* 1932 * The Studeats' Voice for Over 55 YearS * 1988 * ... Vol. 56 No•• Barach.CoIlege, CUNY September 27, 1_ e ort Ro~lysori Baruch Maternity Leave Appointed Institutes Baruch College is being reviewed for accreditation this fall, according Smoking Policy Removes to the Provost's Office.' .. Acting Day Se:ssien StudeRtGovernment Ban President Ainsley Boisson bas been By BOLLY III'ITMAN College Employee electedBarueh representative to the Asso-ciate A smoking policy has been in­ University Student Senate. stated at Baruch College. The Provost policy, which came into effect as of By DOUG DROHAN The Day' Session Student By-RlI'A LEAHY June 1988, is required by the New Yorlc City Clean Indoor Air Act Government will allot SI02,OOO for Carl Rollyson is the newly ap- andmust be followed by all the City College Office Assistant Jean- there were only two jobs available. I school spending and SI94,OOO for pointed Acting Associate Provost Universities of. New York. This nette Shuck blames ~ 'office pressed the issue as far as the Pro­ student clubs. for Academic Affairs for the col- detailed and stringent policy has politics" for her removal from the vost's Office in order to maintain lege. many individuals atBarucb talking, Student Activities· Office. Shuck status quo in my department," he stated and added that the final deci­ Two Lower Council and one Up­ Chosen in late August, Rollyson smokers and non smokers alike. was transferred to· the Registrar's has previously served as the Assis- Amongst.the many regulations Office because another College sion to place Shuck in the per Council positions are available Registrar's Office was based on on the DSSG. tant Dean of the Graduate School listed in the policy is the prohibition employee, Carmen Soler , returned at WaYne State University in of smoking in such places as from a three year maternity leave. "the . needs for the department Detroit, Mich. prior to his coming auditoriums, classrooms, elevators, Soler'soriginal position was in the (Dean of Student's Office.)" to Baruch last September to serveas hallways, restrooms, and rooms or . Dean of Students Office. "Jeanette had a certain energy the Associate Dean of Liberal Arts areas contajning .photoc;opyiDa or .According to the Dean of with the students that we liked," Daycare and Sciences; combined with hisother' office equipment used by Students Samuel Johnson, Soler said Debra Bick-Duggan. Assistant more than 15 yms as an ecluattor employees. _SmokiDa is- permitted, was not given her old position back Director of Student Activities. at various institutions, has made however, in ~ enclosed of- because "Three years "ago, com- There is currently a petition being .Program . RoDYsoD confidenttbat-he' will be 'fices, and in enclosea·aras oc- pulers weRBOt llR integral parlof 'circulated by·students·askiDa· ·that able to baJ¥l1e the respQDSibilitics apied exdusively by pcr50ns who this office. Now tbey are. The per- ~ Shuck be reinstated at the Student which come with being the either request, or do not object to, son in' my office now is famjtiar Activities e_G'. ~diDato one ... '. -- \ ~-. Faces Associate Provost. the cksilfl'dion of the area for with the compu.ter. Carmen's skiDs Asked exactly what these smoii:Da~:'. match better overthere(the Student ,~,C"'i~ll!<:~. ~."-~ ,-?JS'~~.~ < •• .;:.:;; - <' ..-'::- .,~ ~ ~ ....- := - . - ... .,; ;;<'''(f. .-~:.: ~ '·~~~~hl:~-·.~~::o.:.~~·-:.:-. '~4PiJii~~.!~..,.~: _ . _.. ."., . _ '.' __ PI . r-- . ... .. ... ..:..... Caribbean Club' Initiates Jamaican ----- Relief Effort By MICHAEL G. ROBINSON source, close to one -tboasand .-sir- . natures have been coIlectecl thus far. When asked what kind ofclout a petition may have in reversin& a decision, Jotmson said, "It might have an effect." He further added, "I think a petition isasoodidea. It shows that the-studemlS are becom­ NeW idIIt ~d_ Plo." 0Irt ing8ctive.. aRd less passiYc (about L»I)••• coDeae policy)." New York." Other duties be men­ With..commotioD it is easy tioned were dealina with ~ to overlook the effects this may Bfadng the school (such as retention' have on Soler • "She did DOt ask to ~ of students), amd helping students be put in this position. !be is in a . ~ to handle varioos aspects of coBeae situab<M wllCie .....job to do ~ life. (Rollyson is the supervisor of (s.",.. ~ Coli _2) !5 the Freshman' 0rieDtati0n Pro- .aTaml.. One of the major projects which the Provost's Office will be working on this year wiD be the Illdes reaccreditation of the eoHeae, EDlTORtMS· 2 - which wiD involve writinI a study coveriDa both the stroDI and the LETTERS 3 Weak. poiau of the col1eIe and its ....,••11 pi 9 i'Jiii (3" prcseDt~ljtioD.~bis OP-EDS 3 layout ()f tile eel_. ·1IICh as the duties,.....said the job of the locatioD of .Ai sPeer, with Also We~·is '-W loot for FEATURES 9 special reprcl tochmIiDI u.s for wayS to ~ the' acadanW: life· ARTS.~.' 15 childresi still in -cJiaPift;· . ana' atmosptlere at BaIach.', . ... - .- The oriIi.... ftmcIi. of. $15,000 - Bc,** his pGlitioDis ODe·of "ae--' ,\~S 23 :~·~>"*PiItI6 r~ a-""'~'~2 ...·CtJIMItI'IJ·, ;': .• '.: '. ..1)' .' .... _ .... _ _ .•A _A', • -, September 21,1988 Page 2 The TIcker September 27. 1988· The Tleker ...3 .. _,. 1 . , EDITORIALS OP~ED Too Black, Too Strong Childcare 'R Us . Founded in 1932 s Jamaica: What .Does -The Future Hold? Hey, the Baruch administration wants to form anew club. They want all the students to pay twice for By MICHAEL G. ROBINSON Caitlin Mollison --- ------------ ---_. - --- -- ---------_.._---- -- -_.. - it, too. But, not everyone can join. editor-in-chief ficker 1 Unfair, you say? All typed and signed letters are ac­ On Monday the 12th of the liberal Democratic tradition. per capita basis, is the most in­ rKennetb E. Brown Manlyn 0 cepted. Send to: Correspondence, September, Gilbert, the fiercest Despite campaign promises debted nation in the world. If the Yes it is unjust. But our administrators want to be the "good guys." They want to promote the pro­ managing editor The TIcker, 137 E 22nd St, NY, NY hurricane of the century, slam­ to the contrary, the JLP under debt were distributed evenly 10010, Box 442. med into the Caribbean island gressive image that's now the trend. So why not have the students pay? Eric KOB Edward Seaga has not improved throughout the respective To the Editor: of Jamaica. According to the the liVing standards of the pee­ Funding for a proposed Baruch daycare center for students is still unclear. CUNY is funding half of news editor Regents, the State Budget Office, populations, Jamaica's debt latest reports from the pie. This is true, despite the fact this project. The other half is expected to be matched by Baruch with student money skimmed from the Jacqueline Mulhern This letter concerns the editorial the State Dormitory Authority, the would be twice that of Brazil, features editor "The Human Cost of Improve­ State Legislature and the Governor Jamaican government, 36 peo­ profits of the bookstore and the college-owned vending macllines. Martiu Starkey ment" and the accompanying (apologies to anyooe I've omitted). ple were killed and 500,000 were But wait, you're not done paying yet. arts editor Quote of the Fortnight in your Mikulsky is obviously not primarily made homeless. The damage is Sept. 13 issue. responsible for this choice. Second, estimated to be In excess of 8 In an interview, Dean of Students Samuel Johnson metioned the potential likelihood .of a student Christopher A. Ward In the Quote Charles Kauffman, the editorial offers no evidence of billion dollars. But the hurricane referendum asking for a fee increase which would subsidize a daycare center's start-up costs. advertising manager the' owner of the landmarked sad­ her lack of concern or dissembling. also served to change the dlery business on Site B, tell us Laura Krysbak If The Ticker is in possession of politicaJ landscape of the coun­ This would be "double taxation" of all students for a service that will only be used by a part of the "Harvard andYale don't go tearing business manager such evidence, it is certainly try. total student body. Students will already be funding this' center through the taxes they pay New York apart their historic communities newsworthy. Yet in the lengthy Diane Leppek Long considered a haven for just for the sake of expansion." I news article accompanying this State and New York City; through their use of the college bookstore: and by using the soda and vending office manager N~rth , disagree. At least since the. advent editorial, the word MIKULSKY American and European machines on campus. It must be remembered that unlike student- Iee-supported clubs and student Glen J. Spangler of Sputnik, these universities have does not appear. Mikuls)cy's office tourists, Jamaica, an island organizations, a daycare center will not have the potential to be used by every student, only by students cartoonist profoundly altered the character of has overseen a dramatic improve­ with a population of 2.4 million with children. Roslyn Bernstein downtown. Cambridge and New ment and expansion of the physical people, was in the midst of an consultant Haven with many new, towering plant at Baruch, greatly benefiting intense political campaign. What the administration should do is fund a daycare program that allows the parents of these children office-like buildings, principally for students, faculty and staff. Surely Prime Minister Edward P. Seaga to pay a reduced, special student rate. the hard sciences. These structures she deserves more balanced treat­ leader of the ruling Jamaica are .quite incongruent with Har­ ment from The Ticker. Labor Party (JLP) was behind in Students already fund these dreams. Don't make them pay twice for a few administrators' castles in the vard's Georgian and Yale's Nee­ that the Reagan administration the third world's largest debtor .
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