The Association of International Champions presents • You may have heard the Suntones, but you've never heard them like this! For the first time hear the most impressive variety of music from one of our society's most beloved International Champions, The Suntones. Selections for the "Best of" recording have been re-engineered from the original master tapes using state-of-the-art technology. What results is a product even better than the original. Hear 23 SELECTIONS in all ... over 70 minutes beginning to end... over twice the length of the average quartet recording. Classics like Tenessee Waltz, That Old Black Magic, Danny Boy, and many, many more... medleys like West Side StOl)', and Finians Rainbow... they're all together for the first time. Association of International Champions Cassette - $15.95 Compact Disc - $19.95 Milster\Vorks Series P.O. Box 7068 Compact Disc@$19.95 Louisvillc, Ky 40257·0068 Casscttc@$15.95 Name _ Shipping & Handling $2.50 Address _ Total City/St/Zip __ (Cmadian orders mark "US Funds") Septembel'/Octobel'1992 The Volume LII, No.5 Tlu Ilarmo/liur(USI'S No. 577700) (ISSN 0017.7849) is till' official publirlltion of lilt' Soclet)' for lilt' Prescr\"alion and ~arrnonizer E:ncouragt'IlIl'1I1 of narllrT Shop Quartet Singing in Amer­ ica, Inc. (SPEnSQSA). II Is published in the months of Jmlllar)", March, May, July, Sepl(,lI1her and NOH'mbrr at A HI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 7930 Sheridan Hond, Kenosha, Wisconsin S.U43. Second· SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY class postage paid at Kellosha, WI and at addiliollallllailing offices. Edllorlnl and adnrlising offict's arc allhe inteTlm­ lional ornet'. Adnrllslng ral('S nailable UpOIl rE,·(Juest. Pub­ lisher ll-MUrneS nO Tt'sllonslhllil)' for Tt'lurn of unsoliC'iled manuscripts ornrtwork. Postmaster: Sfond addrrss changrs Features 10 l'ditorlal offices ofTile Jlarmolliur, 79JOSheridan Road, Kcllosha, Wisconsin 53143 nl le:lst thirty days before the 4 Keepsake, Southern Gateway new champs next publication dale. ,.\ IKlrllol1 of each member's dues is allocn(ed to co\"er Ihe magrnine's subscriplion price. Sub· details and highlights of the 1992 convention scripliol1 pricc 10 non·mcmbers is Sl8 )'rarl)' or$] perissue. Foreign subscriptions are $27 yearly or $4,50 I,er issue. 10 Photos of the 1992 chorus contestants ©1992 b)·lhe Sodet)' for the Pre$ermlion :lIul Encourage. ment of Oarher ShOI) Quar(et Singing In America,lnc. 14 Chol'US and quartet contest scoring recaps International Office 16 Photos of 1992 quartet contestants SPEBSQSA 6315 Third A\'enuc Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 27 Society to test lifeblood principles Telephone (414) 653·8440 Future Jl chairman explains concept Toll·free J·800·876·SING (7464) FAX (414) 654-4048 28 Once upon a time ... Office Hours: 8 :l,IlI•• 5 p,m. a heart-warming story from a past convention i\londn)'-Fl'idny (Centrnl Time) 29 King's Singers tell how it's done craft International Office Staff 32 Iowa quartet wins college contest in New Orleans JOE LILES, Executive Director results of the 1992 Collegiate Harlllony Sweepstakes !\lEI. KNIGHT, Director of ~Iusic Educ:uion 8.: Serviccs FRA NK SANTA RELLI, Director ofFinaJ'lCe & Admi nistrntion 36 What's the Presentation Category all about? RUTH "",\ZIN,\·JOYCE, ~luseul1l Curator/Arl'hivist new category details explained KEN UUCKNEU, l\'lnnager ofCol\\'entions & Meetings DAN DAIL\', Edilor of Publications 49 SO, that's barbershop! JIi\1 DEnUSi\IAN, Music Specialist/Quartet Promotion LANI IJIETER, Communications Asst.IC&J Coordinator a view of the convention by a non-barbershopper RUSS fORIS, Learning TnpeslAutlio·Visual Archiyes NAi\'CY FOR IS, Quartet Regist!)' '1'0;\1 GENTI{Y, Music Specialist/Worldwide HamlOn)' RA Y HF.I.I.ER, ~I:lnager of Communications Also in this issue WARREN LEISEMANN, ~lanager of Information S)'SlemS ORlAN LYNCII. Communications Specialist 30 Chaptel' Eternal BETTY "IADSEN, Su~rYi.sor, ~lailing & Merchandising RUTII i\IARKS, HamlOn)' Found,lIion Program Coordinator EV NAU. Music Spedalist/Pcrfomlance Guidelines 34 The Way I See It . BILL RASIlLEIGII, Music S!l'Xi.ilistlYoung Men in Haol'loo)' GREG RISJ\IOF:N. Computcrs & Networks RON ROCKWELL. Membership/COTS ~lanager 42 Barbershop Around the World GARY STAMM, l\lanager of Media and Performanre nURT SZAno, "Iusie Spccialistl~lusicPubli'ihing PATRICK TUCKER·KELLY. ~lerl\bershiplHam\On)'Club.s 44 Letters to the Editor DEE VESEVICK, I\ssi'itant to Ihe Execulh'c Director CllAitLIl:: GREEN, Director of [k\'e!opment 46 News About Quartets l\linneapolis.l\linn. (612) 929·(){).I1 48 Logopedics Conventions 50 Chapters in Action INTERNATIONAL 1993 Calgary, Alberta June 27-Jul)' 4 52 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bal'gains for barbershoppers 1994 Piusburgh. Pa. Jul)' 3-10 1995 Greater Miami. Fla. Jul)' 2-9 1996 Salt Lake Cit)', Utah June 30-Jul)' 7 On the cover MIDWINTER Members of the 1992 international quartet champion, Keepsake, pose with Ihe 1993 Corpus Christi. Te.xas Januar)' 24-31 1994 Sarasota. Fla. JanUAry 23·30 Ingraham trophy and individual ASCAP trophies (I to r): Roger Ross, tenor; Joe 1995 Tucson. Ari:t.. JlIllllar)' 22-29 Connelly, lead; Don Barnick, bass and Tony De Rosa, bari. September/October J 992 8lmilJonizer International Officers II/fematiol/a/ Exec/lli~'e COl1ll/lillee Pr\'siuenl: Terry Aralllian, 47A Dol Avenue, Cunpbcll. CA 95008 Vice Prcsiuenl-Treasurer: Emic Nickusun. 1702 Cameron Ct" Lexinglon, KY 40505 Vice President: Bobby Wooldridgc, 2501 19lh 51. E In "Seventh" Tuscaloos,l, AL 354M Vi\'c President: Dick Shaw, 35 V'lg'lborllll.ane, Winter 1I'l\'en. FL 33881 Immediate Pasl Prl~sitlcnl: Bob Ccam"l, 416 NUr1h Nimh, f\lascoulah, IL 62258 Heaven Executivc Direclor: Joc Liles ex IJfJkiu lutemaliona/Hoard Members by Joe Liles C;mJinal: Jar RUlkr. ~~ 12 W,·..~"i<k Run, Fl. Wa)'II,', IN 46SQ.t Executive Director Cenlr"l States; BoO Swell"''", Jf1l YUII\.!. M~nh~tlan, KS 66502 OL\i.:; An Woonn<. 806 W~her< Lan.:', Columbia. SC 292:09 Ewrgr.-.:n: IJUIl :-iuom, ~Hl 1'0.\ Farm Rood, Gr"al !'alls. ~Ir ~'J-t(}.\ F.u W61~m; L10)'.J Sldnkamp. 103-0 5an Di~go Mission Rd .• /tI3I·J), :'ian Dkgo. CA 92:11).'l 1IIiooi<: S)I Welk.\36 S. OaklanJ. Vilb P.ul:.ll. 60181 OO lllallY qumtets and choruses se­ locked into the sOllnd with YOlfr voice­ Johnny J\pplN<......,j: Chod.; Walson, 7lW ~kCall Ct. W. WoohinglOfl, OH ~3B~ lect music they only wish they could sometimcs hating cvcn to take a breath be­ l,.:mel O· l-"ike_: JlJ<l.J OrfJ, 115 E. Lin<l~n 51., Slilhlaur. MN 55002 T sing! Have you ever been a victim cause it would disl1lpt the magic moment. ,\li,I·Allantk: Jad. Relii<, 28 Oakley Dr.• Huntingl"n Stati"n. NY 11146 NortlJ.:'.1Slcm: lim Ki«ad.-.P.O. Bo\ 7.\5, Cher.-.chet, RI 02814 of finding your ears to be bigger than your Aren't there certain songs and tags you Onlario: John Cas-:, S5 Ika!h.:r 0(11'(', Chath:mL 0;0./ N7M .1109 Pi"IJ<..~r: ~tlk~ O'IMnndl, 1611 Fairl~ AI','.• NE, GI1l.t1d Rapids. Ml voice? always gravitate to when you're hankering .j9~1)~-·1826 Ro...k"}' ~I(I\lnt;lin: Dan llal:e., 6261) N. Lakepoinl PI,. Pan..er, CO SQI3-l Having heard onc of my favorite champs for harmony? What fUll to sing them! Keep S~",-.....a Larni: G...'Ofg~Cook. 10'} lkl\bo:ll)'~, S)·r.lCu,;<", NY 1.1219 South"'e~lem:P~IT)' Bal.~r, 6106 VilK~ Ja.:\..son 55. San Antonio, TX sing some incredible arrangement and said building that wonderful pool of pleasure. 182J0 to myself, "Wow! We've got to sing that on There are many you've probably not yet :-iunshine: D,n-e KO!0nia. 11y) NW Il.jth Loop" O...ala. A. J267~ and Din'ctors-a(-ulrgl' next year's show," 1 know that, realistically, discovered. Gror~e D,wiel,,-'I1. 7~24 F.. Co>lilla 1'1",... F..ngle\\lI"d, co 80112 OMI)'1 '·linn.P.O. UO\ 2879, 797~ C1e,e1aoo Aw.. N. Canlon, OH 4--1710 if m), group had stal1ed to work 011 such a When starting out, it's best to find a F....J Wa~><:"'-.. 6 Vi\1.a laI~, Md,'ilk. NY 11147 masterpiece, five years, and, probably, IllallY selection of songs and tags that fit you, your Jim W:lm<'r, 6060 PuplJr Aw., SUil~ 295, ~kll\phis. TN ]S119 lost members later, we would still sound like qum1et or chorus, and choosc onc or two a train wreck. We'd have wasted precious initial arrangcmcnts that provide a comfort­ Affiliate OrgallIDltiollS AUSTRAI..IAN ASSOCIATIO:'ol OF ~tEN IJARBERSIIOP time that could have been filled with ringing ablc, manageable challcnge, This can lead SINGfRS (AAMRSl F..dcli~ Klinl<Jwk/. Prnilknl. P.O. Bo.'\ 17.\, harmony all something we could handle. to personal growth and achievelllent and A_hmore Cil}', Qu«n<l;l[\d ,1214. Au,tralia BARUERSIIOP IN GERMANY (BING!) Let's face it-there are arrangements enlarge your pleasure pool. knny Wood, P~,i(knt, Am Miihkllll'inhl .12a•.j{j((J lAInmuoo 41. Ge",,:my some of us wi1lncver be able to master. We F0l1unately, the efforts ofour music edu­ BRITISII ASSOCIATIO:'ol OF RARRfRSHOP SIl\GERS (RABS) lJob Walker, l1la.irman, ··SI. Cuheril1<"'," Ilighfid<i Rood, arc nol all vocal acrobats able to perform, cation programs and materials, coaches and E:ist Grillsl~:ld, 5us~., RIl191DX, England with accuracy and quality, those fast-mov­ teachers, to meet the needs of our members, DUTCH ASSOCI,\TI0:'ol OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS \DAUS) Thoo ,'an Dijk, Pre,idenl, ~I"kn,lraal 18, ing, awkwardly skipping parts or notes plus the desire of many individual singers to 5211 OR 'S-Ileflo£enbo<ch, The Nel~rtancl_ NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATIO;o./ OF IJARUERSIIOP SL'\GERS perched out there in the outer regions.
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