Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.33.1.142 on 1 January 1971. Downloaded from British Heart Journal, 1971, 33, I42-I5 I. Proceedings of the British Cardiac Society THE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL post. The names receiving the most would be merged with the contingency GENERAL MEETING of the British votes shall be elected in each case at fund. Cardiac Society was held in the Konin- the next Annual General Meeting. In klijk Institut voor de Tropen, Mauri- the event of a draw for any office, the 4 The following resignations were ac- tskade 63, Amsterdam, on Thursday Council shall decide the member to be cepted with regret: Bingham, J. G. M. and Friday, 23 and 24 April I970 as a elected. Hamilton, A. C. Macdonald. joint meeting with the Dutch Society. Rule 25 to be amended as follows: 5 Hamer was elected as Secretary of The President, SIR JOHN Mc- Three Ordinary Members shall be the Society. MICHAEL, took the Chair at 9.oo elected in accordance with Rule I4 a.m. during Private Business before (as amended above) as Secretary, 6 Sowton was elected as Assistant handing over to the Chairman, R. W. D. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Secretary of the Society. TURNER. respectively. The Secretary shall 7 The following two new Members of hold office for not more than two Council were elected in place of Tubbs years and the Assistant Secretary for Business and A. J. Thomas: Donald Ross and Private not more than two years; the Trea- Byron Evans. i The Minutes of the Annual General surer shall hold office for five years Meeting having been published in the and shall be eligible for re-election. 8 J. H. Wright was elected an Hono- Journal (1970, 32, 55i) were taken as They will all be ex officio Members of rary Member of the Society. read and confirmed. the Council. 9 The following were elected Extra- 2 The following amendments to the The remaining Rules will be amended Ordinary Members of the Society: Rules of the Society were agreed: to omit any mention of Associate Mem- Cookson, Muir, Bruce Perry, and Sir Rule 4 to be amended to: bers, and this will necessitate arranging George Pickering. them in a slightly different order. There shall be a President of the So- 3 The Treasurer reported that there Io The following Corresponding Mem- ciety who shall be elected by the bers were elected: Gotthard Schettler, members from one of the names put was an excess of income over expendi- Heidelberg, and Velva Schrire, Cape forward by the Council. If, however, ture in I969, but that this was smaller any member wishes to submit an than in I968: £58i.17.-. as compared Town. additional name his nomination must with £673. The decrease was due to in- ii In accordance with the amendment be signed by ten members and re- creased cost of meetings, secretarial to the Rules of the Society adopted at ceived by the Council at least six help, and subscriptions to the Inter- this meeting, whereby the category of weeks before the Annual General national Society and European Society Associate Member had been abolished, Meeting. The President shall be elec- of Cardiology. the present Associate Members (with ted for two years and may be eligible At the present rate of financial tur- the exception of Rahimtoola and Sey- for re-election for further periods of over, there would continue to be an ex- mour) were elected Ordinary Members. one year to a total of five years. He cess of income over expenditure as the Shaper was elected an Ordinary on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. shall be ex officio a member of the increase in the number of subscriptions Member from Overseas Membership, a Council. He will represent the So- from new members would counter- and the following new Ordinary Mem- ciety at home and abroad and may balance the increasing costs. But in bers were elected: Peter Fletcher Bin- preside over meetings of the Council three to four years the income would nion, Belfast; Peter Carson, North but not at the Scientific Meetings of equal the expenditure unless the size of Staffordshire; Douglas Anthony Cham- the Society for which a local Chair- the Society was enlarged, or the sub- berlain, London; Bernard Melville man will be elected for each meeting. scription was increased. Council felt Groden, Glasgow; John Reynolds Rules Io and iI to be omitted. that it was essential to form a con- Hampton, Nottingham; Alexander Har- tingency fund to provide a solid financial ley, Manchester; Robin Brian Hed-o Rule 14 to be amended to: backing for the Society, and it was worth-Whitty, London; Marian Ion The Council shall nominate up to ten planned to reinvest the capital to obtain Ionescu (SM), Leeds; Brian Kirby, names from the Ordinary Members better growth of capital, and to invest Edinburgh; John Robert Muir, Lon- of the Society for each of the Offices funds from the deposit account of the don; Eckhardt G. J. Olsen, London;' (President, Secretary, Assistant Se- Society in similar stock. If there were Lionel Hentry Opie, London; Harry A. cretary and Treasurer) and for Coun- funds available from the VI World Con- Rees, Swansea; Philip Slade (SM), cil Members as holders retire, in gress of Cardiology for the Society, Leicester; Michael Webb-Peploe, Lon- accordance with Rules 4 (as amended these would be used to strengthen the don; John Donald Whiteside, Chiches.- above), 21 (previously 22) and 24 (as contingency fund. The Congress Fund, ter; Magdi H. Yacoub (SM), London. amended below). In the normal which had been used to help with course of events the Assistant Secre- members' expenses at the V World I2 The following Overseas Members tary shall succeed the Secretary. Congress of Cardiology in I966 would were elected from Associate Member-; These names shall be sent out to all also be available for the VI World Con- ship: Rahimtoola and Seymour, and Ordinary Members who shall vote by gress. After this, the Congress Fund the following were re-elected: David- Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.33.1.142 on 1 January 1971. Downloaded from Proceedings of the British Cardiac Society I43 son, Hywel Davies, Fulton, Harries, present, this proposal would be tried of 50-i86 mm. Hg were found and Parry, Resnekov, Somers, and Wilson. out for the Annual General Meeting in angiocardiographic studies were avail- 1971. able. Mild aortic regurgitation was pre- 13 Shillingford, Chairman of the The Dutch and British Societies sent in 8. Though symptoms noted Organizing Committee, reported that dined together under the Chairmanship before operation in 7 disappeared in 6, the arrangements for the VI World of Dr. Erkelens. The President thanked clinical assessment was difficult as the Congress of Cardiology to be held in our Dutch hosts for excellent arrange- physical signs were unchanged in I0, London in September I970 were mov- ments and emphasized the intercon- and the electrocardiogram improved in ing ahead according to plan. Registra- nexions of Dutch and British medicine only 7. tions were coming in satisfactorily, and and the continuing influence of Ein- Postoperative haemodynamic and an- it looked as though there would be thoven. giocardiographic studies were carried 4-5000 delegates including wives. out in 8 and showed reduction or aboli- 14 It was confirmed that there would tion of the gradient in the area of the be no Autumn Meeting of the Society in Natural history of Ebstein's resected membrane. Small subaortic I970. anomaly of the tricuspid valve in gradients usually below the site of the childhood and adolescence original obstruction of 5-15 mm. Hg 15 The Annual General Meeting in were found in 4, and 20-60 mm. Hg in 1971 would be a two-day meeting in Hamish Watson 4, rising in 3 with isoprenaline. In 4 Sheffield on Wednesday and Thursday, patients without electrocardiographic April 14 and I5; this would in part Interest in Ebstein's anomaly of the improvement the left ventricle was as compensate for the lack of an Autumn tricuspid valve has been quickened by thick or thicker than before operation Meeting in 1970, but was not meant to the successful replacement of severely and showed some features seen in establish a precedent for a two-day damaged valves. Patients with Eb- obstructive cardiomyopathy, though the spring meeting. stein's anomaly, however, are noto- membrane had been well removed. Fac- riously bad operative risks, and the tors present before operation in those I6 Career Structure in Cardiology nature of the malformation itself makes with and without this disappointing The President reported that a question- its surgical treatment not only difficult postoperative course were compared. It ary had been sent to members of the but hazardous. Because of this and was concluded that in a number of British Cardiac Society by the Cardio- because the insertion of a prosthesis - it- patients the disease is not a simple prob- logy Committee of the Royal College of self with a doubtful prognosis - into a lem of a well-defined obstruction and Physicians asking for details of the growing child seems advisable under its removal, but that there may be a establishment, of the promotion to only the direst of circumstances, an congenital abnormality of the whole left consultant grade, and of emigration, of attempt has been made by the Associa- ventricular outflow tract. Senior Registrars in Cardiology. The tion of European Paediatric Cardiolo- results of this questionary had come in gists to determine the natural history of and had been discussed by the Cardio- Ebstein's anomaly in childhood and Beta adrenergic blockade with logy Committee.
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