STAATSKOERANT, 16 MAART 2018 No. 41501 33 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NO. 229 16 MARCH 2018 229 South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Declaration Amendment of National Roads R34 Section 2 41501 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION 784 OF 2012. By virtue of section 40(1)(b) of the South African National RoadsAgency Limited and the National Roads Act, 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998), I hereby amend Declaration No.784 of 2012 by substituting a part of paragraph C(II) of the Schedule, being the descriptive declarationof the route from Schweizer Renekeup to Bloemhof, with the accompanying sheets 1 to 14 of Plan No. P950/17. In the town of Schweizer Reneke the R34 Section 2starts at the intersection with the streets Olivier and Schweizer Street at time of declaration and fromthere onwards follows the street Olivier Street at time of declaration in a Southern direction. In the town of Bloemhof the R34 Section 2 enters the town fromthe North and follows the streets known West Street and Drift Street at the time of declaration. (National Road R34 Section 2: Schweizer Reneke- Bloemhof) This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 34 No. 41501 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MARCH 2018 DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER NO. 229 16 MAART 2018 229 Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en Nasionale Paaie Wet (7/1998): Verklaring wysiging van Nasionale Pad R34 Seksie 2 41501 WYSIGING VAN VERKLARING No. 784 VAN 2012. Kragtens Artikel 40(1)(b) van die Wet op die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale PadagentskapBeperk en op Nasionale Paale, Wet 1998 (Wet No. 7 van 1998), wysig ek hiermee VerklaringNo. 784 van 2012 deur 'n gedeelte van paragraaf C(II) van die Skedule te vervang, synde die gedeeltevan die beskrywende verklaring van die pad vanaf Schweizer Reneke tot by Bloemhof, met bygaande velle 1tot 14 van Plan No. P950/17. In die dorp van Schweizer Reneke begin die R34 Seksie 2 by die kruisingvan die strate bekend as Scheizer en Olivierstaat tydens datum van verklaring en volg dan van daar of die straat bekendas Olivierstraat tydens datum van verklaring, in 'n Suidelike rigting. In die dorp van Bloemhof kom die R34 Seksie 2 die dorp binne vanuit die Noordeen voig die strate bekend as Wesstraat en Driftstraat tydens datum van verklaring. (Nasionale Pad R34 Seksie 2: Schweizer Reneke- Bloemhof) MINISTER VA This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za SCHWEIZER RENEKE \ SCHWEIZERAND TOWNLANDS RENEKE 62-HO TOWN g"ofMIMOSA Y -33000 236 L L3 REML4 PIN 1 PTN 143 61-HO24 PTNREM 29 o OLIVIER STR -.1X-:.::::..........:.-......................:R3 RI ............. 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' -t29 ' ,:ti-....::: L32 L33 L36 R40 PTN 51 R2zPTNR25 57dlla \aMIMOSAREM PTN R30 6139 -HO x;33 R34 R35 R36PTN 53R37 (t R39 40 REM PTN 40 &3ssooMIMOSA 61-HO GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT L43 L44 L45R45 __________L46 .. ---_.. L47--___REM PTN -_'---23 r____---__=PTN 49 L48 83 PTN 17PTNREM 3 R43 R44 PTN 51 R46 R47;..... ......"^,..R48 -R44 .L49`:'+++sev+000aR52 R53L50R54 40 REMPIN 19REMPTN 18 3s PTN 4 PTN MARCH2018 16 PTN 17 GROOTPOORTSoo 83 12 L53 PTN PTN 19 PTN 18 L51R56 R57 L52 R58 R59 R60 R61........... ..... --- R62 PREM TN 4 ).`3s°oo VAALPOORTREM PTN 84-HO DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NationalNosionale Roads Padagentskap Agency SOC MSB Ltd Bpk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vanofrepresentsstet National Nosionaledie padreserwe Route the Roete rood voor reserveR34 von 'nof gedeelte oSectionSeksie portion PlanSheetVel P950/172 vanof 14 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za oa/ -..__REM PTN 1 39000 e/ 1 12 MINERAL RIGHTS SERV. REM o MINERAL RIGHTS PTN 13 PTN17--...... - ---- MINERAL RIGHTS---- SERV. 1,0 SERV. i " 55" " " " L56 iolot "' L57 L58 ,. L59 .160 R63 w ""45.-" ' ''''''''''T3' (0 I1* R66 R67 R68 R69 R.O.W SERv___4.01 o.. VAALPOORT 84-HO -...../PTN16 REM PTN 3 PTN 10 .1/44.h) ?500 REM PTN 14 MINERAL RIGHTSSERV. MINERAL RIGHTS SERV. .1,cS? PTNREM 10 REM *ePTN 16REM PTN ---14....- Av° REM PTN 4 KROMPANREM PTN 1085-HOPTN 22 PTN21FTN 6 PTN20 STAATSKOERANT, ....-*,..- PTN 15L63 L64 PTN 17 ""coto. co.toi .,..167 L68..... R"EM 5 PTNREM 14 1;71 11;2 W/3 R74 R75PIREMN 10 R76 R77PTN 23R78:H79REM-----.. PTN 6 REM PTN 5 11;2 VAALPOORT 84-HO 2018 MAART 16 / REM PTN 4 /'39s 0 ZANDFONTEN 90-HO ,.'39 PTNREM--...20PTN 5 aNNce / 40ocb aNcfl oN.26) -...,_ PEMTN 3 L69 ..L70 L71 L72 173 L74 175 L76 A- L77 '::::ilR83REM..-:.:.::-:::::.5 "R84.- g :::::::-:.R85 .::.-. :::::.::.:-:-::::....::.::.-R86 -.::::...:....:..RE;*.* ..'..1:::::::-:-,,-...8a' R89.:::::_: :':*::::::':,¡;*::::::::::::::::::'-'.R90 REM PTN 18 ZANDFONTENr'39 90-HO KAMEELKU I L 88 / I i §:pp_ I / DieThe Surd South Afrikaanse African NationalNasionole Roads Podogentskop Agency SOCMSB LtdBak TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vonrepresentsstet Nosionaledie podreserwe the Roete rood voor reserve R34van 'nof gedeelte aSeksie portion 2 PlanSheetVel 3vanof 14 No. 41501 of National Route Section P950/17 37 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 38 I '...L'...07 I soo 000 No. 41501 L78 L79 KL80 AMEEL KU I L 88-H PTN 75 LONDONREM PTN 71 112-HOL81 PTNR91I R92 o."a 5 cs? 0oo ocilt PTNREM 67 REM :A., Y- V %&)Olt a07 20 131'to PTN 59 o..".fSon hgl--- li-2) .7.) 0 \7/ GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT 9 ySOOPTN 75 VoNto07' LONDON 2-H PTNPIN 62-- -ss- L82 :::::::::::-:*:.:*:.X.:.:":::::.-::.:.:.:9:-L81 L84 . L805 L086 ..4L87- :-..*¡:¡:::::::::4::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.....:-..:::::.:-.R93 :...-: 20 PTN 63 PTNREM 21 A.& ^.e re-I R. 0.W sERv. .4--- R o w sERv Ck 33 o14 [I r 34 V V I I/ A -/ 3 -I, g°0\_ MARCH2018 16 .........7c,r 519° PTN74 I ..........."1-.*9373 000 LONDONREM PTN 72112-HO q-;' L87. :::::...::.:::.:.:L88189 L90. L91:::::::::: ::::::::L92R94.::::::::::::::.:.:.:::.::::::.::::¡:...*:::.:.:::::]...:::: ::*?::.L93 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.t.9.1 - .,_-_____.. - 34 61 of r4F---R.O.W SERV. 02,i5y PTNtI 65 45 31poN V0tv 46 ,-IeiocS? 56 DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African Nosionale Notional Roads13adagentskap Agency SOCMSO Ltd130 TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown .. .."." ofvanrepresentsstel National Nasionoledie padreserwe Route the Roete road voor reserveR34 van 'nof gedeelteaSectionSeksie portion 2 PionSheetVel P950/174vanof 14 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 39 LL/Og6d UDId uopoS aro8 'Duo!) oN jo -171. LIDAJo ç 1991ISRA U09.10delisepaEroLs)las, D u,;0-K?:1 DAIDEDJLIDA JOCIA2190H pow atalasaipod al) SIUDSDADJ sip UDAiols Loomisuoolob inribuoJn64 oyijü mdePil OOS eSt domsluofiopodAouaby spoo8 iouonoNopuo!soN 000!JJV asuD0M41/ 141noS PPS 0141 g!a No. 41501 OH-OLL/ L Nid h38 9b, l4 LEI NI3INOJN3A3I10°ZIA' LILLEI 6 ozzamismamstalsmistaRaste)... ' ¿Uhl 1.1. Nid sill frLil A EL Ll 1138 Z Nid o 0132:1 Nid 6 H38 o 6 Nid V'138 BNid N138 004,420 /6' / 9 N138 16 MAART 2018 MAART 16 L Nid 14138 0198 o 1. NidN 31NOJN3AB110OH-VLL Z Nid L L LEI 0 L 60 LEI BOW LOW 9016 170 la JII6 Nid h38L011 5L Nid 90114 91. Nid SooLL Nid 17011 91. Nid £011SO 1H Nid ZO L 1 STAATSKOERANT, STAATSKOERANT, 00s. 4 e o/6?em L h384 95 Nid N138 LS / 99 Nid AnS 0 8-1>ii1 ZCI1 El ?c°141 t.bsot. 1.68 96LI 56V 1011 0011 1 Nid 14138 661 961 561 6 Nid NI3INOAN3A3110OH-1711 e a ELOH NidI -Z1.1,ZL Nid 1438NOGNO10°S Af This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 40 Ce c:, Po...)A. OLPTN 1I 1 EVENFONTE1 1REM 4 -HO I N *PL119ohcp REMPIN PTN7 6 --L12L120L121 PTNqj:t 1 No. 41501 L116 L117 ills ., .....40...., L125 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::.:.::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::::R122 R123 !1 ::::::::::::::::::::.::g:::':-:-.::::R124 R125:::-::::;:::::,:::.::::....::::::::.!.'.'.:..%R126 . R127.cs_.":::::':::.'e ir.;., :".::-.:::%:.:::::%:::::":::R130 A,A..,e AVONDSTER v,e,, 1 BLESBOK1.13-HO Po r kis' 142-HOREM 1)&v, &NWR128Il e.,......Niip' kNr? REM REM PTN 6 soo /MOO PLAATS 238-HO % '' ® GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT PTN 1L126REM 27 PTN 10 PTN 9 R130 R131 R132 L128R133 R1.34 R135 R1361129 R137 BLESBOK143-HO - REM PTN 6 v.:e v.cis" R138 REM rNoe ;g1'o Po / SERV.-rai MARCH2018 16 PTN 9 PTN "v,98SC.° MOO PLAATSREM PTN 2 238-HO REM PTN 2 PTN 9 ,:.:.:........1131 L132. 11. L133 L134 .... .L135 R1394114011 R141o,e R142 ooc? R143 oo.,e R144 BOSMANSFONTE ,/1L1-SERV.1 p- A"p PTN 2 \4/,t, PTN 3333-HOi -so,"Po\ DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NasionaleNational Roads Podagentskap Agency MS13SOC LtdBak TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vanofrepresentsstel National Nasionaledie padreserwe Route the Roete rood voor reserveR34 von 'nof gedeelte aSectionSeksie portion PionSheetVel P950/17 6vonof 14 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za BOSMANSFONTE I N 333 37' PIN 9 PTN L136 o PIN 3 L137 L138 1139 REM7 PTN 2 333 -87 Soo PTN 9 1140rlL142 L143 L144 PIN 8 L145 L146 STAATSKOERANT, 4,e 3 R145 R146 R147 R148 R149 PIN R150 333 J.
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