- The Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge Summer, 1999 Exhibition Opening ... The grand opening of the exhibition Made in Massachusetts was attended by over 700 members and guests. Below are scenes from this very special evening. Berkshire County residents Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Cormier stand in front of his painting Under Greylock , a 1996 oil on canvas illustration commissioned for the publication The Berkshires: A Beacon oj Beauty, Cu lture and Commerce. Three proud Massachusetts citizens, museum supporter Nancy Fitzpatrick, Board President Bobbie Crosby, and Steve Massicotte attended the Lieutenant Governor Jane Swift and her husband exhibition opening. Mr. Charles Hunt III proudly introduced daughter Massicotte is the Regional Elizabeth to Director Laurie Norton Moffatt. Presidelll of First Massachusetts Bank, which generously underwrote the exhibition. The Norman Rockwell Museum The Portfolio BOARD OF TRUSTEES Volume 16, Number 2, Summer 1999 Bobbie Crosb) President Cris Raymond, Editor Perri Pctricca fi rSI Vice-President Susan Cobb Merchant, Designer Lee Williams Second Vice-President Steven Spielberg Third Vice-President Tlte Porifolio is published four times a year by James \V. ireland Iicasurer The Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge, Roselle Kline Chartock Clerll inc. , and is sent free to all members. Ann Fitzpatrick Brown Ilarvey Chet Kremzman Copyright © 1999 by The Nomlan Rockwell William M. Bulger Roben f McDermott Museum at Stockbridge. Danie l M. Cain John C. (Hans) Morris All rights reserved Jan Cohn Thomas Palli James A. Cunningham. Jr. Brian J. Quinn Michelle Gillett j.M. Salvadore The Norman Rockwell Museum is fund ed in Artist Cynthia von Buhler researched Neil and Jane Golub Mark Selkowitz part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. a American folk art for her book cover illustra­ Elaine S. Gunn 1\so Tavitian state agency that supports public programs in David L. Klausmeyer Jamie Williamson the arts, humanities and sciences. tion Little Girl in a Red Dress , the 1988 gouache on canvas painting seen on the wall TRUSTEES EMERITI Lila Wilde Serle Jane P. Fitzpatrick behind her. John M. Deely, Jr. Norma G. Ogden I [enry H. Williams, Jr. Laurie Norton Moffatt, Director III. CULTURAt COUNCIL Cover: Baueries Not Incltlded by Drew Struzan. © 1987 by Universal Studios. All rights reserved. Used uncler authorization. 2 , ~~t~l~iI1J Exhibition: March 13-SeH~~~6e1i MADE IN MASSACHUSETTS This spring's popular exhibition Made in Massachusetts, which presents 68 original works by 47 ofthe Bay State's top contemporary illustrators, has been extended at the Norman Rockwell Museum through September 6, 1999. picturemaking process. Created for images ranging from Leonard use in editorials, advertising, product Baskin's haunting red-eyed raven packaging, CD covers, book jackets, to Elizabeth Buttler's visual humor children's stories, corporate reports tracing the progression of a sneeze. and brochures, the exhibition's images are those that profoundly Extended at home or condensed on influence our perception of the the road, Made in Massachusetts is world around us. prodUCing a most favorable response from all who have seen it. As sponsor of this exhibition, Picking Peas by Elizabeth Buttler, First Massachusetts Bank scratchboard and watercolor is proudly promoting the Jane Swift, Lieutenant Governor of cultural richness of Massachusetts, opened this juried Massachusetts. show on March 13, and it has been Furthermore, the bank hailed by the press as an exhibition continues to generate that continues Rockwell's legacy and public interest in the reflects an intrinsic love for the exhibition by mounting mini-exhibits across the state in six of its branches, ill> ~ which are featuring repro- -'i" ductions of eight of the a..f !r Made in Massachusetts ill> [ ~ ~ illustrations. In Pittsfield, -'i" .g: f " Amherst, Shrewsbury, g' •~ <il i Greenfield, Worcester 1 ~ and North Adams, First cg: " •~ Massachusetts Bank i patrons are treated to The Snow Owl by Richard Salvucci, Osprey by John Burgoyne, inh and pencil and conte crayon on board watercolor on board. 3 e n Remarks for the Norman Rockwell Press Conference Robert Rosenblum On March , 6th. a reception most unpredictably pop­ and press briefing on the ular triumph, there were landmark exhibition of also twentieth-century artists who, from Norman Rockwell: Pictures scratch, courted and 'or the American people instantly found the was held at the Art widest, more adoring Directors Club in New York audiences. City. The following remarks. Norman Rockwell was written by Robert at the top of this list, Director Laurie Norton Moffatt; Lisa Dennison, ChieJ Curator oj the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; and Rosenblum, were presented and the ease with which Ned Rifkin, Nancy & Holcombe I Green, Jr. Director oj by Lisa Dennison. Deputy his work was loved by the High Museum oj Art in Atlanta, Georgia, meet the Director and Chief Curator people who had never press at the reception at the Art Directors Club. Ms. heard of Kandinsky or Dennison presented Robert Rosenblums remarks at the of the Solomon R. Art Directors Club. Frank Lloyd Wright was Guggenheim Museum. always an enormous strike against least examined prejudices, and A Norman Rockwell show at the him, at least in serious circles. I still reconSidering Rockwell might well Guggenheim Museum? The heav­ remember his being used in art sur­ be thought of as a New Year's reso­ veys to define everything that good lution for the new millennium of ens must be falling, the deities of modern art opposed - mirror-like art. And, trying him ou t in the modern art turning in their graves. realism that made visually illiterate Guggenheim, conceived as a sanctu­ But remember, we're on the brink spectators ohh and aah, homespun ary devoted to his sworn enemies, is of a new century, and the last one, American narratives that could an even headier adventure, but one I the twentieth, should now be an never tune in to the music of the can't wait to see. Here's to Rockwell! open, not a shut, case. One of its spheres that was being heard at the May he help to rewrite the history of grander legends tells about the Guggenheim's first fortress, the twentieth-century art! uphill struggle of difficult private Museum of Non-Objective Art. And (Norman Rockwell: Pictures for the art to find a receptive audience; I also remember having glimmers of American People will be on view at but by the 1990s, that audience doubt, as I tried to stifle my pleas­ the Guggenheim Museum, Nov. 7, lined up by the thousands at ure and amazement in glimpsing 2001 - Feb. 11, 2002) museum box offices to worship at Rockwell's forbidden work. the shrines of a Picasso or a Pollock that were once accessible only to a But that was decades ago, in another Robert Rosenblum is Professor of Art History, Institute of Fine Arts, New York few initiates in the mysteries of time zone and culture almost as modern art. While that battle was University, and Stephen and Nan Swid remote as the Victorian era. It's Curator of Twentieth-Century Art, Solomon being waged and finally won in the high time to challenge one's oldest, R. Guggenheim Museum , New York. 4 At the presentation of the national exhibition tour of Norman Rockwell: Pictures for the American I People, Dave Hickey, author and Associate Professor of Art Criticism and Theory, University 1 of Nevada, Las Vegas, was the keynote speaker. Over sixty members of the press, representatives of the venue museums and special guest speaker Peter Rockwell attended the presentation. Mabel Brandon Cabot, Director of Corporate Programming, Ford Motor Company, announces the Ford Sponsorship of Pictures for the American People. Director Steven Brezzo of the San Diego Museum of Art and journalist and writer Arthur Danto compare notes at the presentation. In 1986, Mr. Danto reviewed Norman Rockwell: A Definitive Catalogue by Laurie Norton Moffatt for the New Director Laurie Norton Moffatt has good reason to York Times Book Review. smile on this landmark occasion as she stands between guest speakers Dave Hickey and Peter Rockwell who flew in from Rome for the occasion. Museum Board President Bobbie Crosby; Thomas Hoving, former Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and essay writer for the exhibition catalogue; and Cathy Deely were part of the gathering at the Art Directors Club. Joan SerVaas Durham, President of the Curtis Publishing Company, is seen here with two of Rockwell's three sons, Peter and Jarvis. Nova Rockwell stands between her brother­ in-law Peter and husband Jarvis. James Ballinger, Director of the Phoenix Art Museum, one of the venues for the exhibition, chats with Ned Rifldn, Nancy & Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Director of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia. The High Museum is the co-organizer of Pictures for the American People. 5 Exhibition: June 11, 1999 - 9£J9.6el1 - Cris Raymond, Portfolio Editor Illustration art encompasses many formats. Books, adver­ including Back to the Future, Hook, The Flintstones, Star tisements, corporate logos, limited edition prints, CD cov­ Wars, E. T the Extra-Terrestrial and the Indiana Jones ers and many other visual displays impress images on the trilogy have played an important role in the life of minds of the public. these films. Perhaps the most fleeting of the thousands of images seen Struzan recalls that even as a child, he could always is that of the movie poster. This medium has to convey draw and paint. While he was attending the Art Center the spirit and message of a film and convince the public College of Design in West Los Angeles, his college to come see the show. When the theater schedule advisor asked him whether he wanted to concentrate changes, the posters disappear. Although the movie may on fine art or illustration, the young Struzan confessed resurface on television, the posters are relegated to history that he really did not know the difference.
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