VOL. XCVIII NO. 16 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 MARCH 7,2000 Lloyd Webber'sEvita comes to Trinity Increased Threat of Roofies on Campus hours. The other common BY MAUREEN WELCH symptoms of rohypnol are pe- Production Manager riods of memory loss, problems with vision, dizziness, confu- During the past year, sion, and impaired motor skills. rohypnol, the "date rape drug," Rohypnol, used medically as has reportedly had an increased a short-term treatment for in- presence on campus. somnia and as a preanesthetic Although there is only one agent, is most commonly reported and confirmed case of slipped into an alcoholic bever- a student being drugged, stu- age. When mixed with alcohol dents and administrators alike the sedative properties of know of rohypnol's increased rohypnol are increased, and it presence on campus. can be virtually impossible to Students cannot always con- detect. firm if they have been roofied The rohypnol made outside because the symptoms vary of America is odorless, colorless, from person to person; a urine and tasteless. The rohypnol test administered at a hospital made by Hoffman-La Roche is necessary to detect GHB or Laboratories has a blue dye rohypnol in the blood stream. added to it that appears when a CASSIHALLAM The cast of Evita, the Spring Musical for this year, directed by Gerald This test must be administed pill is dissolved in a drink. Mosheli. See review on page 15. fairly quickly, because these GHB and rohypnol .can be drugs leave the blood stream aquired for medical reasons in within a period of 24 hours. Europe and Latin America to Trustees to Vote on Midsession Charles Morris, Interim Di- treat sleeping disorders. These rector of Campus Safety, stated, drugs can be aquired for illegal SGA proposal to be reviewed by Board at March 11 meeting "We do not have any evidence or use either through abuse of "Midsession is a happy com- Midsession before finals be- tangible proof such as arrests or perscriptions or in bars and BY ANN J. O'CONNELL promise," said Dorothy Wang cause that's when we really the identification of any indi- nightclubs around the city. News Editor '01, commenting on the differ- need it." vidual who may have brought Federal legislation has re- ences between the old Reading When asked whetheT they rohypnol on campus...We do cently been passed making This weekend, the Board of We^lwnd .the SGA's new sug- fel t*thawehe«S@&i*pK>positI' rep-1 pdmsfffin-aiid'dlgfrfbu'tion of Trustees will meet to discuss gestions. resented their feelings on the through the deans office with the date-rape drug GHB pun- and vote on several proposals "Adding random days here matter, the response from the symptoms of rohypnol." ishable for up to 20 years in including the Student Govern- and there doesn't serve any con- students was overwhelmingly The main symptom of date- prision, ment Association's proposal to structive purpose," commented negative. rape drugs is what Martha A student who believed she change Midsession and a pro- John Whittemore '01, on the "I have never experienced any Burke, Director of the Health was roofied two weekends ago posal for an interdisciplinary "Development Days" and long link with the SGA whatsoever," Center, calls "behavior that does talked about her experience: "I Educational Studies Major. weekends. "With a week, you stated Dellecker. not match up with actual alco- had been paying attention, The SGA is submitting a pro- can get things done." Other stu- "Usually the SGA asks the hol intake." that's why it was confusing...! posal that suggesting that dents were not bothered by the students what they want. With People who have been victim- couldn't speak, 1 couldn't keep M idsession be entirely removed. elimination of Midsession, but this, not at all. I didn't hear ized may have had only one my eyes open, I'm sure it wasn't In the proposal, which was re- felt that there were better ways about it until all was said and drink, but feel as if they have alcohol. 1 got really sick." jected by the faculty in October of distributing the reading days. see TRUSTEES on page nine been binge drinking for several see ROOFIES on page six 1998, the SGA is proposing to "I don't mind the SGA proposal," replace the week-long study said Elizabeth Speck '02. "I period with long weekends, a think that rather than long week off for Thanksgiving, ex- weekends, if they put more days Congressman Jim Maloney tra reading days at the end of before finals and move Spring the Spring semester and two Break up a week, it would be "Trinity Development Days," better." Speaks To Trinity Students free days used for the same pur- Adrian Dellecker '02 com- pose as Midsession. mented on the need for more Republican, and Tuesday Lunch Bunch coalitions on BY TALIA KROHN the political spectrum within the Republican Party. Sfudent reaction to the SGA study time at the end of the se- News Writer After the lecture, Maloney took questions from the proposal For Midsession has var- mesters, stating "1 think it see MALONEY on page seven ied. would be a better idea if we put On Monday, March 6, Congressman Jim Maloney of Connecticut's fifth Congressional District came to Trinity to speak to Professor Inside This Week's Issue Peter Burns' "Introduction to American Na- tional Government" class and a small audi- ence in the Life Science Center auditorium. Congressman Maloney's talk in LSC focused Trinity opens new learning site in Belfast primarily on the nature of coalitions within News Pi- 8 Congress. Maloney explained how, contrary to popular belief, the process by which bills be- Campus says no to "Nanos Method" come laws does not occur exactly as described Opinion Pg- 3 in a textbook. Rather, as he articulated, bills get passed by Things to do in Hartford assembling a bank of support among the ma- jority of some combination of the six coali- Features • pg- H tions within Congress. Congressman Maloney described the na- Dali Exhibit at the Wadsworth Atheneum ture of the coalitions within each party, all of Arts • .-Pg-16 which have varying degrees of ideological views on fiscal and social issues. Lectures, Performances, After Hours, and more... Maloney discussed the manner in which Announcements..... Pg- 18 the Blue Dog Coalition, the New Democratic Coalition, and Progressive Caucus Coalition comprise the increasingly liberal coalitions Women's basketball wins the ECACs within the democratic party, and he defined J'MMALONEY/ Sports -Pg-24 the location of the Christian Right, Main-Line Maloney endorsed Al Gore at Monday's speech. PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - MARCH 7,2000 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cripo^r Encouraging Students to Explore the Crinitp Opportunities in Career Services Office Dan Herman '01 BethGilligan'Ol To the Editor, ets. Firms such as Goldman EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR Sachs, and Greenpoint Bank When I read the article com- have come to campus looking to menting on the various service "wow" our students, in hopes of NEWS EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER offices around campus, 1 felt recruiting future employees. AnnJ. O'ConneU'OO Renay Smallcomb '01 compelled to respond when the These firms have a large num- Career Services Office was ber of recruits needed for entry- struck with several negative level positions each year. FEATURES EDITORS BUDGET DIRECTOR However, other employers such Amelia Ames'00 comments. The first year of my James Cabot '02 Brian Nanos '03 college career I didn't know as non-profit organizations what "CSO" stood for, let alone have fewer resources, and are OPINION EDITOR ARTS EDITORS know where the office was. unable to spend a lot of money Abigail F. Thomas '03 Amy Buchner '02 Micah Cogen '03 Four years later, I frequent the impressing prospective employ- Career Services office as much ees. You are not going to see many Hi-Tech Corporations re- SPORTS EDITOR ANNOUNCEMENTS EDITOR as I do the Bistro. cruiting on campus either, they William Dick '02 Nathaniel E. Silver '01 Radost Rangelova '03 I took a job at Career Services have no idea how many employ- so that I would get myself in the ees they are going to need in one ONLINEEDITOR PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS office. I knew that the only way month, let alone a whole year. Richard Downe '03 Whitney Cronk'02 CassiHallam '01 to get the information suited for me in my job search is to seek it This sense of unilateral re- out myself. I work in CSO twice cruiting on campus is also due PRODUCTION MANAGER: Maureen Welch '03 a week, and each time I discover to the to the fact that Invest- a new opportunity that inter- ment Banks and Consulting ests me. I have spoken to people Firms start recruiting prospec- SENIOR EDITORS: Virginia Lacefield '00, Sara Merin '00, Deviri Pharr '00 employed in Physical Rehabili- tive employees three weeks into tation Centers, Web-site Devel- the academic school year. COPY EDITORS: Davis Albohm '02, Sarah Felix '00, Beth Nethercote '02 oping Companies, and Retail . , I will agree with the com- Kristin Powell'03, Laura Schwartz'02, Geoffrey Stevens'01 Design Corporations. Invest- ment which states that the of- ment Banking and Financial fice is too small. This problem Consulting are not the only op- is in the process of being re- Goodbye Super Tuesday portunities that are available to solved. If you walk by the Bis- students. I have probably tro, you will see CSO's future One month ago, hundreds of Trinity students filled the Vernon Cen- changed my career goals five or home.
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