.»^w^,>>>»»y*t»<>V' SJg'y**'^'''**^*^'*^''*?-'' ^;;»^r-M f ^^;5*T,i^v.,^, A ,x-':r * * f » * ,**,*#*f * ••'•4|*»^ dUrt-i^ 1/ THK BBANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1037 THE HOMIS TOWJJ PAPKIl Pa£^o Eight benefits for total unemployment The annual Christmas sale of tho TQE HOME NEWSPATEn IS A Individual taste. It Is ca.sy to .ihop Payments For under the Connecticut Unemploy­ Church, *f Christ, Stony Creek will Legal Notice VITAL FORCE IX E\'BIIV TOWN imANFonn—NOKTH nnANTOuD East Haven Jeffs Nathan Mann and easy to decide for a gift for a ment Compensation Act? be held Dec. 8 in the church. STONV CUEEK—VINE OllCHAnD man when visiting The Owl Shop. I'OUTUAVISO AS IT DOES Continued from Sports Pne:o A. He can receive benefits tor 13 j Connecticut. Said taxes are based SUOUT BEACH — INDIAN NECK i ';a? Cnntltiucd from vao one LOCAL n.U'PENlNOS IN OIIANNIS COUNBK — MORUIS Cohtinucd from Sports I'aKc weeks. | upon the assessment of October 1, be paid under the Connecticut Un­ Q. Wlien Is an Individual consid-j COVE — EAST HAVEN The East Haven Jofts girls got Is smart. Good noodle, believe mo. FOUND |l93G, which became due and pay- FAJllLL\n LANOIJAOB Herman Markey employment Compensation Act? ered totally unemployed under the The Best Place to Buy a New -. on the right foot In the first game In The "nig Money" A. Benefits will begin to be paid Connecticut Unemployment Conv- or Used Piano lable April 5, 1937. AND EAST IIAVEIS NE^S S of a double header last Sunday . "I went Into the ring realizing to eligible individuals after Jan­ penisatlon Act? Clinton's Music Store As the said Joseph Brautlgam has night when they battled the Shel- that I must win or drop back to Gives Advice uary 1, 1038. ;glccted and refused to pay said Price Five Cents ton Olympics to a standstill to A. When he is performing no .ser­ Tel. 5-78B4 VOL. X-NO. 35 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, Doconiber 0, 1937 the $500 fighter crowd. Mind you, Q. Where may an Individual vices for which ronumeration of tax, I will sell all or enough of the tl win going away 31 to 17. wise car owners change to the 226 Meadow St. New Haven I respect these fellows because I'm any nature Is payable and is not following described property to sat­ Baffled and bewildered by the from that gang. I had a sot plan lubricant recommended by the man claim benefits utuler the Conncctl jngagod in any self-employment. isfy tho foregoing tax, Interest and Jeffs passing attack the Sheltonltcs to follow. I wasn't to budge from ufacturor for fall and winter driv­ cut Unemployment Compon.satlon all othe rlegal charges thereon: Act? Western Auto Public Urged made a game of It until the third that straight line of endeavor. I ing, according to Herman Markley, Shorthand, Typewriting, Book­ To wit: A certain piece or parcel Branford Man Fine Concert Planned A. Ho may claim benefits by ap­ quarter when Hazel Smith, util­ knew that If I won the fight I'd bo service manager of Baldwin Motors, keeping, Accounting, Business of land with all the buildings and Government Starting izing her height, combined with a $10,000 fighter and not a $.')00 per­ pearing at tho State Employment local Chrysler and Plymouth deal­ Post office Is Administration, Dictaphone, improvements thereon, situated in Gives Lecture Store To Open By Post Office the remainder of the East Haven former. Thai's Just the difference Service olfice nearest his reaidonec. ers. Comptometer, Day and Evening jthe Town of Branlord in said Coun- ... I _ _l r- I girls to score seven boskets and between a win and a loss. Most every moving part of your Q. What Is tho largest weekly Continued from paije one ity and State and known as lot No. By Musica IA rt Society one foul while holding their oppo­ benefit under the Connecticut Un­ Sessions. Co-educatlonal. Enter Extensive Dredging Of On Astronomy Here Next Week to Shop Early "I was tho follow who was on the engine needs a constant oil bath," received at the Brantord Post at ajiy time. '92 on a map known as Branford nents to two lone field goals and an spot, not Pastor as I sec It. Mr. Markley said. "In tho hot sum­ employment Compensation Act? Olllce, listing the latest closings | I Heights, Surveyed by J. Frederick During the holiday time tho vol­ equal number of fouls. "Oh, I guess I'll learn to fight In mer months, and In early fall this A. $15.00 is tho largest weekly for foreign mall connecting deliv­ ijack.son, C. E. on file in the Bran- A young man, Lewis Doolittle of New Local Concern Will Garry STONE COLLEaE ume of mall Increases approximate­ Here Sunday Evening Koch led the Shelton attack about a hundred years. I tried to bath Is very thick, and as the car bcnollt. ery for Christmas. iford Town Clerk's office and Branford River ChannelSton y Creek, presented a lecture Complete Line Of Auto 129 Temple St., New Haven and motion picture Tuesday night ly aoD percent. It Is a physical Im­ while Smith with thirteen points chaso that bird. He kept pulling me warms up tho heat thins the oil Q. What Is tho smallest weekly Latest dates for dispatch from Bounded: Accessories > and Peters wltli seven were putting on; stance. Nice trick. You can't down to provide a. constant easy- benefit under the Connecticut Un­ New York for the following coun­ in Blackstone Memorial Library en­ possibility to liandle thl^ great mass SOUTHERLY: by first St., as titled "A Journey to the Moon". Known Local Musical Group Will Render Choice on a shooting circus for the visi­ punch properly under such maul­ flowing wall of lubricant between employment Compcn,satlon Act? tries are: of mail matter efficiently and Widely shown on said map, thirty-five Dredger Already On The Job, Prepared To Undertake Task Of One of the outstanding events in promptly within a few days. There­ tors benefit. ing. He was hurt several times, moving metal surfaces. A. $7.50 or about three-quarters December 15—Austria, Belgium, (35) ft,, more or less Mr. Doolittle has been called upon Selection Of Well • Known Hymns Of of the average wage. Whichever Legal Notice to give such talks by many of the Branford business history Is the fore to assure delivery of their alie lineup; really stung but, foxlike, he knows Wlicn the weather turns colder, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Danzig, WESTERLY: by lots 38,39, 40 and Channel Clearing — Some Of Dredged Material The Yulclide Sea.son K. II. Jeff Girls how to lick his wounds, knows Just sum Is the smaller Is the minimum town's organizations and his lec-opening of the new Western Auto Christmas presents, cards, and let­ the oil gota correspondingly heav­ England, Prance, Germany, Neth­ a portion of lot No. 41, as shown on Will Be Dumped On Meadows Associate Store, owned and oper­ O F Pts. what to do when In trouble, weekly benefit. In accordance with the provisions t\u'e Tuesday was attended by many ters by Christmas Day the public of ier. It takes longer to warm up tho erlands, Poland, Norway, Sweden, said map, one hundred and twen­ ated by Stanley Tolman at Bran­ E. Orohowskl rf 2 16 Q. Do Emi)loyees contribute to of Sec. 1225 G. S. Rev. 1030 Lawful v/ho had previously heard him. Branford should Shop and Mall "I want the best of them now. 1 car, and there Is a chance of the Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania. ty-two (1221 feet six (0) inches. ford. An outstanding feature of the Yuletide season in Branford, and Moran, rf 0 0 0 want to keep on making money, the Connecticut Unemployment demand has been made by the Tax The motion pictures were tho only early. y metal surfaces coming Into friction December 10—Canal Zone, Haiti. NORTHERLY: by lot No. 83 as Extensive dredging operations on the Branford River are in pros­ Most car owners In this vicinity Fox rf 0 0 0 nomomber what I told you about Compensation Fund? Collector of the Town of Branford ones of their kind ever taken and one that will bring pleasure to a great many people, will be the al contact with each other before December 18—Bermuda, Jamaica, shown on said map. Thirty-five pect which will deepen and greatly improve the channel of the local The Branford Post Office urges Dcmpsey rf 0 0 0 buying Mom a home? That still A. No. All contrlta\itions are made for the payment of taxes amount- 1 were photographed at the McMatii- are familiar with the Western Auto Christmas program to be presented in ihe Baptist Church next Sun­ tho cold-thlckoned oil has had an Puerto Rico. (35) feet more or less; and Supply Company of Kansas City, the public to do Christmas shopping Lalch If 1 0,2 goes. It will always go imtll tho opportunity to flow between them, by employers. December 10—Bahamas. Ing to $83.65, duo from a John Se­ stream. The dredger is already on the spot and preliniin.iry surveys Hulborl Observatory at tho Univer­ EASTERLY: by lot No. 93 on said sity of Michigan. Missouri, because tills Is the firm I so that gifts, greetings and letters day evening, December 12, at 8:00 p. m. by the Branford Musical Smith c 0 1 13 day she steijs In as queen." Ukewl.se, tho engine runs colder.
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