George Gobel Show' through your mock convention." pearance Monday is slated to and "Climax" both of which be at a closed luncheon of the have gained acclaims across the campus information staff. nation. ' Special Issue Saturday As a special public service, Social Security Issue the Evergreen will publish a Mock Political Convention issue Saturday. The four-page paper is to be distributed to the various campus living Senate Committee Votes near dinnertime on Saturday, and will include up-to-the-min- ute reports on Convention Against Lowering Age Limit action. WASHINGTON (JP)-A major mittee. election year battle over social The Eisenhower adrntnistr a- Pictured above following Don Eastvold's adress at the 2S-Year Group security was assured in the Sen- tion opposed these House pro- Young Republican rally Wednesday are left ate Thursday when the finance vi.,ions when the bill c a In e to right, John Shuttee, club president; Bill Davies, vice ~resi. committee voted against lower- before the Senate group early dent; Mr. Eastvold, Dr. Bernard Bobb, advisor; and Carlee Holds Banquet ing from 65 to 62 the age at this year. The argument was Herring, caucus chainnan. which most women would start that they would prove too ex- l'eceiving retirement payments. pensive for the tax-payer s. By Kay Deeter callv. Monday Night The Senate committee also This argument bore weight Amid enthusiastic shouts of' voted against setting up a new wit~ the, Senate c~mmittee. "We like Ike," the 1956 Republi- "Today the younger genera- The Quarter Century club will program of cash benefits for the ChaIrman Byr~ D-Va., in report- can Caucus was officially de- tion is pledging its support to the hold its annual dinner in the CUB totallY disabled starting at age mg the group s, action afte!· a clared open by John Shuttee, Republi,can party. for three. reas- on Monday evening, May 14, at 50. f~o~e~hdoor sessl~' t e~p~a~~zed I president of the Young Republi- ons," hte state~d' "FI,iIt·~t,thiShnew 6:30 p.m. APproved was a provision to a e propose a 1 CI ase cans Club, at Bryan hall, Wed~ genera ion is 1 ea IS lC. It as a This organization consists of "tart paying social security re- would amount ~o about $1,600,- nesday evening. greater sensitivity to integl'ity WSC staff and faculty members who have been with the college ~l'l'ement benefits to widows at 000,000Byrd msaid the thecomInittee's fust year. ac- ,Don Eastvold, ~epubhcan. can- before,and moral After standards seeing the than Demo- ever t 25 years or more_ While they age 62, instead of 65. An esti- tion on both the women retire. dldate f~)l' Washmgton, governor crats in office for 20 years, peo- have no special projects as a mated 175,000 widows would ben- ment and disability ilections was nommatlOn! was then mtroduced pie could see evidence that they group, they meet annuallY for 't from this change in the first by the pl'esl""'ent After the ch"'er efl by "substantial majority," but, Ut, . :- - were growing tired, old, and an informal banquet. year, without recorded vote. The mg had subSIded, the Washmg- careless of political issues," Sec- The following people will make T.he House voted 372-31 last committee lineup now is seven I t~n Attorney ~ener.a~ ~xp~'essed ond, the young generation of to- their first appearance with this ye~r to lower the retireInent Democrats and seven Republi. hIS pleasure m partlclpatmg m day is ambitious, It wants to get body on Monday: Paul A, Ander- age to 62 for, all women covered cans, with one Democratic vac.
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