•■•I* r ^ « CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDE NTS Exaift Week Begins Frogs vs.* Porkers Tuesday ; Tonight 1MOfficial Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University VOLUME 33 FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1935. NO. 14 Literary Journal Rigid Rules Made Narrow Path Campus Groups De Lawd' Sups on Chicken, Rice F. F. F. to Enter To Be Published , For Students in Old Add-Ran Elect Officers And Gravy Before 1608th Curtain 2 Debate Teams On T.C.U. Campus Do you find college life full of the college; that they abstain . For 2 New Clubs "Chicken, gravy and rice — at my pearer's principal plays. My favorites In Baylor Meet rules! Think what your grandfather from card playing even for amuse*- special request," said "De Lawd" of are "Macbeth,'' "Julius Caesar", and First Issue to Appear went through when he attended Thorp ment . that they do ndt change "Green Pastures," otherwise known "Merchant of Venice." I consider All of Semi-finalists in Springs. their place of boarding without the French, Home Ec Bodies as Richard B. Harrison, as he nodded Shakespeare the greatest playwright You couldn't get Into old Add-Ran Try-Quts to Be In March—Price permission of the faculty." Headed By Miss Fal- with genial satisfaction toward the of all times." To Be 25c. unless you measured up to certain re- Students boarded with their teach- meal before him. Harrison, dressed With a note of sincere enthusiasm in Tourney. quirements. The catalogue of 1876- ers or with certain selected families in lis, Mrs. Smith. in a pin checked oxford grey suit, he cried, "1 do love a good play and 77 has this to say: the vicinity.' According to catalog grey shirt arid blue and white striped enjoy being a spectator. I like fish- Will Discuss Arms Staff Not Complete "The character of students wanted rules, "in the boarding house the Will Meet Regularly tie, obligingly talked to an interview- ing and music, but don't have much in our college: Those who are truly young men must wait on themselves er during his entire dinner. time for them, or any sort of amuse- Pannill, Welsh. BucKferidge and Magazine to Contain Original anxious for an education . Those in making fires and drawing water." "One must, of course, be reveren- ment. 1 am on the road all winter, Trimble to Be Representa- A Poems and Stories who never dream of matrimony until This rule appeared in a catalog as lafe Mrs. Combs to Sponsor 'Le Cer- tial to play the part of the Lord in but I find time to fish some in the tives of T. C. U. by Students. their education is finished. Those who as 1880. cle Francais'—Miss Enlow, the greatest play of today," declared summer. Hymns and spirituals are Five men will represent T. C. U. In have neither the time nor the desire Like modern students, our fathers Home Economics Club. ' the 70 year-old Harrison, whose huge my favorite kinds of music. I like debate and oratory at the Southwest A group of interested students are for miscellaneous gallantry, or letter and grandfathers must have rebelled. head, shaggy grey eyebrows, long the higher type but I am hardly Tournament held at Baylor Univer- planning * literary magazine for T. writing." The rules for the regulation of dress white hair and massive frame made qualified to fully appreciate it." Two new clubs, "Le Cercle Fran- sity today and tomorrow. C. U, the first issue to appear with- The college was open to boys and had not been kept and about 1884 it cais" and the Home Economics Club, an imposing appearance quite in In reply to a question concerning They are J. B. Trimble and Byron in the next two months. girls alike, or, as'they expressed St, was decided to adopt a uniform. The keeping with the part he played in his future plans he said, "1 think were organized on the campus re- Buckeridgc, W. A. Welsh and Hast- "males and females." No uniform dress for the girls was "gray woolen the "The Green Pastures" for the 'Green Pastures' will run two years General plans have been ap- cently. ings PanniTl, debaters, and Granville was adopted, but the desire was ex- goods, one light weight, and one heavy 1608th time Thursday night. longer. We are returning to New proved by the publications commit- "Le Cercle Francais," which is an Walker who will be entered in the pressed that "all ahall be uniformly weight suit The light for fall and He eagerly traced his life from a York February 26 for our sixth year. tee but the entire staff has not yet honorary French Club, was organiz- oratorical contest, according to Dr. plain and neat in dress, without vain spring;, the heavy for winter. This, boy on a Canadian farm to bell hop I think that the play will eventually been selected. The magazine will ed Jan. 9 at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Allen True, sponsor, who accompa- and extravagant adornment." ' and news boy, through a clerk in a be taken to England. It all depends contain no advertising, being financed for every day wear, to be worn with Josiah Combs. The purpose of the nied the group to Waco. Among the requirements of stud- checked gingham aprons. For Sun- Chicago police station to receiving upon Lord Chamberlain's granting a solely by sales. The selling price club is to encourage conversational There will be more than 20 schools ents were that "they attend no exhibi- the Spingarn medal for the highest special dispensation of the English will be 25 cents per copy. day: Black woolen goods with white French a'nd the study of French cus- entered in the Tournament, said Dr. tion of immoral tendency; no race apron. For head wear: Bonnets of achievement in the colored race in law prohibiting the protrayal fif the Short stories, book reviews, essays. toms. True. course, theatre, circus, billiard saloon, checked gingham for every day; hats 1930 and the Boston University Lord. This law is over two-hundred poems, and possibly plays,, all orig- The following officers were elect- A debate between Phillips Univer- bar-room, or tippling house; that for Sunday. Shoes of sensible style. award. years old." inal work of T. C. U. student*, will ed: President, Miss Florence Fallis; sity of Enid, Okla., and the T. C. U. they neither introduce upon the prem- Jewelry not allowed." ** "This key was given to me by the The governor of North Carolina make up the magazine. Linoleum vice-president, Miss Mary Carter, and team making the best showing in ises of the college, nor use there or For boys: "Gray Janes, or Cassi- Boston University for the most out- has offered to build me a dramatic cuts and other art work done by secretary-treasurer. Miss Mary Fran- Waco will be held at the Meliorist elsewhere, any kind of intoxicating mere and black hats." standing work in 1932," he said, fin- school at the Agricultural and Tech- students will probably be used to ces Umbenhour. Mrs. Combs was Club at its regular meeting at 8:45 beverage; and that they abstain from Advocates of social life may cry, gering the little gold key on his nical Colloge, at Greensboro, N. C. I illustrate the publication. cjiosen as sponsor of, the group. o'clock Sunday night. the use of tobacco in the buildings of , (Continued on Page 8.) watch chain. would like very much to accept but The purpose of the magazine is to Others present at the meeting "Whatever play I liked I have com- my present contract calls for me to were Misses Phyllis Brannon, Mar- encourage original work ariiong the mitted to memory," he said, "and I stay with this company until the-play Religious Education Dean Hall to Preach garet Combest, Josephine Browder students and to put T. C. IJ. writers Poets to Give have memorized nearly all of Shakes- closes." Group Holding Meet in print In West Texas Towns and Nell White, and Ben Ruyle and John Hammond. o r' Program on KFJZ Will Hold Reception Conference in Brite Will Close Christian Churches in South- Mrs. Mildred Reese Smith was Musical Comedy This Afternoon—Snodgrass Instrumental Body west Asked to Make Offer- elected president of the Home Eco- And Exhibit Sunday Is Presiding. nomica Club at a meeting in the home Chooses New Name To Read Original Work ing to T. C. U. Sunday. To Begin Practice The fourth annual~meeting of the economics department Wednesday. Art Department to Have Show- on Youth's Forum Other officers elected were: Vice- Texas Board of Religious Education Will B« Known As T. C. U. Art- Dean Colby D. Hall will preach at ing of Students' Orig- opened yesterday in Brite College of Hour Tonight. president, Mrs. Ann Boswell; secre- inal Work. "The Daze of 49" Cast ists' Ensemble"—Miss the First Christian Church of San tary, Miss Naomi Davis; treasurer, the Bipie with Charles M. Ross, Bibbs President. Angelo at the morning church serv- to Be Named Soon, Southwest secretary, as director. The Listeners-in on the Youth's Ferum Miss Mary Katherine Coonrod and ices Sunday and in Coleman at the reporter, Miss Bernice Armstrong. A reception from 2 until 5 o'clock meetinjg will close this afternoon. "The T. C. U. Artists' Ensemble" program at 8:45 o'clock tonight over Says Gillis. Dr. Roy G. Snodgrass of Amarillo, First Christian Church for the eve- "Any girl in T. C. U., whether she Sunday afternoon in the art rooms was chosen aa the name for the in- KFJZ will be entertained by original president of the board, has been pre- is a major in the home economics de- will open the art department's ex- strumental ensemble formerly known work by members of the Poetry Club.
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