HE CADET PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XXVI LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA MONDAY, SEPT. 26, 1932 No. 2 ATTENTION! Lieutenant Howard To Trip To Richmond THE CADET wishes to warn Richmond Alumni Col. Anderson Selec- Gen. Lejeune Shows those subscribers who have not Leave Institute Looms As Pos- yet re-subscribed for this year Adopt Resolution ed Member Advis- Steady Improve- that they will be dropped from Infantry Officer Transferred the mailing list after this is- To Hawaii. sibility sue. It has been the policy of To Gen. Lejeune ory Board ment THE CADET in the past to Word has been received that LACK OF FUNDS STANDS send the first two issues to the Hopes For Speedy Recovery COMPLETES TOUR OF IN- First Lieutenant Edwin B. How- SUPT.'S CHANCES FOR RE- IN WAY OF CORPS BE- subscribers of the past year of Superintendent Ex- SPECTION THROUGH ard, since September, 1929, assist- COVERY BRIGHT ING AT UNVEILING Pressed. CENTRAL VIRGINIA free of charge, and after that ant professor of Military Science Colonel Couper Describes Ac- Many Military and National time the mailing list is reduced Sympathy ana hopes for a and Tactics and instructor in In- cident As It Occurred. Figures To Atfend. to include only those who have speedy recovery of Major-General Formulates Plans For Im- fantry at the Institute, is to be sent in paid subscriptions. John A. Lejeune, superintendent provements In Many transferred under existing orders As THE CADET goes to press Rumors that the Corps of Cadets THE CADET wishes take of the Virginia Military Institute, Localities. to the Hawaiian Department. word is received that General Le- jeune is showing steady improve- along with the Corps of V. P. I. this method of expressing its were contained in a resolution Lt. Howard is planning to leave ment. His condiiton of the past will be in attendance at the unveil- thanks for the support which unanimously adopted by the V. M. A substantial proof of the re- Lexington around November 20 ing of the Virginia World War has already been shown the I. Club of Richmond at its monthly cognition by the state government for New York, where he will sail two days has shown that he is Memorial carillon, still appear. paper this year. THE CADET dinner meeting on Tuesday even- j of the quality of engineering on December 13 for Panama. From much stronger, and attending phy- Some of these reports say that the staff hopes that any changes ing at the Commonwealth Club, taught at V. M. I. and the ability Panama he goes to San Francis- sicians are confident of eventual whole V. M. I. Corps will attend made in the mailing list will The resolution, offered by Col- of its professors was given last co and thence to Honolulu. Lt. recovery. The General has re- and others that only a few com- be made for additions and not onel Joseph Button, a member of week by Governor Pollard's selec- Howard is to be stationed with gained consciousness on several panies will be there. Both Rich- for substractions. the V. M. I. board of visitors, tion of Colonel J. A. Anderson, the Infantry regiment at Schofield occasions and he has been able to mond papers have made state- read as follows: the head of the Civil Dept., as a Barracks for two years for the-; recognize his family. Although tour of foreign service which all unable, as yet, to converse he has ments that it is absolutely decided "Resolved, that the members of member of the newly formed En- Infantry officers get every five shown ready response to those that some members of both Corps Virginia Academy Of the V. M. I. Club of Richmond gineering Advisory Board. The or six years. who have talked to him, showing will be at the unveiling. have heard with profound regret purpose of this board is to help The unveiling is planned for the Science Organizes of the distressing accident that remedy conditions of unemploy- Schofield Barracks is the larg- that he can understand what is 15th of October, this date being had befallen the greatly beloved ment and distress in the state by est post in the entire army, there being said. selected in preference to the 11th Junior Division superintendent of the V. M. I., discovering new construction pro- being stationed there a whole di- Below will be found a detailed vision of 7,000 officers and men. statement describing the accident, of November because of the avail- General John A. Lejeune. j jects in the towns and cities to The size of this post is on ac- The statement was issued by Col. ability of more military figures "We extend to him, his devoted utilize the aid offered to the states v. M. I. Urged To Initiate count of the fact that Honolulu is William Couper. The accident as and prominent speakers. The foot- wife and daughters our sincere by the National Government. Soon Student Chapter. the coaling station, naval base, it was seen from barracks is de- ball team of the V. P. I. will play sympathy in the trying ordeal after formation of the huge Re- and supply center for the Pacific scribed in a statement by Cadet their annual game against Wil- construction Finance Corporation There has been recently organ- through which they are passing fleet. Koteen, S.eeond Class. Col. Cou- liam and Mary at Richmond on ized, a Junior, or College division and express the hope that a Kind Governor Pollard began to con- In addition to his duties with B per issued his statement a few . that date and the Corps of that of the Virginia Academy of and Wise Providence may speed- sider ways in which Virginia Company, while at the Institute hours after the accident and Ca- Institution will be in attendance Science. It has been organized es- ily restore him to health that he might utilize her portion of the Lt. Howard coached the rifle team det Koteen's was issued on the at the game. pecially for undergraduates in the may continue to carry on, for immense sum set aside for loans to the three best seasons it has same day. According to the statements of Virginia Colleges, as they are not many years to come, the marvelous to states. These loans have to be ever had. In the spring of 1931 the Richmond News Leader, Gen- eligible for membership in the work he has been doing durnig made for worthwhile self-liquidat- the team won the Hearst Trophy, STATEMENT OF COLONEL eral Lejeune has said that as Academy. The membership fees his incumbency as superintendent ing public improvements such as many of the Corps of Cadets of water works, lighting, bridges, and in 1932 it won the third corps WM. COUPER have been greatly reduced, being of the V. M. I. area championship. Business Executive, V. M. I., V. M. I. will be at the unveiling now only one dollar a year. "Resolved, further, that the sec- Paving, recreational centers, as there are funds to send. He has Although the coach for the rifle Concerning Accident To Gen. The leaders of this movement retary communicate this resolu- ! schools, and town halls. The towns team this year has not yet been | Lejeune, September 19. 1932. stated that he is enthusiastic about cities can in the have as their aim the organization tion to Mrs. Lejeune." and .„..cours„ e of chosen' H has been rumored that1 — ^ the trip and that one company and a back loans Work wag ftt the y M The club also voted to send i time P y these them- of student chapters in the various Ca tain Martln who the colors, at least, will be there selves, and at present they will P , ' "placed Ma- j Powel. House ^ summer in schools, to promote interest in the flovvers to General Lejeune. , , iJ jor Mackenzie as senior : should the funds be provided. give many people employmen....v..t. and J „ . preparation for adding a new 250 sciences. Such a chapter will hold The possibility that some weal- brjng money into the state. Ac- tor Infantry' or Captam j horse-power boiler. This necessi- regular monthly meetings for ..trerald, whq captained ^the thy Virginian, interested in the Local Branch*A.I. E. llie ct(jver.5;r appointed ^'j. tated among other* tilings, tiiiaig- which papers will be prepared and team in '31, may be secured . two schools and highly desirous of Allan J. Saville, Consulting En- ing the existing structure. Work read by the members. These pa- the post. making the dedication exercises Holds First Meeting gineer of the city of Richmond; on the enlargement of the struc- pers will not, of course, be reports The War Department has to as colorful as possible, might pro- Col. Anderson of V. M. I.; Dean ture has been progressing for a. on research problems done by the date ordered no one to succeed Lt. vide expenses of the entire two Of Year E. B. Norris and Prof. F. J. Sette few weeks. individuals, but discussions of in- Howard. Corps to Richmond has been dis- of V. P. I.; and W. S. Rodman and About 11:45 A. M. General Le- teresting scientific topics. Several cussed by the war commission of- Instructive Program Given Arthur F. Macconichie of the Uni- jeune came from his office and of the best papers will be pre- ficials, but so far no wealthy Vir- Before New Members. versity of Virginia as members of said, "I would like to go with you sented before the Academy at its Week End Brings Open- ginian has been found.
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