TAf1J K{J?NfJI/[K NEWSLETTER OF THE CORNlSH AMERICAN HERITAGE SOCIETY Founded 1982 for the Gathering or Cornish Cousins Volume 1 No. 2 Apr, May. Jun 1994 FROM TH E PRESID ENT Dear Cousins, Here in Canada we were certainly pleased when spring and sun came aft er a very long cold winter. I think i t was similar in the Midwest this year, but maybe those of you further south did not suffer as much! In getting ready to travel west fro~ Montreal. I keep anticipating all the Cornish cousins I will meet. My furthest point should be prince George, British Columbia where among other things I want to build links for us to Barkerville. an historic town, the major centre of B.C.'S gold rush and heaVily influenced by Cornish mLn1ng and water control technOlOgy. There is a wonderfu~ huge Cornish water- wheel there and yards of guttering ("launders" as they used to say) which march along the rain soaked valley bottom on flimsy wooden trestles . Brian Fugler i s Registrar there . Fugler i s a Cornish/ German name dating tram way back when the Germans came and taug ht us h ow to mine. By the end of July I will be in Calumet with the organising committee of Calumet ' 95, our next gathering. Jean Ellis is doing wonderful work in pUlling it a1.1 together.. We hope other cousins will be there, especially for the Central Mine Methodist Church service, the last sunday 1n July. Let us know if you consider coming and even better if you can join us with bright ideas and help for '95. There are ~y Celtic festivals across the continent in the summer . We hope to have a presence as CARS at some, thanks t o the energy of Jean and Ron Jo1.1i ffe. If there is a Celtic testival near you, viSit it, write and tell us about it, and perhaps by next year we can get a Cornish presence there. It shou ld be a good way to draw in Cornish descendants who may not have found us as yet. Some of .these festivals will be noted here in TAM. KERNEWEK but there must be many we do not hear about. I wish everyone a joyous summer season and look forward to reporting from Calumet in the next TAM KERNEWEK. DeW' genes "Rosalie Armstrong IN THI S ISSUE CAHS VISION STATEMENT ........... .. 2 BOOK REVI EW ........................ 6 PROGRESS REPORTS ••••• •• ••••••••••••• 2 CAHS LIBRARY HOLDINGS ••• , ••• •••• •••• 6 LOGO SOUGHT •• • ••••••••••• ••••••••••• 3 NEW MEMBERS •••• ••• •••••••• •••••• • • •• 7 REPORTS OF CORNWALL VISITS • •••••• • 3,4 COM I NG EV ENTS • ••••• •••• • •• ••• ••• •••• 8 CAHS FOUNDER ADV I SOR HONORED • ••••••• q QUERIES • •• ••• ••••• ••••••••••• ••••••• 9 A TIME TO REF LECT •••• •• •• ••••• •••••• 4 DUE S PAID?? •• •• •••••••••••• • ••••••• • 9 CALUMET '95 .........•............... 5 MEMBE RS HIP APPLICATION •••••• ••• ••••• 9 TAM KERNEWEK Apr, ).111." Jun 1994 CABS VISION STATEMENT The aim of the CABS is to develop and support Cornish Associations in North America which are dedicated to an appreciation of the ancestral, historical and cultural aspects of Cornish Identity. The CABS will continue to enhance our past and present relationships with Cornwall, The Homeland, and strengthen connections to all other Cornish communities throughout the world. Rosalie Armstrong - President PROGRESS REPORT S (Al SURNAME DIRECTORY - J oe Roberts reports that the response has been good. He plans to have results (compilation) avai1able at Calumet '95. In the me antime, send in SURNAME(S), PARISH(ES) or AREA(S) , and DATE(S). Joe's address is on the rear cover~ He does requ est that respondents make a clear distinction between surnames a nd place names. ( B) CORNISH HERI TAGE CERTIFICATES - About 40 completed application s have been sub­ mitted. Application forms were provided wi th the las t newsletter . Send comple­ ted applications (or a request for a form) to Jud y Lecy; address o n rear cover. (cl DIRECTORY OF CORNI SH RESOURCES - The first iss ue of this publication is nearing comple tion and it is planned that detailS on availability will be p r ovided in the next news letter. The project was described in the fall 1993 issue o f CAM KERNEWEK. Send inputs to Jean JOlliffe, 2405 N. Brookfield Road, Brookfield, WI, 53045. (D) "CAMPAIGN FOR CORNWALL" - The o fficials of this o rganization framed a declaration which appears below. All of the North American local Cornish associations donated £5.00 each towards a full page advertisement in the Western Morning News (C ornwa~ l ) endorsing the declaration. The Seey. and Treas. o f "Campaign f o r Cornwall" i s ~os e Barnecut , Mil~ers Hou se, Trenowth, Grampound Road, Cornwall TR 2 4EH. A DECLARATION TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND We, the undersigued, take pride in Cornwall's ..lISe of identitJ aDd bistory, its culturt, its people< and its traditions. We rwoUDOt 2IIY attempt 10 UlllienniDe tile territorial inltgrity ot Cornwall throu:h p-.utttl0ll into two or more ariminisUati+e units. We declare our commitment to a single council for Cornwall, democratically elected 2lIli representing all .... :»optes or Cornwall. TAM KERNElo'(K LOGO SOUGHT The logo formerly used has been dropped because it was considered not particu­ larly appropriate. I ts origin was somewhat obscure. CAHS apparentl y "lifted" it from an earlier publication. A replacement is needed for use on the newsletter, CAHS stationery, publications, clothing, souvenir items, and the like. Now is the time for all you aspiring artists, designers, historians, or any int e rested person to create a l ogo with a Cornish theme and a North American flavor. The logo may be in black and white o r in color. A design which l ends itself to copy­ ing, that is, not too intricate and suitable for size alteration (enlarging o r reduct­ ion, is preferred. Send your entry to the CARS Executive Committee, care of the President, Rosalie Armstrong (address on rear cover of TAM KERNEWEK). Full credit will be given to the originator of the deSign selected which design then becomes the exclusive property of CAHS. Here is an opportunity t o express your talent and assist your society. REPORTS OF CORNWALL VISITS In the last issue at the ne....sletter, the f o rthcoming visits of several members were announced. We thought you'd like to hear their first hand accounts. The editor regrets that space limitations confines their reports to a half page each. Judy and Don could tell you much mor e and invite you t o contact them for elaboration. "To Hayle and Back Again" Judy Locy Prior to my leaving fur Cornwall on March 24th, s~"41 ptople from the Southwest Wisc. Cornish Society rang me up to tell me to "Go To Bayle"! Why?? Well, you SN, Mineral Pmnt, Wis~n.fin and Hayle, Cornwttll are sisle" cities. Since Ollr priorities are not always ofOllr own choosing, commllnication between the sister citiei blZd bern a little sp4ne. I rang Pbil Hoskm, the Edilor of Cornish W()1'ld maglZZine, and be arranged for me to "Go To Hayle" and meet the Mayor. On Monday, April 4th, 4l 6 PM. the Town Clerk ofHayie,Jobn BJtTTO'W, arri'fJed to dri'lle HO'W4rd Curnow and me to Hayle. This wai to be my night in Bayle! Wh4t an Ilnforgatable night it wail We IZrri'Ved at ExcalibltT's to be met by Ch4r1ie Allen, the Ikpllty Mayor, 4ndbtl wife. Then Robb kilo, the Maytrr 0/Htzyle, 4niVed completc with chain. The Mayor 4ndJohn whisked me away fOT an hOIlT long tour ofHayie. We visitcd '411 tin historic sites in Hayle. I was shottm the be4utiful three mile expanse 0/ beach. Mayor Robb Lello told mc the history ofHayle. However, they 'UJOuld not 4110'U1 me to take phologrllphs. Hayle will be sending photos to m~ soon. After the tour, we retired to Excalibur's which was now filled unth abollt 2) people from Hay/~! Inc/utJjng Cornish Bard Howllrd Cllrnow, Phil HoskCl 0/ Cornisb World magtttine and Jen4er Lowe, th~ COllnty Arts Officer. w~ drank 4 toast to "Fish, Copper and Tin". Then we went on to mjuy a luvely dinner in the unique and £nCT~dib/~ sllrTOlindings of Exca/ibur's Meabry. There was mltch con-wnation ttbout th~ future ofHayle. After the m~al, speeches ofwclcome were made by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, stressing the imp0rt4nct of forging friendsbips with Cornish ptOp/~ worldwide. HOUIard Cllmow gave a b~IZ"tiful and detaikddescription ofMineral Point, Wisconsin. Mr. Jim Wn'gbt, chairman ofthe Hayle ChambtTo/Commerce and thc Hay/~ Heritdge Group, prnented m~ unth a ckcttratifJe plate fearMring Hayle viaduct. The plat~ W4S painted by loc41 artist Liz Fosle" and is numbered and has a CertifiCJIle ofAltthenticity. Only 1000 plates were mack. This plat~ was in Ilirn my gift to Minerlll Point. It is to be display~d in the library aJ 4symbol 0/ its /ink utith Hayle, Cornwall. I WlIS also presented with a book that was wriUt7I and ilbutrated by 4z Fosle". Terry English, the owner ofExc4libln"s, fashioned a copper bracelet for me. AfterwardJ, Charlie AlItTI, the Deputy Mayor, sporting a Cornish kilt, entertained tbe party with bumoKT', guitar lind follt songs until midnight. Bay/e is growing and mO'fJing forward into the futur~. Yet they ar~ determined to prntr'f)~ their rich PIlS! lind the important conrriblltJon that Hayle, Cornwall has made to th~ def)~/opment of the industrial world. The peop/~ ofHayle haw 1I vision ofthe {utKre lind ar~ detnmined to follO'W it through. They wlue the contacts that have been nttzblished with their sister city 0/ Mineral Point, Wisconsin.
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