3 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, UOXDAT. NOVE3IT5KR 16. 1914. JAPAN GAREFUL TO FORMER GERMAN NAVAL OFFICER SHOT AS SPY IN TOWER SERVIANS BAR WAY OF LONDON. NEVER REACHES AVOID OCCUPATION OF AUSTRIAN ARMY mm THE WASTE BASKET: German Possessions Failure to Overcome Resist- tured" and Railroad Is ance at Valjevo Is Admitted "Seized," Nothing More. by Vienna Government. " r- i MILITARY POLICY DEFINED MONTENEGRINS ALSO HOLD Toklo Still Insists Territorial Ag- Attacks Against Grabovo and In gression Is Not Intended Tak-ahlra-lt- Herzegovina Reported Repulsed Compact In- Is . Heavy Tele With Losses to phone Foe. Says. tact, Statesman Reinforcements Are Sent. Di 17. rectory TOKIO. Oct. (Correspondence of LONDON, the Associated Press.) In order to Nov. 15. The Rome corre GOlS TO PRESS " pondent of the Exchange Telegraph prevent a falsa Impression abroad Company sends the following dispatch, Japanese officials are careful not to under date of Saturday: use the word "occupation" when speak- "An official ing of the capture of German posses communication Issued In Japanese Vienna tonight admits that the Aus sions in the Pacific bv a fleet trian troops which are invading Servia TODAY or of the seizure of the railroad In have met with a fierce Shan-Tun- g Province, China. resistance at NOV. The Chinese government has regis- Valjevo, which they have not yet suc- 16th, 1914 tered several protests against the tak- ceeded in overcoming. The fighting ing of the railroad, on the ground that Is made especially difficult by snow and it is a violation of China's neutrality. rain, which impedes the transportation The Japanese contend that the seixure t Y or artillery. Tsing-Ta- u of the entire line from to ;.. Austrlans Report Progress. u e Tninan-F- was, like the taking of "Along the River Save the Austrlans Jaluit Island in the Marshall group, a are making progress. They have it military necessity In the conduct of the 4 reached the Servian line, which ex Examine Your m m war and in the elimination of the root tends from Skala to Koceljeva and 'Pi of the German influence in Eastern tnence to the Drina River." Asia. A dispatch to the Central'News from Directory Japanese Reject Limitation. Berlin, forwarded by way of Copen- The Chinese contention that China, hagen, says that the Austrian general having staked out a war zone with staff has ordered an offensive move- Weih-Sie- n as the western point, ment with all possible force against Japan had no right to move west of ine Servians, in the hope of ending the "NVelh-Sie- n and seize the railroad as far .Balkan phase of the war before Win as Teinan-F- u, is not accepted by Japan, ier Keis in ana so releasing lurther All Changes in Listings or Adver- who maintains she never agreed to CARL HANS LOO V. Austrian troops for service against the stay within any zone. She has told Carl Hans Lody, the former officer of navy .Russians. tising Germans (who really the German and one Must Be in Our Office Today China that the 'time resident of New York, was shot in London Tower November 6 Montenegrins Repulse Attacks. own the road) used military pur- having been by court-marti- al it for after tried and convicted of commun- A dispatch to the Reuter Telegram poses before the arrival of the Japa- icating information to the German government under the name of company nese and that the reduction of the Charles A. Englls. says: irom uettinje, Montenegro, fortress at Tsing-Ta- o carried with It 1i2dyTW.a.? of giving cn,victed information regarding the operations "The Austrian attacks against Gra- inevitably the seizure of the whole of fleet. Firm to the last, he would notMlvulge the name bovo, Montenegro, length of the Shan-Tun- g Railroad. of his superior officer who had given him as well as those The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company permanent posses- be his commission. He re- against our troops in Herzegovina, all HP The question of fused to blindfolded and stood with his arms folded and legs Shan-Tun- g have been repulsed with severe losses sion of the Railroad, like crossed while a firing squad of eight men executed him. This is the to enemy. Telephone BIdg. Main 8800 mmm- the possession of Jaluit Island, accord- first execution In London Tower since 1747. the ing to the Japanese, must be settled at "The Austrlans with superior forces the conclusion of the war. So far as tried to recapture two important posi- Jviau-Cha- u Is concerned, it is expected tions at Timar (Bosnia) aud Blobuk, up which were occupied by Montenegrins, here that Japan will live to her but promise to restore the place eventually whither he had journeyed see once their efforts were in vain. Accord- to China. to ing to the latest Information the Aus- IS more the Indian troops of whom he trlans are sending reinforcements to Germans also." The officer has received believed to be a record never before I nlted States Interested. PERIL MINIMIZED was so proud. the Montenegrin frontier." the iron cross. surpassed or even equaled. Lockjaw, Everybody here realizes that Japan's Immediately on receipt RUSE HOLDS BRIDGE until lately, has been one of the grav- action In the South Pacific is of pecu- of the intel- est problems by surgeons liar interest to the United The ligence their Majesties sent messages faced the at States. of condolence "SUNSHINE AUSTRALIAN ACT DRASTIC Netley. Marshall Islands lie between the Phil- to Lady Roberts and her SUE" CHARMS On account of having their wounds ippine Island and Hawaii, and to the two daughters. Lady Aileen Mary and Governor-Gener- al covered with dirt from the trenches southeast of Guam Island, which is a Africanders Say Rebellion May Lady Ada Edwina Stewart. Xational Theater's Story Hour Is Empowered to along the Aisne, where the germ of possession of the United States and a The question of a public funeral for Regulate Movements tetanus is prevalent, many of the relaying point for the cable between Magnet to Young and Old. German Pioneers Persuade of Aliens. wounded developed malady. tho Philippines Be Exaggerated. Britain's great soldier with services at the This and the Pacific Coast St. Paul's Is under Is especially true when the time of of the United States. consideration. "Sunshine Sue," the little fairy girl Superior Force to Wait. MELBOURNE, Australia. Oct. 24. transport of wounded from the battle An official of the Foreign Office ex- Widow Wants Quiet Funeral. who has made her annearance at the (Cjorrespondence of the Associated front took three weeks. plained the capture of Jaluit to the It Is understood, however, Now correspondent that in National Theater children's playground, Ptcms.) Parliament has taken drastic that the wounded are reaching of the Associated Press. deference to the wishes of Lady Rob- was the most popular girl in town last measures to safeguard common- here in three to four days, the risk "The Japanese squadron is working DUTCH LOYALTY erts Saturday. the of infection Is not so great EXPECTED for a private service this wiTI not wealth during war. Governor-Gener- al and the in conjunction with the British fleet In be pressed. Children and parents alike came to IMPORTANT TIME GAINED the The cases have decreased markedly. rapturing or destroying the German the playground to is empowered, under the war and in hear the adventures fleet eradicating the root of PARIS, Nov. 15, Today's papers of the wonderful girl. Miss Beatrice precautions bill, to prohibit the en- German Influence. So far as her policy Doty Sue. gave trance or departure of aliens. Persons Is concerned, Japan by comment at length upon the death of Introduced She a brief enemy WAR PUT ABOVE FOOTBALL stands what Absorbing Question Is What General Lord Roberts. preliminary talk of her life and began who assist the are to be court Premier Count Okuma announced on All review the splendid tne story of the adventures which are French Reservists Believe Story martlaled. August 18, namely, that she harbors IlertzoB Will Do Reformed career of the soldier of Lucknow, La- to continue indefinitely in the play- and "We do not intend to sit quietly and British Government Says Profession- no design for territorial aggrandize- hore, Afghanistan and the Transvaal ground. Are Obtaining: Food and Wine allow dangerous persons to cut our ment nor entertains any desire to pro- Church, Which Is Influen- and pay eloquent The story of "Gingerbread Man" throats while masquerading as peace- als Should Be at Front. tributes to his ster- the - any al mote other selfish end. ling qualities as a man also was told, and after story hour the for Enemy When His Rein- ful citizens." said Attorney-Gener- tial, Opposes 1'prisins;. as well as played to Hughes in the In LONDON. Nov. 15. Followers of pro- Status Quo Xot Menaced. fighter. They comment In moving kiddles their hearts' content. Appear. debate the House of "Count Okuma added Japan's Ivext Saturday afternoon the second forcements Representatives on the war bill. fessional football in England, who are' that terms on the grave train of circum- of the series of adventures will be told, Export of sheepskins and hides has by warlike operations would not extend stances which brought been numbered hundreds of thousands, beyond the limits necessary for the at- him to French and Manager Melvin. G. Winstock has prohibited except by special per- are greatly agitated over a statement soli to end a well-fiiie- d de- issued a chil- mission.
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