Provost Details Effects of Budget Cut8 :Aademic Pla Oudines DifficultesiHiring, Promoting Facuty By John Buscemi the goals that the Academic Plan sets The Provosts Office, in a report for Stony Brook are virtually independ- released on March 30, outlined the prob- ent of budgetary considerations. lems that the university will face next According to the Plan, the Administra- year if the budget situation is actually as tion is committing itself to maintaining grim as predicted. programs of "unique strength' and According to the report, -entitled enhancing programs "currently on the "Academic Plan For 1982-83: Part 1, threshhold of excellence". At the under- "insufficient funds will: L graduate level, a "rich variety" of *make it impossible for the univer- courses must continue to be offered and sity to hire needed faculty members in the "teaching environment" must be several areas, leaving gaps in under- improved by solving workload prob- graduate and graduate programs. lems. The plan calls for the enhance- ment of research programs and a *make it impossible to replace t solution to the problem of graduate stu- faculty on leave. _ -dentsupport. The graduate level faculty *insure that a special pool of funds must be retained and growing equi- for faculty promotion and retention, pment and instrument needs must be which. has been in the planning stages met, the plan says. for years, is not established. The plan also states that the univer- The report says that a major reason sity is committed to maintaining full Ifor the expected shortage of funds is that time graduate student enrollment at its many professors who will be eligible for present level. sabbaticals next year will not be taking -"Inthe event of an actual budget them. Money generated from professors reduction," the plan states "we will have taking full-year-at-half-pay sabbaticals extremely difficult decisions to make," is expected to drop from the 1981-82 and plans will have to be undertaken to level of $1.3 million to %. millionm the discover ways to save money without *jitates'rar, K 8avi!.8asse 1982-83 academic year. crippling important parts of the 'In the Aent of an actual budget reduction''says a report issued fromthe Offico of Provost Despite the gloomy funding situation, curriculum. Homer Neal, Stony Brook "willhave extremely difficult decisions to make." xAi 1IX-N Tw T I -1 A Xrrogram uweoatea By Danielle Milland If the student loan authority proposal In light of President Ronald Reagan's was put into effect, it would be vested proposed cutbacks to the Guaranteed with the power to coordinate the issuing Student Loans Program, administra- of tax exempt revenue bonds. The tors from many universities are recog- money accrued from these bonds would nizing the need to develop an alternative establish a pool of funds which would be method for financing students' educa- allocated to universities for the purpose tions. Following this trend. Jack Joyce, of creating a supplementary student Stony Brook's director of Financial Aid, loan program. and financial administrators from other The proposed NY State Loan Author- universities met in Rochester last week ity is similar to existing authorities in to discuss a proposal to create a state Illinois, Massachusetts and Iowa. Mary- student loan authority. land, Florida and Connecticut are cur- The meeting, the first in a series, cen- rently considering such a plan. tered on a bill proposed by Senator Ken- The key words in this proposal, neth LaValle (R-Port Jefferson). The according to Joyce, are "supplemental" bill. which is designed to assist postse- and 'in addition to." The proposed loan condary students in realizing their full program can only be used in tandem educational potential by creating a sup- with already existing student assist- plemental loan program, would amend ance. According to a memorandum put the existing public authorities law by forth by LaValle, "Students and parents creating a New York State Higher Edu- may be able to borrow monies which Stony Brook Financial Aid DirctorJeckJoyce et with thetfinmncial idmitrsto. at many cation Student Loan Authority. (continued on page 5) univwsities to discu the pioposed tion at a state student Won uho . Public Safety, Suffolk Police Prepare for Violent Evening -Page 3 k. -j IqL- No Progress Made in Falkland Talks was no indication of any "major" Argen- if that pretension is Buenos Aires, Argentina- Secretary with US Ambassador Harry Shlau- pride, and less so tine vessel breaching the 200-mile war backed up by the arrogant use of force," of State Alexander Haig's attempt to deman yesterday morning. He said around the Falklands declared by avert war over the Falkland Islands a reference to the British armada zone before going into the talks that he was Britain last Monday. stretched into a third day yesterday. 'in close touch" with President Reagan Argentine air force C-130 transports The Argentines were pessimistic, but and that "we're just going to continue on. continued to ferry men and war mate- Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker More than that I can't say. I think all of rial to the Falklands as a British fleet of Britain's ambassador to the United said in Washington there was a "new us can be thankful the effort is still some 40 vessels approached from the States, Nicholas Henderson, told Cable dimension" to the talks. under way." north. Official sources estimated about News Network in Washington that he Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor 9,000 Argentine soldiers, supported by believed Haig prolonged his talks in Costa Mendez said the only positive fac- Before the latest round began, Argen- armored vehicles and anti-aircraft Buenos Aires because he 'must have run tor "is the fact that the negotiations con- tina's president, Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, guns, were on the islands seized from into considerable intransigence" on the tinue. What is not so positive is that said in response to Pope John Paul II's Britain April 2. -part of the Argentines. there has been no definite progress. We plea for peace: The Argentine ambassador to the still believe that negotiation is better "Argentines are ready to make any The British Defense Ministry in Lon- United States, Estaban Takacs, in a than war and we're putting all our effort to cornstruct a respectful peace, don said the bulk of the Argentine navy separate interview with the network efforts behind the talks." but not to humiliate ourselves before had put to sea, but the vessels "are all off reiterated that Argentina will not with- Haig attended Mass and played tennis any pretension dictated by wounded the coast of Argentina." It said there draw while the British fleet is en route. - Baews Ditest ___~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cuts. acrid smoke. Our ears have heard the screams of the -International- The defense bill provides funds for procurement of tortured," Jacob Brinbaum, a member of the Holo- ships, planes, tanks and other military hardware, day- caust memorial Committee, told survivors and their Jerusalem - Deputy Secretary of State Walter children at Congregation Kehillath .Israel in Stoessel shuttled back to Israel from Egypt yesterday to-day operations and maintenance of the armed ser- vices and research and development projects. Massachusetts. seeking to smooth out the last snags in Israel's Sinai of Palatine, six .Holocast sur- withdrawl. Both the Senate and House are striving to clear their In the Chicago suburb agendas of pending legislation while behind-the- vivors planned to light candles in a service in memory Tension mounted among opponents of the withdrawl of the concentration camp victims. as Jewish extremists, most believed to be Americans, scenes negotiations continue with the White House on a new fiscal 1983 budget - in the face of a fast- The Simon Wiesenthal Center at Yeshiva University threatened to kill themselves if the army tries to evacu- of Los Angeles, North America's largest Holocaust ate them from the Israeli town of Yamit, in the Sinai. approaching May 15 Congressional deadline for budget guidelines. center, honored 20 survivors Sunday for speaking to Israel Radio said the government had declined to thousands of young people in the center's outreach pro- begin the evacuation of Yamit today. Stoessel was to gram for California meet with Begin later yesterday. On arrival here, Winston-Salem, NC - Social stress may lead to har- Yuval Metser, acting consul general of Israel in Stoessel was told by Deputy Foreign Minister Yehuda dening of the arteries and a greater risk of heart dis- Boston, told the Massachusetts group: "Six million Ben-Meir that Begin had 'some important things" to ease even among those with eathy diets, a Bowman Jews, including one million children, perished because tell him. Stoessel said on leaving Cairo that he was Gray School of Medicine researcher said. evil triumphed in Europe over sanity and wisdom." confident of success, and at the airport in Israel he said Jay Kaplan, assistant professor of comparative med- Although the memory is a painful one, Metser said, he looked forward "to going over again where we now icine, said a research team observing male monkeys stand and the progress we have made." the Holocaust must not be forgotten because "anti- constantly changed the makeup of the group to which Semrnitism has not been erased from the earth." He was expected to remain here through the Wed- the monkeys were assigned, resulting in a constant nesday Cabinet meeting and the arrival of Egyptian reording of the monkeys' social hierarchies and * . E.'; Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Aly. "Decisions will relationships. be made" at Wednesday's meeting, Cabinet Secretary After 22 months, monkeys fed a low-cholesterol, low- Waterford, Conn. - Northet Utilities was to begin Dan Meridor told reporters, but he refused to specify fat diet in the unstable environment were compared returning the Millstone II nuclear power plant to full whether that would include a reaffirmation of the with those in stable social groups.
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