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I. ~ I -.- .-.-lun--..,..-.,..|.-__-_,_--__;__.; -,_92v__-. - ;.. - -Hn_;- "~ .; ,j,¢_ .-. 4, .. V; 4- .-_,_-_.._.,__l.1§_-.-_&#39;,._ &#39;-- --;&#39;--. &#39; -.--.- . 1 -- 92 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION VIOLA LIUZZO MURDER I PART 5 OF 14 FILE NUMBER = 44-28601 _... see.--1.; ow " Q; ,_.,___ _ uN:1&#39;sosrA&#39;rsso &#39;s1u-m1=.r~rr -&#39;_&#39;Z Memorandum " - &#39; rm:Con|ud...._.... TO = Mr. Belmontmlpiag new April5,f1965 ,.Felt ..._._..- v &#39;#¬-:---&#39;1" &#39;- "In-J . - I-v &#39; TIUOI-_i._ &#39; ~ &#39; l&#39;roth|&#39;._i FRO .=»_. A _ A. -_-r...-..- Rosen§92iV" r . - _ Mr. gumvgs Belm 2 /* v.|..n..._"°"""""Gollrii A Mr, Rosen SUBJI-CT= EUGENE THOMAS, ET AL. Mr. Malley 92.r1ora~&#39;L11.1a&#39;.1.-o, or ea - vzrcrnus McGowan ;. crvn. monrs - n1.sc&#39;r1o1~r LAWS - Mr. Hines - [I-I .. I. 7-; &#39; . Inspector Sullivan in Montgomery, Alabama, has advised that the Grand Jury is considering instant case. Sullivan reported at 4 p. rn. Washington time that the informant had been on the stand ! since the lunch recess and was still testifying. He had been before the Grand Jury approximately two hours at the time of the conversation with Inspector Sullivan. Sullivan advised that he personally had appeared before the Grand Jury at the outset. He stated this Grand Jury had been considered to be "a good Grand Jury" by the Departmental attorneys and the U. S. Attorney. He stated the Grand Jurors were most noncommittal while he was in there and did very little talking except hr one juror who asked several questions. "_ ,5 ~- I Sullivan advised that the corridors in the Federal ,=&#39; Building were very clear. There have been very few spectators _1 gathering around the Courthouse, There are a number of witnesses, including several Agents from Birmingham who participated in the arrests and searches as well as the FBI Laboratory examiner, yet _._.___e,..__,___,to appear before the Jury... .. .. .. &#39;Sullivan advised at he did not ioiow how long the jurors would be questioning the informant. There had been no report from the jury room as to the type of testimony or questions being asked by members of the jury. They did not know whether there had been a favorable or antagonistic reaction on the part of members of the Grand Jury to the informant&#39;s testimony regarding the Klan. M -_c-13L t ACTION 11,. YE ,/.4 ___°2ma/. is Inspector Sullivan is closely following this matter and will __ advise the Bureau of per tinent developments. AFR <~ _.. § ,7 I I . / <~ ___-4 . ,. gag _ 1&#39; if IQ 4 4-v-F-7-p-I-II&#39;92T -- I _. _= -. =ee =~,,- ev -B x ___-%-1,. gr _* . .. N _f5-3&1 1.. , _ - I -. 1» -"_. &#39;. -t ,- e . FBI. _ _ i "I :;_w-=4/I/we .- 92 Transmit the following in _ ____ _ _ , _ _t i i, __ _ - Typein plainlexl or coda!, l wt I ARIEL &#39; - »zl~s__*a H xi &#39;I xiii /dz irnmwyt "Zn i 11-pxlcbn--u--in--p-Q----&#39;1-_-_-->1-_ t / r0= omscron, rs: --p-q-.1--¢->-__¢-.__-_¢-_¢_---11ATI&#39;ENTlOl&#39;§l? &#39; l : " 92""~ &#39; - ; f 3 &#39; FROM: SAC MOBILE sewn!4-I245! P! t ii i * . -elf :71" t e M ? ~ EUGENE monygrs; er A|..; &#39; A t; vaoul easecruu zzo, qk=.; at AL. i- VICTIMS ~ 3 CR _ - - .. 92_{l..&#39;, . l 92 OO: Mobile! I! XljlBl *§ECTlOli Yr Transmitted herewith is a map of Montgomery showing the route of the mar - { and T blankthree points maps and of interest one large tliatpertain city map are tosubiect-s&#39; also enclosed movements For the on assistance 3/25/65. of &#39;_ l, e . e parade route A&#39;poster-type and tte points map should of interest be drawnas described for an exhibitabove. showing the map /0-e Y » - Also transmitted as a mop of Highway 80 from the foot of Edmund Pettus r i Bridge, Selma, to St. Jude&#39;s Complex, Montgone ry, Alabama. This map contains 92 various landmarks and points of interest, including the crime scene and the camp sites during the march to Montgomery. L &#39; . Section ~ This foruse map as&#39;an should exhibit. be drawn""&#39; on a poster " bit by the C l1 . It is requested that the above exhibits be prepar and availa le at Mon gomery, Alabama by 4/5/65 - &#39; &#39; »i -5 - . .&#39;a 2 -&#39;o%3Y&#39;% e - em t Emicmrs / Ll . "Q I-W5" Bureau Encs.5! Amso! . n /I i ran» W, [.3-14 Jem -I-rial-IJREC-99 jq-sgfég/-///Y 7 I...&#39;g<&#39;|:;1-&#39;-9-"<:.Q.-tn"/$6*S"""!. *7 , Approved: i _ 1* _ t";:s*;¢Z§?;-f.n. _ _ D 11 r &#39; % , eiLGb-v_ 7&#39;4 I ="- "&#39;:=.I1;:~*.t -9292$ 0 D &#39;&#39; "&#39; 92- 4 . - . n awga ~ _ . &#39; »"..» &#39; _&#39; 1/ . _ E. &#39;ll!&#39;~:~m___e mont_... I 9292~§-,1/ A; L . ~ A comumcanons sermon - &#39;A :2 &#39; :,&#39;:>:&#39;:;.:-- "* Mr. Caspc r__.._ _ &#39;- Mr. IT.1hr1_....._ °BPa1 um: nc , 1965 31/ - _ &#39;" r.:.-A-. &#39;."""- .. .-;-~ _ . ;rEu=.1:n=s A . Mr. M;R-u2e1m-.-T?L , J 111&#39;. q -l&#39;!.. FBI BI HERA _ , M " Hr. an-:r.I,____%_ Mr. Tr-= -.._. 12$ _An &#39;cst URGENT 4-2-as sou /Y L / ,, , I|,§&#39;,&#39; f4;,,=,_&#39;-&#39;!._,___.- &#39; _., A Mia: G;ndy__._ r umzcroa AND l!0BILESI-ILHA ~ in-_-E-E 1-"non BIRMINGHAM <44 12:6! 1P &#39;" 7 ;.|- j _. éauszm-: %HAS, at AL. v1o1.AQ?uzzo, AKA-VICTIM. u-znov JEROME moron-vrcnu, ca-1-21.. 7 . ,1 DEPARTMENTAL ATTORNEY ST. JOHN BARRETT ADVISED NINE P. H. , APRILom-:, SIXTY]-IVE mar suaPo1-mm to APPEAR anon: GRAND JURY, nourcbmznv, ALABAMA, MONDAY, APRIL FIFTH, HAVE BEEN PREPARED 1-on THE Po1.1.oi1&#39;h§ 92 I INDIVIDUALS: E 54¢ &#39;7 114231-: SUBPOENAS HILL as DELIVERED 1&#39;0 tn: u. s. MARSHAL 1&#39;0 BE. SERVED-FRIDAY, sauna ADVISED. APRIL ssconp. W ,,-Jay 1 _ - sun VJ, P/f 2| APR &#39;2&#39; was FBI umm-"1.-- w &#39;- / &#39; &#39;&#39; _&#39; P - I &#39; . 92 GOAP "1 1955 A *7 -A A - Ca / - _/J //-W-I -1-» T. ___--Q."-.7 .._ !~92._ -_ -A -1., A -* . &#39;. * .-_&#39;..~&#39;:%,- -"A. -- 3&#39; Pi? =*r- - L-in . 5* A &#39;V._ __ _. -vi-P51 if 2 <.,- &#39;1? _- 4_ A _-./&#39;_92,F;__-i.-L A i*~* __ . I -- :_:_92_-A-!,_ A A ,~ JP"-Ft. ~ _ .1 ..;&#39;,@,A@ ""*.,.*,?;<r¢:--f-~,,.1,-,~*;Ps;,i§ - ~----»n- A_ @=:=&#39;z:.**§&#39;<-15,-g -___ 1 E-_&#39; &#39; .=-:-&#39;-¢&#39;>"-.3 <~;i;;:.»v&#39;:g:4- it 92_-&#39;: -_-u Mr. Mr. " * _h__; Y manna»! H r. A R IPT r. SENT .-I 1.-UDED HLETM . Ange H r F .. I IIr. TEI-El&#39;YP l ,4 rd Mr.TIM FBI NEH ORK &#39; . M rB~lmont..._- "hl92I.1._o Mr.|:<-lmv~h_._._ Mr "92spnf ._._ .&#39;;-HII92nl_...- 10-1 EST URGENT 4-6-65 MFR 1-Ir.f"92l&#39;92fl..... - M v- F-lL__ DIRECTOR, FBI -~-l9--- AND MOBILEISELMAI /44-l245/ "_ hi __.. RP. ..... Sul um- Ta . _.._ : _ &#39;r._.__.- "d¢&#39;vam ___- . ,- a-.- ~;._._.._ FROM NEH YORK /44Il4O/ &#39; K1, I- I "ii I Q I 0 A /11¢-. -- EUGENE THOHAS, ETAL, VIOLA GREGG LIUZZO DASH VICTIM CR DASH EL H ._ _-"1 /1 ~ .&#39;.1 . 92/&#39; nz:mom., §oun om:SIXTYFIVE, REQUESTING ALL PHOTOS-FROM UPI AND AI KI Kl OF KLAN ROTORCAUE »/ mtu, AT_ONTGOERY ALA., HARCH TWENTYONE LAST. / UPI was ONE PHOTO OF ONE CAR IN FRONT OF CAPITOL MONTGOMERY i/ suanrtrzn BY_ §§RRf.HUfR%WNOI.ASSIGNED - . ,_ c.., .|- 1 UPI, RALEIGH, N.C. IELEPHOTO92 ONLY SENT UPI ,-NY6;fH1Tu NO ROGIINAL NEGATIVRAINDICATING PHOTO not K nonreonsnv. "rungsBY mm-..? l,1§,I,92_b{Y{.}&#39;iI3E&#39;LI§Eem&#39;Z92:Ei ; . &#39;f/1;:1<5n 77 "&#39;-"1&#39;-*7-&#39;9-&#39;-&#39;--""""UPnP lrzigr; l:-ST;E1-:y7$1=lAPER, -/" g APa1_W§§E&#39;71 ~ .
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