THE SUNDAY STAR, 3^jjp COMING ATTRACTIONS rfnXXBQIESh Washington, D. C. E-3 STAGE NATIONAL—The Kabulci Dancers, starting Tuesday. EXTRAI THURSDAY ONLY? gy,-. BHUBERT—MarceI Marceau, French pantonimlst, starts GWrgft .«¦» February 13. SCREEN DANNY KAYE IN PERSON! toctammowt »»«* | CLOWNING. aiNOINO, DANCl NO ON OUR ST AO« AT £s*s CAPITOL—“BattIe Stations,” with William Bendix. COLONY—"Game of Love,” with Edwige FeulUere. I LOEW S PALACE—3:OO 7:15 9:30 PAA. JL Mac ARTHUR—“The Prisoner,” with Alec Guinness. Dollscoto* ¦¦ ONTARIO—“The Rose Tattoo.” with Anna Magnani. PALACE—“The Court Jester,” with Danny Kaye, starting y MARLON \ HILARIOUS ADVENTURES) Thursday. HAPPENINGS! WILD v k jt”' * BRANDO ¦t # ¦• fkfl PLAYHOUSE—"AII That Heaven Allows,” with Jane Wyman §SI } THE KING-SIZED COMEDY OF THIS OR mm m. &£m and Rock Hudson. ANYYEAR! TRANS-LUX—“Picnic.” with Rosalind Russell and William V? FRANK Holden, starting February 16. SINATRA mHtk H I can’t do. but I have no idea jfcA JEAN GLOVER what Ican do. That is rather **'A Continued From Page E-l putting the. cart before the SIMMONS range a horse.” 'IP Karloff rare in com- ** * * plex, human and sympathetic VIVIAN BLAINF part—a notable change for one Thundering Pageant Yeor'i Juiciest, Most Superspectacular: The most Entertaining Mujicdl." raised to fame as a scary ter- con—you ror. colorful, thundering pageant k'TM He has been haunted by to arrive on Show Street in a spine- chilling assignments long time is “Tamburlaine the since his very beginning on a Great.” presented by a Cana- TUES., FEB. 14—8:30 P.M. was a stage. His first role in dian group which started its CONSTITUTION HALL , parish school play back in ms spectacular England—and a career less than I native he was four years ago. demon spirit in “Cinderella.” ST OLAF | showpiece, youthful The at the Win- The Karloff later a eight- fled from an incipient career ter Garden for limited CHOIR week run, performed of civil service by dashing for is by the OLAF C. CHRISTIANSEN, DIR. company that set up a Shake- Sponsored by the ranch lands of Western spearean Notional Lutheran Chorus Canada —very slowly moved Festival at Strat- Tickets: *l. S’. *2.5(1. S 3 ford. Ont„ in 1953, and is Tickets Available ac toward the big time. HAVES CONCERT BUREAU directed by Tyrone Guthrie. (In Campbell's! Iins O St. N.W. TOGETHER AT LAST One Way to Learn Anthony Quayle. who also National H-7IAI Steinway Piano HOLLYWOOD.—Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby, The long apprenticeship has heads the British Stratford- 'HP our two best-known popular singers, will have a made him into an actor who is on-Avon Festival, is guest star historic union of talent in the new movie, “High ready to get In front of an au- in the title role. Journalistic Society.” It will be their first screen appearance dience anywhere, anytime—- judges found it a standout of together. The one song in they will join and who doesn’t even mind the threatrical season. which usual bane actors, voices a new Cole “Well, that of the On the Other Hand otc6e4ttft is Porter number titled short rehearsals possible in W CtCiL Did You Evah?”—AP Wirephoto. At the opposite Eugene S PARKER I television. end of the P| Ormandy I MyM#*rt 11 .API 1 ?h>l MM (O VGiadMftfy £ * ¦ f»AI k-o«« m “There's only one way to dramatic scale from spectacle Music Director sc-9 siePresdS>«vtVn we have classified a spontane- farce, Outfoi Th# Foe learn acting,” avers the man is and that’s just what Constitution Holl GRAHAM ous comic Buster Keaton. who played the other opening of the week Continued From Pace E-l Buster's mind was like a whip. once 53 consecu- afforded, with TUESDAY, FEB. tive weeks with a troupe arrival of Noel 7, 8:30 P.M. Coton BrTECHNICOtOR, He took advantage of every Angels" 'JjZm* pathy of audience at all stranded in Minot. Coward’s “Fallen at VISTiyiSIQH an situation and could find com- N. D.. learn- Playhouse. SIR THOMAS BEECHAM | times. He is also so sensitive ing two new roles the The ayes again !Th« Jr edy in anything or anybody. each week. had it. with Coward himself CONDUCTING to reaction he can switch di- A true great. “That is getting out in front of rections in midsentence with- an audience where your liveli- on hand to help Nancy Walker HAYDN—Symphony No. 102 Margaret Phillips • THURSDAY t out anyone ever realizing what Dean Adds One hood depends on it.” and in their HANDEL—BaIIet suite from "The LOEW S as a couple PALACE,tu animated romp of ilopement" immmm happened. That, lady, takes “Number eight on the list, No matter variety Great mmmmm mm mm mmmsemmmmmm mm i what of wayward wives trifling skill." lady reporter,” continued Jer- parts his newly acclaimed ver- in the DeLlUS—Paris—The Song of a ry, “goes to the beloved Harry i script. Greot City Jerry paused at this point satility may lead to. Karloff A single boys grinned Langdon. Whimsical, a touch is opening is on the BERLlOZ—Excerpt, from and the and rose determined that he won’t do calendar for the coming week, "Les to their feet. “Jerry,” said of pathos, and a flair for the the selecting himself. i Troyent a Carthage" truly j Marcel Marceau. the French- TICKETS: Dean, “you are doing so well, ridiculous, he was beau- “I have a theory that when no, tiful to watch.’ i man who earlier in the season $1.25, SI .75, $2.50, pray continue. “Ah. but an actor gets to the point where created a $3 00 and $3.50 replied spot go may sensation with his lovable old Dean,” “The ninth has to he choose his own parts, artistry, steps onstage Jerry, is your to Chester Conklin,” Dean. Wedncs- SNOW CONCERT BUREAU "it turn—and said nine out of 10 times he is in a day at the City Center for a everything 50-50, “He was the dean of the old- very I 1108 G St. N.W. RE. 7-4433 is remember? dangerous position,” he reprise (In Campbell's Co.) trying two-week of his pan- Mo.lf JSBH NEIGHBORHOOD^^! What are you to do—- school pantomimists. His hu- says. “For myself, Iknow what -1 tomine versatility. give Sheilah the idea I’m no mor was based on confused ac- gentleman?” tivity and he took a pie in the Stanley Warner Theaters 11 WINELAWD THEATERS II DBIVE-111 THEATERS face like nobody did.’’ Red’s Off-Beat my Deanny boy. 7 “ “It’s turn, ABC DRIVE W H [Tee ARL, BL?d | right,” Dean, play- AMBASSADOR r o “"V HWY. “All said For No. 10 there is only one. l< T 1 d C Pf tt*:!( ir, K ing an imaginary game of golf. Aaaaand awaaaay we go. Yep, J«k Bernas. l° :i:tlj?3 5:10?T:'Jo! i'l BLYTH^ l?BM’rrß^> Technicolor! DRIVE-IN THEATER "The number five boy on our Jackie Gleason. Based on sad- m WAV AM WO. -Good ZACHARY SCOTT m ‘TREABURE fherehA««riS! AVALON Mornlnc Miss Dove.' OP RUBY HILLS "atS 4T —or any other—list has to be ness, blustery, loud but with Jennifer Jones. Robert earnersDrii"lit.*ESJSd via Buck. Alarays Best Fooo at ABC. I and Fairfax Circle Skelton. Skelton the that wonderful pathetic qual- 4:40, « 53. UK). | | e Hh*r ArllacUn Bird, (tarnina Red is * * d Le WT great off-beat clown of them ity that makes you love him.” Ll Ttt Park ' BEVERLY ' lUiaaHll 1415 Good Hop# ltd. Warfi'a*Larxe* Sereen By no “Now, Sheilah," ObfULlir, "Second greatest YOU'VE AND all. off-beat I mean said Dean, 0:05, ANACOSTIA SE Lu 1.7070 HEARD R£AD Sex. Jeanne Crain. 0:35; “j,. „ one ever “we to get “Six 'J:3O. ABOUT IT knows what Red will have back to work. Bridfts to Cross'* tStory o l the GRACE KELLY vrjw qpp rr| may Brink Robbery), Tony 3:5.5. A IMUW SILIL II! do next, least of all himself. And this sound a little a Curtis. , „ Bl„ H to fatohTcH ; mz- • ,,Tec c Aßv “COURT MARTIALOF corny—but guy Parlt' ferfr hmcoiorT.°w^ui “Number six,” broke in Jerry the funniest in CALVFRT GRANT, at *,!.40, 6:20. 9:55. (Filmed *» my LHLVLIiI “Second Oreaiest Riviera Where She "RTT T V MIIUniLL»IjTUTTTPUFT T Lloyd Lloyd was book is this idiot on my n, on the French oILILY is Hamilton. right. Yep. Jerry Sex ' Jeanne Crain.2:ls, 5:50, 9:25; ! Met Prince Rainier ol Plus GARY COOPER. Cinemascope a studied comedian and it is Lewis. Com- ‘Titanic.'' Clifton Webb. ,'i:.V>. 7:25. “GREEN PIRE. With BTEWART and color, at 7:17 and 11:00. may come go my *l* * 8 "' doubtful that he could have ics and but in ! rrnTßli - Near>ark- ?StoS?£r at“i “Return of the Texan” book this guy tMTUIin, "The Tender DALE ROBINSON, at 9:'J7. made it without scripts and . is the end.” nk ! WSSSfVftI- 'j^TCS^Aw'i t I Color ! -rSa writers, but he learned so well hum, 00. (CRAIN In «. * Mite 1 4:30. 8:03 Cinemascope. JEANNE _ ; Open Show «:30. that he made list hands ' a SECOND GREATEST Kiddles Under Always Free. our The Story that belonged dll* 9 1,,6e S aawanaagaaaa BA. 6*0600 "Kls- "THE l'J has to . //i fly //i Techntcotor.
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