UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL Friday. October 6, 1978 On the Four Towers Residents Evicted Following Patty By LORRAINE BOWERS and BOB MARSHALL The two students charged with viola- Rainaldi would not comment on the in­ Inside At least four Christiana Towers tions said that they had no expected cident, but Spencer said that the party in residents were sent notice this week that guest list and no keg in their room, so question involved between 200 to 300 per­ they would have to vacate their rooms they were not violating party policy sons overflowing into the corridors. The Filtering the Alien by today, following a Sept. 16 party inci- because they were not having a party. damage incurred involved a newly in­ dent. The students , who wished to remain stalled carpet on the floor which was Static The four students, along with a anonymous, agree that their door was "damaged so severely that it had to be j number of others, live on the sixteenth open on a few occasions, but they said replaced," said Spencer. The students But are they trying to tell us floor of the West Tower where, ac- that they could see nothing wrong with involved must pay the damages, said something ............ p. 6 cording to Edward Spencer, associate this since they were not having a party Spencer. director for Housing and Reisdence Life, themselves. They also admit to having a According to one student who has there is at least $1,400 worth of damage small group of friends in the room received notice that he is to vacate his which resulted from the party. throughout the night, but said they could room, Rainaldi told he and his room­ Following Residence Life procedures, see nothing wrong with this. "People mates at the proprietary hearing that, the students were given Proprietary come to see us all the time, especially "we should have locked our door and left Hearings before the Christiana Complex after a game," said one roommmate, the building if we didn't want to be in­ Traveller's Advisory Coordinator Leslie Rainaldi and Area "what are we supposed to do, kick them volved in the party.'' Manager Tim Becker, said Spencer. out?" All of the roommates are football "But, we didn't even have a party," he Surviving in Greater Newark According to a memorandum sent to players, and the game they were refer­ continued, "the people across the hall ....................... p. 7 two of the students by Raindaldi, they ring to was against West Chester State. had a party, they had an expected list, were in violation to Residence Life's In addition, Rainaldi agreed in the we didn't, we didn't even have a keg. "Guide to Christiana Towers" which memo that the students accused of the How can they say the people in the states, "You are responsible for your violation had helped Security try to clear hallway were our guests?" own conduct and that of your guests. In- the halls of the party-goers. In the memo from Rainaldi sent to the Inner View: vited or not, those persons attending One Christiana resident who attended students of this room, she verified that your party are your responsibility. Your the party said he watched one of the there was no expected guest list filled Mohummad Ahmed party must be contained to the confines charged students spend "at least an hour out by the students and that no keg was in the room. of your apartment." helping clear the halls." (Contlnu..t on Poge 8) University image, - minorities, is "bad." Trabant Considering Ban LaPeu! On All Open Campus Parties Dead skunk raises a stink By VALARIE HELMBRECK dicated he favors the ban.'' University President E.A. According to Worthen and . p. 13 Trabant is considering a Eddy, this recommendation recommendation to ban all comes after the City of outside, open parties at the Newark threatened to enforce university where alcohol will existing ordinances or pass be served. stronger ordinances concern­ Yes "Tormato" ing drinking and disorderly The recommendation was conduct. Eddy said there is no Plenty of juice and no seeds proposed at a dinner given by way for campus fraternities ...................... o. 16 Trabant for local alumni, na­ to control these large parties . '" ."M••!'*''¥' tional fraternity represen­ or their "spinoff" problems . tatives, and leaders of the Eddy said that one fraternity N e w a r k c om m u n-i t y . member told him that open ?'residents of university social functions are no fun for Benson Jumps fraternities were not invited the members. to the dinner. Mayor William Off Brooklyn Redd and City Manager Peter Worthen said the recom­ Bridge Marshall represented the Ci­ mendation will be given to the • ty of N-.wark. The dinner was Council of Fraternity Predicts Delaware over held to discuss the recent pro­ Presidents for their con­ blems with drinking at cam­ sideration. He said he is lehigh 24-14 in tomorrow's pus parties, according to "quite sure that the council game ... ............ p. 24 Dean of Students Raymond 0. wlll g1ve sel'ious considera­ Edqy. tion to the recommendation." At present, the council is try­ The recommendation, ing to draft a set of guidelines which received only one for implementation of the negative vote, would ban all alcohol policy in fraternity "open social functions involv­ houses. Those guidelines • ing the consumption of would have to be approved by Calendar ............. p. 5 alcohol held outside fraterni­ Worthen, who said that he ty houses and residence feels it would be difficult to Classifieds .......... p. 19 halls... at the University of handle a long list of Campus Briefs ....... p. 5 Delaware" if approved by guidelines. Editorials ........... p. 10 Trabant. ("Open" function is defined by Eddy as any Eddy said the recommen­ EtCetera ............ p. 13 gathering for which an invita­ dation was a "tradeoff" with Retrospect ........... p. 5 tion is issued to the entire the fraternities and that in campus or a large portion of return ·for a ban on open cam­ Spotts ............... p. 24 the campus.) pus parties with alcohol, the This Weekend ...... p.l According to Dr. John Wor­ university would minimize in­ FROM THE OVERPASS on South College Avenue, we noticed then, vice president for Stu­ terference with the internal that some people would rather cross the street at ground dent Affairs and Administra­ affairs of campus frater­ level. tion, "Dr. Trabant has in- nities. Poge2 THE REVIEW, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL October6, 1978 737-8848 I '· . ' ~~ e t 36 W. Cleveland Ave. ~ Block West of N. College ~ve. I· I ,,~j ( ·· SpecialiZing in Pizzas, . : : '. Steaks and Subs . " . famous at Qur work for years .. · Please ·· don't take our word about our · products . .-If you haven·'t'already heard about · .. ,. ·them ask anybody who has been on campus · more than .a year. If that's not enough buy -·._one ~· ~· n'd compare. We're sure you'll be .:~: · ·happy ·with our subs and our prices. ' . · · And now the surprise for those who­ have. b~en asking ,us for thr.ee years · _ > WE ARE NOW: 6-11 P.M. SEVEN . ( DELIVERING! DAYS A WEEK Delivery time will be quoted to you over the phone which is not going to b~ more than half an hour. Regula~ Store ~Ol:JrS- ~ur:·(day- Wednesday 10 a.m.-midnight .. ~ ..; . Thursday~Fridqy- · S~turday 10 a.m.-2 a.m. · THE REVIEW, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL. Page3 U.S. Should Divest in South Africa Apartheid: Life and Death, Says Woods By KATE TYLER away at the South African­ bably follow, he said. "Apartheid is not a political constitution, Woods said, un­ "The major danger of problem, it is a life and death til non-whites were deprived racial civil war can only be matter to millions of people," of all civil and human rights. avoided by strong economic said Donald Woods, a white He was able to oppose apar­ sanctions," Woods said. "Do former newspaper editor in theid in editorials in his not think that the effects of South Africa. newspaper for as long as he this will not reach you. If Woods spoke to a crowd of did, Woods said, because the white fights black in South over 200 in Smith Hall Mon­ government could then claim Africa," he warned "it will day night as part of the that it had a free press and have repercussions in every Minority Center's "Contem­ that "criticism is tolerated society where whites and porary Issues" series. An only if it is not effective," he blacks live together." " outspoken critic of apartheid said. In the case of Biko's Woods said he does not and ex-editor of The East death, when Woods and believe that the recent ·London Dispatch, he was of­ others demanded an inquiry, change in South African ficially "banned" by the Woods said the government government, from John government last October. He might have tolerated the Vorster stepping down to the was forbidden to write, to challenge if the press in other largely ceremonial post of meet with more than one per­ nations had not pursued the president to Pieter Botha tak­ son at a time, or to travel issue so intensely. ing over as prime minister, freely. Harassed by Woods emphasized the role would make any difference in police,Woods and his family the U.S. has played in South policy. finally fled South Africa last Africa. Supporting the idea of The South African govern­ January. universities divesting their ment overestimates its own Woods is the author of a holdi~gs in U.S.
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